Investigating the appropriateness of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) in a non-clinical Cypriot sample Dr. Panayiotis Panayides The PSQI is a self-rated instrument used to measure sleep quality in clinical samples. Its development was based on: • psychiatrists’ clinical intuition • experience with sleep disorder patients • a review of other sleep quality questionnaires found in the literature and • clinical experience with the instrument during 18 months of field work. (Buysse, Reynolds, MonK, Berman & Kupfer, 1989). In order to: • to provide a reliable, valid, and standardized measure of sleep quality • to discriminate between “good” and “poor” sleepers • to provide an index that is easy for subjects to use and for clinicians and researchers to interpret and • to provide a brief, clinically useful assessment of a variety of sleep disturbances that might affect sleep quality. (Buysse, Reynolds, MonK, Berman & Kupfer, 1989, p.194) The PSQI Structure - It consists of 19 self rated questions - Grouped into 7 components subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, habitual sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances, use of sleeping medications and daytime dysfunction. - Each component is scored separately, weighted equally on a 0 – 3 scale. - The scores of the 7 components are then added to give a global PSQI score, which has a range of 0 – 21 with higher scores indicating worse sleep quality. - Three of the components are measured by one question, two components by 2 questions, one component by 3 and one by 9. The PSQI Items 1. During the past month, what time have you usually gone to bed at night? BED TIME ___________ 2. During the past month, how long (in minutes) has it usually taken you to fall asleep each night? NUMBER OF MINUTES ___________ 3. During the past month, what time have you usually gotten up in the morning? GETTING UP TIME ___________ 4. During the past month, how many hours of actual sleep did you get at night? (This may be different than the number of hours you spent in bed.) HOURS OF SLEEP PER NIGHT ___________ For each of the remaining questions, check the one best response. Please answer all questions. 5. During the past month, how often have you had trouble sleeping because you . a) Cannot get to sleep within 30 minutes Not during the Less than Once or twice past month_____ once a week_____ a week_____ Three or more times a week_____ b) Wake up in the middle of the night or early morning Not during the Less than Once or twice past month_____ once a week_____ a week_____ Three or more times a week_____ c) Have to get up to use the bathroom Not during the Less than Once or twice past month_____ once a week_____ a week_____ Three or more times a week_____ d) Cannot breathe comfortably Not during the Less than Once or twice past month_____ once a week_____ a week_____ Three or more times a week_____ e) Cough or snore loudly Not during the Less than Once or twice past month_____ once a week_____ a week_____ Three or more times a week_____ f) Feel too cold Not during the past month_____ Less than Once or twice once a week_____ a week_____ Three or more times a week_____ g) Feel too hot Not during the past month_____ Less than Once or twice once a week_____ a week_____ Three or more times a week_____ h) Had bad dreams Not during the Less than Once or twice past month_____ once a week_____ a week_____ Three or more times a week_____ i) Have pain Not during the past month_____ Three or more times a week_____ Less than Once or twice once a week_____ a week_____ j) Other reason(s), please describe__________________________________________ How often during the past month have you had trouble sleeping because of this? Not during the Less than Once or twice Three or more past month_____ once a week_____ a week_____ times a week_____ 6. During the past