MULTIDIMENSIONAL CHROMATOGRAPHY Jiří ŠEVČÍK Prague, the Czech Republic 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL ABOUT UNCERTAINTY MULTIDIMENSIONALITY INFORMATION CONTENT MULTIDIMENSIONAL HW 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL PROBLEMS of measurements residual error of a complex response model n Y a (bi X i ) i 1 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL PROBLEMS of measurements extremly high number of isomers low concentration levels 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL missing - standards - generally valid QSPR models limited hardware possibilities DESCRIPTORS of measurement MEASUREMENT LIMITED QUANTIFIED BY residual error of response model standards BY ultimate uncertainty reproducibility QSPR models additivity of probability hardware information content information based instrumentation identification 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL what is ULTIMATE UNCERTAINTY causality ultimate uncertainty 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL EXPRESSING UU for one-dimensional system UU 1 Pn Zn 1/ N 1 rij 1 Rij n 4 rij 1 rij 1 1 UU Zn 4 Rij r ij 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL EXPRESSING UU / / t j ti t Zn UU 2 w j 4 ti / t 1/ n 2t / t 1 i t / t n i UU is determined by system efficiency (for one-dimensional system) 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL PROBABILITY of the retention position x position l mean component density P x l e lx x 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL PROBABILITY of the difference in the retention position x0 difference a saturation factor of sep space X x0 P x x0 l e lx dx 1 e lx0 1 e a 0 x0 t1 t2 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL PEAK CAPACITY nc peak capacity a saturation factor of sep space X x0 1 a lx0 m m X nc x0 t1 t2 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL PEAK CAPACITY in isothermal mode peak width = (a+btx) t a b t2 n 21 1 nc 1 dt 1 ln 4R t t bR a b t1 1 x0 t1 t2 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL PEAK CAPACITY in a linear temperature program mode peak width = (a) t2 1 1 1 nc 1 dt 1 t2 t1 Rt w w R 1 x0 t1 t2 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL PEAK CAPACITY comparison of operation modes peak capacity The effect of the chromatografic conditions on the peak capacity in a one-dimensional system (for R=1 and k<1;10>) 1 000 500 0 0 80 000 plate number isothermal 020213GK temp.program MDCH-GENERAL 160 000 PROBABILITY of peak overlapping n compounds Pn e 2a in 1 e x0 t1 t2 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL x0 a n 1 PROBABILITY of peak clusters overlapping pn number of clusters with the same number of compounds pn m Pn p m e 2a a 1 e n n 1 x0 t1 t2 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL m e a CLUSTERS (n-tets) in one-dimensional chromatography Počet singletů v n-tetech 35 30 1 2 25 3 20 4 5 15 6 10 7 5 8 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL 100000 90000 80000 Počet teoretických pater 10 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 9 20000 10000 0 n-tet WHAT is the chromatographic dimension chromatography (a constant value of KD) switching (a straight inlet-separation-detector) 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL WHAT is multidimensional chromatography (within one run changes of KD for the same analyte) switching (within one run multiplication of any part of trajectory inlet-separation-detector) 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL WHAT is hyphenation can be multi-d-chromatography (HPLC-GC) can be multi-d-switching (FID-MS) interface of different techniques 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL PEAK CLUSTERS in multidimesional chromatography pn number of clusters with the same number of compounds 2d a d 2d a d d m pn e 1 e n pd 2d ad m e 2d a d 1 e KD2 2d a d KD1 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL n 1 KD3 PEAK CAPACITY in multidimesional chromatography nc(d) maximum number of separated peaks 2d d d nc d 1 nci d 2 i 1 2 KD2 KD1 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL KD3 RELATIVE PEAK DENSITY in multidimensional chromatography _ p/m 1 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 4-D 3-D 2-D 1-D 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 0 020213GK 1 2 3 _ log(m) MDCH-GENERAL 4 5 6 7 WHAT is the information content uncertainty (entropy) prior