Interrupts, Thermistors, Opto-isolators and Phototransistors Fall 2009 Kipp Schoenwald Stephen Hunte Joseph Storey Interrupts ◦ Vectors and Vector Table ◦ Flow Chart ◦ Applications Example 1 Example 2 Thermistors Opto-isolators Phototransistors ◦ Theory ◦ Applications ◦ Theory ◦ Applications ◦ Theory ◦ Applications Outline Q: What are interrupts good for? A: Interrupts provide a means to temporarily suspending current instruction for more important tasks. Q: How are interrupts initiated? A: Interrupts are initiated by one of the following: Hardware interrupts ◦ ◦ ◦ Peripherals such as a printer or fax machine Computer Operator via keyboard, mouse or power on reset button Another computer Software interrupts ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Timer resets Timer interrupts Traps Request for input or output Arithmetic overflow error Q: What is the alternative to interrupt and how does it work? A: Polling – Polling is an loop that continuously looks at all of the inputs. Interrupts Kipp Schoenwald EXAMPLES: 1. Problem: Power Fails (someone kicks the power cord out of your laptop) Solution: R/C circuit senses impending power loss and runs an interrupt routine that can select the battery as the power supply 2. Problem: Car engine overheats Solution: Thermal couple senses temperature. Runs a interrupt routine that turns on warning light Interrupts Kipp Schoenwald Definitions: 1. Interrupt Service Routine (interrupt handler): This is a “more important” instruction code that interrupts your main program code. The routine is specific to the type of interrupt called. 2. Interrupt Vector: This is an address in memory where the ISR instruction code is located. It is the starting address of the code. (Like a pointer) 3. Interrupt Vector Table: This is a table indicating the interrupt vector $FFF6 Interrupts: Vectors Kipp Schoenwald The interrupt vector table is located: ◦ Pg 61 of Reference Manual (thick book) ◦ Pg 56 of Device User Guide (medium thick book) ◦ Pg 2 of the Reference Guide (thin book). Interrupts: Vector Table Kipp Schoenwald MON12 interrupt vectors are used. ($0F00-$0FFF ) MON12’s calls ISR’s specified by the user in the $0Fxx range The microcontroller calls ISR’s specified in the $FFxx range. Interrupts: MON12 Vector Table Kipp Schoenwald The MON12 Interrupt Table shows both the actual Vector Table addresses, and the Ram Vector Table addresses Interrupts: MON12 Vector Table Kipp Schoenwald Important Slide Hardware Interrupt Software Interrupt (SWI) Wait For Interrupt (WAI) Complete Current Instruction YES 1 Maskable Mask Set NO 0 Complete Current Instruction Store MPU Registers to SP YES Hardware Interrupt Wait For Interrupt (WAI) NO Maskable Mask Set SP -6 Condition Code Register SP -5 Accumulator B SP -4 Accumulator A SP -3 Index Register (MS) SP -2 Index Register (LS) SP -1 Program Counter (MS) SP Program Counter (LS) NO YES 1 Stack Pointer Set Mask (CCR4) (set to 1) Condition Code Register X 0 Load Interrupt Vector into PC I Begin Interrupt Program (ISR) Clear Mask (CCR4) (set to 0) Interrupt Vector Back to Main Program Interrupts: Flow Kipp Schoenwald Hardware Interrupt Software Interrupt (SWI) Wait For Interrupt (WAI) Complete Current Instruction 1. YES 1 Maskable Mask Set NO 0 Complete Current Instruction 2. 3. 4. Store MPU Registers to SP 5. 