slides - Department of Computer Science

C++ crash course
Class 3
designing C++ programs, classes,
control structures
• Last time: basic types and variables
• Today:
– structure of a C++ program
– defining complex types
– strings, vectors, iterators
– quick intro: arrays and pointers
Bookstore Example
• Bookstore keeps a file of transactions
• Each transaction records the sale of a
particular book
– ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
– number of copies sold
– price at which each copy was sold
ex: 0-201-70353-X 4 24.9
Bookstore: Problem Definition
• Bookstore owner wants to know:
– number of copies of each title sold
– total revenue from each book
– average sales price of a book
Bookstore: Designing the Solution
• We need to get input, and produce output
• We want to define a data structure to hold
this data
• We want to be able to test if two records are
the same (ISBN)
• We want to look at every transaction in the
Bookstore: Designing the Solution
• How do we get the average sales price?
Done manually…
– look at all transactions with the same ISBN
• but how will we know when we can stop reading in
transaction information?
– do a weighted average:
• for each ISBN:
– sum of copies sold * price / total number of copies sold
• How can we do it in C++?
– Need: new data types, if statements, loops
Control Structures
• if statements
• loops
– for
– while
– do-while
if statements
if (condition) if_body;
Performs if_body only in the case when condition is
// sum from 0-10, even numbers only
int sum=0;
for(int ctr=0;ctr<=10;ctr++) {
if(ctr % 2 == 0) {
• for
• while
• do-while
for loop
for(init-statement; condition; expression) for_body;
Repeats for_body until condition is false,
performing expression after each iteration
int sum = 0;
for(int ctr=0; ctr <= 10; ctr++) {
sum += ctr;
while loop
while (condition) while_body_statement ;
Repeatedly tests condition, and then executes the
while_body_statement until condition is false
int ctr = 0, sum_to_ten = 0;
while(ctr <= 10) {
sum_to_ten += ctr;
// ++ increments ctr
do {
sum_to_ten += ctr;
} while(ctr <= 10);
I/O: A Closer Look
• I/O is shorthand for input/output
• You’ve seen this already:
– std::cin, std::cout
What’s going on here?
I/O happens in C++ as part of the standard library (std),
specifically the iostream library
Standard library must be implemented by every C++ compiler
The preprocessor directive
#include <iostream>
#include <iostream.h>
…tells the C++ preprocessor to use the iostream library
I/O: A Closer Look
• iostream defines four IO objects
– “standard input”
• istream std::cin
– “standard output”
• ostream std::cout
– “standard error”
• ostream std::cerr
– “see-log”
• ostream std::clog
• Why streams?
– istream and ostream objects can also be created
for getting input and output out of files
I/O: A Closer Look
UNIX interlude:
“standard input”, “standard output” and “standard
error” are UNIX concepts
You can redirect output of a program into a file
depending on which stream it’s in: stdout:
./a.out 1> out_file
./a.out 2> err_file
stdout and stderr: ./a.out > outerr_file
You can also use a file as user input similarly:
./a.out < in_file
I/O: A Closer Look
When you see the line:
std::cout << “Enter two numbers:” << std::endl;
…the << is actually the output operator, which is a
binary operator producing an ostream object
std::endl is a manipulator – in this case flushes the
buffer to the standard output
Creating Classes
• Moving beyond primitive types:
– class types are complex types
• Need to know:
– what is the name of a class?
– where is it defined?
– what operations can it do?
Bookstore redux: Classes
We have a Sales_item
• stores ISBN
• keeps track of:
– number of copies sold
– revenue
– average sales price
• Lives in Sales_item.h
– header file storing the class definition
Sales_item class
• Operations:
– Use addition operator + to add two Sales_items
– Use input operator << to read a Sales_item
– Use output operator >> to write a Sales_item
– Use assignment operator = to assign one
Sales_item to another
– Call same_isbn function to see if two Sales_items
are the same book
Sales_item class
#include <iostream>
#include “Sales_item.h”
int main() {
Sales_item book;
// read ISBN, number of copies sold, and sales price
std::cin >> book;
// write ISBN, number of copies sold, total revenue, and average
std::cout << book << std::endl;
return 0;
Sales_item class
0-201-70353-X 4 24.99
0-201-70353-X 4 99.96 24.99
Sales_item class
#include <iostream>
#include “Sales_item.h”
int main() {
Sales_item item1, item2;
// read two transactions
std::cin >> item1 >> item2;
// print their sum
std::cout << item1 + item2 << std::endl;
return 0;
Sales_item class
0-201-78345-X 3 20.00
0-201-78345-X 2 25.00
0-201-78345-X 5 110 22
Sales_item class
#include <iostream>
#include “Sales_item.h”
int main() {
Sales_item item1, item2;
// read two transactions
std::cin >> item1 >> item2;
// print their sum, if the same isbn:
if(item1.same_isbn(item2)) {
std::cout << item1 + item2 << std::endl;
return 0; // success!