to an experiment and after it probability that some input and output events will happen 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL WHAT is the information content input P(Ii) prior to an experiment - there is an analyte i output P(Ok) after the experiment – there will be a measurable signal (larger than LOD) conditional probability 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL CONDITIONAL PROBABILITIES P(Ok/Ii) there will be the output - measurable signal larger than LOD when there will be the analyte i as the input P(Ii/Ok) there will be the analyte i as the input when there will be the output - measurable signal larger than LOD P Ok P Ii / Ok P Ok P Ii / Ok P Ok / Ii m P Ii P Ok P Ii / Ok k 1 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL PROBABILITIES in chromatography output/input relation output prob aposteriory probability m m k P(Ok/Ii) P(Ii/Ok) P(Ok) k 1 1 apriori probability 1 1 P(Ii) 1 020213GK i n MDCH-GENERAL 1 i n UNCERTAINTY (ENTROPY) of a priori status H(I) prior to an analysis a posteriori status H(I/Ok) after the signal Ok has been measured a posteriori status H(I/O) after the analysis has been performed 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL UNCERTAINTY (ENTROPY) of a priori status H(I) prior to an analysis n H I P Ii ld P Ii i 1 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL UNCERTAINTY (ENTROPY) of a posteriori status H(I/Ok) after the signal Ok has been measured n H I / Ok P Ii / Ok ld P Ii / Ok i 1 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL UNCERTAINTY (ENTROPY) of a posteriori status H(I/O) after the analysis has been performed H I / O m P Ok H I / Ok k 1 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL INFORMATION CONTENT the difference between uncertainties before and after the analysis has been carried out I I / O H I H I / O multidimensional I I / d Id I / O I d d 1 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL INFORMATION CONTENT ways of quantification integration assumption of the normal distribution of the data and of the measuring error a histogram an approach based on maximum peak capacity an approach based on real peak capacity 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL QUANTIFICATION using peak capacity separation system configuration (efficiency, selectivity, operational modes) sample composition (number of compounds, chromatographic similiarities and overlap) tmax log tmin I ld nmax ld R log1 n 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL INFORMATION CONTENT in multidimensional chromatography mode IXFR IMON 020213GK expression [bit] 1 2 2 2 2 1 A2 1 A1 1 RI n2 ld n1 3 to 8 4 A A 100 2 1 1 A1 1 I XFR ld n1 4 A1 MDCH-GENERAL 5 to 11 INFORMATION based GC INSTRUMENTATION multidimensional column systems IF (RIA)i= a THEN (RIA)k= c AND (RIA)k= d hyphenated techniques P(SA)k <<>> P(SB)k expert systems lim Σ(ε)i= 0 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL multidimensional chromatography SYSTEMS serial parallel KD1 <> KD2 <> KDd 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL multidimensional chromatography SERIAL SYSTEMS recycle comprehensive tandem 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL SWITCHING MODES in multidimensional chromatography SFL solvent-flush XFR transfer MON monitoring BFL back-flush TRP trapping RJN re-injecton 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL PROCESS OF IDENTIFICATION matching actual found pattern with true one - peak identification (noise reduction, integration, deconvolution) - peak correlation (similarity link) - analyte identification (match with standards) redundant information content m A P Ai P Si P i Si 1 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL I S obt I S req 1 MS-SIM separation of GC non separated isomers 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL FUTURE INSTRUMENTATION principle of additivity of partial probabilities lim Pi 1 i 1 2 UU f (i , Pi , r ij ) 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL FUTURE INSTRUMENTATION HW miniaturization SW deconvolution routines multidimensional statistics 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL ABOUT UNCERTAINTY MULTIDIMENSIONALITY INFORMATION CONTENT MULTIDIMENSIONAL HW 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL MULTIDIMENSIONAL chromatography is the analytical approach to the Bohr principle of complementarity. 020213GK MDCH-GENERAL .