I/O-Efficient Graph Algorithms

• BFS and DFS in directed graphs
• BFS in undirected graphs
• An improved undirected BFS-algorithm
The Buffered Repository Tree (BRT)
• Stores key-value pairs (k,v)
• Supported operations:
• INSERT(k,v) inserts a new pair (k,v) into T
• EXTRACT(k) extracts all pairs with key k
• Complexity:
• INSERT: O((1/B)log2(N/B)) amortized
• EXTRACT: O(log2(N/B) + K/B) amortized
(K = number of reported elements)
The Buffered Repository Tree (BRT)
Main memory
• (2,4)-tree
• Leaves store between B/4 and B elements
• Internal nodes have buffers of size B
• Root in main memory, rest on disk
Main memory
O(X/B) I/Os to empty buffer of size X  B
Amortized charge per element and level: O(1/B)
Height of tree: O(log2(N/B))
Insertion cost: O((1/B)log2(N/B)) amortized
Main memory
Number of traversed nodes: O(log2(N/B) + K/B)
Elements with key k
I/Os per node: O(1)
Cost of operation: O(log2(N/B) + K/B)
But careful with removal of extracted elements
Cost of Rebalancing
O(N/B) leaf creations and deletions
O(N/B) node splits, fusions, merges
Each such operation costs O(1) I/Os
O(N/B) I/Os for rebalancing
Theorem: The BRT supports INSERT and EXTRACT
operations in O((1/B)log2(N/B)) and
O(log2(N/B) + K/B) I/Os amortized.
Directed DFS
• Algorithm proceeds as internal memory algorithm:
• Use stack to determine order in which vertices are
• For current vertex v:
Find unvisited out-neighbor w
Push w on the stack
Continue search at w
If no unvisited out-neighbor exists
• Remove v from stack
• Continue search at v’s parent
• Stack operations cost O(N/B) I/Os
• Problem: Finding an unvisited vertex
Directed DFS
• Data structures:
• Stores directed edges (v,w) with key v
• Priority queues P(v), one per vertex
• Stores unexplored out-edges of v
• Invariant:
Not in P(v)
In P(v) and in T
In P(v), but not in T
Directed DFS
• Finding next vertex after vertex v:
O((|V| + |E|/B)log2(|E|/B))
EXTRACT(v): Retrieve red edges from T
Remove these edges from P(v) using DELETE
Retrieve next edge using DELETEMIN on P(v)
Insert in-edges of w into T
Push w on the stack
+ K1+/B)
O(|V| + 1sort(|E|))
O(1 + (K2/B)log
O(1/B) amortized
Directed DFS + BFS
• BFS can be solved using same algorithm
• Only modification: Use queue (FIFO) instead of stack
Theorem: Depth first-search and breadth-first search
in a directed graph G = (V,E) can be solved in
O((|V|+|E|/B)log2(|E|/B)) I/Os.
Exercise: Convince yourself that the priority queues
P(v) are not necessary in the case of BFS.
Undirected BFS
Partition graph into levels L(0), L(1), ...
around source:
L(0), L(1), L(2), L(3)
Observation: For v  L(i), all its neighbors are in
L(i – 1)  L(i)  L(i + 1).
 Build BFS-tree level by level:
• Initially, L(0) = {r}
• Given levels L(i – 1) and L(i):
• Let X(i) = set of all neighbors of vertices in L(i)
• Let L(i + 1) = X(i) \ (L(i – 1)  L(i))
Undirected BFS
Constructing L(i + 1):
• Retrieve adjacency lists of vertices in L(i)  X(i)
• Sort X(i)
• Scan L(i – 1), L(i), and X(i) to
• Remove duplicates from X(i)
• Compute X(i) \ (L(i – 1)  L(i))
Complexity: O(|L(i)| + sort(|L(i – 1)| + |X(i)|)) I/Os
O( |V| + sort(|E|)) I/Os
Theorem: Breadth-first search in an undirected graph
G = (V,E) can be solved in O(|V| + sort(|E|)) I/Os.