month, how would you rate your sleep quality overall? Very good _____ Fairly good ______ Fairly bad ______Very bad ______ 7. During the past month, how often have you taken medicine to help you sleep (prescribed or "over the counter")? Not during the Less than Once or twice Three or more past month_____ once a week_____ a week_____ times a week_____ 8. During the past month, how often have you had trouble staying awake while driving, eating meals, or engaging in social activity? Not during the Less than Once or twice Three or more past month_____ once a week_____ a week_____ times a week_____ 9. During the past month, how much of a problem has it been for you to keep up enough enthusiasm to get things done? No problem at all _____Only a very slight problem _____ Somewhat of a problem _____ A very big problem __________ The seven components Component 1: Subjective sleep quality = Score Q6 Q6. During the past month, how would you rate your sleep quality overall? Very good _____ Fairly good ______ Fairly bad ______Very bad ______ Component 2: Sleep latency = Score Q2 + Score Q5a Q2. During the past month, how long (in minutes) has it usually taken you to fall asleep each night? NUMBER OF MINUTES ___________ 1 <=15, 2 16 – 30, 3 31 – 60, 4 >60 Q5. During the past month, how often have you had trouble sleeping because you . . . a) Cannot get to sleep within 30 minutes 0 1 2 3 If sum = 0 If sum = 1 – 2 If sum = 3 – 4 If sum = 5 – 6 Component 3: Sleep duration = Score Q4 Q4. During the past month, how many hours of actual sleep did you get at night? (This may be different than the number of hours you spent in bed.) HOURS OF SLEEP PER NIGHT ___________ 0 > 7, 1 6 – 7, 2 5 – 6, 3 <5 ScoreQ4 .......% Component 4: Habitual Sleep Efficiency = ScoreQ3 ScoreQ1 0 If >= 85%, 1 75 – 84% 2 65 – 74% 3 < 65% Component 5: Sleep Disturbances = Sum of score Q5b, …, Q5j (9 items) 0 1 2 3 If sum = 0 If sum = 1 – 9 If sum = 10 – 18 If sum = 19 – 27 b) Wake up in the middle of the night or early morning Not during the Less than Once or twice past month_____ once a week_____ a week_____ Three or more times a week_____ c) Have to get up to use the bathroom d) Cannot breathe comfortably e) Cough or snore loudly f) Feel too cold g) Feel too hot h) Had bad dreams i) Have pain j) Other reason(s), please describe__________________________________________ How often during the past month have you had trouble sleeping because of this? Component 6: Use of Sleep Medication = Score Q7 Q7. During the past month, how often have you taken medicine to help you sleep (prescribed or "over the counter")? Component 7: Daytime Dysfunction = Score Q8 + Score Q9 Q8. During the past month, how often have you had trouble staying awake while driving, eating meals, or engaging in social activity? Q9. During the past month, how much of a problem has it been for you to keep up enough enthusiasm to get things done? 0 1 2 3 If sum = 0 If sum = 1 – 2 If sum = 3 – 4 If sum = 5 – 6 The original study Reliability evidence: - Cronbach’s alpha (0.83) for the whole 19-item questionnaire and for the 7 component scores - Test-retest correlation of 0.85 for the global scores and for the component scores - No differences in the global scores and on the component scores from the two different applications (stable responses across time). Validity evidence - Detection of differences between the 3 distinct groups o the ‘good sleepers’ (52 healthy control subjects with no complaints about sleep), o The ‘poor sleepers’ (34 patients with major depressive disorder) and o another ‘poor sleepers’ group (62 patients with disorder of initiating and maintaining sleep or disorder of excessive somnolence). - Concurrent polysomnographic findings and - Correlations between global score and component scores. Subjective sleep quality 0.76 and sleep disturbances 0.35 (the 9-item component). Another