Data Mining

Data Mining
Lecture 6
Course Syllabus
• Case Study 1: Working and experiencing on the
properties of The Retail Banking Data Mart (Week 4 –
• Data Analysis Techniques (Week 5)
Statistical Background
Trends/ Outliers/Normalizations
Principal Component Analysis
Discretization Techniques
• Case Study 2: Working and experiencing on the
properties of discretization infrastructure of The Retail
Banking Data Mart (Week 5 –Assignment 2)
• Lecture Talk: Searching/Matching Engine
Course Syllabus
• Clustering Techniques (Week 6)
– K-Means Clustering
– Condorcet Clustering
– Other Clustering Techniques
• Case Study 3: Working and experiencing on the
properties of the clustering infrastructure for The
Retail Banking (Week 6 – Assignment3)
• Lecture Talk: Different Perspectives on
• Three types of attributes:
– Nominal — values from an unordered set, e.g., color, profession
– Ordinal — values from an ordered set, e.g., military or academic rank
– Continuous — real numbers, e.g., integer or real numbers
• Discretization:
– Divide the range of a continuous attribute into intervals
– Some classification algorithms only accept categorical attributes.
– Reduce data size by discretization
– Prepare for further analysis
Discretization and Concept Hierarchy
• Discretization
– Reduce the number of values for a given continuous attribute by
dividing the range of the attribute into intervals
– Interval labels can then be used to replace actual data values
– Supervised vs. unsupervised
– Split (top-down) vs. merge (bottom-up)
– Discretization can be performed recursively on an attribute
• Concept hierarchy formation
– Recursively reduce the data by collecting and replacing low level
concepts (such as numeric values for age) by higher level concepts
(such as young, middle-aged, or senior)
Discretization and Concept Hierarchy
Generation for Numeric Data
• Typical methods: All the methods can be applied recursively
– Binning (covered above)
• Top-down split, unsupervised,
– Histogram analysis (covered above)
• Top-down split, unsupervised
– Clustering analysis (covered above)
• Either top-down split or bottom-up merge, unsupervised
– Entropy-based discretization: supervised, top-down split
– Interval merging by 2 Analysis: unsupervised, bottom-up merge
– Segmentation by natural partitioning: top-down split, unsupervised
Entropy-Based Discretization
• Given a set of samples S, if S is partitioned into two intervals S1 and S2
using boundary T, the information gain after partitioning is
I (S , T ) 
| S1 |
|S |
Entropy( S1)  2 Entropy( S 2)
• Entropy is calculated based on class distribution of the samples in the
set. Given m classes, the entropy
of S1 is
Entropy( S1 )   pi log2 ( pi )
i 1
– where pi is the probability of class i in S1
• The boundary that minimizes the entropy function over all possible
boundaries is selected as a binary discretization
• The process is recursively applied to partitions obtained until some
stopping criterion is met
• Such a boundary may reduce data size and improve classification
Interval Merge by 2 Analysis
• Merging-based (bottom-up) vs. splitting-based methods
• Merge: Find the best neighboring intervals and merge them to form
larger intervals recursively
• ChiMerge [Kerber AAAI 1992, See also Liu et al. DMKD 2002]
– Initially, each distinct value of a numerical attr. A is considered to be
one interval
– 2 tests are performed for every pair of adjacent intervals
– Adjacent intervals with the least 2 values are merged together,
since low 2 values for a pair indicate similar class distributions
– This merge process proceeds recursively until a predefined stopping
criterion is met (such as significance level, max-interval, max
inconsistency, etc.)
2 Test
• Χ2 (chi-square) test
2  
• The larger the Χ2 value, the more likely the variables are
• The cells that contribute the most to the Χ2 value are
those whose actual count is very different from the
expected count
• Correlation does not imply causality
Chi-Square Calculation: An Example
Not play
Like science fiction
Not like science
• Χ2 (chi-square) calculation (numbers in parenthesis are
expected counts calculated based on the data distribution
in the two categories)
(250 90) 2 (50  210) 2 (200 360) 2 (1000 840) 2
 
 507.93
• It shows that like_science_fiction and play_chess are
correlated in the group
Segmentation by Natural Partitioning
A simply 3-4-5 rule can be used to segment numeric data
into relatively uniform, “natural” intervals.