A Faster BFS-Algorithm
Problem with simple BFS-algorithm:
• Random accesses to retrieve adjacency lists
Idea for a faster algorithm:
• Load more than one adjacency list at a time
• Reduces number of random accesses
• Causes edges to be involved in more than one
iteration of the algorithm
 Trade-off
A Faster BFS-Algorithm (Randomized)
• Let 0 < m < 1 be a parameter (specified later)
• Two phases:
• Build m|V| disjoint clusters of diameter O(1/m)
• Perform modified version of SIMPLEBFS
• Clusters C1,...,Cq formed using BFS from randomly
chosen set V’ = {r1,...,rq} of masters
• Vertex is chosen as a master with probability m
(coin flip)
Observation: E[|V’|] = m|V|. That is, the expected
number of clusters is m|V|.
Forming Clusters (Randomized)
• Apply SIMPLEBFS to form clusters
• L(0) = V’
• v  Ci if v is descendant of ri
Forming Clusters (Randomized)
Lemma: The expected diameter of a cluster is 2/m.
• E[k]  1/m
Corollary: The clusters are formed in expected
O((1/m)sort(|E|)) I/Os.
Forming Clusters (Randomized)
• Form files F1,...,Fq, one per cluster
Fi = concatenation of adjacency lists of vertices in Ci
• Augment every edge (v,w)  Fi with the start position
of file Fj s.t. w  Cj:
• Edge = triple (v,w,pj)
The BFS-Phase
• Maintain a sorted pool H of edges s.t. adjacency lists
of vertices in L(i) are contained in H
• Scan L(i) and H to find vertices in L(i) whose
O((|L(i)| + |H|)/B)
adjacency lists are not in H
• Form list of start positions of files containing these
adjacency lists and remove duplicates
• Retrieve files, sort them, and merge resulting list H’
O(K + sort(|H’|) + |H|/B)
with H
O((|L(i)| + |H|)/B)
• Scan L(i) and H to build X(i)
• Construct L(i + 1) from L(i – 1), L(i), and X(i) as
O(sort(|L(i)| + |L(i–1)| + |X(i)|))
The BFS-Phase
I/O-complexity of single step:
• O(K + |H|/B +
sort(|H’| + |L(i – 1)| + |L(i)| + |X(i)|))
 Expected I/O-complexity:
O(m|V| + |E|/(mB) + sort(|E|))
• Choose m  max 1,
Theorem: BFS in an undirected graph G = (V,E) can
be solved in O sort E   1  V B E scanE  I/Os.
Single Source Shortest Paths
• The tournament tree
• SSSP in undirected graphs
• SSSP in planar graphs
Single Source Shortest Paths
• I/O-efficient
priority queue
• I/O-efficient
method to update
only unvisited
The Tournament Tree
= I/O-efficient priority queue
• Supports:
• INSERT(x,p)
• All operations take O((1/B)log2(N/B)) I/Os amortized
Note: N = size of the universe  # elements in the tree
The Tournament Tree
Main memory
Static binary tree over all elements in the universe
Elements map to leaves, M elements per leaf
Internal nodes store between M/2 and M elements
Internal nodes have signal buffers of size M
Root in main memory, rest on disk
The Tournament Tree
Main memory
• Elements stored at each node are sorted by priority
• Elements at node v have smaller priority than
elements at v’s descendants
• Convention: x  T if and only if p(x) is finite
The Tournament Tree
• Operation DELETE(x)  signal DELETE(x)
The Tournament Tree
Insertions and Updates
• Operations INSERT(x,p) and DECREASEKEY(x,p)
 signal UPDATE(x,p)
All elements < p
• Current
signal to
p’ w
element  p
p < one
p’: Update
• IfInsert
x Do nothing
p  p’:
• Send DELETE(x) to w
The Tournament Tree
Handling Overflow
• Let y be element with highest priority py
• Send signal PUSH(y,py) to appropriate child of v
The Tournament Tree
Keeping the Nodes Filled
O(M/B) I/Os to move
M/2 elements one level up the tree
The Tournament Tree
Signal Propagation
Main memory
• Scan v’s signal, partition into sets Xu and Xw
• Load u into memory, apply signals in Xu to u,
insert signals into u’s signal buffer
• Do the same for w
• O((|X| + M)/B) = O(|X|/B) I/Os
The Tournament Tree
• Elements travel up the tree
• Cost: O(1/B) I/Os amortized per element and level
• O((K/B)log2(N/B)) I/Os for K operations
• Signals travel down the tree
• Cost: O(1/B) I/Os amortized per signal and level
• O(K) signals for K operations
• O((K/B)log2(N/B)) I/Os
Theorem: The tournament tree supports INSERT,
O((1/B)log2(N/B)) I/Os amortized.
