Lecture 4. Greenfoot 1
Programming simulations and games in Java
Pablo Romero, Department of Informatics
Lecture plan
Greenfoot in action
The Wombats scenario
Modifying the code
* Greenfoot Designed and implemented at the University of Kent and
Deakin University. Copyright held by Poul Henriksen and Michael
Koelling. Slides based on those by Eueung Mulyana
Lecture 4. Greenfoot 2 Pablo Romero, Department of Informatics
Lecture 4. Greenfoot 3 Pablo Romero, Department of Informatics
Lecture 4. Greenfoot 4 Pablo Romero, Department of Informatics
Looking at the classes
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The Wombat class import necessary packages class header;
Wombat is a subclass from Actor data (constants and variables) class constructor and methods
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Constructor and leaf methods constructor initialising direction and leavesEaten is there any Leaf object in my position?
this method is inherited from the superclass Actor remove that Leaf object update the variable leavesEaten
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The act method if you find leaves, eat !
if you don‘t find leaves, but you can move forward, then move!
if you don‘t find leaves and you also cannot move, then turn to the left!
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The turnLeft method change direction 90 degrees to the left
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The setDirection method this method is inherited from the superclass Actor
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The move method if object reaches one of the borders, do nothing!
the object moves forward; depends on its direction setLocation() is inherited from Actor
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The canMove method
Lecture 4. Greenfoot 12 Pablo Romero, Department of Informatics
The canMove method these methods are inherited from Actor new coordinate if the object moves forward; depends on its direction
Lecture 4. Greenfoot 13 checks if the object reaches the edges of the world
Pablo Romero, Department of Informatics
The WombatWorld class
Constructor populate randomLeaves
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The WombatWorld constructor calls the World constructor sets the background.
the method is inherited from the superclass World cell.jpg
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The populate method
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The randomLeaves method
Create a Leaf object at a random position (x,y); repeat howMany times
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So far
Greenfoot environment to program simulations and games in java
World and Actor are system classes
The wombats program
Wombat (getLeavesEaten, foundLeaf, eatLeaf, setDirection, turnLeft, canMove, move, act)
WombatWorld (populate, randomLeaves)
Lecture 4. Greenfoot 18 Pablo Romero, Department of Informatics
How would you change the behaviour of Wombat objects so that instead of always turning left, they could turn to other directions in a random way?
GreenFoot. getRandomNumber(int limit)
Generates a random number between 0 and limit
Lecture 4. Greenfoot 19 Pablo Romero, Department of Informatics
Create a new method, turnRandom(), that will turn to the left a random number of times. This method will replace the method turnLeft() in the act() method of Wombats. Use the method of the greenfoot library
GreenFoot. getRandomNumber(int limit) that produces a random integer between zero and limit-1.
Lecture 4. Greenfoot 20 Pablo Romero, Department of Informatics
The method turnRandom
Generate a random number between 0 and 3 call turnLeft() turns times
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The updated method act
Lecture 4. Greenfoot 22 if you find leaves, eat !
if you don‘t find leaves, but you can move forward, then move!
if you don‘t find leaves and you also cannot move, then turn to a random direction !
Pablo Romero, Department of Informatics
Before and after
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to set the image of an object programmatically
Lecture 4. Greenfoot 24 Pablo Romero, Department of Informatics
Before and after
Lecture 4. Greenfoot 25 Pablo Romero, Department of Informatics
Adding Rocks class image for the Rock class
New classes can be added easily
Can import images for classes images available in the wombats scenario folder
Lecture 4. Greenfoot 26
However wombats can go through rocks
Pablo Romero, Department of Informatics
check all Rock objects in front of you; if there is no Rock object, return true (i.e. okay it‘s clear!) , otherwise return false (i.e. you cannot move!)
Lecture 4. Greenfoot 27 Pablo Romero, Department of Informatics
Greenfoot environment to program simulations and games (
Provides an action loop
World subclasses set up the world
Actor subclasses define the characters of the game / simulation
Sophisticated behaviour can be implemented in Java
Lecture 4. Greenfoot 28 Pablo Romero, Department of Informatics