Geographic Routing in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETS) Kevin C. Lee Computer Science Department University of California, Los Angeles Chair – Professor Mario Gerla Outline Overview of geographic routing Summary of previous work Present LOUVRE Histogram-based density estimation approach Report GeoDTN+Nav new results 2 Greedy Mode Nodes learn 1-hop neighbors’ positions from beaconing A node forwards packets to its neighbor closest to D Greedy traversal not always possible! x is a local maximum to D; w and y are further from D 3 Recovery/Perimeter Mode Face traversal by right-hand rule Face change z y x D D F4 C F2 A Walking sequence: F1 -> F2 -> F3 -> F4 F1 S F3 I2 I3 E I1 B 4 Planarization Face traversal requires planar graph: cross edges result in routing loops GG and RNG planarization algorithms Their disadvantages Planarization overhead High hop count Unit disk assumption, GPS accuracy, etc 5 Outline Overview of geographic routing Summary of previous work Present LOUVRE Histogram-based density estimation approach Report GeoDTN+Nav new results 6 TO-GO[1, 2] Eliminate planarization overhead – Roads naturally formed a “planar” graph Improve routing efficiency – Packets stop @ the junction only when necessary (aka junction lookahead) Improve packet delivery – Opportunistic forwarding whenever possible Perimeter forwarding using greedy forwarding Opportunistic routing toward the target Packet skipping a junction node if not changing direction 7 GeoCross[3] Motivation: Empty intersection -> routing loop -> low packet delivery Routing loop!! 8 GeoCross Basic Operations S, R1, [R1R2], R2, B, R3, C, R4, D, R5, [R5R6], R6, E, R7, F, R8, B => No cross link, continue forwarding Can’t forward b/c UR: [R5R6] S, R1, [R1R2], R2, B, R3, C, R4, D, R5, [R5R6], R6, E,[R5R6], R7, F, R8, B, R2, UR: continue [R2R1], R1, Sexisting loop 9 Packet reaches destination LOUVRE[4] D Recovery mode often expensive; backtracking takes too many steps ? Use P2P density information to S guide packet routing LOUVRE: end-to-end routing solution that eliminates recovery forwarding completely Road 1 3 3 3 0 3 0 s Density > Thresh = 3 3 2 s 0 0 5 5 3 3 Overlay routes s 10 Limitations & Previous Work TO-GO: No planarizaton overhead by taking roads that naturally formed a planar graph Improve efficiency by junction-lookahead Opportunistic forwarding to improve packet delivery GeoCross: Takes care of loop-inducing cross links LOUVRE: Peer-to-peer density estimation to avoid dead ends and backtracking 11 Outline Overview of geographic routing Summary of previous work Present LOUVRE Histogram-based density estimation approach Report GeoDTN+Nav new results 12 Drawback of the LOURVRE’S P2P Density Estimation Scheme Not scalable The memory overhead increases with the number of nodes Not accurate Density does not correlate well with connectivity when it is not uniform NOT CONNECTED 13 Histogram-Based Density Discovery Algorithm[5] Break up the roads into segments Nodes within a segment keep track of unique # of cars they have seen in P2P fashion Nodes receive broadcast beacons to update segment densities in the other segments SegSize Road is connected if Ni RadioRange 1 1 2 2 1 1? 