Single Source Shortest Paths
Modified Dijkstra:
• Retrieve next vertex v from priority queue Q using
• Retrieve v’s adjacency list
• Update distances of all of v’s neighbors, except
predecessor u on the path from s to v
• Repeat
• O(|V| + (E/B)log2(V/B)) I/Os using tournament tree
Single Source Shortest Paths
Observation: If v performs a spurious update of u,
u has tried to update v before.
• Record this update attempt of u on v by insterting u
into another priority queue Q’
Priority: d(s,u) + w({u,v})
Single Source Shortest Paths
Second modification:
• Retrieve next vertex using two DELETEMIN’s,
one on Q, one on Q’
• Let (x,px) be the element retrieved from Q,
let (y,py) be the element retrieved from Q’
• If px  py: re-insert (y,py) into Q’ and proceed as
• If px < py: re-insert (x,px) into Q and perform a
DELETE(y) on Q
Single Source Shortest Paths
Lemma: A spurious update is removed from Q before
the targeted vertex can be retrieved using
• Event A: Spurious update happens (“time”: d(s,v))
• Event B: Vertex u is deleted by retrieval of u from Q’
(“time”: d(s,u) + w(e))
• Event C: Vertex u is retrieved from Q using
DELETEMIN operation (“time”: d(s,v) + w(e))
Single Source Shortest Paths
• Assume that all vertices have different distance from
source s
 d(u) < d(v)
• d(v)  d(u) + w(e) < d(u) + w(e)
• Sequence of events: A  B  C
Theorem: The single source shortest path problem on
an undirected graph G = (V,E) can be solved in
O(|V| + (|E|/B)log2(|V|/B)) I/Os.
Planar Graphs
• Shortest paths in planar graphs
• Planar separators
• Planar DFS
Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs
Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs
Observation: For every separator vertex v, the
distances from s to v in G and GR are the same.
 The distances from s to all separator vertices can be
computed in GR.
Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs
Observation: For every vertex v in Gi,
dist(s,v) = min{dist(s,x) + dist(x,v) : v  Gi}.
 Can compute dist(s,v) in the following graph:
Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs
Three main steps:
• Solve all-pairs shortest paths in subgraphs Gi
• Compute shortest paths from s to separator vertices
in GR
• Compute shortest paths from s to all remaining
Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs
Regular h-partition:
• O(N/h) subgraphs G1,...,Gr
• Each Gi has size at most h
• Each Gi has boundary size at most h
• Total number of separator vertices ON / h 
• Number of boundary sets is O(N/h)
Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs
Three main steps:
• Solve all-pairs shortest paths in subgraphs Gi
• Compute shortest paths from s to separator vertices
in GR
• Compute shortest paths from s to all remaining
• Assume the given partition is regular B2-partition
 Steps 1 and 3 take O(scan(N)) I/Os
 Graph GR has O(N/B) vertices and O(N) edges
Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs
Data structures:
• List L storing tentative distances of all vertices
• Priority queue Q storing vertices with their tentative
distances as priorities
One step:
• Retrieve next vertex v using DELETEMIN
• Get distances of v’s neighbors from L
• Update their distances in Q using DELETE and INSERT
 O(N + sort(N)) I/Os
Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs
• One I/O per boundary set
• Each boundary set is touched O(B) times:
• Once per vertex on the boundary of the region
• O(N/B2) boundary sets  O(N/B) I/Os
Planar Separator
Goal: Compute a separator S of size ON / h  whose
removal partitions G into subgraphs of size at most h.