difference (between the PSQI and other instruments) is that these other questionnaires have used factor analysis to generate specific factors, while the PSQI components are empirical and clinical in origin rather than statistical (Buysse, Reynolds, MonK, Berman & Kupfer, 1989, p.203) Other validation studies with samples of • elderly people (Buysse, Reynolds, Monk, Berman & Kupfer, 1991) • patients with AIDS (Rubinstein & Selwyn, 1998) • patients with panic disorders (Stein, Chartier, & Walker, 1993) • cancer patients (Beck et al., 2004) • patients with primary insomnia (Backhaus, Junghanns, Broocks, Riemann & Hohagen, 2002) • bone marrow transplant patients and women with breast cancer (Carpenter & AndryKowski, 1998) • Nigerian students (Aloba, Adewuya, Ola & Mapayi 2007). Only in one study Chien, Hsu, Tai, Guo and Su (2008) have used Rasch analyses to validate a revised version of the PSQI (9 items instead of the original 18). The sample Stratified sampling (By area of residence urban or rural, age and gender) Age Gender 18 – 24 25 – 34 35 – 44 45 – 54 55 – 64 65 + Male 42 56 57 48 39 39 281 (47%) Female 45 59 67 60 39 49 319 (53%) Total 87 115 124 108 78 88 600 Total 415 (69.2%) lived in urban areas and 185 (30.8%) in rural areas + 15 depression patients (for validation purposes) Rasch Rating Scale Diagnostics 1. Category frequencies Regular distributions (Uniform, Normal, Bimodal, slightly skewed) are preferable Low Frequencies do not provide enough observations for estimation of stable thresholds. Recommended min frequency 10 (Linacre 1999) 2. Average measures (a.m) Average of the ability estimates for all persons who choose that particular response category on any item in the scale. (Useful for quick observation of initial problems with the rating scale) They should increase monotonically, indicating that on average, those with higher ability / stronger attitude endorse the higher categories 3. Threshold or step calibrations Thresholds should also increase monotonically across the rating scale, otherwise they are considered disordered. Distances between threshold estimates should indicate that each step defines a distinct position on the variable. (i.e. should be neither too close together nor too far apart) Between 1.4 – 5 logits to avoid large gaps in the variable. (Linacre, 1999; Bond & Fox, 2001, p. 224) 4. Fit Statistics Outfit > 2 indicate more misinformation than information (Linacre, 1999), meaning that the category is introducing noise into the measurement process. Those categories warrant further empirical investigation and might be good candidates for collapsing with adjacent categories. ANALYSES 1 – Component 5 (Sleep Disturbances, 9 items) component STATISTICS: MISFIT ORDER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|ENTRY RAW MODEL| INFIT | OUTFIT |PTMEA|EXACT MATCH| | |NUMBER SCORE COUNT MEASURE S.E. |MNSQ ZSTD|MNSQ ZSTD|CORR.| OBS% EXP%| component| |------------------------------------+----------+----------+-----+-----------+----------| | 9 265 526 .29 .05|1.27 3.3|1.15 1.2|A .36| 52.7 56.3| item 5j | | 4 411 526 -.06 .05|1.15 2.4|1.27 2.6|B .42| 39.9 44.6| item 5e | | 5 254 526 .32 .05|1.18 2.2|1.18 1.3|C .34| 58.2 60.6| item 5f | | 6 196 526 .51 .06|1.13 1.3|1.10 .7|D .32| 67.5 67.6| item 5g | | 7 291 526 .22 .05| .88 -1.7|1.10 .9|E .37| 53.2 55.6| item 5h | | 3 220 526 .42 .06|1.06 .7| .86 -1.0|d .39| 68.1 66.5| item 5d | | 2 785 526 -.74 .04| .91 -1.9| .88 -1.8|c .63| 28.9 27.8| item 5c | | 8 464 526 -.17 .04| .90 -1.8| .82 -2.1|b .54| 41.3 40.2| item 5i | | 1 816 526 -.79 .04| .77 -5.2| .70 -4.9|a .70| 36.3 29.8| item 5b | |------------------------------------+----------+----------+-----+-----------+----------| | MEAN 411.3 526.0 .00 .05|1.03 -.1|1.01 -.4| | 49.6 49.9| | | S.D. 223.6 .0 .45 .01| .16 2.6| .18 2.2| | 13.0 14.1| | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of