c4ca4JAVA(2) - Balaji eKnowledge

Simple Program
Import java.lang.math;
Class squareroot
public static void main (String args[])
double x = 5;
double y;
y = Math.sqrt (x);
System.out.println (“The Value of Y =“ +y);
Explanation of the Program
 The first lie is “class squareroot”
 It is Object –Oriented Construct. Nothing but
everything must be placed inside the class.
 The word class is a keyword. It is used for create a new
 Here “squareroot” is identifier.
 Next is braces ( This is similar to C++)
 The third line is public static void main (String args [])
Explanation of the Program
 Public:
The keyword public is an access specifiers that
declares the main method as unprotected and therefore making
it accessible to all other classes.
Which declares this method as one that belongs to
the entire class and not a part of the class any objects of the class.
The main must always declare as static since the
interpreter uses this method before any objects are created.
The type modifier void states that the main method
does not return any value.
Second Program
Import java.lang.*;
Class hall
float len;
float bre;
void getdata (float a, float b)
len = a;
bre = b;
Second Program
Class area
public static void main (string args [])
float area;
hall hall1 = new hall ();
hall1.getdata (5,10);
area = hall1.len * hall1.bre;
System.out.println (“Area =“ + area)
JAVA Tokens
 Most statements contain expressions, which describe the
actions carried out the data. Smallest individual units in a
program are known as Tokens.
Reserved Keywords. (60 Keywords, false, null, true,
package etc.,)
Identifiers (alphabets, digits and underscore and dollar
sign characters.)
Literals. (Integer, Floating Point. Character, String,
JAVA Tokens (Separators)
Parentheses ()  Method definition and invocation, defining
precedence in expressions.
Braces {}  Define a block of code for classes, methods and
local scopes.
Brackets []  Declare array types and for dereferencing array
Semicolon ;  Separate the statements.
Comma ,  Consecutive identifiers in a variable declaration
and chain statements (For loop and int a,b)
Period .  Separate package names from the sub-packages
and class, separate a variable or method from a reference
 JAVA Constants
Numeric Constants
Character Constants
Integer Cons Real Cons
0.0085, -0.75,
Char Cons String Cons
‘X’, ‘5’
Escapes Sequences
 ‘\b’ --- > Back Space.
 ‘\f’ --- > Form Feed.
 ‘\n’ --- > New line.
 ‘\t’ --- > Horizontal Tab.
Data Types
 Data types are two types Primitive and Non- Primitive.
 Primitive
Non- Primitive
 Numeric Non-Numeric
Class, Arrays, Interface.
Integer, Float
Char, Boolean
 Integer
1 (Byte)
Floating Point:
Declaration and Giving Values
 Int a;
 Float a,b;
 Double s;
 Byte b;
 Char c1,c2,c3;
 Int a = 10;
 Float x = 20.36;
 Char c1 = ‘a’
Reading data from Keyboard
Import java.lang.*;
Import java.io.DataInputStream;
Class read
public static void main (String args [])
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream (System.
int num = 0;
float num1 = 0.0f;
System.out.println (“Enter a number :”);
num = Integer.parseInt (in.readLine () );
System.out.println (“Enter a Next Number:”);
num1 = Float.valueOf(in.readLine() ).floatValue ();
Catch (Exception e)
System.out.println (“Num = “ +num);
System.out.println (“Num1 = “ +num 1);
Enter a Number:
Enter the Next Number:
Num = 123, Num1 = 1234.45
Scope of the Variables
 Java variables are classified in three types,
1. Instance Variables.
2. Class Variables.
3. Local Variables.
The instance and class variable are declared inside a
class. Instance variable are created when the objects
are instantiated and therefore they are associated with
the objects. They take different value for each object.
Variables declared and used inside the methods are
called local variables.
Symbolic Constants
 Symbolic names take the same form as variable names.
But they are written in CAPITALS to visually
distinguish them from normal variable names.
 After declaration of symbolic constants, they should
not be assigned any other value within the program by
using an assignment statement.