Basic idea:
• Compute hierarchy of log(DB) graphs of
geometrically decreasing size using graph contraction
• Compute a separator of the smallest graph
• Undo the contractions and maintain the separator
while doing this
Assumption: M = W(h log2 B)
Planar Separator
Planar Separator
• All Gi are planar
• |Gi+1|  |Gi|/2
• Every vertex in Gi+1 represents only a constant
number of vertices in Gi
• Every vertex in Gi+1 represents at most 2i+2 vertices
in G0
• r = log2(DB) graphs G0,…,Gr
 |Gr| = O(N/(DB))
Planar Separator
Planar Separator
• Compute separator Sr of Gr:
• Sr = Sr partitions Gr into connected components
of size at most hlog2(DB)
• Takes O(|Gr|) = O(N/B) I/Os [AD96]
Planar Separator
• Compute Si from Si+1:
• Let Si be the set of vertices in Gi represented by
the vertices in Si+1
• Connected components of Gi – Si have size at
most chlog2(DB)
• Partition every connected components of size
more than hlog2(DB) into components of size
hlog2(DB)  separator Si
• Takes O(sort(|Gi|)) I/Os:
• Connected components O(sort(|Gi|))
• Partitioning happens in internal memory
• Total: O(sort(N)) I/Os
Planar Separator
• Separator S0 partitions G0 into connected components
of size at most hlog2(DB)
• Size of S0:
S 0   2i Si
i 0
  2i O Gi / h log B 
i 0
  ON / h log B 
i 0
 ON / h 
Planar Separator
• Compute a superset S of S0 so that no connected
component of G – S has size more than h:
• Partition every connected component of G – S0
separately in internal memory
• Total number of extra separator vertices is
ON / h 
• Extra cost: O(sort(N)) I/Os
Theorem: A separator S of size ON / h  whose
removal partitions G into subgraphs of size at most h
can be obtained in O(sort(N)) I/Os, provided that M
= W(h log2 B).
Building the Graph Hierarchy
• All Gi are planar
• |Gi+1|  |Gi|/2
• Every vertex in Gi+1 represents only a constant
number of vertices in Gi
• Every vertex in Gi+1 represents at most 2i+2 vertices
in G0
• Build Gi+1 from Gi by
• Contracting edges
• Merging vertices of degree 2 with the same
Building the Graph Hierarchy
Iterative approach:
• Extract set of edges that can be contracted
• Contract subset of these edges to reduce number of
vertices by a factor of two
• Repeat until no contractible edges remain
• Standard graph contraction procedure may contract
too many vertices into a single vertex.
Building the Graph Hierarchy
• Compute maximal matching of contractible subgraph
• Contract edges in the matching
New problem:
• We may not contract sufficient number of edges to
reduce number of vertices by a constant factor
Two-stage contraction:
• Contract maximal matching
• Contract edges between matched and unmatched
Building the Graph Hierarchy
Why is this two-stage approach good?
• No unmatched vertex remains in contractible
• Every matched vertex represents at least two vertices
before the contraction
 Size of graph reduces by a factor of two
 If a single iteration takes O(sort(|Gi|)) I/Os, the
whole construction of Gi+1 from Gi takes
O(sort(|Gi|)) I/Os
A Single Contraction Phase
• Maximal matching can be computed and contracted
in O(sort(|H|)) I/Os, where H is the current
contractible subgraph
• Bipartite contraction:
• Takes O(sort(|H|)) I/Os using buffer tree as priority
Building the Graph Hierarchy
Lemma: Graph Gi+1 can be constructed from Gi in
O(sort(|Gi|)) I/Os.
Corollary: The whole graph hierarchy can be built in
O(sort(|G0|)) = O(sort(N)) I/Os.
Planar DFS
Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
Planar DFS
Planar DFS
Observation: Every cycle in the i-th layer is a
boundary cycle of graph Gi.
Level > i
Level < i
 Every bicomp of a layer is a cycle.
DFS in a Layer
Planar DFS
• DFS in a single layer Hi takes O(sort(|Hi|)) I/Os:
• Compute the bicomps
• Root the bicomp tree
• Remove one of the edges incident to parent
cutpoint in each cycle
 Total I/O-complexity: O(sort(N))
Planar DFS
Planar DFS
Building the Face-on-Vertex Graph
Lower Bounds and Open Problems
• Lower bounds
• List ranking, BFS, DFS, and shortest paths
• Connected and biconnected components
• Open problems
Lower Bounds
Split Proximate Neighbors
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
7 8 1 3
5 6 4 2
3 3 6 6
5 5 2 2
7 7 1 1
4 4 8 8
Lower Bounds
Split Proximate Neighbors
Lemma: Split proximate neighbors requires
W(perm(N)) I/Os.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
7 8 1 3 5 6 4 2
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
7 8 1 3
5 6 4 2
3 3 6 6
5 5 2 2
7 7 1 1
4 4 8 8
3 3 6 6
5 5 2 2
7 7 1 1
4 4 8 8
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
7 8 1 3
5 6 4 2
Total: O(I(N) + scan(N)) = O(I(N))
 I(N) = W(perm(N))
Lower Bounds
List Ranking
• Consider general algorithms for weighted list ranking
• Algorithm is only allowed to use associativity of sum
 Algorithm can be made to have the following
• For every vertex v, v and succ(v) are both in main
memory at some point during the course of the
Note: The lower bound we show does not hold for
unweighted list ranking or weighted list ranking over
Lower Bounds
List Ranking
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
7 8 1 3
5 6 4 2
• When both copies of x are in main memory, move to
buffer of size B
• When buffer full, flush to disk
• Split proximate neighbors could be solved in
O(I(N) + scan(N)) I/Os
 I(N) = W(perm(N))
Lower Bounds
List Ranking, BFS, DFS, and Shortest Paths
Theorem: List ranking requires W(perm(N)) I/Os.
• List ranking can be solved using BFS, DFS, or SSSP
from the head of the list.
Theorem: BFS, DFS, and SSSP require W(perm(N))
Note: Again, lower bound holds only for algorithms
that compute distances from source only by adding
path lengths.
Lower Bounds
Segmented Duplicate Elimination
• Let P  N  P2
S: 17 20 19 22 18 19 23 20 19 22 20 18 20 23 17 19
• Elements drawn from interval [2P+1,3P]
• Construct Boolean array C[2P+1..3P] s.t.
C[i] = 1 iff i  S
Proposition: Segmented duplicate elimination requires
W(perm(N)) I/Os.
Lower Bounds
Connected Components
17 20 19 22 18 19 23 20 19 22 20 18 20 23 17 19
• Graph construction O(scan(N)) I/Os
• |V| = Q(P), |E| = N
Lower Bounds
Connected and Biconnected Components
Theorem: Computing the connected components of a
graph G = (V,E) requires W(perm(|E|)) I/Os.
Theorem: Computing the biconnected components of
a graph G = (V,E) requires W(perm(|E|)) I/Os.
More Classes of Sparse Graphs
• Grid graphs
• Separators: Size ON / h  in O(sort(N)) I/Os
• BFS/SSSP: O(sort(N))
• DFS: ON / B 
• Graphs of bounded treewidth
• Separators: O(N/h) in O(sort(N)) I/Os
• BFS/SSSP: O(sort(N))
• DFS: ???
Open Problems
• Optimal separators for grid graphs
• Grid graphs
• Graphs of bounded treewidth
• Semi-external shortest paths
• Optimal connectivity
• Optimal BFS, DFS, and shortest paths or lower
• Directed graphs
• Topological sorting
• Strongly connected components