Vocal Music Mrs. Kiespert Rm 139 Daily Expectations Everyday when you enter : • Get your folder, music and pencil • Find your ASSIGNED seat or riser spot • Begin Bell Work • Look over music – review vocabulary Day 1 Copy the definitions Beat – steady recurring pulse Rhythm - groupings of sound & silence Can you clap the rhythm on the board? Day 2 Match the note to its name (extra credit – how many beats does each note get?) Quarter note Eighth Note Half note Whole Note Beamed eighth note Day 3 Match the rest to its name (extra credit – how many beats does each rest get?) Whole rest Half rest Quarter rest Eighth rest Day 4 Solve the equations + = + = + + + = = Each problem should have one of these answers – 7, 6, 5, and 3 Day 5 Solve the equation + + + + + + = Day 6 Tempo – Speed of music In each box, draw a picture that will remind you of the various tempo markings. Largo- slow Presto- Very Fast Andante- walking pace Allegro- fast Day 7 Dynamics – loudness and softness of music Write an animal name next to each term that describes its volume level. Pianissimo – very soft Piano – soft Mezzo Piano – Medium soft Mezzo Forte – Medium Loud Forte – Loud Fortissimo – Very Loud Day 8 E C A F The spaces of the TREBLE clef are FACE – copy the staff and fill in the treble clef lines Day 9 G B D F A The lines of the BASS clef are GBDFA – Copy the staff and fill in the letter names of the spaces. Day 10 Copy – When treble and bass clef staves are joined, they form a . . . . GRAND STAFF C Bonus: How quickly can you fill in the grand staff? Day 11 Measure Measure Barline Fill in each measure using 4/4 time signature. Hint: there should be 4 beats in each measure! Day 12 HOW MANY? WHICH NOTE? 2 4 3 OR 4 OR 4 4 A time signature is a set of numbers that tells you: HOW MANY beats per measure & WHICH NOTE equals one beat Bell Work Quiz 1. Write the counts under the notes Write the term for the following defintion 1.A steady recurring pulse 2.Speed of music 3.Volume of music 4.Vertical lines that separate the staff into measures Day 13 Name the time signature for the following measures Day 14 Draw the notes or rests & Total the sum Quarter note , whole note, dotted quarter note, dotted half note. = Eighth rest, quarter rest, whole rest, eighth rest, dotted half rest. = Day 15 Draw a Treble Clef staff. Write the letters on the lines or spaces to spell the following words: Badge Egg D Café Façade E A F Gab Beef Day 16 Draw a BASS Clef staff. Write the letters on the lines or spaces to spell the following words: Badge Egg Café Façade Gab Beef 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Day 17 Name the lines of Treble clef Name the spaces of the Treble Name the lines of the Bass Name the spaces of the Bass Define Dynamics Define Tempo 7. 8. 9. 10. Name these notes or rests and give their value Day 18 Describe good singing posture – 1.Feet 2.Knees 3.Hips 4.Chest 5.Shoulders 6.Chin 7.Head Day 19 Write the counts under the notes and rests. 4 4 Day 20 Write the counts under the notes and rests 4 4 Day 21 Look at measure 25 in the Star Spangled Banner Describe the musical style of that section. i.e. legato, separated, march like, loud, soft, fluid, etc. Day 22 Copy the definitions Unison – all together Acappella – without accompaniment Day 23 Copy the definitions Crescendo – gradually get louder Decrescendo – gradually get softer Messa di voce – gradually get louder then softer Bonus – draw the symbols for the terms Day 24 Get a choral book and look up the following words. • Accent • Caesura • Marcato Day 25 Name Three places in your music – (any piece) that uses a fermata. Be specific – Title of piece Page Number Measure Number Day 26 Write the counts under the notes (not the values) 3 4 Day 27 Math and Meter Write the number of beats per measure and which type of note receives one beat for each time signature Beats per Measure Which note equals one beat Day 28 Write two full 4/4 measures. Do NOT use whole notes!! Day 29 Write (compose) two 6/8 measures. Remember the note values in 6/8 double. An eighth note equals one. Day 30 Describe the musical style of the section listed for your class. 