 Like final int PEOPLE = 100; we can not change the
 This is not done in C and C++ where it is defined using
the #define statement. They can NOT be declared
inside a method. They should be used only as class
Arithmetic and Relational
 1. a – b
 2. a + b
10. == is equal to
11. != is not equal to
 3. a * b
 4. a / b
 5. a % b
 6. < is less than
 7. <= is less than or equal to
 8. > is greater than
 9. >= is greater than or equal to
Logical Operators
 &&
 ||
logical AND
logical OR
logical NOT
 Ex:
if (age > 55 && salary < 1000)
if (number <0 || number >1000)
Assignment Operators
 a = a+1
 a = a -1
 a = a* (n +1)
 a = a / (n+1)
 a=a%b
 y = ++m s not equal to y = m++
m = 5;
y = ++m
but y = m++ means, y = 5 but m = 6
Conditional Operator
 Exp1 ? Exp2 : Exp3
a =10;
b = 15;
x = (a>b) ? a : b
In terms of if statement
if (a>b)
x = a;
x = b;
Bitwise Operator
 These operators are used for testing the bits, or
shifting them to right to left.
 It is may not ne applies to float and double.
 & bitwise AND
Bitwise OR
 ^ Bitwise exclusive OR
 ~ One’s Complement
 << shift left
 >> shift right
Special Operator
 There are two special operator is there,
 1. instanceof
 2. selection operator (.)
person instanceof student
If it is true the object person belongs to the class
student; otherwise it is false.
Dot Operator:
// Reference to the variable age.
Person 1.salary () // Reference to the method salary()
If statement
import java.lang.*;
class if
public static void main (String args[])
int I, count, count1, count2;
float [] weight = { 45.10, 55.23, 47.25, 51.23, 54.23}
float [] height = { 176.23, 174.56, 168.23, 170.89, 168. 52}
count = 0;
count 1 = 0;
count2 = 0;
For (i =0; i <=4; i++)
if (weight[i] < 50.0 && height [i] > 170.0)
count1 = count1 + 1;
count = count + 1;
//Total Persons
count2 = count – count1;
System.out.println (“Number of persons with..”);
System.out.println (“Weight <50 and height > 170 =“
System.out.println (“Others =“ +count2);
Else If Ladder
class ladder
public static void main (String args[])
int rollNumber [] = {111, 222, 333, 444};
int marks [] = {81, 75, 43, 58}
for (int i =0; i <rollNumber. length; i++)
if (marks [i] >79)
System.out.println (rollNumber [i] + “Honors”);
else if (marks [i] > 59)
System.out.println (rollNumber [i] + “I Division”);
else if (marks [i] > 49
System.out.println (rollNumber [i] + “II Division”);
System.out.println (rollNumber [i] + “Fail ”);
Switch case
class guide
public static void main (String args [])
char ch;
System.out.println (“Select your Choice”);
System.out.println (“ M  Madras”);
System.out.println (“ B  Bombay”);
System.out.println (“ C  Calcutta”);
System.out.println (“ Please select any one”);
switch (ch = (char)System.in.read() )
case ‘M’:
case ‘m’:
System.out.println (“ Madras  Booklet 5”);
case ‘b’:
case ‘B’:
System.out.println (“ Bombay  Booklet7”);
case ‘C’
case ‘c’
System.out.println (“ Calcutta  Booklet 10”);
System.out.println (“ Invalid Choice”);
catch (Exception e )
System.out.println (“I/O Error”);
While Loop
class while
public static void main (String args [])
StringBuffer string = new StringBuffer ();
char c;
System.out.println (“Enter a string”);
while ( ( c = (char)System.in.read() ) != ‘\n’)
string.append (c);
Catch (Exception e)
System.out.println (“Error in input”);
System.out.println (“You have entered”);
System.out.println (string);
Enter a string
I am a good boy
You have entered
I am a good boy
class do
public static void main (String args [])
int row, column, y;
System.out.println (“Multiplication Table \n”);
row = 1;
column = 1;
y = row * column;
System.out.println (“ “ +y);
column = column + 1;
while (column <=3)
System.out.println (“\n”);
row = row + 1;
while (row <=3)
2 4
3 6
class for
public static void main (String args [])
long p;
int n;
double q;
System.out.println (“ 2 to power –n n
p = 1;
2 to power
for (n =0; n<10; ++n)
if (n == 0)
p = 1;
p = p * 2;
q = 1.0/ (double) p;
System.out.println (“ “ + q + “ “ +n “ “ +p);
 Output:
2 to power –n
2to power n
Class, Objects and Methods
 Java Program must be encapsulated in a class that
defines the state and behavior of the basic program
components knows as “Objects”
 In JAVA Program the data items are called fields and
the functions are called methods.
