Decimal Place Value with Base Ten Blocks and Grids


Decimal Place

Value with Base

Ten Blocks and


• Units = ones

Base Ten Pieces

• Rods = tens

• Flat = hundreds

Use rods to cover a flat

• How many rods did you use to cover the flat?

• If a flat represents 1 whole, then what fraction does one rod represent?

• What fraction of the flat is 7 rods?

• What fraction of the flat is 4 rods?

• What decimal number is represented by 10 rods?

• What decimal number is represented by 1 flat and 5 rods?

• How many tenths are in two wholes?

• How would you write 20 tenths using decimal notation?

• How many small squares are in a flat?

• Which base ten piece would you use to show one hundredth? Why?

• How many hundredths does a rod represent?

• How would you write 10 hundredths using decimal notation?

• Do 0.10 and 0.1 represent the same number?

• Explain why 0.10 and 0.1 represent the same number using the base ten blocks.

Write the number that represents

3 flats, 5 rods, and 7 units using decimal notation.


Write the number that represents 2 flats, 4 rods, and 1 unit using decimal notation.


Arrange your base ten blocks to show 2.34

Arrange your base ten blocks to show 1.05

Find sheet “Day 14 Base Ten Grids”

Find Grid A

• How many small squares are on this grid?

• What fraction of the grid does each small square represent?

• What is the decimal representation for each small square?

• What is the decimal representation for each row or each column?

• Shade 2 columns and 4 small squares, what decimal have we represented?

Find in your notebook, “Day 14, Blank

Base Ten Grids A”

Use the Blank Grids to shade each of the following decimals!!

Example: 1.82 – You would shade one whole grid

PLUS 8 columns and 2 squares







Find sheet “Day 14 Base Ten Grids”


Look at Grid B

• How many tiny rectangles are on this grid?

• What fraction of the grid does each tiny rectangle represent?

• How do you think we might represent this number using decimal notation?

• What do you think this place value is called? Why?

• Shade 2 rows, 8 small squares, and 9 tiny rectangles, what decimal have I represented?

Find in your notebook, “Day 14, Blank

Base Ten Grids B”

Use the Blank Grids to shade each of the following decimals!!

Example: 1.823 – You would shade one whole grid PLUS

8 rows, 2 small squares, and 3 tiny rectangles







Homework :)

Day 14, “Decimal

Place Value Practice