1st hour - Look at measures 11 and 12 in America. What’s going on here? 3rd and 4th – Look at measures 26 – 29 in Duond Akuru. What’s going on here? i.e. legato, separated, march like, loud, soft, fluid, etc. Day 31 Draw a BASS clef staff on your paper. Compose two measures of 4/4 time using half notes and whole notes on the following lines or spaces. CEGFA They may be used twice or in any order!! Day 32 Draw a Treble clef on your paper. Compose two measures of ¾ time using quarter note on the following lines or spaces. CEGFAB They may be used twice or in any order!! Day 33 QUIZ!!! On a Separate piece of paper – 1. Write your name in the right hand corner 2.Draw a staff with a treble clef 3. Fill in the lines and spaces with the correct letter name. 4. Turn into Mrs. Kiespert Day 34 QUIZ!!! On a Separate piece of paper – 1. Write your name in the right hand corner 2.Draw a staff with a BASS clef 3. Fill in the lines and spaces with the correct letter name. 4. Turn into Mrs. Kiespert Day 35 Write in the time signature and counts under the notes. Day 36 Write in the time signature and counts under the notes. Day 37 Write in the time signature and counts under the notes. Day 38 Write in the time signature and counts under the notes. Day 39 Write in the time signature and counts under the notes. Day 40 Write the definitions for the following terms • Review – ceassura, fermata • New - subito, poco a poco, molto Day41 Define the following terms: Melody Harmony Chord Day 42 Define the following terms: (use your old bell works) Tempo Beat Rhythm Day 43 Look at your Christmas Music – Find and name a measure that uses a “subito” marking. Day 44 Scrutinize your Christmas music for a sequence. Write the name of the piece, the page number, and the measure number where the sequences begins. Day 45 Name the interval Example: F to B is a 4th C to A D to E B to B (don’t forget to count the first note as “one”) Day 46 Day 47 Day 48 Day 49 SEMESTER TEST REVIEW Draw these notes and give their value 1.Whole Note 2.Half note 3.Beamed eighth note 4.Quarter note 5.Eighth note Day 50 SEMESTER TEST REVIEW Draw these RESTS and give their value 1.Half Rest 2.Whole Rest 3.Quarter Rest 4.Eighth Rest 5.Sixteenth Rest Day 51 SEMESTER TEST REVIEW Draw the following symbols and tell what their function is. 1.Treble Clef 2.Bass Clef 3.Flat 4.Sharp 5.Natural Day 52 SEMESTER TEST REVIEW Draw a measure representing each of the following time signatures 1.3/4 2.4/4 3.6/8 4.2/4 5.5/4 Day 53 SEMESTER TEST REVIEW Describe the following key signatures (tell how many flats or sharps they have) 1.Key of G 2.Key of C 3.Key of F Day 54 SEMESTER TEST REVIEW List the sol fege syllables in order from bottom to top Day 55 IN at least three sentences tell me about your Christmas break Day 56 Draw a treble clef staff – Fill in the lines and spaces with the correct letter names Day 57 Draw a bass clef staff – Fill in the lines and spaces with the correct letter names Day 58 Define the following terms Vivace Andante Largo Use a book if you need to!! Day 59 Name the interval from Do to Mi = Sol to La = Fa to Ti = Day 60 If you are in the Key of C – Write the syllables for the following intervals. example C to G = do to sol F to A B to C E to G Day 61 If you are in the Key of F– Write the syllables for the following intervals. example C to G = sol to re F to A B to C E to G Day 62 If you are in the Key of G – Write the syllables for the following