 “ class is a user defined data type with a template that
serves to define its properties. Once the class type has
been defined, we can create “variables” of that type
using declarations that are similar to the basic type
Define Class
 class classname [extends supercalssname]
[ variable declarations]
[ method declarations]
Adding Variables:
Data is encapsulated in a class by placing data
field inside the body of the class definition. These
variables are called ‘instance variable’. They are created
whenever an object of the class is instantiated.
Adding Methods
Type method name ( parameter – list)
method- body;
Basic idea of method declaration:
The name of the method.
The type of the value the method return.
A list of parameters.
The body of the method.
class rectangle
int length, width;
void getdata (int x, int y)
length = x;
width = y;
int rectArea ()
int area = length * width;
return (area);
Creating Objects
 Objects in Java are created using the new operator. The
new operator created an object of the specified class
and returns a reference to that object.
rectangle rect;
rect = new rectangle ();
rectangle rect = new rectangle ();
Accessing Class Members
 Objectname.varibale name;
 Objectname.methodname (parameter – list)
rect.length = 15;
rect.width = 10;
Calling Methods:
rect. getdata (10,15);
 The first one is, to access the instance variable using
the dot operator and compute the area.
int area = rect.length * rect.width;
The second one is, to call the method area declared
inside the class, That is
int area = rect1.area();
 Constructor have the same name as the class name
itself. They do not specify a return type, not even void.
This is because they return the instance of the class
rectangle (int x, int y)
length = x;
width = y;
Method Overloading
 In Java, it is possible to create methods that have the
same name, but different parameter lists and different
definitions. This is called method overloading. It is
used when objects are required to perform similar task
but using different input parameters.
class room
float length;
float breath;
room (float x, float y)
length = x;
breath = y;
room (float x)
length = breath = x;
int area ()
return (length * breath);
Static Members
 Lt us assume that we want to define a member that is
common to all the objects and accessed without using
a particular object. That is, the member belongs to the
class as a whole rather than the object created from the
class, Such members can be defined as follows:
static int count;
static int max (int x, int y);
The members that are declared static as shown above are
called static members. The static variables and static
methods are often refer to class variable, methods.
 The static variables, static methods can be called
without using the objects. They are also available for
use by other classes.
 Java class libraries contain a large number of class
methods. For example, the Math class of Java library
defines many static methods to perform math
operations that can be using in any program.
float x = Math.sqrt (25.0);
The method sqrt is a class method (or static method)
defined by Math class.
 The static methods are called using class names. In fat,
no objects have been created for use.
 They can only call other static methods.
 They can only access static data.
 They can not refer to this or super in any way.
 The mechanism of deriving a new class from an old
one is called inheritance. The old class is known as the
base class and super class or parent class and the new
one is called the subclass or derived class or child class.
1.Single inheritance (Only one Super class)
2. Multiple inheritance ( Several super class) here
knows as interface.
3. Hierarchical inheritance (One super class,
many subclass)
4. Multilevel inheritance (derived from a derived
Define Sub-Class
class subclass name extends super class
variables declaration ;
methods declaration ;
class Room
int length;
int breadth;
Room ( int x, int y)
length = x;
breadth = y;
int area ()
return (length * breadth)
class BedRoom extends Room
int height;
BedRoom (int x, int y, int z)
super (x,y);
height = z;
int volume ()
return (length * breadth * height)
class Test
{ public static void main (String args [])
BedRoom room = new BedRoom (14,12,10);
int area1 = room1.area ();
int volume1 = room1.volume ();
System.out.println (“Area1=“ +area1);
System.out.println (“Volume1=“+volume1);
Subclass Constructor
 Subclass constructor is used to construct the instance
variable of both the subclass and the super class.
 The subclass constructor used the keyword super to
invoke the constructor method of the super class.
 Super may only be used within a subclass constructor
 The call to super class constructor must appear as the
first statement within the subclass constructor.
 The parameters in the super call must match the order
and type of the instance variable declared in the super
Overriding Methods.
 There may be occasions when we want an object to
respond to the same method but different behavior
when that method is called. That means, we should
override the method defined in the super class.
 This is possible by defining a method in the subclass
that has the same name. same argument, and same
return type as a method in the super class.
 Then. When that method is called, the method
defined in the subclass is invoked and executed
instead of the one in the super class. This is known as
class super
int x;
super (int x)
this.x = x;
Void display ()
System.out.println (“Super X” +x);
class sub extends super
int y;
sub (int x, int y)
super (x);
this.y = y;
void display ()
System.out.println (“Super x =“ +x);
System.out.println (“Sub y = ” +y);
class override
public static void main (String args[])
sub s1 = new sub (100, 200(;
s1.dispaly ();
Final Class
 A class that can not be sub classed is called a final
class. This is achieved in Java using the keyword final.
final class Aclass
Finalizer Methods:
we have seen that a constructor method is used to
initialize an object when it is declared. This process is
known as initialization. Similarly, Java supports a
concept called finalization.