– If an interval covers 3, 6, 7 or 9 distinct values at the
most significant digit, partition the range into 3 equiwidth intervals
– If it covers 2, 4, or 8 distinct values at the most
significant digit, partition the range into 4 intervals
– If it covers 1, 5, or 10 distinct values at the most
significant digit, partition the range into 5 intervals
Example of 3-4-5 Rule
Step 1:
Step 2:
Low (i.e, 5%-tile)
(-$1,000 - 0)
(-$400 - 0)
(-$200 -$100)
(-$100 0)
($1,000 - $2,000)
(0 -$ 1,000)
(-$400 -$5,000)
Step 4:
(-$300 -$200)
High(i.e, 95%-0 tile)
(-$1,000 - $2,000)
Step 3:
(-$400 -$300)
($1,000 - $2, 000)
(0 - $1,000)
(0 $200)
($1,000 $1,200)
($200 $400)
($1,200 $1,400)
($1,400 $1,600)
($400 $600)
($600 $800)
($800 $1,000)
($1,600 ($1,800 $1,800)
($2,000 - $5, 000)
($2,000 $3,000)
($3,000 $4,000)
($4,000 $5,000)
Concept Hierarchy Generation for
Categorical Data
• Specification of a partial/total ordering of attributes
explicitly at the schema level by users or experts
– street < city < state < country
• Specification of a hierarchy for a set of values by explicit
data grouping
– {Urbana, Champaign, Chicago} < Illinois
• Specification of only a partial set of attributes
– E.g., only street < city, not others
• Automatic generation of hierarchies (or attribute levels) by
the analysis of the number of distinct values
– E.g., for a set of attributes: {street, city, state, country}
Automatic Concept Hierarchy
• Some hierarchies can be automatically
generated based on the analysis of the number
of distinct values per attribute in the data set
– The attribute with the most distinct values is placed
at the lowest level of the hierarchy
– Exceptions, e.g., weekday, month, quarter, year
15 distinct values
province_or_ state
365 distinct values
3567 distinct values
674,339 distinct values
Case Study 2 Discretization
Case Study 2 Discretization
What is Cluster Analysis?
• Cluster: a collection of data objects
– Similar to one another within the same cluster
– Dissimilar to the objects in other clusters
• Cluster analysis
– Finding similarities between data according to the
characteristics found in the data and grouping similar
data objects into clusters
• Unsupervised learning: no predefined classes
• Typical applications
– As a stand-alone tool to get insight into data distribution
– As a preprocessing step for other algorithms
Examples of Clustering Applications
• Marketing: Help marketers discover distinct groups in their
customer bases, and then use this knowledge to develop
targeted marketing programs
• Land use: Identification of areas of similar land use in an
earth observation database
• Insurance: Identifying groups of motor insurance policy
holders with a high average claim cost
• City-planning: Identifying groups of houses according to
their house type, value, and geographical location
• Earth-quake studies: Observed earth quake epicenters
should be clustered along continent faults
Quality: What Is Good Clustering?
• A good clustering method will produce high quality
clusters with
– high intra-class similarity
– low inter-class similarity
• The quality of a clustering result depends on both the
similarity measure used by the method and its
• The quality of a clustering method is also measured by its
ability to discover some or all of the hidden patterns
Measure the Quality of Clustering
• Dissimilarity/Similarity metric: Similarity is expressed in
terms of a distance function, typically metric: d(i, j)
• There is a separate “quality” function that measures the
“goodness” of a cluster.
• The definitions of distance functions are usually very
different for interval-scaled, boolean, categorical, ordinal
ratio, and vector variables.
• Weights should be associated with different variables
based on applications and data semantics.
• It is hard to define “similar enough” or “good enough”
– the answer is typically highly subjective.
Requirements of Clustering in Data Mining
Ability to deal with different types of attributes
Ability to handle dynamic data
Discovery of clusters with arbitrary shape
Minimal requirements for domain knowledge to
determine input parameters
Able to deal with noise and outliers
Insensitive to order of input records
High dimensionality
Incorporation of user-specified constraints
Interpretability and usability
Data Structures
• Data matrix
– (two modes)
• Dissimilarity matrix
– (one mode)
 x11
 ...
 i1
 ...
 n1
... x1f
... ...