STANDARDIZED RESIDUAL variance (in Eigenvalue units) -- Empirical -Modeled Total raw variance in observations = 14.1 100.0% 100.0% Raw variance explained by measures = 5.1 36.0% 35.8% Raw variance explained by persons = 2.7 19.0% 18.8% Raw Variance explained by items = 2.4 17.0% 16.9% Raw unexplained variance (total) = 9.0 64.0% 100.0% 64.2% Unexplned variance in 1st contrast = 1.6 11.5% 18.0% STANDARDIZED RESIDUAL CONTRAST 1 PLOT -1 0 1 During the past month, how often have you had trouble sleeping because you: -+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+- COUNT .8 + | + b) Wake up in the middle of |the | 1 | 1 night or early morning .7 + | + c) Have to get up to use the |bathroom | 2 | 1 C .6 + | + O | | | N .5 + | + T | | | R .4 + | + A | | | S .3 + | + T | | | .2 + | + 1 | | | .1 + | 9 + 1 L | | | O .0 +---------------------------------|---------------------------------+ A | | | D -.1 + | + I | | | N -.2 + 8 | 7 + 2 G | | 3 | 1 -.3 + | 6 + 1 | | | -.4 + | 5 + 1 | 4 | | 1 -+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+-1 0 1 component MEASURE COUNT: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ANALYSES 2 – The seven Components component STATISTICS: MISFIT ORDER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|ENTRY RAW MODEL| INFIT | OUTFIT |PTMEA|EXACT MATCH| | |NUMBER SCORE COUNT MEASURE S.E. |MNSQ ZSTD|MNSQ ZSTD|CORR.| OBS% EXP%| component| |------------------------------------+----------+----------+-----+-----------+----------| | 6 78 585 2.53 .13|2.27 8.2|1.04 .3|A .43| 92.5 88.7| comp 6 | | 7 445 585 -.09 .07|1.47 6.9|1.41 5.7|B .46| 50.6 54.8| comp 7 | | 4 287 585 .68 .08|1.30 4.1| .98 -.2|C .65| 70.1 66.7| comp 4 | | 2 599 585 -.69 .06|1.12 2.0|1.07 1.3|D .69| 47.9 52.3| comp 2 | | 3 660 585 -.91 .06|1.11 2.0|1.11 1.9|c .59| 46.5 52.0| comp 3 | | 5 666 585 -.93 .06| .54 -9.9| .64 -7.2|b .66| 66.3 51.9| comp 5 | | 1 569 585 -.58 .06| .54 -9.7| .55 -9.3|a .77| 70.3 52.1| comp 1 | |------------------------------------+----------+----------+-----+-----------+----------| | MEAN 472.0 585.0 .00 .07|1.19 .5| .97 -1.1| | 63.4 59.8| | | S.D. 203.1 .0 1.16 .02| .55 6.9| .27 4.9| | 15.3 12.8| | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Use of Sleep Medication Component 1: Subjective sleep quality 600 500 Component 2: Sleep latency 569 Component 3: Sleep duration Component 4: Habitual Sleep Efficiency Component 5: Sleep Disturbances Component 6: Use of Sleep Medication Component 7: Daytime Dysfunction Frequency 400 300 200 100 5 5 2 3 21 0 1 Categories 4 MOST UNEXPECTED RESPONSES component MEASURE |person | 21 1 254 443443511421 421 555432221114 533145 |721968 4132353292149968328751878741188764141371215 |81964380250977973701308737495940821386012204097199 high-------------------------------------------------5 comp 5 -.93 5|...11...1......................................... 3 comp 3 -.91 3|............00.00....0............................ 2 comp 2 -.69 2|2........00........0...........33.3...3.33......2. 1 comp 1 -.58 1|...........................................3...... 7 comp 7 -.09 7|2010...0.0............333...3.3..3..33......2222.1 4 comp 4 .68 4|...................33....3...3.....2...2.......... 6 comp 6 2.53 6|.333333.33.33223223..3....33..............1....... |----------------------------------------------low|72196184125454434435114218421875554322211141533145 |821648 0232373292149968327751948741188764144371215 | 19 3 509 797370130873 495 082138601220 097199 1,99 - 0.19 - 1.32 15 out of the 21 3s 4 out of the 5 2s Table of STANDARDIZED RESIDUAL variance (in Eigenvalue units) -- Empirical -Modeled Total raw variance in observations = 13.6 100.0% 100.0% Raw variance explained by measures = 6.6 48.4% 50.0% Raw variance explained by persons = 4.3 31.5% 32.6% Raw Variance explained by items = 2.3 16.9% 17.5% Raw unexplained variance (total) = 7.0 51.6% 