Kel4.Mortalitas - Parameter Demografi

Ketua: Prof. Budi Utomo
1.Soeharsono Soemantri, Ph.D
2.Dr. Atmarita
3.Meiwita Budiharsana
4.Uzair Suhaimi, MA
5.Krismawati, MA
6.Adi Setyo, S.Si
7.Dr. Hadiat, MA
8.Diah Ikawati, MAPS
9.Al Huda Yusuf, M.Si
1. Apakah data SP2010 layak digunakan sebagai
dasar estimasi AKI dan kematian lainnya
karena masalah kualitas data, termasuk
misklasifikasi dan under-reporting?
2. Seberapa jauh tingkat dan pola underreporting data kematian direct (kematian
anak, kematian ibu)?
3. Kebutuhan meng-update sejumlah indikator
utama kesehatan.
4. Kebutuhan presisi angka kematian untuk
tujuan proyeksi penduduk.
5. Pengembangan cara yang lebih baik dalam
menghitung life expectancy. Sejauh ini hanya
diektrapolasi AKB melalui Model Life Table.
6. Pemahaman perencana, penanggung jawab
dan pengelola program di pusat dan daerah
dalam parameter demografi dan kesehatan.
7. Seberapa jauh ketimpangan asumsi
konsep MTL dan kualitas data indirect
kematian berpengaruh terhadap
estimasi kematian.
8. Kebutuhan memisahkan analisis
kematian menurut jenis kelamin.
Table 60. Childhood survivorship by 5year age group of mothers by province
(10% sample)
1. Prepare for each province a line graph of
child survivorship by 5 year age group of
mothers – supposed to increase with
increasing age of mothers –compare the line
graph with the standardized curve of child
Table 60. Childhood survivorship by 5-year
age group of mothers by province (10%
2. Prepare for each province a line graph of
ratios of child survivorship between the two
age groups of mothers (10-14 to 15-19; 15-19
to 20-24, etc.) to detect for irregularities.
3. Check the consistency of provincial differential
of child survivorship by age of mothers.
Table 63. Number of households with number
of deaths since 1 January 2009 by province
1. Questions on significant number of households
with two or more deaths during the period.
2. Direct calculation of crude death rate (CDR) from
the resulted number of deaths per households/
population is about 4 per 1,000.
3. It would be useful to see provincial variation in
number of deaths per number of households by
province – compare with provincial differential of
indirect data.
 Table 65. Number of child deaths by age
Check provincial variation of proportion of
infant deaths to under five deaths –
supposed to be around.
 Table 66. Number of maternal deaths by age
and province
Significant number of maternal deaths are
above 50 year.