Routers: Read: Chapter 7 – Denial of Service Second Edition by William Stallings and Lawrie Brown Lecture slides by Susan Lincke & Lawrie Brown Objectives Objectives: The student shall be able to: Define and describe the advantage of ingress filtering, egress filtering, black hole filtering, direct broadcast filtering, unicast reverse path forwarding. Write CISCO commands to (for example): Prevent tcp packets with port numbers ranging between 135 to 139 into the network from or to any IP address and log any violations. Write two commands to establish a state-driven evaluation that allows only outgoing tcp connections to be established Write ACLs in the correct order to configure a secure and efficient interface. Save the active configuration to non-volatile memory (Not 2012) Classic Denial of Service Attacks can use simple flooding ping from higher capacity link to lower causing loss of traffic source of flood traffic easily identified TCP Connection Handshake SYN Spoofing common attack attacks ability of a server to respond to future connection requests overflowing tables used to manage them hence an attack on system resource SYN Spoofing Attack Types of Flooding Attacks classified based on network protocol used ICMP Flood uses ICMP packets, e.g. echo request typically allowed through, some required UDP Flood alternative uses UDP packets to some port TCP SYN Flood use TCP SYN (connection request) packets but for volume attack DDoS Control Hierarchy Distributed Denial of Service Attacks have limited volume if single source used multiple systems allow much higher traffic volumes to form a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack often compromised PC’s / workstations zombies with backdoor programs installed forming a botnet e.g. Tribe Flood Network (TFN), TFN2K Reflection Attacks further variation creates a self-contained loop between intermediary and target fairly easy to filter and block Amplification Attacks Send to Broadcast IP address: FF FF DoS Attack Defenses high traffic volumes may be legitimate result of high publicity, e.g. “slash-dotted” or to a very popular site, e.g. Olympics etc or legitimate traffic created by an attacker three lines of defense against (D)DoS: attack prevention and preemption attack detection and filtering attack source traceback and identification Attack Prevention Src= block spoofed source addresses IP on routers as close to source as possible still far too rarely implemented rate controls in upstream distribution nets Slow down the originator or ‘upstream’ e.g. some packet types: ICMP, some UDP, TCP/SYN use modified TCP connection handling use SYN cookies or encoded sequence # when table full or selective or random drop when table full Attack Prevention block IP directed broadcasts block suspicious services & combinations manage application attacks with “puzzles” to distinguish legitimate human requests: e.g., CAPTCHA good general system security practices: e.g., hardened system use mirrored and replicated servers when highperformance and reliability required Router Interfaces Interfaces are named according to their speeds: Ethernet = 10bT FastEthernet = 100bT GBICethernet or GbEthernet = 1000bT Serial = WAN CSU/DSU (with command: clockrate 56000) 0 or 1 = on fixed format routers this is interface 0 or 1 0/0 = On Modular routers (which ours are) this is the first port on the first card of the router... 0/1 = Second port first card 1/0 = second card first port Example: On some routers you can have the following interfaces: Ethernet 0 FastEthernet 0/0 FastEthernet 0/1 FastEthernet 0/2 FastEthernet 0/3 GBICethernet 0/0 GBICEthernet 1/0 Router Configuration FastEthernet 0/0 Internet In Out Ingress Filtering Egress Filtering Net Filter In Net Filter Out FastEthernet 0/1 LAN Filter In LAN Filter Out In Out LAN Unicast Reverse Path Filtering Ingress Filtering Ingress Filtering: Filter packets coming from Internet into the zoned network Protect against flooding, malicious activity from network Filter IP addresses:,,,,,,, Unicast Reverse Path Filtering: Prevents spoofing. Further addresses listed at: Egress Filtering Egress Filtering: Filter packets leaving internal network or zone towards internet Prevents spoof or other attacks from affecting other networks Rules: Default Permit: “That which is not expressly forbidden is permitted” Default Deny: “That which is not expressly permitted is forbidden” Which would be used for Ingress Filtering, Egress Filtering? Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding Prevent Forgery/Spoofing: Block packets from outside with source IP Addresses = inside Source addresses can be verified against the routing table, by checking the IP address range from whence the packet arrived access-list 110 deny ip any any log-input ip cef #Enable Cicso Express Forwarding interface Ethernet 0 ip verify unicast reverse-path 110 Direct Broadcast Filtering Disable broadcast destination IP addresses no ip direct-broadcast Smurf attack: Send SYN to broadcast address – all reply with SYN/ACK to origination IP address Routing techniques Black Hole Filtering: Net Police Filter: Create routes to the null Prevents routes larger than 20 or interface (null0) for specific IP addresses E.g., Non-existent addresses Avoid