6. YES Hardware Interrupt Wait For Interrupt (WAI) 7. NO Maskable NO 8. YES 1 Mask Set Set Mask (CCR4) (set to 1) 0 Load Interrupt Vector into PC Begin Interrupt Program (ISR) Clear Mask (CCR4) (set to 0) Back to Main Program 9. If I bit in CCR is not set (I=0) and IRQ goes low for at least φ2 cycle, the IRQ sequence is entered. Internal registers stored to RAM (SP). The IRQ mask bit set (I=1). Data at FFF2 gets loaded into PCH Data at FFF3 gets loaded into PCL PC contents go out on address bus during φ1. Contents of the location addressed enter instruction register and are decoded as first instruction of interrupt routine. If it is a more than 1-byte instruction, additional bytes enter MPU for execution. If not, go to next step After execution, step 7 is repeated for subsequent instructions. This is repeated until “RTI” is executed. RTI tells the MPU that service is complete and that it may reload the registers and continue the main program from where it left off. Interrupts: Flow: IRQ Example 1 Kipp Schoenwald Important Slide Write a routine to interrupt the MCU after 5ms of elapsed time, assuming prescaler is 1. Use output compare (OC) five. TFLG1 TIE EQU TCTL1 SECONDAD TCNT TC5 TIOS EQU $004C EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU ORG SEI LDAA STAA STAA STAA LDAB STAB compare)*/ LDX ISR*/ STX refers to. FFE5*/ LDD ADDD equals the STD CLI $004E $0048 $FFE4 $0044 $005A $0040 $1000 %0010 0000 TIOS TFLG1 TIE /*OC5 flag*/ /*OC5 enable*/ /*OC5 condition*/ /*OC reference location*/ /*counter*/ /*OC5*/ /*timer input capture or output compare select*/ /*begin routine at a chosen address*/ /*set the I bit of the condition code register*/ /*configures port 5 as output compare (default is 0)*/ /*clear previously set OC5 flag*/ /*enable OC5 Interrupt*/ configure ports as input or output %0000 1100 TCTL1 /*OC condition: PA5 = high (for a successful #$2000 /*$2000 is the address where you chose to put your SECONDAD /*stores this address “pointer” to the address that OC High byte (20) $FFE4, and Low byte (00) TCNT #$9C40 /*Loads current value of counter*/ /*adds 40,000cycles (5ms) to the current time (this time when the ISR is to be run)*/ /*stores this value to be compared*/ /*clear the I bit of the condition code register*/ TC5 Interrupts: Applications: Example 2 Kipp Schoenwald Interrupts ◦ Vectors and Vector Table ◦ Flow Chart ◦ Applications Example 1 Example 2 ◦ Priorities ◦ Interrupt Stack Thermistors Opto-isolators Phototransistors ◦ Theory ◦ Applications ◦ Theory ◦ Applications ◦ Theory ◦ Applications Outline • The Stack Pointer Register holds the location of the top of the stack at all times. • When the CPU detects an interrupt the contents of the register are pushed on the stack. • After completion of the interrupt the saved registers are retrieved from the stack. The first register pushed onto the stack will be the last register pulled from the stack. Interrupts: Stack • RTN – address of next instruction in Main Program, upon return from interrupt. • X LO and Y LO are the low bytes of X and Y registers. • X HI and Y HI are the high bytes of X and Y registers. • ACC A and ACC B are the accumulators. • CCR is the Code Condition Register RTN LO RTN HI Y LO Y HI X LO X HI ACC A ACC B CCR Interrupts: Stack Joseph Storey RTN LO First Pushed In Last Pulled Off RTN HI Stack Pointer before Interrupt Higher Address Y LO Y HI X LO X HI Last Pushed In First Pulled Off ACC A ACC B CCR Interrupts: Stack Lower Address Stack Pointer after Interrupt Joseph Storey Interrupt Types Presents Interrupts: Priorities Joseph Storey Non-Maskable Interrupts • 6 Non-Maskable Interrupts • Always interrupts program execution • Priority over Maskable Interrupts. • Not subject to global masking • Sets the X and I bit of the CCR when serviced Interrupts: Priorities Joseph Storey Non-Maskable Interrupts Priority of Non-Maskable Interrupts 1.POR of RESET pin 2.Clock monitor reset 3.COP watchdog reset 4.XIRQ interrupt 5.Unimplemented instruction trap 6.Software interrupt (SWI) Interrupts: Priorities Joseph Storey Forces MCU to: Reset ◦ Assume set of initial conditions ◦ Begin executing instructions at an assigned starting address Like interrupts, resets have a vector to define the starting address of code to be run Unlike interrupts, they do not return to original code location