2 0 0 0 A Segment 1 0 0 1 B 2 C Segment 2 1 Segment center 0 D Segment 3 Segment 4 14 Advantages of Histogram-Based Approach Scalable E.g. 1500-meter road, 250-meter segment length Only need 6 integers for 6 segments (1500/250) P2P can only store 6 cars, not enough More accurate Each segment size is smaller than the road length Connectivity correlates better with segment density than road density NOT CONNECTED 15 Evaluation Connectivity accuracy between P2P and histogram-based approach Road Percentage Connectivity (RPC) vs. Connectivity Accuracy (CA) If road is connected, CA = RPC If road is not, CA = 1 – RPC Broadcast overhead between P2P and histogram-based approach 1,000 realistic mobility traces 16 Connectivity Accuracy between P2P and Histogram P2P underperforms when density is low This is due to the clustering behavior at two ends of a road 1.4 Connectivity accuracy % 1.2 1 0.8 P2P 0.6 Histogram 0.4 0.2 0 18 22 26 30 # of Cars 34 38 17 Broadcast Overhead between P2P and Histogram P2P has scalability issue as it needs to keep track of unique cars 800 700 Overhead in Bytes 600 500 400 P2P Histogram 300 200 100 18 0 100 150 200 Nodes 250 300 Outline Overview of geographic routing Summary of previous work Present LOUVRE Histogram-based density estimation approach Report GeoDTN+Nav new results 19 GeoDTN+Nav Motivation [6,7] Current geographic routing protocols assume connected networks Connectivity not always guaranteed Intermittent connectivity possible: Low vehicle density Obstacles Temporal evolving traffic pattern 20 Which Node? Basic idea: Exploit mobility to help deliver packets across disconnected networks The problem now is which node to choose? Blind random choice: Might not help Nodes may move even farther away from the destination Informed choice: Better decision HOW? – WHAT IF we know more about nodes (such as their destination or path information) 21 Navigation System Helps! Harvest neighbors’ dest/path information Assumption: Every vehicle has a navigation system Is it true? Relaxed Assumption “Pseudo/Virtual” navigation system 22 Virtual Navigation Interface A lightweight wrapper interface interacts with data sources Provide two unified information: Nav Info Destination Path Direction Confidence 0% (Unreliable) ~ 100% (Reliable) 23 VNI Example w/ Navigation VNI : (Path, 55%) Bus VNI : (Path, 100%) Food Mart w/o Navigation VNI : (?, 0%) Taxi VNI : (Dest, 100%) 24 GeoDTN+Nav Modes Introduce third forwarding mode in georouting DTN recovery mode Complement conventional two-mode georouting Three routing modes Greedy Perimeter DTN 25 DTN Mode In recovery mode Current node C Neighbors Ni (i=1~n) Hops h Compute a “switch score” for each neighbor with Scoring function S Switch threshold Sthresh RULE: If S(C) > Sthresh and there exists Ni, such that S(Ni) > Sthresh and S(Ni) > S(Nj), i ≠ j for all j • Switch to DTN mode • Forward the packet to Ni 26 Scoring Function S(Ni) = αP(h) + βQ(Ni) + γDir(Ni) where α + β + γ = 1 S(Ni): “Switch score” of Ni P(h): (0 ~ 1) Partition probability Q(Ni): (0 ~ 1) Quality of the “mule” Dir(Ni): (0 ~ 1) Direction of the “mule” towards the dest P(h) ↑ S(Ni) ↑ If the network is highly suspected to be disconnected, it would be better to switch to DTN Q(Ni) ↑ S(Ni) ↑ If there is a neighbor which has higher guarantee of delivery of packets to the destination, Q(Ni) would increase S(Ni) Dir(Ni) ↑ S(Ni) ↑ If the neighbor is heading toward the destination, Dir(Ni) would increase S(Ni) Q(Ni) and Dir(Ni) functions depend largely on info from VNI!! 27 P(h) Suspect network connectivity by “traversed hop counts” RED-like probability function hmin hmax 28 Q(Ni) Calculate Ni’s “Delivery Quality” Navigation information Confidence D2 D1 D3 29 Dir(Ni) Determine Ni’s “routability”: Can Ni carry the packets? Ni’s direction wrt destination Current node’s direction wrt destination Dir(N2) > Dir(N1) 30 Example: Perimeter to DTN Let α = β = 0.5, γ = 0 Sthresh = 0.5 Q(N1) = 0.1 D(N1) = 0.8 S(N1) = 0.25 Q(N1) = 0.2 