looping: We forward all 128.n.n.n to you – but you don’t have and forward it back to us. 24 bit masking Ensures routing table does not get too big, thereby slowing routing down Other CISCO routing commands If Routing configured well, turn off: ICMP Redirects: “Don’t send to me – I’ll send it back to you anyway” no ip redirects Source Routing: Source endpoint dictates packet’s route no ip source-route UWP Lab Configuration Border Router: Accepts or rejects based on IP/Port address Proxy: Application-level control: web & file transfer Switch: Routes to Subnet Router: Access to/from Subnet Subnet 10.2.1.n Subnet 10.3.1.n R o u t e r R o u t e r S w it c h Border Router Proxy To Internet IP Routing no ip direct-broadcast deny ip any log ip verify unicast reverse-path permit ip any no ip source-route deny ip any log Src= Subnet 10.2.1.n Dest= Dest= Subnet 10.3.1.n R o u t e r R o u t e r S w it c h Border Router To Internet Dest= Proxy Standard ACL format: (Checks source IP addresses) access-list <number> <permit/deny> <sourceIP> [wildcard] where <number> = 1-99 or 1300-1999 Example: Checks that all outgoing packets from a subnet have valid IP source addresses: access-list 2 permit access-list 2 permit (same – not allowed) Example: Checks that all incoming packets from the network have a valid source IP address (do not have an address with a first byte of 10): access-list 3 deny Extended ACL format: (Checks source & dest IP & Port addresses) access-list <number> <permit/deny> <protocol> <sourceIP> [wildcard] [src-port] <destIP> [wildcard] [dest-port] [other-options] where <number> = 100-199 or 2000-2699 Example: Do not allow any TCP packets with port numbers between 135-139 (with ‘any’ source or destination IP addresses): access-list 101 deny tcp any any range 135 139 log Example: Permit UDP packets to destination host with destination port number 600: access-list 102 permit udp any host eq 600 Reflexive ACL format: (Only allow outgoing sessions in this service) Uses a state table to track state of session. Uses more CPU and memory than other formats. Works only with services that use a single transport connection (e.g., not active FTP.) The following rule requests that the state be tracked for the indicated connections: <permit/deny> tcp <sourceIP> [wildcard] [port] <destination> [wildcard] [port] reflect <rulename> The following command indicates that reply sessions (not-initiated) only are allowed in this direction: SYN Reflect evaluate <rulename> Example: Only permit outgoing SSH sessions: Evaluate SYN-ACK Out Direction: permit tcp any any eq 22 reflect ssh-filter In Direction: evaluate ssh-filter Rules must be specified in a named access-list. ACK Router Interfaces FastEthernet 0/0 In FastEthernet 0/1 Router Out Network Out In LAN/ Terminals Each interface has rules for its input and output Rules are processed in order. Therefore, most common rules should be specified first for best performance. If an ICMP message is returned to the TCP SSH connect request, we won’t get it. Named Access Lists: (Grouped rules) An alternate way to specify rules is by grouping them into an access-list, and naming the access list: ip access-list extended FilterOut permit tcp any any eq 22 reflect ssh-filter deny tcp any eq ftp any range 0 1024 permit udp any host eq ftp-data deny udp any any range 0 1024 ! (Note: all other access implicitly denied) ip access-list extended FilterIn evaluate ssh-filter FilterOut Named Access List Definition FilterIn Named Access List Associating an Access List with an Interface The access-list is then associated with an interface: interface FastEthernet 0/0 ip address ip access-group FilterIn in ip access-group FilterOut out Cisco Router: Access Control Lists <permit/deny> <protocol> <sourceIP> [wildcard] [src-port] <destIP> [wildcard] [dest-port] [other-options] deny tcp any any range 135 139 log permit udp any host eq 600 <permit/deny> <sourceIP> [wildcard] [port] <destination> [wildcard] [port] reflect <rulename> Example: ip access-list extended FilterOut permit tcp any any eq 22 reflect sshfilter permit tcp any any eq 80 deny tcp any any range 0 1024 deny tcp any any gt 1024 deny udp any any range 0 1024 ! ip access-list extended FilterIn evaluate ssh-filter permit tcp any any eq 80 Example FilterOut Evaluate for efficiency & protection: ip access-list extended FilterOut permit tcp any reflect tcp-filter permit udp any reflect udp-filter permit icmp any reflect icmp-filter evaluate smtp-filter deny ip any any log Router Internet in out out in Inner Network Static versus Reflexive: Use static for absolutes: blocking private IP addresses, or specific protocols: SNMP, ping. Static is faster than Reflexives. E.g., permit tcp any any eq 80 Use Reflexives when necessary: Outgoing connections only are allowed. permit icmp any reflect icmp-filter evaluate smtp-filter Router Modes for User Interface > enable User Mode # configure Privileged Mode # disable Configuration Mode # (config) exit interface router … User mode: User can view information but cannot change anything. Router> Privileged mode: Supports modifications to routing tables, use of test and debug commands, and access to configuration modes. To enter and exit Privileged mode, use commands enable and