Resets have different vectors to allow execution of individualized code Interrupts: Priorities Joseph Storey When a reset is triggered: The address from the vector is loaded into the program counter S, X, and I bits are set in the CCR MCU hardware is initialized to reset state Check for any interrupts that have occurred Interrupts: Priorities Joseph Storey Clock Monitor Reset Protects against clock failure Set by CME control bit If enabled, system resets if no clock edges are detected within a set period. Computer operating Properly (COP) Reset Protects against software failures (infinite loops, etc) When enabled (NOCOP bit in CONFIG register), resets if free-running watchdog timer rolls over $FFFF Timer rate is set in the OPTION register. System Eclock is divided by 215 and further scaled by 1, 2, or 4 Interrupts: Priorities Joseph Storey XIRQ Externally triggered PE0 pin low = XIRQ interrupt Sets X and I bits RTI returns the X and I bits to original states prior to execution Interrupts: Priorities Joseph Storey Opcode Trap and SWI Very low priority Any enabled interrupt source pending prior to the initialization of Trap or SWI will take precedence. Once process has begun neither can be interrupted. Interrupts: Priorities Joseph Storey Maskable Interrupts • 27 Maskable Interrupts • Sets I bit in CCR when serviced • Automatically cleared by RTI interrupt • Follows default priority, but any one Maskable Interrupt can be elevated using HIPRO (Higher Priority) Interrupts: Priorities Joseph Storey Maskable Interrupts Priority of Maskable Interrupts Discusse d in Timer Lecture 1. IRQ 2. Real-Time Interrupt 3. Standard Timer Channel 0 4. Standard Timer Channel 1 5. Standard Timer Channel 2 6. Standard Timer Channel 3 7. Standard Timer Channel 4 8. Standard Timer Channel 5 9. Standard Timer Channel 6 10.Standard Timer Channel 7 11.Standard Timer Overflow 12.Pulse Accumulator A Overflow 13.Pulse Accumulator Input Edge 14.SPI transfer Complete 15.SCI system 16.ATD 17.Port J 18.CRG PLL Lock 19.CRG Self Clock Mode 20.Flash 21.CAN Wakeup 22.CAN Errors 23.CAN Receive 24.CAN Transmit 25.Port P 26.PWM Emergency Shutdown 27.VREG LVI Interrupts: Priorities Joseph Storey IRQ Only external maskable interrupt signal IRQE bit on IRQCR Register ◦ IRQE=1: Falling Edge Sensitive ◦ IRQE=0: Low Level-Sensitive Peripheral Subsystems (all other Maskable Interrupts) Flag bit and interrupt enable bit ATD, Timers, PWM, serial communications, etc. Interrupts: Priorities Joseph Storey Highest Priority Interrupt (HPRIO) HPRIO register moves one maskable interrupt to top of priority list Cannot change priority of nonmaskable interrupts Procedure to increase priority of maskable interrupt: ◦ Set I bit to disable maskable interrupts ◦ Write low byte of interrupt vector to HPRIO ◦ Clear I bit to re-enable maskable interrupts Interrupts: Priorities Joseph Storey Address: $001F Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 PSEL7 PSEL6 PSEL5 PSEL4 PSEL3 PSEL2 PSEL1 Bit 0 - PSEL[7:1] – Priority Select Bits (HPRIO) ◦ Selects one interrupts source to be elevated ◦ Can only be written while I-bit in the CCR is set and maskable interrupts turned off ◦ Write the low byte of the maskable interrupt vector to HPRIO to elevate that maskable interrupt to the highest priority ◦ Ex: writing $DE to HPRIO elevates the Standard Timer Overflow to highest priority (Standard Timer Overflow vector = $FFDE) Interrupts: Priorities Joseph Storey Interrupts ◦ Vectors and Vector Table ◦ Flow Chart ◦ Applications Example 1 Example 2 ◦ Priorities ◦ Interrupt Stack Thermistors Opto-isolators Phototransistors ◦ Theory ◦ Applications ◦ Theory ◦ Applications ◦ Theory ◦ Applications Outline Thermistor - Temperature sensitive resistor Their change in electrical resistance is very large and precise when subjected to a change in