Practical Considerations for designing Road Tunnel Public address Systems Peter J Patrick Genesis Governments world wide have legislated intelligibility into the requirements for audio announcement systems for emergency / evacuation control. This applies to all situations and locations - including public road tunnels, bus-way tunnels and associated egress tunnels Design Environment • In spite of the critical nature of the announcement system in tunnels the cost of the system is small in overall terms. • Project managers in the past have not understood the level of expertise required. • Designs have been provided by manufacturers distributors and others but the outcomes have not been meritorious. • In fact few if any Australian Tunnels appear to have been equipped with announcement systems which meet the requirements of AS 1670.4 The Tunnel itself Cable Tray Painted smooth concrete Jet fan Jet fan Vitreous Enamelled Steel “Architectural Panels” Roadway Pre Cast smooth natural Concrete What’s the required Outcome ? 1.0 “Excellent” 0.75 “Good” 0.6 “Fair” 0.5 0.45 “Poor” 0.3 “Bad” Design Procedure in common use EASE & EASERA were used in this investigation - CATT and Odeon should give the same or similar results Including Noise levels Alternative method Pink Noise gen Graphic Equaliser Audio Signal Mixer Factors affecting the outcome • Reverberation • Noise • Early / Late energy ratio • Loudspeaker arrivals • Reverberant decay • Echoes • Masking • Fidelity • Distortion The STIPa test for STI Figure 2. Easera SysTune Display - Spectra produced by STIpa test signal generator (NTi Audio MR-PRO) STI Rating Masking with increasing SPL Figure 3. SPL vs STI reading according to NTI Audio, XL2 Creating an Accurate Model Reverberation Time The influence of open tunnel ends Figure 4. Graph showing proportion of total tunnel surface occupied by ends vs. length in metres for three tunnel sizes. Putting that another way Avge α vs Length for wall alpha of 0.01 Tunnel cross section 10m (H) * 20 m (W) 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 Avge α 0.06 0.04 0.02 1350 1250 1150 1050 950 850 750 650 550 450 350 250 150 50 0 The influence of surface material choice Figure 5. Reverberation Time vs. wall absorption coefficient Reverberation Time in Seconds in increments of 0.005 from .005 to 0.2 Combining the effects 30.00 Road Tunnel α = .015 Road Tunnel α = .02 Road Tunnel α = .025 Bus Tunnel α = .015 Bus Tunnel α = .02 Bus Tunnel α = .025 20.00 Egress Tunnel α = .015 Egress Tunnel α = .02 Egress Tunnel α = .025 15.00 Egress Tunnel α = .05 10.00 5.00 Tunnel Length in Metres 20,000 16,000 12,500 10,000 8,000 6,300 5,000 4,000 3,150 2,500 2,000 1,600 1,250 1,000 800 630 500 400 315 250 200 160 125 100 80 63 0.00 50 Reverberation Time in Seconds 25.00 Translating Absorption coefficient to Direct/Reverberant outcomes D-R Ratio vs Abs. Coefficient for 2 Km Tunnel w source in centre 40 D-R ratio in dB, RT60 in seconds 30 20 RT60 in Seconds 10 D/R 1m from source D/R 10m from source 0 0.6 .55 0.5 .45 0.4 .35 0.3 .25 0.2 .15 -10 -20 Absorption Coefficient in .01 steps 0.1 0.05 D/R 50m from source And the effect on STI Outcomes But at this end of the scale an error of 0.1 in á value produces an STI error of 0.08 At this end of the scale an error of 0.1 in á value produces an STI error of 0.2 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 STI *100, 10m from source STI *100, 50m from source Absorption Coefficient in .01 increments 0.05 0.1 .15 0.2 .25 0.3 .35 0.4 .45 .5 .55 RT60 in Seconds *3 0.6 STI * 100, RT60 * 3 STI Vs Abs Coefficient for 2Km Tunnel w source in centre A closer look at the relationship between RT60 and STI STI vs RT60 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.6 0.55 STI 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 Reverberation Time in seconds 6.66 6.33 6 5.66 5.33 5 4.66 4.33 4 3.66 3.33 3 2.66 2.33 2 1.66 1.33 1 0.3 0.66 