... xif
... xnf
 0
 d(2,1)
 d(3,1) d ( 3,2)
 :
d ( n,1) d ( n,2)
... x1p 
... ... 
... xip 
... ... 
... xnp 
... ... 0
Type of data in clustering
Interval-scaled variables
Binary variables
Nominal, ordinal, and ratio variables
Variables of mixed types
Interval-valued variables
• Standardize data
– Calculate the mean absolute deviation:
sf  1
n (| x1 f  m f |  | x2 f  m f | ... | xnf  m f |)
– where m  1 (x  x  ... x )
n 1f 2 f
– Calculate the standardized measurement (zscore)
x m
zif 
• Using mean absolute deviation is more
robust than using standard deviation
Similarity and Dissimilarity
Between Objects
• Distances are normally used to measure the similarity or
dissimilarity between two data objects
• Some popular ones include: Minkowski distance:
d (i, j)  q (| x  x |q  | x  x |q ... | x  x |q )
– where i = (xi1, xi2, …, xip) and j = (xj1, xj2, …, xjp)
are two p-dimensional data objects, and q is a
positive integer
• If q = 1, d is Manhattan distance
d (i, j) | x  x |  | x  x | ... | x  x |
i1 j1 i2 j2
ip jp
Similarity and Dissimilarity
Between Objects (Cont.)
• If q = 2, d is Euclidean distance:
d (i, j)  (| x  x |2  | x  x |2 ... | x  x |2 )
i1 j1
– Properties
d(i,j)  0
d(i,i) = 0
d(i,j) = d(j,i)
d(i,j)  d(i,k) + d(k,j)
• Also, one can use weighted distance,
parametric Pearson product moment
correlation, or other disimilarity measures
Major Clustering
Approaches (I)
• Partitioning approach:
– Construct various partitions and then evaluate them by
some criterion, e.g., minimizing the sum of square
– Typical methods: k-means, k-medoids, CLARANS
• Hierarchical approach:
– Create a hierarchical decomposition of the set of data
(or objects) using some criterion
– Typical methods: Diana, Agnes, BIRCH, ROCK,
• Density-based approach:
– Based on connectivity and density functions
– Typical methods: DBSCAN, OPTICS, DenClue
Major Clustering
Approaches (II)
• Grid-based approach:
– based on a multiple-level granularity structure
– Typical methods: STING, WaveCluster, CLIQUE
• Model-based:
– A model is hypothesized for each of the clusters and tries to find the
best fit of that model to each other
– Typical methods: EM, SOM, COBWEB
• Frequent pattern-based:
– Based on the analysis of frequent patterns
– Typical methods: pCluster
• User-guided or constraint-based:
– Clustering by considering user-specified or application-specific
– Typical methods: COD (obstacles), constrained clustering
Typical Alternatives to Calculate
the Distance between Clusters
• Single link: smallest distance between an element in one cluster and
an element in the other, i.e., dis(Ki, Kj) = min(tip, tjq)
• Complete link: largest distance between an element in one cluster
and an element in the other, i.e., dis(Ki, Kj) = max(tip, tjq)
• Average: avg distance between an element in one cluster and an
element in the other, i.e., dis(Ki, Kj) = avg(tip, tjq)
• Centroid: distance between the centroids of two clusters, i.e., dis(Ki,
Kj) = dis(Ci, Cj)
• Medoid: distance between the medoids of two clusters, i.e., dis(Ki,
Kj) = dis(Mi, Mj)
– Medoid: one chosen, centrally located object in the cluster
Centroid, Radius and Diameter of a
Cluster (for numerical data sets)
• Centroid: the “middle” of a cluster
Cm 
iN 1(t
• Radius: square root of average distance from
any point of the cluster to its centroid
 N (t  cm ) 2
Rm  i 1 ip
• Diameter: square root of average mean squared
distance between all pairs of points in the
Dm 
 (t  t )
i 1 i 1 ip iq
N ( N 1)
Week 6-End
• assignment 2 (please share your ideas
with your group)
– choose freely a dataset my advice:
- use Weka
- apply different discretization strategies that
you have learned in class (equi–width, equidepth, entropy based, merging, splitting,...)
Week 6-End
• read
– Course Text Book Chapter 7