100.0% 50.0% Unexplned variance in 1st contrast = 1.6 11.6% 22.4% Unexplned variance in 2nd contrast = 1.4 10.7% 20.7% Unexplned variance in 3rd contrast = 1.1 8.4% 16.3% Unexplned variance in 4th contrast = 1.1 7.9% 15.3% Unexplned variance in 5th contrast = 1.0 7.2% 13.9% STANDARDIZED RESIDUAL CONTRAST 1 PLOT -1 0 1 2 3 -+---------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+| | | .7 + | 4 + | | | .6 + | + | 3 | | .5 + | + C | | | O .4 + | + N | | | T .3 + | + R | | | A .2 + | + S | | | T .1 + | + | 2 | | 1 .0 +----------------|------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | | L -.1 + | 6 + O | | | A -.2 + | + D | | | I -.3 + | + N | | | G -.4 + | + | | | -.5 + 5 | + | | | -.6 + | + | | | -.7 + 7| + -+---------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+-1 0 1 2 3 component MEASURE COUNT: 2 1 1 1 1 1 COUNT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SUMMARY OF CATEGORY STRUCTURE. Model="R" ------------------------------------------------------------------|CATEGORY OBSERVED|OBSVD SAMPLE|INFIT OUTFIT||STRUCTURE|CATEGORY| |LABEL SCORE COUNT %|AVRGE EXPECT| MNSQ MNSQ||CALIBRATN| MEASURE| |-------------------+------------+------------++---------+--------| | 0 0 1845 45| -2.73 -2.66| .97 .98|| NONE |( -2.80)| | 1 1 1407 34| -1.10 -1.20| .85 .58|| -1.58 | -.83 | | 2 2 632 15| -.06 -.21| .92 .92|| .09 | .87 | | 3 3 211 5| .57 1.09| 1.55 2.06|| 1.49 |( 2.74)| ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 1 2 3 CATEGORY PROBABILITIES: MODES - Structure measures at intersections P -+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+R 1.0 + + O | | B | | A | | B .8 +00 333+ I | 00 33 | L | 000 33 | I | 00 33 | T .6 + 00 33 + Y | 0 33 | .5 + 00 111111111111 2222222 33 + O | 1** 111 2222 22*2 | F .4 + 111 0 2*1 33 22 + | 11 00 222 11 33 222 | R | 111 00 22 11 3 222 | E | 11 0022 1*3 222 | S .2 +111 2200 333 111 222+ P | 222 000 33 11 | O | 2222 0***3 1111 | N | 2222222 333333 000000 1111111 | S .0 +*******3333333333333333 00000000000000000******+ E -+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 person [MINUS] component MEASURE MOST MISFITTING RESPONSE STRINGS person OUTMNSQ |component |5321746 high------259 1259 9.90 A|......3 474 1474 9.90 B|......3 160 1160 8.48 C|.0....3 57 1057 5.60 D|.0....3 397 1397 5.55 E|.0....3 235 1235 5.49 F|..0.0.3 340 1340 5.38 G|......3 96 1096 5.11 H|1...0.3 221 1221 4.33 I|....0.3 439 1439 4.62 J|......3 64 1064 3.52 K|1.....3 12 1012 3.49 L|1.....3 355 1355 2.91 M|....1.3 440 1440 3.23 N|......1 542 1542 2.89 O|....3.. 119 1119 2.72 P|....1.3 423 1423 3.17 Q|.0....2 Should component 6 be removed from the PSQI ? (in the case of using it in a non-clinical sample) ANALYSES 3 – The whole PSQI component STATISTICS: MISFIT ORDER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|ENTRY RAW MODEL| INFIT | OUTFIT |PTMEA|EXACT MATCH| | |NUMBER SCORE COUNT MEASURE S.E. |MNSQ ZSTD|MNSQ ZSTD|CORR.| OBS% EXP%| component| |------------------------------------+----------+----------+-----+-----------+----------| | 15 78 585 1.30 .10|1.81 4.3| .88 -.6|A .30| 94.2 88.6| item 7 | | 16 308 585 .17 .05|1.44 5.4|1.57 4.5|B .28| 51.5 58.1| item 8 | | 8 411 585 -.10 .05|1.39 5.8|1.52 4.8|C .35| 43.2 48.6| item 5e | | 13 265 585 .30 .06|1.51 5.6|1.18 1.5|D .35| 60.0 62.3| item 5ja | | 10 196 585 .55 .07|1.41 3.9|1.34 2.3|E .27| 69.9 71.2| item 5g | | 9 254 585 .33 .06|1.40 4.4|1.35 2.7|F .31| 60.3 62.7| item 5f | | 7 220 585 .45 .06|1.35 3.6|1.11 .9|G .35| 69.2 67.6| item 5d | | 11 291 585 .22 .05|1.03 .4|1.11 1.0|H .34| 56.6 59.9| item 5h | | 3 660 585 -.60 .04| .84 -3.4|1.07 1.1|I .40| 39.8 35.2| item 4 | | 12 464 585 -.22 .05|1.07 1.3| .94 -.6|h .51| 41.0 43.1| item 5i | | 6 785 585 -.82 .04|1.03 .6| .99 -.1|g .57| 30.9 33.4| item 5c | | 17 378 585 -.02 .05| .84 -2.6|1.00 .1|f .41| 49.9 52.0| item 9 | | 2 287 585 .23 .06| .88 -1.6| .75 -2.4|e .47| 62.1 60.0| comp 4 | | 4 638 585 -.56 .04| .82 -3.8| .75 -3.8|d .63| 41.4 37.4| item 5a | | 5 816 585 -.87 .04| .80 -4.6| .73 -4.7|c .67| 37.4 33.9| item 5b | | 1 348 585 .06 .05| .66 -5.8| .79 -2.1|b .47| 59.8 55.1| item 2 | | 14 569 585 -.43 .04| .36 -9.9| .44 -9.3|a .65| 63.2 39.7| item 6 | |------------------------------------+----------+----------+-----+-----------+----------| | MEAN 409.9 585.0 .00 .05|1.10 .2|1.03 -.3| | 54.7 53.5| | | S.D. 207.2 .0 .53 .01| .36 4.5| .29 3.4| | 15.0 14.8| | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. During the past month, how often have you taken medicine to help you sleep (prescribed or "over the counter")? 8. During the past month, how often have you had trouble staying awake while driving, eating meals, or engaging in social activity? 5e. During the past month, how often have you had trouble sleeping because you cough or snore loudly Table of STANDARDIZED RESIDUAL variance (in Eigenvalue units) -- Empirical -Modeled Total raw variance in observations = 26.2 100.0% 100.0% Raw variance explained by measures = 9.2 35.1% 35.4% Raw variance explained by persons = 5.5 21.0% 21.2% Raw Variance explained by items = 3.7 14.1% 14.2% Raw unexplained variance (total) = 17.0 64.9% 100.0% 64.6% Unexplned variance in 1st contrast = 2.0 7.8% 12.0% STANDARDIZED RESIDUAL CONTRAST 1 PLOT -1 0 1 2 -+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+| A | | .6 + B | + | | | C .5 + | + O | | | N .4 + |D C + T | | | R .3 + | + A | E | | S .2 + | + T | | G F | .1 + H | + 1 | | | .0 +----------------------|--------------------------------------------+ L | | | O -.1 + h I | + A | | | D -.2 + | g f + I | | e d | N -.3 + | + G | | | -.4 + c b + | | | -.5 + | + | | a | -+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+-1 0 1 2 component MEASURE COUNT: 11 11 1 1 1 11 12 2 1 1 1 COUNT 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 SUMMARY OF CATEGORY STRUCTURE. Model="R" ------------------------------------------------------------------|CATEGORY OBSERVED|OBSVD SAMPLE|INFIT OUTFIT||STRUCTURE|CATEGORY| |LABEL SCORE COUNT %|AVRGE EXPECT| MNSQ MNSQ||CALIBRATN| MEASURE| |-------------------+------------+------------++---------+--------| | 0 0 6099 61| -1.36 -1.35| .98 .98|| NONE |( -1.49)| | 1 1 1748 18| -.73 -.79| .85 .75|| .19 | -.40 | | 2 2 1074 11| -.38 -.36| 1.02 1.01|| -.08 | .39 | | 3 3 1024 10| .00 .02| 1.05 1.27|| -.11 |( 1.51)| ------------------------------------------------------------------P R O B A B I L I T Y O F R E S P O N S E CATEGORY PROBABILITIES: MODES - Structure measures at intersections -+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+1.0 + + | | |00 3| | 00000 33333 | .8 + 000 3333 + | 000 333 | | 000 33 | | 00 333 | .6 + 00 33 + | 00 33 | .5 + 0 3 + | 00 33 | .4 + 00 33 + | 0 3 | | 00 33 | | 11111111111***2222222222222 | .2 + 1111111 222** 11**1 222222 + | 111111 2222333 0**111 2222222 | |11111 222223333 00011111 222| | 222222222*33333 00000**11111111 | .0 +*****333333333 00000000******+ -+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+-2 -1 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 0123 0122 P R O B A B I L I T Y O F R E S P O N S E CATEGORY PROBABILITIES: MODES - Structure measures at intersections -+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+1.0 + + | | |0000 2222| | 0000 2222 | .8 + 0000 2222 + | 000 222 | | 000 222 | | 00 22 | .6 + 00 22 + | 00 22 | .5 + 00 22 + | 00 22 | .4 + 00 22 + | 2*0 | | 222 000 | | 111**111111111**111 | .2 + 1111111222 0001111111 + | 1111111 222 000 1111111 | |1111111 22222 00000 1111111| | 222222222 000000000 | .0 +2222 0000+ -+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+-2 -1 0 1 2 person [MINUS] component MEASURE SUMMARY OF CATEGORY STRUCTURE. Model="R" ------------------------------------------------------------------|CATEGORY OBSERVED|OBSVD SAMPLE|INFIT