STI reading 0.65 Noise Data Octave In Shed Corrected for Free Field 63 Hz 80.1 78.4 125 Hz 81.1 81 250 Hz 85.6 86.6 500 Hz 77.4 78.8 1,000 Hz 79.5 78.2 2,000 Hz 78.9 78.5 4,000 Hz 75 75.2 8,000 Hz 70.1 71.8 Table 1. Noise data provided by client showing octave band noise levels for a typical axial fan System Topography Location naming convention L1 1/2 L1 Seat 1 1/2 L1 Seat 2 Approximate Centre of Tunnel under test Testing anechoic models Isotropic Loudspeaker spacing vs STI STI foR seat directly below centre loudspeaker (S1) 0.96 STI for seat betw een central loudspeakers (S2) 0.94 0.9 0.88 Figure 8. Loudspeaker spacing vs. STI in anechoic environment - isotropic radiators 0.86 Loudspeaker separation in m etres 10m 9.5m 9m 8.5m 8m 7.5m 7m 6.5m 6.0m 5.5m 5.25m 5.0m 4.5m 4.0m 3.5m 0.84 3.0m STI reading 0.92 STI vs spacing for horn speakers 0.91 STI for seat directly below centre loudspeaker (S1) 0.905 STI for seat between central loudspeakers (S2) 0.895 0.89 0.885 0.88 0.875 0.87 0.865 Loudspeaker separation in metres 20.0m 19.0m 18.0m 17.0m 16.0m 15.0m 14.0m 13.0m 12.0m 11.0m 10.0m 9.0m 8.0m 7.0m 6.0m 5.0m 0.86 4.0m Calculated STI reading 0.9 Echo Criteria Echo Criteria for increasing loudspeaker spacing - single spaced spheres and double spaced, back to back horns 1.6 1.4 1.2 Echo Criteria directly below sphere (S1) 1 Echo Criteria between spheres (S2) 0.8 0.6 Echo Criteria directly below Horn (S1) 0.4 Echo Criteria between Horns (S2) 0.2 10.0 / 20m 9.5 / 19m 9 / 18m 8.5 / 17m 8 / 16m 7.5 / 15m 7 / 14m 6.5 / 13m 6.0 / 12m 5.5 / 11m 5.0 / 10m 4.5 / 9.0m 4.0 / 8.0m 3.5 / 7.0m 3.0 / 6.0m 0 Level where untrained listeners perceive an echo Level where trained listeners perceive an echo Echoic Egress Tunnel tests Echoic Egress Tunnel tests Loudspeakers in 40m spaced line 118ms delay Loudspeakers back to back in 40m spaced line no delay Loudspeakers in 20m spaced line no delay Anechoic Road Tunnel System Tests Spheres Small Horns Medium Horns Large Horns Premium Infinite Horns Boundary Echo Criteria Seat 1 1.15 1.58 1.33 1.36 1.16 0.92 Echo Criteria Seat 2 1.32 1.7 1.33 1.34 1.23 1.15 STI Seat 1 0.663 0.608 0.587 0.584 0.576 0.75 STI Seat 2 0.735 0.64 0.608 0.593 0.572 0.696 Centre Time Seat 1 52ms 85ms 113ms 116ms 118ms 31ms Centre Time Seat 2 37ms 60ms 89ms 93ms 94ms 47ms Spheres Small Horns Medium Horns Large Horns Echo Criteria Seat 1 2.14 2.75 2.52 2.55 2.07 1.65 Echo Criteria Seat 2 2.36 3.41 2.56 2.52 2.26 2.37 STI Seat 1 0.862 0.737 0.71 0.69 0.646 0.872 STI Seat 2 0.77 0.739 0.685 0.686 0.705 0.755 Centre Time Seat 1 17ms 72ms 125ms 137ms 144ms 18ms Centre Time Seat 2 40ms 45ms 55ms 55ms 59ms 44ms Spheres Small Horns Medium Horns Large Horns Echo Criteria Seat 1 2.92 3.83 2.94 2.76 2.45 1.14 Echo Criteria Seat 2 2.97 4.27 3.43 3.17 2.81 0.55 STI Seat 1 0.887 0.873 0.928 0.93 0.918 0.963 STI Seat 2 0.576 0.813 0.878 0.898 0.923 0.998 Centre Time Seat 1 44ms 35ms 22ms 20ms 17m s 27ms Centre Time Seat 2 108ms 45ms 19ms 16ms 13m s 11ms Premium Infinite Horns Boundary Premium Infinite Horns Boundary Effects of Added Noise I 20 m Back to 118ms Sequential delay spaced back 40m Medium Medium Medium Large Premium Horns Horns Horns Horns Horns STI Seat 1 0.505 0.617 0.736 0.732 0.751 STI Seat 2 0.533 0.595 0.686 0.698 0.758 Table 3. STI from anechoic tests with octave band noise Comparison of test methods 20 m spaced medium horns No Noise XL2 With Noise No Noise Meas Easera Calc Easera calc STI Seat 1 0.587 0.57 0.505 STI Seat 2 0.608 0.57 0.533 40 m spaced Back to back medium horns With Noise XL2 Meas .5 * .51 * No Noise XL2 With Noise With Noise No Noise Meas Easera Calc XL2 Meas Easera calc STI Seat 1 0.71 0.64 0.617 .57 * STI Seat 2 0.685 0.65 0.595 .61 * 40 m spaced sequential delay premium horns No Noise XL2 With Noise With Noise No Noise Meas Easera Calc XL2 Meas Easera calc STI Seat 1 0.918 0.93 0.751 0.76 * STI Seat 2 0.923 0.94 0.758 .86 * * - readings obtained by adding signal and noise and adjusting total level to ~ 70 dB(A) Table 3. STI from anechoic tests with octave band noise Echoic Road Tunnel Model is :• 20m (W) * 10m (H) * 1050m (L) • Walls, Floor & Ceiling à = 0.05, ends absorbers Road Tunnel Echoic test results same loudspeakers - three topographies STI EkGrad 20m horns Seat 1 Seat 2 0.23 0.24 1.43 1.1 40m B-B Seat 1 Seat 2 0.31 0.27 1.21 0.98 40m sequential delay Seat 1 Seat 2 0.62 0.61 0.68 0.67 Each Echoic test took ~ 7 days in a standard ray trace routine. That’s three weeks testing for six listener seats and three system designs. The effect of Noise Sources Seat 1 Seat 2 Distance v s SPL for direct & rev erberant sound 90 85 Direct SPL Reverbera nt SPL 75 70 65 60 Distance in m 22 19 16 13 10 7 4 55 1 dB SPL 80 Straight Tunnel Time Alignment 110ms 0ms 110ms 125ms 250ms 220ms 30ms between first and last arrival Curved Tunnel Time Alignment 50m radius curve 110ms 0ms 125ms 110ms 250ms 203ms 47ms between first and last arrival Loudspeaker Fidelity Figure 13. Easera Display of Frequency response of common use horn speaker from Ease/ Easera IR Transfer Speaker #1 @ 4, 8, 12 & 20m Speaker #2 @ 4, 8, 12 & 20m Speaker #3 @ 4, 8, 12 & 20m • The native behavior of any sound system topography should be first proven in an anechoic environment before implementing in a tunnel environment. • Each large, fixed noise source, should be complemented with a nearby companion loudspeaker. to maximise signal to noise ratio. The distance between these companion loudspeakers should then form the basis for the rest of the design so that the string of intermediate loudspeakers is set at equidistant intervals between fans. • Whilst the down-tilt of the loudspeakers was treated arbitrarily in this document it is nonetheless a critical feature to be optimised in any design to suit the height of the loudspeaker and geometry of the tunnel • Any model of a tunnel should include the full dimensions, particularly tunnel length, wherever possible. The reliability of calculations made relate to the proportion of tunnel length modeled as shown in figures 4 & 6. Significantly truncated tunnels will produce significantly optimistic calculated outcomes. • It is unlikely that highly reliable calculations can be made in the presence of the hostile acoustic environment found in long tunnels as currently built. Calculations based on structures composed of material data sets of insufficient accuracy as described in figure 5 and associated text, are likely to render outcomes at substantial variance with the final result. • Computer resource restrictions remain a serious obstacle to the derivation of detailed design work. The statistical analysis calculation engines deliver reasonable outcomes in a short space of time for plain distributed systems but can not accommodate a sequential delay system. Detailed analysis of sequential delay systems may take months to conclude using common ray trace technology. Computer cloud systems where a subscriber uploads a model to a large networked computer system may be available in the near future. • Time alignment of sequential delay systems must be critically adjusted where road curvature is encountered. • Loudspeaker selection should include examination of frequency response to reconcile equalisation needs with system dynamics and STI requirements. Equalisation must be done by measuring at several locations. Finally In general it is unlikely that ‘good’ levels of intelligibility will ever be delivered in a road tunnel audio system until some measure of control over reverberation time is available. The use of sound absorbing concrete, unpainted blockwork or some similar product with absorption coefficients of the order of 0.1 would add a significant measure of sabins to the quota presently found, substantially improve the outcome, and improve the reliability of the modeling process.