Experiences and lessons learnt from bootstrapping randomeffects predictions Robert Grant Senior Research Fellow, Kingston University & St George’s Topics • • • • The problem: quality of stroke care Predictions from random effects Bootstrapping do-file Spotting errors from xtmelogit postestimation The problem: quality of stroke care • • • • National clinical audit of stroke 203 hospitals provide data 10,617 patients from the 2008 data analysed 26 binary quality indicators used in scoring The problem: quality of stroke care • • • • • National clinical audit of stroke 203 hospitals provide data 10,617 patients from the 2008 data analysed 26 binary quality indicators used in scoring Is inter-hospital variation adequately summarised? • Can we depict uncertainty around scores / ranks of hospitals? “Multilevel principal components analysis” • Run mixed-effects models to adjust each indicator • Get predictions of each hospital’s performance as BLUPs (level-2 residuals) • Summarise by principal components analysis • Rank the scores on the component(s) • Bootstrap to capture correlation between indicators Predictions from random effects • Logistic model • BLUPs – predictions of individual ui • Random effect distribution (mean 0, SD estimated) acts as empirical Bayes prior • Data in each cluster provide likelihood • BLUP can be mode (xtmelogit) or mean (gllamm) of the posterior distribution Predictions from random effects • Profile likelihood for the cluster effects Stata 11 [XT] manual, p. 277 Predictions from random effects • xtmelogit outcome covariate1 covariate2 || hospital: • predict mode_blup, reffects • gllamm outcome covariate1 covariate2, i(hospital) family(binomial) link(logit) adapt • gllapred mean_blup, u • xtmelogit... • predict offset, xb • statsby mle=_b[_cons], by(hospital) saving(ml): logit outcome, offset(offset) Bootstrapping do-file • Program with bsample / bstat • Save individual resample and ‘parameters’ • Can be broken into, run on multiple machines Do-file • Assemble your observed values as a single matrix pca mode1 mode2 mode3 mode4 mode5 mode6 mode7 mode8 mode9 mode10 mode11 mode12 mode13 mode14 mode15 mode16 mode17 mode18 mode19 mode20 mode21 mode22 mode23 mode24 mode25 mode26 if pickone, covariance components(1) matrix obsload=e(L) forvalues i=1/26 { scalar obsload`i'=obsload[`i',1] } scalar obsload27=e(rho) matrix obspca=(obsload1,obsload2,obsload3,obsload4,obsload5,obsload6,obsload7, obsload8,obsload9,obsload10,obsload11,obsload12,obsload13,obsload14, obsload15,obsload16,obsload17,obsload18,obsload19,obsload20,obsload21, obsload22,obsload23,obsload24,obsload25,obsload26,obsload27) predict obsscore if pickone, score mkmat obsscore if pickone matrix define obs=obspca,obsscore' Do-file • The `iteration’ macro lets you see how many resamples the computer has done. • Define your bootstrap program global iteration=1 capture: program drop myboot_mode program define myboot_mode, rclass display as result "Now running resample number $iteration" global iteration=$iteration + 1 preserve bsample, strata(hospital) capture: drop pickone egen pickone=tag(hospital) * save bsample_$iteration.dta, replace * Code then follows for the models, the PCA etc etc. Do-file • now you use simulate to run your program many times and to save the outputs global startdate="`c(current_date)'" global starttime="`c(current_time)'" simulate load1=bootload1 load2=bootload2 load3=bootload3 * …omitting many, many lines of tedious code… score203=bootscore203, noisily reps(80) seed(1635) saving(modescorebootstrap.dta, replace): myboot_mode bstat, stat(obs) n(10617) estat bootstrap, all global iteration=$iteration - 1 display as result "This program ran $iteration bootstrap resamples" display as result "Starting on $startdate at $starttime" display as result "Ending on `c(current_date)' at `c(current_time)'" Spotting errors • xtmelogit is faster than gllamm because mode doesn’t require full integration • A few extremely large BLUPs arise from nonconvergence of the profile likelihood • Can pick them out and draw up bootstrap confidence intervals from the remainder (may not be so easy in every situation?) -2 0 2 4 Spotting errors: original data -2 -1 0 1 Inverse Normal 2 3 2 1 0 -1 Modal BLUP 3 4 Spotting errors: original data 0 .2 .4 .6 Proportion of Yes responses .8 1 -100 -50 0 50 Spotting errors: problematic resample -60 -40 -20 0 Inverse Normal 20 40 -40 -60 -80 Modal BLUP -20 0 Spotting errors: problematic resample 0 .2 .4 .6 Proportion of Yes responses .8 1 .4 .2 0 Loading .6 .8 1 Spotting errors: PCA 0 5 10 15 Quality indicator 20 25 Spotting errors • Consider multivariate outliers which may not be univariate ones • Methods suggested by Gnanadesikan & Kettenring (Biometrics 1972; 28(1): 81-124.) • Mahalanobis distances • Minor principal component scores 100 50 0 -10 -5 0 5 Bootstrap 95% CI for ranks 150 10 200 Confidence intervals 0 50 100 Rank of hospital 150 200 0 50 100 Hospital median rank 150 200 Confidence intervals • Normal approximate confidence intervals were often inappropriate • Percentile, bias-corrected (BC) and Bca confidence intervals often disagreed • Sometime degenerate to a point • The problem is mostly in the ranks • Because of an implicitly discontinuous transformation – no Edgeworth expansion? Alternatives • Multivariate AND multilevel modelling (SEM?) in a single step • Goldstein, Bonnet & Rocher. J Educ Behav Stat (2007); 32: 252 • runmlwin (MCMC) • Fully Bayesian specification Acknowledgements • Thanks to Kristin MacDonald & colleagues at StataCorp for looking into the xtmelogit postestimation errors • Thanks to former colleagues at the Royal College of Physicians for supplying the stroke audit data • Thanks to Chris Frost & Rebecca Jones at LSHTM for guidance on the early versions of these analyses which went into my MSc.