D(N1) = 0.3 S(N1) = 0.35 Q(N2) = 0.7 D(N2) = 0.8 S(N2) = 0.60 P(9) = 0.5 Q(B) = 0.5 D(B) = 1 S(B) = 0.50 Q(N3) = 0.6 D(N3) = 0.9 S(N3) = 0.55 Q(N2) = 0 D(N2) = 0.2 S(N2) = 0.25 P(8) = 0.4 Q(A) = 0.4 D(A) = 0.2 S(A) = 0.4 Q(N3) = 0.6 D(N3) = 0.5 S(N3) = 0.5 31 Example: DTN to Greedy Switch to greedy only if neighbor score is lower AND it’s closer than the node that first entered into DTN S(X) = 0.2 S(B) = 0.6 X B S(J) = 0.3 J S(B) = 0.5 C S(C) = 0.3 A S(A) = 0.5 Y S(X) = 0.4 D K S(K) = 0.4 32 GeoDTN+Nav Evaluation Topology: 1500m by 4000m Oakland map from TIGER database Mobility: VanetMobisim (100 cars) 50 buses and taxis for mules Routing protocols: GPCR, RandDTN Metrics: PDR, hop count, latency 33 PDR 1.2 Packet Delivery Ratio 1 0.8 0.6 GeoDTN+Nav 0.4 RandDTN 0.2 GPCR GeoDTN+Nav maintains high PDR because packets are carried mostly by Bus nodes GeoDTN+Nav beats RandDTN 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Number of Bus Nodes 35 40 34 Latency 300 Latency (s) 250 200 150 100 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Number of Bus Nodes GeoDTN+Nav latency lower than RandDTN because GeoDTN+Nav of its hybrid nature RandDTN GPCR latency is low GPCR => packets are delivered when network is connected 35 40 35 Hop Count 16 GeoDTN+Nav Number of Hops 14 RandDTN 12 10 8 6 4 2 GeoDTN+Nav higher hop count than RandDTN Trading high count for PDR and low latency 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Number of Bus Nodes 35 40 36 GeoDTN+Nav Forwarding Diversity 0.3 Packet Delivery Ratio 0.25 0.2 0.15 GeoDTN+Nav 0.1 Optimal 0.05 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Percentage of Bus Nodes 1 % of Bus nodes and taxi nodes as mules As the number of bus node increases, PDR increases => bus has better packet delivery GeoDTN+Nav able to use both types of vehicles provided by VNI 37 Conclusion Geographic routing is feasible in VANETs Yet it is inefficient in a VANET environment We identified problems of geographic routing in VANETs and propose solutions: Planarization overhead, routing inefficiency, and signal interference (TO-GO) Routing loops caused by empty junction nodes (GeoCross) Expensive recovery (LOUVRE) Intermittent connectivity (GeoDTN+Nav) 38 Publication 1. "Enhanced Perimeter Routing for Geographic Forwarding Protocols in Urban Vehicular Scenarios,“ Kevin C. Lee, Jerome Haerri, Uichin Lee, Mario Gerla, Autonet'07, Washington, D.C., November, 2007. 2. "TO-GO: TOpology-assist Geo-Oppertunistic Routing in Urban Vehicular Grids," Kevin C. Lee, Uichin Lee, Mario Gerla, WONS 2009 , Snowbird, Utah, February, 2009. 3. "GeoCross: A Geographic Routing Protocol in the Presence of Loops in Urban Scenarios," Kevin C. Lee, Pei-Chun Cheng, Mario Gerla, Ad Hoc Networks: January, 2010. 4. "LOUVRE: Landmark Overlays for Urban Vehicular Routing Environments," Kevin C. Lee, Michael Le, Jerome Haerri, Mario Gerla, WiVeC 2008, Calgary, Canada, September, 2008. 5. "Histogram-Based Density Discovery in Establishing Road Connectivity," Kevin C. Lee, Jiajie Zhu, Jih-Chung Fan, Mario Gerla, VNC, Tokyo, Japan, October, 2009. 6. "GeoDTN+Nav: A Hybrid Geographic and DTN Routing with Navigation Assistance in Urban Vehicular Networ," Pei-Chun Cheng, Jui-Ting Weng, Lung-Chih Tung, Kevin C. Lee, Mario Gerla, Jerome Haerri, MobiQuitous/ISVCS 2008, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, July, 2008. 7. "GeoDTN+Nav: Geographic DTN Routing with Navigator Prediction for Urban Vehicular Environments," Pei-Chun Cheng, Kevin C. Lee, Mario Gerla, Jérôme Härri, Mobile Networks and Applications: Volume 15, Issue 1 (2010), Page 61. 39