OUTFIT||STRUCTURE|CATEGORY| |LABEL SCORE COUNT %|AVRGE EXPECT| MNSQ MNSQ||CALIBRATN| MEASURE| |-------------------+------------+------------++---------+--------| | 0 0 6099 61| -1.99 -1.98| .97 .98|| NONE |( -1.89)| 0 | 1 1 2822 28| -.81 -.85| .93 .84|| -.62 | .00 | 1 | 2 2 1024 10| -.04 .03| 1.08 1.27|| .62 |( 1.89)| 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------P R O B A B I L I T Y O F R E S P O N S E CATEGORY PROBABILITIES: MODES - Structure measures at intersections -+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+1.0 + + | | | | | | .8 +00 22+ | 000 222 | | 0000 2222 | | 00 22 | .6 + 000 222 + | 000 222 | .5 + 00 1111111 22 + | 0**11111 11111**2 | .4 + 11111 00 22 11111 + | 1111 000 222 1111 | | 1111 000 222 1111 | | 1111 22*00 1111 | .2 +111 222 000 111+ | 2222 0000 | | 22222 00000 | | 22222222222 00000000000 | .0 +22222 00000+ -+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+-2 -1 0 1 2 person [MINUS] component MEASURE 0112 Original 4-category model PCA of st. residuals Item fit Reliability Categories 3-category models 0123 0122 0112 Var. explained by Measures 35.1 % 33.6 % 33.8 % 1st factor eigenvector 2.0 2.1 2.0 % of Unexplained variance 12 % 12.2 % 12.2 % % of Total variance 7.8 % 8.1 % 8.0 % Infit msq One (1.81) Outfit msq Two (1.57, 1.52) One (1.53) Person Reliability 0.67 0.69 0.71 Person Separation 1.44 1.50 1.56 Strata 2.25 2.33 2.41 Disordered Disordered Ordered --- One (1.54) --- b) Wake up in the middle of the night or early morning Not during the Less than Once or twice Three or more past month once a week a week_____ times a week c) Have to get up to use the bathroom d) Cannot breathe comfortably e) Cough or snore loudly f) Feel too cold 9 items g) Feel too hot h) Had bad dreams i) Have pain j) Other reason(s), please describe__________________________________________ How often during the past month have you had trouble sleeping because of this? 5 b) Wake up in the middle of the night or early in the morning 5 c) Have to get up to use the bathroom 5 de) Having breathing problems or snoring 5 fg) Feeling too cold or too hot 5 hij) Have any other problems (like pains, bad dreams, …. ) 5 items PSQI 17 items 13 misfitting persons Outfit > 2.30 PCA of st. residuals Item fit Reliability Categories 13 (2.2%) removed 15 (2.5%) 0112 0112 Var. explained by Measures 34.7 % 39.0 % 1st factor eigenvector 2.0 2.0 % of Unexplained variance 12 % 15.4 % % of Total variance 7.8 % 9.4 % Infit msq --- --- Outfit msq --- --- Person Reliability 0.71 0.73 Person Separation 1.58 1.64 Strata 2.44 2.52 Nicely ordered Nicely ordered .8 +0 I L I T .6 Y .5 O F .4 R E S P O N S E 2+ | 0000 2222 | | 000 222 | | 000 222 | + 000 222 + | 00 22 | + 000 11111111111 222 + | **1111 1111** | + 1111 000 222 1111 + | 1111 000 222 1111 | | 1111 00 22 1111 | | 11111 *** 11111 | .2 +11 2222 0000 11+ | 2222 0000 | | 22222 00000 | | 22222222222 00000000000 | .0 +22222 00000+ -0.66 0.66 -+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+-2 -1 0 1 2 1.32 |00 A B I L I T Y .8 .6 .5 O F R E S P O N S E 17 items .4 .2 22| | 0000 2222 | + 000 222 + | 00 22 | | 000 222 | | 00 22 | + 00 22 + | 0 111111111 2 | + 00 111 111 22 + | 1** **1 | + 111 00 22 111 + | 11 00 22 11 | | 111 0 2 111 | | 111 00*22 111 | + 111 22 00 111 + | 1111 222 000 1111 | |11 2222 0000 11| | 2222222 0000000 | -0.88 0.88 +22222222222222 00000000000000+ -+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 1.76 .0 13 items 6 r = 0.991 5 4 3 2 Measure 13 1 0 -6 -4 -2 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 m easure 17 2 4 6 FINAL CALIBRATION component STATISTICS: MISFIT ORDER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|ENTRY RAW MODEL| INFIT | OUTFIT |PTMEA|EXACT MATCH| | |NUMBER SCORE COUNT MEASURE S.E. |MNSQ ZSTD|MNSQ ZSTD|CORR.