} else {
std::cerr << “Data must refer to same ISBN”
<< std::endl;
return -1; // failure
Bookstore: Putting it together
• Now we have all of the components to write
our bookstore program!
Class Types
• We can define an empty class for Sales_item:
class Sales_item {
// operations on Sales_item objects will go here
std::string isbn;
unsigned units_sold;
double revenue;
Don’t forget the semicolon!
Class Types
• We could also have defined Sales_item as a struct:
struct Sales_item {
// struct members are by default public
// operations on Sales_item objects
std::string isbn;
unsigned units_sold;
double revenue;
Only difference from class: struct members are by
default public; class members are by default private
Writing Header Files
• Class definitions go into a header file (extension
• Implementation for the definitions goes
Sales_item.h: definition for Sales_item
Implementation goes in a separate source file
Every file that uses Sales_item must #include
Writing Header Files
• Headers contain:
– class definitions
– extern variable declarations
– function declarations
• Headers should NOT define variables and objects,
only declare them (extern keyword)
• Headers sometimes must #include other header
– Sales_item.h needs string.h, since it uses std::string
– This means you need to be careful not to #include a
header more than once!
Writing Header Files
• To keep this from happening:
– more preprocessor directives
// definition of Sales_item and related goes here
Setting aside Bookstore
• Enough about bookstore for now; let’s talk
about library types
• We’ll get back to the detailed implementation
of how to make Sales_item a reality
Library Types
• We talked briefly about the standard library
meaning: std is the namespace,
:: is the scope operator,
cout is an object in the namespace
• You’ve seen some code that just uses cout by itself
• Need to declare the namespace first:
using namespace std;
Library Types
• We can accomplish the same thing to bring
specific objects into the namespace like so:
using std::cin;
• Strings!
Memory interlude: the term “string” comes from shorthand
for character string, which is what strings are in just about
any language (we’ll see what this means when we talk about
arrays and pointers)
In C++:
std::string, like many string implementations, has more
functionality than a plain character string
• To make a string, we need to:
#include <string>
using std::string;
• Initializing a string:
– string s1;
// s1 is the empty string
• (why is this initialized? it uses the default constructor – we’ll
talk more about this later)
– string s2(s1); // copies s1 into s2
– string s3(“value”); // initializes s3 as a copy of the
// string literal
– string s4(n, ‘c’); // initializes s4 with n copies of
// ‘c’
• Initializing a string:
– string s1;
// s1 is the empty string
• (why is this initialized? it uses the default constructor – we’ll
talk more about this later)
– string s2(s1); // copies s1 into s2
– string s3(“value”); // initializes s3 as a copy of the
// string literal
– string s4(n, ‘c’); // initializes s4 with n copies of
// ‘c’
Why are we doing it this way? copy-initialization vs. direct-initialization; related to memory
• Like Sales_item objects, we can read these off of
istream objects, and print them to ostream
string s; // note: this is initialized!