 Java run time is an automatic garbage collecting
system. It automatically frees up the memory
resources used by the objects. But objects may hold
the other non-objects resources such as file descriptors
or windows systems fonts.
 The garbage collector can not free these resources. In
order to free these we must use the Finalizer method.
This is similar to destructor in C++.
 The finalizer method is simply finalize() and can be
added to any class. Java calls that method whenever it
is about to reclaim the space for that object.
Abstract Methods and Class
 We have seen that by making a method final we ensure
that the method is not redefined in a subclass. That is,
the method can never be sub classed. Java allows us to
do something that is exactly opposite to this.
 That is, we can indicate that a method must always be
redefined in a subclass, thus making overriding
compulsory. This is done using the modifier keyword
abstract in the method definition.
abstract class shape
variables ;
abstract void draw ()
Access Modifiers (Visibility
Use public if the field is to be visible everywhere.
use protected if the field is to visible everywhere
in the current package and also subclass in other
Use default if the field is to be visible everywhere in
the current package only.
private protected:
Use private protected if the field is to visible only in
subclass, regardless of packages.
Use private if the field is not to be visible anywhere
except in its own class.
 Java provides an alternate approach known as
interfaces to support the concept of multiple
inheritance. Java class can not be a sub class of more
than one super class, it can implement more than one
interface, there by enabling us to create classes that
build upon other classes without the problems created
by multiple inheritance.
 An interface is basically a kind of class. Like classes,
interface contain methods and variables but with a
major difference.
 The difference is that interface define only abstract
methods and final fields. This means that interface do
not specify any code to implement these methods and
data fields contain only constants.
interface interface name
variables declaration;
methods declaration;
Variables and Method
static final type variable name = value;
return – type method name (parameter - list)
Interface item
static final int code = 1001;
static final String name = “Fan”
void display(); }
Extending Interface
 Interface can also be extended, that is an interface can
be sub interfaced from other interface. The new sub
interface will inherit all the members of the super
interface in the manner similar to sub classes.
 This is achieved using the keyword extends.
interface (name2) extends
(name 1)
Body of name2;
interface ItemConstants
int code = 1001;
String name = “Fan”;
Interface Item extends ItemConstants
void display ();
Implementing Interface
interface area
final static float pi = 3.14F;
float compute (float x, float y)
Class rectangle implements area
public float compute (float x, float y)
return (x * y);
class circle implements area
public float compute (float x, float y)
return (pi * x * x);
} }
class InterfaceTest
public static void main (String args[])
rectangle rect = new rectangle ();
circle cir = new circle ();
area area;
System.out.println (“Area of Rectangle =“
+area.compute (10,20));
System.out.println (“Area of the Circle =“ +area.compute
Exceptions Handling
 An exceptions is a condition that is caused by a run-
time error in the program.
 If we want a program to continue with the execution of
the remaining code, then we should try to catch the
exception object thrown by the error condition and
then display an appropriate message for taking
corrective actions. This task is known as Exception
 The purpose of exception handling mechanism is to
provide a means to detect and report an “exceptional
 Find the problem (Hit the exception).
 Inform that an error has occurred (Throw the
 Receive the error information (Catch the exception).
 Take corrective actions (Handle the exception).
Common Java Exceptions
Caused by math errors such as division by zero.
Caused by bad array indexes.
Caused when a program tries to store the wrong
type of data in an array.
Caused by an attempt to access a nonexistent file.
Caused by general I/O failures, such as inability to
read from the file.
Caused by referencing a null object.
Caused when a conversion between strings and
number fails.
Caused when there’s not enough memory to
allocate a new object.
Statement that causes an exception ( Exception object
Statement that handles the exception (Exception
class error
public static void main (String args [])
int a [] = {5,10};
int b = 5;
int x = a[2] / b – a[1];
catch (ArithmeticException e)
System.out.println (“Division by zero”) ;
catch (ArrayIndexOutofBoundException e)
System.out.println (“Array index error”);
System.out.println (“Wrong data type”);
int y = a[1] / a[0];
System.out.println (“Y = “ +y);
Using finally statement
 Java supports another statement known as finally
statement that can be used to handle an exception that
is not caught by any of the pervious catch statements.
finally block can be used to handle any exception
generated within a try block.
