Basic Math Midterm Review Math for Water Technology MTH 082-2 RULES FOR MIDTERM 1. DRAW AND LABEL DIAGRAM 2. LIST FORMULAS 3 SOLVE EACH FORMULA INDIVIDUALLY 4. ISOLATE THE PARAMETERS NECESSARY 5. USE YOUR UNITS TO GUIDE YOU 6. SOLVE THE PROBLEM Chlorine Concentrations Hypochlorite or Available Purity = DIVIDE 1.Sodium hypochlorite 5 to 15% available chlorine 2. Calcium hypochlorite (HTH) 65-70% available chlorine 3. Chlorine gas 100% available chlorine or 100% active chlorine % Dry Strength of Solution 1. Dry chlorine % Chlorine Strength= Chlorine (lbs) X 100 Solution(lbs) 2. Dry chlorine % Chlorine Strength= Chlorine (lbs) X 100 Water, Lbs + Chlorine(lbs) 3. Dry chlorine % Chlorine Strength= Hypo(lbs)(% available Cl) 100 X 100 Water, Lbs+ hypo(lbs) (% available Cl) 100 Dry Hypochlorite Feed Rate 1.Hypochlorite (lb/day)=lbs/day chlorine % available chlorine 100 2. Hypochlorite (lb/day)= (mg/L chlorine)(MGD)(8.34) %strength hypochl 100 3. Hypochlorite (lbs)= (mg/L chlorine)(MG tank Vol)(8.34) %strength hypochl 100 % Liquid Strength of Solution 1. Liquid chlorine Lbs Cl in liq. hypo= Lbs of chlorine in hypochlorite solution 2. Liquid chlorine (liq. Hypo lbs)(%Strength liq. Hyo) = (hypo Sol lbs) (% Strength liq. hyp) 100 100 3. Liquid chlorine (liq. Hypo gal)(8.34)(%Strength liq. Hyo)=(hypo Sol gal)(8.34)(%Strength liq. Hyp) 100 100 Lbs/day When do you multiply? Available to Active (multiply) Twenty 20 pounds of 50% available chlorine equals 10 lbs pounds of 100% active chlorine? 20 lbs 20 lbs (0.50)= 10 lbs 10 lbs Active is pure Available is unpure Lbs/day When do you divide? Active to Available Forty 40 pounds of 100% active chlorine (chlorine gas) has the same disinfection power as 61 lbs pounds of 65% available HTH chlorine? 61 lbs 40 lbs 40 lbs = 61 lbs (.65) Active is pure Available is unpure Lbs/day When do you multiply? Available to Active (multiply) HW #4 Problem 3 Twenty two 22 pounds of 65% available chlorine equals 14.3 lbs pounds of 100% active chlorine! 22 lbs 22 lbs (0.65)= 14.3 lbs 14.3 lbs Active is pure Available is unpure Lbs/day When do you multiply? Available to Available (multiply) HW #3 Problem 3 How many pounds of available chlorine are in 2 pounds of 65% powdered dry (available) chlorine? 2 lbs (0.65)= 1.3 lbs 2 lbs of 65% ava 1.3 lbs is available Available is unpure Available is unpure Lbs/day When do you divide? When do you multiply? PURITY IS THE KEY!!!!! When using hypochlorite, more lbs/day must be used because it is not pure! Hypochlorite is “available” chlorine If you have a certain amount of <100% chlorine (available) and you want to know how much pure (active chlorine) that is you multiply!!!! (Need less of a more pure substance) If you have a certain # of lbs of 100% pure chlorine (active) and what you need is a certain percentage (available) then you divide (its not pure so you will need more of it!) Chlorine in lbs DOSE in a tank! 1. Wells are disinfected 2. Tanks and reservoirs get chlorinated 3. Pipelines get chlorinated after repair or installation Example 5: A storage tank needs to be disinfected with a 50 mg/L chlorine solution. If the tank holds 70,000 gallons, how many lbs of chlorine gas will be needed? Step 1 Chlorine mg/L to lbs/day formula ( mg / L )( MG )( 8 . 34 lbs / gal ) lbs Conc Volume Conversion ( 50 mg / L )( 0 . 07 MG )( 8 . 34 lbs / gal ) lbs x 29 . 2 lbs Hypochlorite DOSAGE 1. Calculate lbs/day chlorine 2. Calculate lbs/day hypochlorite needed by dividing the lbs/day chlorine by the percent available chlorine Example 6: A wastewater flow of 85,000 gpd requires a chlorine dose of 25 mg/L. If sodium hypochlorite (15% available chlorine) is used, how many lbs/day of sodium hypochlorite are required? How many gal/day is this? ( mg / L )( MGD )( 8 . 34 lbs / gal ) lbs / day Conc Flow Conversion ( 25 mg / L )( 0 . 85 MGD )( 8 . 