intervals. example C to G = Fa to Do F to A B to C E to G Day 63 Find and Write the definitions Down Beat – Duration - Day 64 • Find and Write the definitions Meter Syncopation Day 65 Find and Write the definitions Triplet Duple Day 66 Find and Write the definitions Tie Notation Day 67 Find and Write the definitions Slur accent Day 68 WRITE THE SENTENCE and Fill in the blanks 1.The 1st beat in each measure is called the _______ 2.A dot after a notes adds _____ of _________________. Day 69 WRITE THE SENTENCE and Fill in the blanks 1.The purpose of a barline is to __________ 2.A double barline indicates the _____________ Day 70 Music Match Up is to as is to ______ is to as is to _____ Day 71 Music Match up is to as ______ is to ____ is to as is to _____ Day 72 Music Match Up is to as ______ is to ____ is to as is to _____ Day 73 Music Match Up is to as ______ is to ____ is to as is to _____ Day 74 Make 3 DIFFERENT measures of 4/4 time Day 75 Make 3 DIFFERENT measures of 3/4 time Day 76 Make 3 DIFFERENT measures of 2/4 time Day 77 Make 3 DIFFERENT measures of 5/4 time Day 78 Make 3 DIFFERENT measures of 6/8 time Day 78 Make 3 DIFFERENT measures of 9/8 time Day 79 Make 3 DIFFERENT measures of C time Day 80 Copy – Parts of the note Notehead – placed on line or space Stem – extends from head (except whole note) Day 81 Copy – Parts of the note cont’d Flag – join stem at opposite end from head (unless on staff upside down) Beams – often used in place of flags to join like notes together Day 82 Write the notes Mark Each problem True or False 2 quarter notes = 1 half rest _____ 2 Eighth notes + 1 Quarter note = two 16th rests _______ Day 83 Write the notes Mark Each problem True or False 2 beamed 8th notes = 2 quarter rests _____ 1 whole note = 1 half rest _____ Day 84 Write the notes Mark Each problem True or False 2 Half notes = 1 whole rest _____ 3 quarter notes = 3 eighth rests + 1 eighth note ______ Day 85 Write the notes Mark Each problem True or False 1 beamed eighth note = 1 quarter note _____ 2 beamed eighth notes = 1 whole rest ______ Day 86 Copy – Simple Duple Meter – 2 beats per measure sounds like (strong, weak, strong, weak) Day 87 Copy – Simple Trip Meter – 3 beats per measure Sounds like (strong, weak, weak – strong, weak, weak) Day 88 Copy – Simple quadruple meter = four beats per measure Sounds like ( strong, weak, weak, weak,) Day 89 Write the words “Strong” and “weak” to indicate beat patterns for duple, triple, quadruple meter. Example – Duple: strong, weak Triple: _________ ________ _______ Quadruple: ____ _____ _____ ______ Day 90 Fill in the blank with the type of pattern A strong, weak, weak pattern is know as ______ meter A Strong, weak, Strong, weak is known as ______meter Day 91 Define Balance – Blend- Day 92 Define Stagger Breathing Hemiola Day 93 Define Triplet Duple Day 94 Write in the counts Day 95 Copy – A dot adds half of the original value of the note or rest Day 96 Give the value of the notes Day 97 • Give the value of the rests Day 98 Define the following using your sight singing book Step – Skip – Jump - Day 99 Give the definition Tie – Slur- Day 100 • Copy Some beats are know as stressed or accented beats. In 4/4 time, which beats are accented? Day 101 In 2/4 time, which beat(s) are accented? Day 102 Copy Metronome – a mechanical or electronic device that keeps a steady beat or reproduces an exact tempo Day 103 Complete the measures 4/4 Day 104 • Provide a numerical total of beats for the rythm syllables shown in 4/4 time 1.Ta ta ti-ti ta ta ta= 2.Ta ti-ti ta ti-ti ta= Day 105 • Provide a numerical total of beats for the rythm syllables shown in 4/4 time 1.Ta ti-ti ti-ti ta-a ta ta = 1.Ti-ti ta-a ti-ti ta ti-ti ta= Day 106 IN at LEAST 3 sentences – tell me some things that happened while I was gone.