Multithreaded Programming
 Multithreading is a conceptual programming
paradigm where a program is divided into two or more
subprograms, which can be implemented at the same
time in parallel.
 The thread is similar to a program that has a single
flow of control.
Creating Threads
 Threads are implemented in the form of objects that
contain a method called run().
 The run() method should be invoked by an object of
the concerned thread.
 This can be achieved by creating the thread and
initiating it with the help of another thread method
called start().
 By creating a thread class:
Define a class that extends Thread class and
override its run() method with the code required by
the thread.
 By Converting a class to a thread:
Define a class that implements Runnable
interface. The Runnable interface has only one
method, run(), that is to be defined in the method
with the code to be executed by the thread.
Declaring the Class
class Mythread extends Thread
Implementing the run () method:
Public void run()
Starting New Thread
MyThread aThread = new MyThread ();
Stopping a Thread:
aThread.stop ();
This statement causes the thread to move to the dead
state. A thread will also move to the dead state
automatically when it reaches the end of its method.
Blocking a Thread
 A thread can also be temporarily suspended or blocked
from entering into the runnable and subsequently
running state by using either of the following thread
sleep ()
// Blocked for a specified time.
suspend () // Blocked until further orders.
wait ()
// Blocked until certain condition
Life Cycle of a Thread
 During the life time of a thread, there are many stated
it can enter,
1. Newborn state.
2. Runnable state.
3. Running state.
4. Blocked state.
5. Dead state.
Newborn State
 Schedule it for running using start () method.
 Kill it using stop () method.
Runnable State:
The runnable state means that the thread is ready for
execution and is waiting for the availability of the
processor. That is, the thread has joined the queue of
threads that are waiting for execution.
If we want a thread to relinquish control to another
thread of equal priority before its turn comes, we can
do so by using yield () method.
Running State
 Running means that the processor had give its time to
the thread for its execution.
 It had been suspended using suspend () method. A
suspended thread can be revived by using the resume
() method.
 It has been made to sleep, We can put a thread to sleep
for a specified time period using the method
sleep(time)where time is milliseconds. This means
that the thread is out of the queue during this time
period. The thread re-enters the runnable state as soon
as this time period is elapsed.
 It has been told to wait until some event occurs. This is
done using the wait () method. The thread can be
scheduled to run again using the notify () method.
Blocked State:
A thread is said to be blocked when it is prevented
from entering into the runnable state and
subsequently the running state. This happens when
the thread is suspended, sleeping or waiting in order
to satisfy certain requirements. A blocked thread is
considered “not runnable” but not dead and therefore
fully qualified to run again.
Dead State
 Every thread has a life cycle. A running thread ends its
life when it has completed executing its run () method.
A thread can be killed as soon as it is born, or while it
is running or even when it is in “not runnable”
(blocked) condition.
class A extends Thread
public void main ()
for (int I = 1; i<=5; i++)
if (i == 1)
yield ();
System.out.println (“\t From Thread A: I =“ +i);
System.out.println “Exit from A”); } }
class B extends Thread
public void run ()
for (int j =1; j<=5;j++)
System.out.println (\t From Thread N: j” +j);
if (j ==3)
stop ()
System.out.println (Exit from B”);
class C extends Thread
public void run ()
for (int k =1; k<=5; k++)
System.out.println (\t From Thread C: k=“ +k);
if (k ==1)
sleep (1000);
Catch (Exception e)
System.out.println (“Exit from C”);
class ThreadMethods
public static void main (String args [])
A threadA = new A;
B threadB = new B();
C threadC = new C();
System.out.println (“Start thread A”);
threadA.start ();
System.out.println (“Start thread B”);
threadB.start ();
System.out.println (“Start thread C”);
threadC.start ();
System.out.println (“End of Main Thread”);
Thread Exceptions
catch (ThreadDeath e)
// Killed thread
catch (InterruptedException e)
// Can not handle it in the current state
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
// Illegal method argument
catch (Exception e)
// Any other
Implementing the ‘RUNNABLE”
class x implements Runnable
public void main ()
for (int i = 1; i <=10; i++
System.out.println ( \t ThreadX:” +i)
System.out.println (End of ThreadX”);
class RunnableTest
public static void main (String args [])
X runnable = new X();
Thread threadX = new Thread 9runnable);
System.out.println (End of Main Thread”);