| OBS% EXP%| component| |------------------------------------+----------+----------+-----+-----------+----------| | 9 194 570 .76 .09|1.47 6.1|1.43 3.8|A .32| 67.9 72.7| item 8 | | 8 38 570 2.82 .17|1.44 2.6| .48 -2.2|B .35| 95.4 93.7| item 7 | | 11 325 570 -.08 .07|1.41 6.6|1.44 5.5|C .42| 53.7 62.2| item 5de | | 12 256 570 .33 .08|1.30 4.6|1.22 2.5|D .43| 62.6 65.8| item 5fg | | 6 512 570 -1.01 .07|1.11 2.2|1.09 1.6|E .61| 49.6 55.8| item 5c | | 10 275 570 .21 .08| .96 -.7|1.08 1.0|F .43| 61.9 65.1| item 9 | | 3 438 570 -.66 .07| .89 -2.2|1.07 1.3|G .37| 57.7 57.1| item 4 | | 13 481 570 -.87 .07| .95 -.9| .92 -1.4|f .63| 58.6 56.9| item 5hij| | 1 259 570 .31 .08| .77 -4.1| .93 -.8|e .49| 68.9 65.6| item 2 | | 4 435 570 -.64 .07| .92 -1.6| .86 -2.5|d .68| 56.5 57.1| item 5a | | 2 207 570 .66 .09| .91 -1.4| .81 -2.1|c .55| 73.3 70.9| comp 4 | | 5 536 570 -1.12 .07| .90 -2.0| .84 -2.9|b .72| 58.2 56.1| item 5b | | 7 448 570 -.71 .07| .50 -9.9| .55 -9.1|a .65| 75.4 57.3| item 6 | |------------------------------------+----------+----------+-----+-----------+----------| | MEAN 338.8 570.0 .00 .08|1.04 -.1| .98 -.4| | 64.6 64.3| | | S.D. 143.2 .0 1.02 .03| .28 4.3| .28 3.5| | 11.5 10.1| | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- persons - MAP - components <more>|<rare> | item 7 | . | | . | 2 +T . | | # | | . | 1 .## T+S | item 8 .# | comp 4 .# | .## | item 2 item 5fg .#### | item 9 0 .#### +M item 5de S| .##### | ######## | .####### | item 4 item 5a item 6 ########## | item 5hij -1 ######### +S item 5c M| item 5b .########## | .########## | | .######### | -2 +T .######### | S| .######## | | | -3 .####### + | | T| .##### | | -4 ### + <less>|<frequ> EACH '#' IS 5. Use of sleep medication Staying awake Sleep efficiency How long to sleep, Too cold or too hot To keep enough enthusiasm Breathing or snoring Hours actual sleep, Can’t sleep 30 min, Rate Quality of Sleep Other reason Bathroom Wake up middle of night/early morning Distinct Group Comparisons Depression patients vs Non-clinical subjects (Doi et al., 2000; Buysse, Reynolds, Monk, Berman and Kupfer, 1989) Group Statistics measure Depression Or Not 1,00 2,00 N 600 15 Mean -1,3648 -,0785 Std. Deviation 1,25538 ,69317 Std. Error Mean ,05125 ,17898 p = 0.000 Gender, with higher rate of complaints and worse quality of sleep found in women (Campbell, Gillin, Kripke, Erikson & Clopton, 1989; Lindberg, Janson, Gislason, Bjornsson, Hetta & Boman, 1997; Manni, Ratti, Marchioni, Castelnovo, Murelli, Sartori, Galimberti & Tartara, 1997). Group Statistics measure Gender Male Female N 281 319 Mean -1,6329 -1,1287 Std. Deviation 1,30826 1,15850 Std. Error Mean ,07804 ,06486 p = 0.000 Age, with older people having a higher sleep disorder rate (Foret, Bensimon, Benoit, & Vieux, 1981; Marquie and Foret, 1999) Descriptives measure ANOVA N 18 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65 + Total 87 115 124 108 78 88 600 Mean -1,8267 -1,6616 -1,5673 -1,3040 -1,2348 -,4249 -1,3648 Std. Deviation 1,15633 1,03212 1,31490 1,10876 1,27582 1,19776 1,25538 Std. Error ,12397 ,09625 ,11808 ,10669 ,14446 ,12768 ,05125 Minimum -4,96 -4,96 -4,96 -4,96 -4,96 -4,96 -4,96 Maximum ,53 ,74 1,77 2,12 1,47 2,54 2,54 measure Between Groups Within Groups Total Sum of Squares 113,233 830,780 944,013 df 5 594 599 Mean Square 22,647 1,399 F 16,192 Sig . ,000 People living in Urban areas vs Rural areas Group Statistics measure Area Urban Rural N 415 185 Mean -1,4431 -1,1893 Std. Deviation 1,22200 1,31370 Std. Error Mean ,05999 ,09659 Correlations measure Mass Index Pearson Correlation Sig . (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation Sig . (2-tailed) N measure 1 Mass Index ,265** ,000 615 600 ,265** 1 ,000 600 600 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). p = 0.022 PSQI 13 - Invariance Plot Item Estimates (Rural) 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Item Estimates (Urban) THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION