Network Identifiability with Expander Graphs Hamed Firooz, Linda Bai, Sumit Roy Spring 2010 Outline Identifiability definition Identifiability using graph theory (Linda) Identifiability using expander graph Definition of Identifiability Network Tomography Network ? Given a network, and a limited number of endhosts, can we infer what’s happening inside the network Here our goal is to find the links delay Delay Tomography Using probes that are inserted into a data stream, end-to-end properties on that route can be measured. End1 Routing matrix R link1 link1 link2 link3 router1 link2 link3 End2 End3 End1 End2 End1 End3 1 1 1 0 0 1 End2 End3 0 1 1 Delay Tomography We are interested in Links delay l1 l2 l1 P1 l4 l2 l3 l5 1 1 R 0 0 l3 l4 l5 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 P1 0 P2 1 P3 1 P4 dP1 dl1 dl3 dl4 y=Rx d l1 d l2 x d l3 d l4 d l 5 d P1 d P y 2 d P3 d P4 Deterministic Model Problem: predict or estimate x from y with y = Rx R (N-by-M matrix) : binary routing matrix X (M-by-1 vector) : quantity of interest, e.g, link delay Y (N-by-1 vector) : known aggregations of X (measurements) [3] Identifiability: a network is identifiable if y=Rx has unique solution [5] • Usually, M ( # of links in network) >> N (# of measurements) so network is generically NOT identifiable. k-identifiability a network is identifiable if y=Rx has unique solution Since this is an underdetermined system of equations, it doesn’t have unique answer We need side information: k-identifiability: delay of up to k links which are significantly higher than the others can be inferred from end-to-end measurement y=Rx significantly higher makes vector x k-sparse (kcompressible) 1-identifiability Delay from End1 to End2 is dl1+dl2 It is impossible to figure out the delay of each link End1 ` l1 l2 End2 ` In fact, there is no difference between l1 and l2 in end-toend measurement 1-identifiable A graph which has an intermediate node with degree 2 is not 1-identifiable In general, a graph is not 1-identifiable if and only if: l1 , l2 E l1 P l2 P In each end-to-end delay measurement we either have the term dl1+dl2 or we don’t have dl1 nor dl2 l1 l2 N1 N2 1-identifiable Let’s look at routing matrix l1 , l2 E l1 P l2 P Above statement means: if you look at columns corresponding to l1 and l2 they are both zero or one there is two .......l1 l2 ..... identical columns P1 P 2 P3 P4 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 k-identifiable Graph with a node (intermediate) which has degree k+1 is not k-identifiable. If graph is i-identifiable it is j identifiable if j<i Main question: given the routing matrix of a network , is it kidentifiable? k-identifiable If a graph is k-identifiable then each k+1 columns of its routing matrix are independent (necessary condition) Is this a sufficient condition? If every 2k columns of R are independent then graph G is k-identifiable if k=1 then k+1=2k=2 so identical columns gives necessary and sufficient conditions for 1-identifiability Expander Graphs Bipartite Graph A graph G(V,E) is called bipartite if: V V1 V2 s.t. V1 V2 v, w V1 (v, w) E v, w V2 (v, w) E Usually G(V1,V2,E) V1 is left part, V2 is right part V1 V2 Bi-adjacency matrix Adjacency matrix A=[aik], aik=1 iff node i is connected to node k Bi-adjacency matrix T=[tik], tik=1 iff node i in V1 is connected to node k in V2 1 1 T 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 A t T T 0 V1 V2 Regular Graph A graph G(V,E) is called d-regular if deg(v)=d for all v in V A bipartite graph G(V1,V2,E) is called left d-regular if for all v in V1 deg(v)=d Number of ones in each row is d 1 1 T 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 V1 V2 Expander graph Let S V1 Let N(S) be set of neighbors of X in V2 G(V1,V2,E) is called (s,ɛ)-expander if S V1 , | S | s | N (S ) | (1 )d | S | Each set of nodes on the left expands to N(S) number of nodes On right V1 V2 Expander graph V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V1 V2 V2 Expander & Compressed Sensing Let G(V1,V2,E) be a (2k,ɛ)-expander with left degree d Let R=Tt two vectors x and x’ have the same projection under measurement matrix R; i.e. Rx = Rx’ Suppose || x ||1 || x ||1 Then || x x ||1 f ( ) || xS || S: set of k largest coefficients of x c Routing Matrix & Bipartite Let Network N(V,E) is given with end to end set of paths P The routing matrix R is a |P|-by-|E| binary matrix It can be considered as bi-adjacency matrix of a bipartite graph G(E,P,H) Example Routing matrix l1 l2 P1 1 P2 0 R P3 1 P4 0 l3 l4 l5 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 End3 End1 ` ` l1 l3 l2 l5 l4 End4 End2 ` ` P3 P1 P2 P4 Example This is a bipartite graph with biadjacency matrix Rt l Is this an expander? 1 P1 l2 P2 l3 P3 l4 P4 l5 Example l1 P1 l2 P2 P3 l4 P4 l5 3 X V , | X | 2 | N ( X ) | 2 | X | 1.5 | X | 4 If |X|=1, since degree each node is 2|N(X)|=2>1.5 l3 This is (2,1/4)-expander with left degree 2: Example l1 P1 l2 P2 l3 P3 l4 P4 l5 This is (2,1/4)-expander with left degree 2: 3 X V , | X | 2 | N ( X ) | 2 | X | 1.5 | X | 4 If |X|=1, since degree each node is 2|N(X)|=2>1.5 If |X|=2, it can be proved That |N(X)|=3=1.5*2=3 1-identifiability N(V;E) a network with paths collection P and routing matrix R. G(E;P;H) is a bipartite graph with biadjacency matrix R. x* is delay vector of N(V;E). x is a solution to the LP optimization: min || x ||1 then s.t . || x* x ||1 f ( ) || xS c || Rx Rx* if G is a (2;d;ɛ)-expander with 1 4 reverse of Theorem is not true This network is 1-identifiable Bipartite graph coressponding to R is not regular l1 l2 l4 l3 l5 l6 1 1 0 1 0 0 R 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 It contains two expandersubgraphs N(V;E) network with routing matrix R G(X; Y;H) bipartite graph with bi-adjacency R Gi(Xi;Y;Hi), i = 1; 2; …M is diregular X X i , H Hi , di d j i j N is 1-identifiable if each Gi is an expander Expansion parameter In conclusion, graph G(V,E) is k-identifiable with routing matrix R, if R is bi-adjacency matrix of a (2k, ɛ)-expander graph There are lots of paper on how to construct an expander (Used for design measurement matrix) Given a bipartite graph, what is its expansion parameter? There is no known theorem We solve this problem for (2,ɛ)-expander; i.e. 1-identifiable G(V,E) is a graph with adjacency matrix H Entry (i,j) of H2 gives number of walks with length 2 from node i to node j 0 1 H 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 H2 1 1 1 3 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 3 4 2-expander In a bipartite graph entry (i,j) of TtT gives number of walks with length 2 from a node V1 to another node in V1 In a bipartite graph entry (i,j) of TtT presents number of common neighbors of nodes i and j. 0 2 H t T T 0 . t 0 T T TT t 0 0 0 t T T Example TtT shows that each two node have at most 1 node in common l P Each node has 2 neighbors 1 1 S V1 , | S | 2 | N (S ) | 3 this is (2,1/4)-expander 2 1 t T T 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 l2 P2 l3 P3 l4 P4 l5 Theorem A bipartite graph G(V1,V2,E), with left degree d, is (2,1/4)-expander if 1 d t * J T T J 2 Doesn’t have any negative entry 1 In conclusion, a graph G(V,E) with routing matrix A is 1-identifiable if d * J AA t 2 Doesn’t have any negative entry 1 1 Theorem A bipartite graph G(V1,V2,E), with left degree d, is (2, ɛ)-expander if 1 t 2dJ T T J Doesn’t have any negative entry 1 In conclusion, a graph G(V,E) with routing matrix R is 1-identifiable if 2dJ RRt Doesn’t have any negative entry 1 1 Best paths There are actually 6 paths inside the network Obviously only 4 of them are sufficient to figure out delay of every link inside the network. Question is how to select those path? End-to-end delay measurements using probe transmission compels extra burden on the network Minimize cost of identifiability P3 P2 P1 P5 P4 P6 Graph Covering Suppose G(V,E) is given with set of paths P Question: Select a subset of P such that every link in G belong to at least one of the paths Minimum number of paths that make a link failure inside the network detectable Is there any congested link inside the network 1 Pi is used Indicator function I Pi 0 o.w. Goal is to minimize number of N paths: min I Pi P3 l1 P2 P1 P4 i 1 Subject to each link belong to at least one path link L1: Number of paths go through it: I P1 I P3 I P5 1 P5 P6 IP=[IP1, IP2,…, IPN] In general, ith entry of Rt .IP gives number of paths go through link i t R I P 1 componentTo cover all links wise N min I Pi i 1 s.t. R t I P 1 I Pi {0,1} We know graph is 1-identifiable if R is the bi-adjacency matrix of an 2expander graph The condition is 3 | N ( S ) | (deg( S )) 0 2 N min I Pi i 1 s.t. R t I P 1 I Pj Pj :li Pj or lk Pj 4 I Pj Pj :li Pj , lk Pj 0 i k I Pi {0,1} These are Binary Integer Programming We can solve the LP version and select the highest IPi N min ci I Pi i 1 s.t. R t I P 1 I Pi {0,1} Ci is the cost of using path Pi N min ci I Pi i 1 s.t. R t I P 1 I Pj Pj :li Pj or lk Pj I Pi {0,1} 4 I Pj Pj :li Pj , lk Pj 0 i k