cin >> s;
cout << s << endl;
• Or we can use getline:
string line;
while (getline(cin, line))
cout << line << endl;
• Ordinarily the input operator (>>) only reads
a word at a time (space-delimited)
Returns true if s is empty; otherwise false
Number of characters in s
(Not an int! Instead, it’s string::size_type)
Returns nth character of s (0-indexed)
s1 + s2
Returns a string that concatenates s1 and s2
s1 = s2
Replaces all of the characters in s1 with a copy of s2
v1 == v2
Returns true if equal, otherwise false
!=, <, <=, >, and >=
Usual meanings
• String size:
– string::size_type is either an unsigned int or unsigned
long – companion type for the string type
– If we used an int, this limits the length of strings to
twice the size of an int – many files would easily
exceed that and need to be held in a single variable
• String ordering:
– Think alphabetical, where the alphabet is ASCII
• Subscripting:
– Subscripting results in an lvalue, so we can change the
middle of a string
– Any integral type (char, bool, int) can be used for
subscripting; we use string::size_type typically
• A vector is a collection of objects of one type
• Indexed by integers
• Need to include and declare it:
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
• Class template:
– Allow us to write a single class or function to hold a
variety of types
vector<int> ivec;
vector<Sales_item> Sales_vec;
• Initialization:
– vector<T> v1;
// vector that holds objects
// of type T
– vector<T> v2(v1); // v2 is a copy of v1
– vector<T> v3(n, i); // v3 has n elements with
// value i
– vector<T> v4(n); // v4 has n copies of a
// value-initialized object
• Vector initialization
– vector<int> ivec1; // ivec1 is an int vector
– vector<int> ivec2(ivec1); // OK
– vector<string> svec(ivec1); // BAD
– vector<string> svec(10, “hi!”); // 10 strings of “hi!”
• Vectors grow dynamically; you can add
elements at run-time
• Unlike arrays (from C or Java, and many other
languages), you don’t need to know how big
they’re going to be ahead of time
• Vectors will populate themselves by default at
initialization with either the default
constructor of the type, or an element
initializer (0 in the case of int) for basic types
• Which of these vector definitions are wrong?
vector< vector<int> > ivec;
vector<string> svec = ivec;
vector<string> svec(10, “null”);
• How many elements are there in each of these
vector<int> ivec1;
vector<int> ivec2(10);
vector<int> ivec3(10, 42);
vector<string> svec1;
vector<string> svec2(10);
vector<string> svec3(10, “hello”);
• What are the values of the elements for each?
Returns true if the vector is size 0
Returns the number of elements in v
Increases size of v; adds value t to the end
Returns element at position n in v
v1 = v2
Replaces elements in v1 with a copy of elements in v2
v1 == v2
Tests if v1 and v2 are equal
!=, <, <=, >, >=
comparison is “alphabetical”
You MUST use v.push_back(t) to put a new element in!
Unlike in other languages, v[n] = t; is NOT valid unless n < v.size()
Iterating through Vectors
• We learned about for loops, let’s use them on
vector<int> ivec;
for (vector<int>::size_type ix = 0; ix != 10; ++ix)
Iterating through Vectors
• We can actually do this with another syntax
• Vector has a companion type, vector<T>::iterator
• Designed to move through every element in a
vector<int> ivec;
vector<int>::iterator iter = ivec.begin();
iter now refers to ivec[0] (unless ivec was empty)
Iterating through Vectors
• There’s also an ivec.end(), but it doesn’t refer to an
element in the vector – it tells us when we’re done
• In order to access elements through an iterator, we
must dereference it
*iter = 0;
• So our loop can now be written as:
for (vector<int>::iterator iter=ivec.begin();
iter != ivec.end();
*iter = 0;
How would we use iterators to write this as a while loop?
Iterating through Vectors
• There’s also a const_iterator
• Used when we will only be reading from the vector, and not changing the
• A const_iterator is not a const iterator
• You can move iterators forward n elements as follows:
iter = iter + n;
iter = iter - n;
• You can also track two points in the vector with two iterators, and find out
how far apart they are:
iter1 – iter2;
• Mostly won’t need this, but it’s good to know =)
• If you’ve programmed before, you’ve heard of
– (lists in Python)
• Like vectors, but must be a fixed size ahead of
• Why?
– Must allocate space in memory
Pointers: A quick introduction
• If you’ve done coding or been around
computer science, you’ve probably heard
about pointers
• Arrays in C++ (as well as C) are built on
• A pointer is a variable that holds a memory
location, rather than data
Pointers: A quick introduction
• We can create variables, then store their locations in
pointer variables
int var = 0;
int *var_ptr = &var;
• * is the dereference operator from before
• Arrays are a series of memory locations
• Iterating through them involves moving the pointer
• more on classes: how is Sales_item getting
• arrays, pointers, and more, oh my!