Experimental Investigation of Supercavitating Flows Byoung-Kwon Ahn*, Tae-Kwon Lee, Hyoung-Tae Kim and Chang-Sup Lee Dept. of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering College of Engineering, Chungnam National Univ. CONTENTS 1 Background 2 General Features: Numerical Results 3 Experimental Observations 4 Conclusions 2 BACKGROUND Super-cavitation Drag in water = 103 x Drag in air Greatly increased speed by significant reduction of the drag Conventional Torpedo: less than 55knots Super-cavitating Torpedo: more than 200knots 3 BACKGROUND 4 Super-cavitating Torpedo (Russia) Shkval Early 1990s Length: 8.2m Diameter: 533mm Weight: 2700kg Warhead weight: 210kg Opt. Range: 7km Speed: 200 + knots Thrust vectoring Shkval II VA-111 Shkval BACKGROUND Super-cavitating Torpedo (Germany & USA) Barracuda (Germany) • 350+α knots SuperCav (US Navy) • under-development 5 BACKGROUND Key technologies of Super-Cavitating Torpedo (ONR) 6 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 7 Developed Numerical Method: • Ideal (Incompressible, Inviscid) flow + Irrotational flow • Dipole and Source distributions on the body and cavity surfaces x U x SB SC log r q ds log rds 2 n 2 S C y UC UB U y0() x NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 8 Governing Equation 2 0 Primary Boundary Conditions; • Quiescence condition at infinity: U • Flow tangency condition on the body surface: / n 0 on SB • Kinematic condition on the cavity surface: Dfc ( x, y) / Dt 0 on SC • Dynamic condition on the cavity surface: p pv • Cavity closure condition: • Linear termination model t c ( xC.T .E. ) 0 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 9 Typical results (2D): • Pressure and velocity distributions • Cavity length and volume according to the Cav. No. 1.5 1 Pressure Velocity 0 -0.5 Cavity length = 2.0 ybase/c = 0.13 Wedge Angle(deg) = 15 Cavitation Number = 0.27 0 0.5 1 1.5 x/c 2 2.5 -1 3 -1.5 -Cp , V t 0.5 p pv 1 2 U 2 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS Predicted super-cavity length and shape 10 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 11 Comparison with analytic solutions (by J. N. Newman) 10 10 Analytic Solution Present 9 9 2 Drag Coefficient (Cd / 2 (y0) ) Cavity Length (nondimension) 8 7 6 5 4 3 8 7 6 5 2 4 1 0 Analytic Solution Present 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Cavitation No. ( / 4 y 0) 2.5 3 3 0.5 1 1.5 2 Cavitation No. ( / 4 y 0) 2.5 3 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 12 Super-cavity of the blunt body 5 5 Cavity length, on x-axis = 9.0 Cavity length, girthwise = 11.4 Wedge Angle(deg) = 90 ybase/Chord = 1.0 Cavitation Number = 0.72 4 3 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 y/c 2 1 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -3 13 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x/c x/c Wedge angle = 45 deg Wedge angle = 90 deg 11 12 -3 13 y/c Cavity length, on x-axis = 9.0 Cavity length, girthwise = 9.39 Wedge Angle(deg) = 45 ybase/Chord = 0.41 Cavitation Number = 0.35 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 13 Predicted cavity length and drag forces 40 1.5 o o 35 30 Drag Coefficient Cavity Length / Cavitator Width 10 o 30 o 60 90 o 10 30 o o 60 o 90 25 20 15 1 0.5 10 5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Cavitation No. () 1.2 1.4 1.6 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Cavitation No. () 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS Three dimensional analysis 14 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 15 Cavity length and maximum diameter 6 Cavity length / Cavitator diameter 70 Cone(90°) Disk Self et. al (Cone) 60 Self et. al (Disk) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Cavitation number 0.25 0.3 Cavity maximum diameter / Cavitator diameter 80 Cone(90°) 5 Disk Self et. al (Cone) Self et. al (Disk) 4 3 2 1 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Cavitation number 0.25 0.3 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 16 Drag coefficients (Disk) 2 1.8 Circular Disk 1.6 Drag coefficients 1.4 1.2 Panel method Fisher Armstrong and Dunham Plesset and Shaffer Linear 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Cavitation number 1 1.2 1.4 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 17 Disk type cavitator w/ dummy body DC(mm) DB(mm) LB(mm) 200 533 8,000 60 400 Depth(m) Drag(kN) 350 40 300 30 250 20 200 10 150 0 100 -10 σ CD LS LS/DC DS/DC 0.34 0.82 12,000 60.0 5.6 -20 100 50 150 200 knots 250 0 300 Drag(kN) Depth(m) 50 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 18 0 0 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 70 80 100 150 200 Speed(knots) 60 Lcav/D h = 30 Lcav/D h = 40 Lcav/D h = 50 Lcav/D h = 60 Lcav/D h = 30 Lcav/D h = 40 Lcav/D h = 50 Lcav/D h = 60 250 300 0 50 100 150 70 200 Drag(kN) 250 300 80 Depth(m) Depth(m) Predicted drag forces and required speed in practical conditions EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS CNU Cavitation Tunnel 19 EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS 2D Cavitator Analysis & Exp. observation: (V=8.10~10.32m/s) 20 EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS 2D Cavitators w/o body w/ body V=9.4m/s, σ=1.11 V=9.8m/s, σ=1.13 V=9.4m/s, σ=1.16 V=9.8m/s, σ=1.17 V=9.4m/s, σ=1.16 V=9.8m/s, σ=1.17 30˚ 45˚ Flat plate 21 EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS Hi-speed Camera 22 Max Frame Rate 250,000 fps Max Resolution 1,024 x 1,024 Max at Max Res. 3,000 fps Max. Rec. Time at 1,000 fps (highest res.) 12.3 sec EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS 2D Cavitators σ=0.83 Video Camera (30 fps) Hi-speed Camera (5,000 fps) 23 EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS 2D Cavitators 24 EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS 2D Cavitators σ=1.05 σ=0.70 25 EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS 2D Cavitators 26 EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS 27 3D Cavitators 3 4 1 30mm Value 30mm 2 75mm Speed (m/s) 11 Temp (C°) 14.0 Density (kg/m3) 997.104 Vapor pressure (Pa) 75mm 1,598.14 Depressurized (bar) -0.412 ~ -0.657 σn 2.091 ~ 0.567 EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS 28 3D Cavitators Speed(m/s) Temp(C°) Density(kg/m3) Vapor pressure (Pa) Depressurized(bar) σn 11 14.0 997.104 1,598.14 -0.412 ~ -0.657 2.09 ~ 0.57 EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS 29 3D Cavitators σ= 1.25 Disk Disk w/ hole Disk w/ round Cone 0.98 0.88 0.83 0.65 EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS 3D Cavitators 30 CONCLUSIONS Numerical Analysis: Develop a numerical method to predict supercavity Investigate important features of supercavity: cavity length, diameter and drag forces Results are validated by comparison with existing analytic and empirical values Experimental Observations: Observe the early stage of the supercavity profiles generated by various 2D and 3D cavitators Accumulate experimental data for parametric information to design of the cavitator Additional experiments are on going; ventilation effects, pressure force measurements 31 Experimental Investigation of Supercavitating Flows Byoung-Kwon Ahn*, Tae-Kwon Lee, Hyoung-Tae Kim and Chang-Sup Lee Dept. of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering College of Engineering, Chungnam National Univ.