disable. Router> enable Router# disable Router Modes for User Interface > enable User Mode # configure Privileged Mode # disable Configuration Mode # (config) exit interface router … Global configuration mode: Used to enter one-line configuration (or routing) commands. To enter Configuration mode, use commands configure and exit. At console, specify config terminal: Router# config terminal Router(config)# Configuration mode has a number of submodes: interface, router, subinterface, controller, map-list, map-class, line. Router(config)# interface ethernet 0 Router(config-if)# exit Router(config) Getting Help Tab: Complete command for me ?: Show commands, options Example: Router# clock ? set Set the time and date Router# clock set ? Current Time (hh : mm : ss) Configuration Files Two configuration files exist: 1. RAM=running-config 2. NVRAM=startup-config configure terminal console or VTerm show running config Running-config: What the erase startuprouter uses. config NVRAM configure memory Commands to the config file change this file. Beta test copy running-config all configurations before Bit bucket startup-config storing to nonvolatile (NV) copy tftp startup-config RAM: NVRAM. copy tftp running-config Startup-config: The file the tftp server router uses after it boots. copy running-config tftp RAM Table of CISCO Keywords in Routing Commands Keyword access-list any banner deny description eq Meaning Special Notes Privileged mode: Establish a rule Example: Format for 1-99, 1300-1999: access-list 3 deny any log access-list <num> <permit/deny> <sourceIP> access-list 101 deny tcp any any <wildcard> range 135 139 log Format for 100-199, 2000-2699: See above. Any IP address is accepted Value = Privileged mode: Example: Sets the default banner upon login banner # Access restricted to UWP system administrators # ACL Command mode: Deny these packets Example: deny icmp any host Interface Command mode: Assign a description to an interface Equal: Match a port address Description Engineering LAN Example: deny tcp any any eq telnet CISCO Table (2) established evaluate host hostname Check to make sure SYN bit is not on. Example: Use reflexive rules instead. access-list 100 permit tcp any any established ACL Command mode: Check a Format: reflexive rule. Ensure connection is evaluate <rule> active before accepting packets. Reflexive rule is created with ‘reflect’ keyword. Check all bits: expect an exact match Value = for IP address Example: deny icmp any host Config mode: Changes name of router, and default prompt. interface ip access-list ip access-group ip address line CISCO Table (3) Privileged mode, sets Config mode Example: Define an interface. Can include a set of interface FastEthernet 0/0 commands ending with a ip access-group 135 in ! ! Privileged mode: Example: Establish a set of rules as an access-list ip access-list extended filtrout permit tcp any any Privileged mode: Example: Match a rule or access list to a router port. interface Ethernet0 ip access-group 135 in ! This applies rule 135 to inward-bound packets for the Ethernet0 interface Config mode: Example: Assign an IP address to an interface. ip address Placed within interface ! command Privileged mode, sets Line mode: Enter Example: permitted methods to access router: line vty 0 4 Aux, con, vty, … See more extensive documentation for details CISCO Table (4) log log-input no ip <option> Log any matches to this rule Log-input: Also record layer 2 address Privileged mode (usually): Disallow options: directed-broadcast source-route finger Example: deny tcp any any eq 1024 log Example: no ip directed-broadcast no ip source-route no ip finger permit ACL command mode: Allow these packets Example: permit tcp any any eq 65 range Match a port address to a range reflect Remark Example: range 135 139 ACL command mode: Specify a reflexive rule: permit <protocol> <sourceIP> Save the state of the session relating to this <destIP> reflect <name> protocol, source and dest IP address. Check state when evaluate command specified ACL command mode: Comment remark This is a comment CISCO Table (5) show running-config show startup-config shutdown no shutdown tcp udp icmp-echo telnet ftp ftp-data Privileged Mode: Show the currently active configuration file. Privileged Mode: Show the configuration file that will become active next time the router reboots. Interface config mode: Turns an interface off and back on. Specific protocol name matches Example: permit tcp … permit icmp … A configuration Subnet 10.2.1.n Subnet 10.3.1.n R o u T e r R o u T e r S w it c h Main Router To Internet Router Configuration Eth 01: computer Eth 00: network Tty: terminal The configuration we will set up is as follows: Subnet Router Main Router Rest of World Subnet Router Ethernet 0/1 Ethernet 0/0 Review Attack name Attack characteristics Router/Firewall Technique Flood or DDOS Attack If uses Spoofed address ip verify unicast reversepath Controlling flow Reflection Attack Uses spoofed address ip verify unicast reversepath Controlling flow Amplification Attack Uses Broadcast IP address no ip direct-broadcast Worm, Illegal packets Invalid port or IP address permit tcp any any eq 22 no ip source-route Invalid port or IP address in incoming direction permit tcp any reflect tcpfilter