34 lbs / gal ) 177 lbs / day chlorine Step 2 Calculate lbs/day sodium hypochlorite (177 lbs / day Cl 2 15 100 Avail . Cl 2 (1180 lbs/d)/(8.34 lbs/gal)= 1180 lbs / day hypochlori te 141 gal/day sodium hypochlorite Determining Cl Concentrations from Hypochlorite dosage 1. Disinfection requires 280 lb/day chlorine. If CaOCl (65% available Cl) is used how many lbs day are required (%concentration)(X lb/day)= total lbs/day required Rearrange: (X lb /day) = Total lbs/d = (280 lbs) = 430.77 lb/d CaOCL % concentration (.65) Solutions with Specific Gravity 1. How many pounds of available chlorine are in 5 gallons of 12% hypochlorite solution if its specific gravity is 1.19? Lb=(% concentration) X (Specific gravity) X (lb/gal) X (gal) Lb= (.12) X (1.19) X (8.34 lb/gal) X (5 gal) Lb=5.95 lb Calcium hypochlorite, gal= (lb CaOCl2 @ 100%)/(8.34 lb/gal)(CaOCl2 %) Calcium hypochlorite, lbs= (gal CaOCl2)(8.34 lb/gal)(62.5%)/(100%) Hypochlorite Solutions is disinfected with 62.5% calcium hypochlorite solution, If 3.03 gal of CaOCl2 were used, what must have been the dosage of the calcium hypochlorite? Assume the calcium hypochlorite weighs 8.34 lb/gal. Get answer in (lbs) to solve for dosage in lbs formula! Calcium hypochlorite, lbs= (gal CaOCl2)(8.34 lb/gal)( % Available) (100%) Calcium hypochlorite, lbs= (3.03 gal CaOCl2)(8.34 lb/gal)(.625) Calcium hypochlorite, lbs= 15.79 lbs Solve lbs formula Number of lb=(MG)(Dosage)(8.34 lb/gal) Dosage mg/L CaOCl2=15.79 lbs CaOCl2/(0.038MG)(8.34 lb/gal) Calcium Hypochlorite Solutions Midterm 3. storage tank requires disinfection with a 65% calcium hypochlorite solution. How many gallons of hypochlorite solution are required if the desired dose is 50.0 mg/L. Assume the calcium hypochlorite solution weighs 10.21 lb/gal.? Calcium hypochlorite, gal= (lb CaOCl2 @ 100%) (10.21 lb/gal)(CaOCl2 % available) Calcium hypochlorite, gal= (51.7 lb CaOCl2) (10.21 lb/gal)(.65) = 7.79 gal Specific Gravity, LBS, Gallons, Solution Strength Lbs (% chlorine sol . strength )( full strength chlorine )( 8 . 34 lbs / gal )( specific g ravity )( gal ) ( lbs ) Gallons (% chlorine % chlorine sol . strength ) (full strenght chlorine) ( 8 . 34 lb / gal )( Specific Gravity ) ( lbs ) Sol . Strength ( 8 . 34 lb / gal )( full strength chlorine )( Specific Gravity )( gallons ) ( lbs ) Specific Gravity (% chlorine sol . strength )( full strength chlorine) ( 8 . 34 lb / gal )( gallons ) Problem #1 1. Determine the lbs / day ( mg / L )( MGD )( 8 . 34 lbs / gal ) chlorinator setting lbs/day (1.7 mg/L)(3.2 MGD)(8.34 lbs/gal) (lbs/day) needed to lbs/day 45 lbs/day Cl treat a flow of 3.2 MGD with a chlorine dose of 1.7 mg/L (5 pts). Problem #2 2. The chorine demand was calculated to be 11 lb/day, and the residual was measured at 0.5 mg/L. What was the chlorine dose (lbs) that day, if the flow was 1.2 MGD? lbs / day ( mg / L )( MGD )( 8 . 34 lbs / gal ) lbs/day (0.5 mg/L)(1.2 MGD)(8.34 lbs/gal) lbs/day 5 lbs/day Cl 1 . Cl 2 Dose ( lbs / day ) Cl 2 Demand ( lbs / day ) Cl 2 Re sidual ( lbs / day ) Cl 2 Dose ( lbs / day ) 5 lbs / day 11 lbs / day Cl 2 Dose ( lbs / day ) 16 lbs / day Problem #3 3. How many gallons of 15% liquid chorine (s.g. = 1.2) would be required to dose a circular tank to a 50 mg/L concentration? The tank diameter is 25 ft. and the water depth in the tank is 5 ft. •Volume= 0.785(diameter2)(depth) •Volume= 0.785(25ft)2(5 ft) •Volume=2453ft3 •Conversion= 2453 ft3 (7.48 gal/1ft3) •Conversion=18349 gallons •Conversion=.018349 MG ( chlorine weight lbs) dosage(mg/ L) (volume of container (MG)) ( 8 . 34 lbs / gal ) ( chlorine weight lbs) ( 50 mg/L) (.018349 MG) ( 8 . 34 lbs / gal ) ( chlorine weight lbs) 7 . 6 lbs ( lbs ) Gallons (% chlorine Gallons sol . strength )( 8 . 34 lb / gal )( Specific Gravity ) 7 . 6 lbs chlorine 5 . 06 gallons (. 15 )( 8 . 34 lb / gal )( 1 . 2 ) ? Gallons 1.2 SG 15% OCl 25 ft 5 ft Problem #4 Lbs (% chlorine sol . strength )( 8 . 34 lbs / gal )( specific g ravity )( gal ) ( chlorine weight lbs) (. 12 ) (8 . 34 lbs / gal )( 1 . 19 ) (30gal) ( chlorine weight lbs) 35 . 72 lbs of pure Cl 2 in the 12% portion of the hypochlori te solution 4. A barrel contains 30 (%concentration)(X lb)= total lbs required X lb= 35.72 lbs/.65 gallons of 12% X=54.96 lbs of 65% HTH liquid hypochlorite The lbs/day formula calculates the pure concentration of chlorine within a % solution of at a specific gravity chlorine. Thus in the 12% hypochlorite solution of 1.19. How many there are 35 lbs of pure Cl (A). Imagine the same size barrel of a higher concentration of OCl- as pounds of dry HTH 65% HTH (B). Which solution has more lbs of pure Cl ? Well, the 65% it’s a more concentrated (65% active solution so there will be more pure chlorine in it. hypochlorite) would 1.19 SG 65% OCl as HTH be needed to 12% OCl= 35 lbs pure Cl2 55 lbs pure Cl2 replace the chlorine in the barrel? A B 2