temperature. Thermistors exhibit larger parameter change with temperature than thermocouples and RTD’s. Thermistor - sensitive Thermocouple - versatile RTD – stable Generally composed of semiconductor materials. Very fragile and are susceptible to permanent decalibration. Thermistor Stephen Hunte One of many available probe assemblies .095” DIA. MAX. TEFLON INSULATION #32 TINNED COPPER WIRE 3” LONG TEFLON TUBE .11 DIA. MAX. 2” MIN. Thermistor Probe Stephen Hunte Most thermistors have a negative temperature coefficient (NTC); that is, their resistance decreases with increasing temperature. Positive temperature coefficient (PTC) thermistors also exist with directly proportional R vs. T. Extremely non-linear devices (high sensitivity) Common temperature ranges are –100 oF (~-75 oC) to +300 oF (~150 oC) Some can reach up to 600 oF Thermistor Characteristics Stephen Hunte • An individual thermistor curve can be very closely approximated by using the SteinhartHart equation: T = Degrees Kelvin 1 T = A B ln( R) 3 C ln( R) R = Resistance of the thermistor A,B,C = Curve-fitting constants V or R • Typical Graph Thermistor (sensitive) RTD (stable) T Thermocouple (versatile) Thermistor R-T Curve Stephen Hunte Temperature Measurement “Wheatstone bridge” with selector switch to measure temperature at several locations Thermistor Applications Stephen Hunte •Resistor is set to a desired temperature (bridge unbalance occurs) Temperature Control variable resistor for setting desired temperature •Unbalance is fed into an amplifier, which actuates a relay to provide a source of heat or cold. relay thermistor high gain amplifier •When the thermistor senses the desired temperature, the bridge is balanced, opening the relay and turning off the heat or cold. Thermistor Applications • Operation similar to traditional transistors • Have a collector, emitter, and base • Phototransistor base is a light-sensitive collector-base junction • Small collector to emitter leakage current when transistor is switched off, called collector dark current Phototransistor Background Stephen Hunte Phototransistor Package Types Stephen Hunte Phototransistor Construction • A light sensitive collector base p-n junction controls current flow between the emitter and collector • As light intensity increases, resistance decreases, creating more emitter-base current • The small base current controls the larger emitter-collector current • Collector current depends on the light intensity and the DC current gain of the phototransistor. Phototransistor Operation The phototransistor must be properly biased Basic Phototranstor Circuit Obstacle Avoidance Example • Adjust baffle length to obtain a specific detection range • Use infrared components that won’t be affected by visible light • Use ~ 220 ohm resistors for LED’s • Use multiple sensors in a row to detect narrow obstacles Phtotransistor Summary • • • • They must be properly biased They are sensitive to temperature changes They must be protected against moisture Hermetic packages are more tolerant of severe environments than plastic ones • Plastic packages are less expensive than hermetic packages Phtotransistor SUmmary Stephen Hunte Optoisolator Background • Operation similar to relays • Used to control high voltage devices • Excellent noise isolation because switching circuits are electrically isolated • Coupling of two systems with transmission of photons eliminates the need for a common ground Optoisolator Background Stephen Hunte Glass dielectric sandwich separates input from output Optoisolator Construction Stephen Hunte • Input Stage = infrared emitting diode (IRED) • Output Stage = silicon NPN phototransistor Optoisolator Schematic Stephen Hunte Contact Info Kipp Schoenwald Stephen Hunte Joseph Storey References 1. 2. Bishop R., Basic Microprocessors and the 6800