Prof. Dr. Tayfun Bagis Acıbadem University The 2 studies had different results for pregnancy outcomes Live Birth Rate* in Meta-analyses, GnRH Antagonists vs GnRH Agonists Al-Inany1 Kolibianakis2 0.82 0.86 95% CI 0.69-0.98 0.72-1.02 P value 0.03 0.085 OR *Live birth rate included ongoing pregnancies (Al-Inany) or calculated rates (Kolibianakis). OR = odds ratio. 1. Al-Inany et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006;3:CD001750. 2. Kolibianakis et al. Hum Reprod Update. 2006;12:651. Characteristic Al-Inany1 Kolibianakis2 Last date searched Feb 2006 Dec 2005 No. of studies included 27 22 Included non–peerreviewed data Yes No Included studies on IUI Yes No 3,865 3,176 Ongoing pregnancy or live birth rate (Only 15 studies evaluable, n=2,973) Live birth rate* (All 22 studies included; in 12/22 studies, live births estimated) Total patients Primary outcome IUI = intrauterine insemination. *Ongoing pregnancies were converted to live birth equivalents. Live births = 84% of number viable at week 7 or 92% of number viable at week 12 of gestation. 1. Al-Inany et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006;3:CD001750. 2. Kolibianakis et al. Hum Reprod Update. 2006;12:651. Al-Inany1 Kolibianakis2 Duration of analog treatment −20.90 days (95% CI −22.20, −19.60) −19.48 days (95% CI −21.05, −17.91) Duration of ovarian stimulation −1.54 days (95% CI −2.42, −0.66; P=0.0006) −1.13 days (95% CI −1.83, −0.44) Risk of severe OHSS OR 0.61 (95% CI –0.42, 0.89; P=0.01) RR 0.46* (95% CI 0.26, 0.82; P=0.01) Interventions to prevent OHSS OR 0.44 (95% CI 0.21, 0.93; P=0.03) *For every 59 women treated with a GnRH agonist vs GnRH antagonist, 1 additional case of severe OHSS will occur. RR = risk ratio. 1. Al-Inany et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006;3:CD001750. 2. Kolibianakis et al. Hum Reprod Update. 2006;12:651. LH rise LH surge Kolibianakis2 OR 8.27 (95% CI 3.82-17.90) OR 4.05 (95% CI 1.53-10.72) 2. Kolibianakis et al. Hum Reprod Update. 2006;12:651. Siklus öncesi problemler Senkronizasyon (oosit sayısı) Fleksibilite (hafta sonu plan) Progesteron OKS Estrogen OCP pre-treatment Rate difference in ongoing pregnancy per woman: -5% (95% CI: -10 to -1), p = 0.02 1. Griesinger et al. Fertil Steril. 2008:90;1055-1063. 2. Update Griesinger et al. submitted Siklus başındaki problemler Gn ne zaman başlanmalı (2-3)? Korpus luteum rescue (P4 yüksekliği) D2 P4 ölçümü Problems at the beginning of cycle. Cycle day 2 Transvaginal US + (if desired) hormonal profile Ongoing PR Per started cycle Normal-P High-P group group 31.8 (124/390) 5 (1/20) P 0.011 Per oocyte retrieval Per ET 33.8 (124/367) 6.3 (1/16) 0.026 36.9 (124/336) 6.3 (1/16) 0.014 Ongoing IR Progesterone on HCG day 21.1 (151/714) 1.1 (0.8) 3.6 (1/28) 1.2 (1.3) 0.028 NS Kolibianakis 2004 ACIBADEM EXPERIENCE A N=102 MODA N=66 P Female age 32.02±4.9 31.74±4.8 0.711 Duration of infertility (years) 4.3±3.1 3.9±3.3 0.444 BMI (kg/m2) 24.07±4.3 23.4±3.6 0.374 Gravida 0.64±1.03 0.37±0.8 0.077 Cycle no 1.63±0.90 1.92±1.29 0.102 Antral follicle count 13.6±6.4 14.6±5.3 0.381 ANT N=20 MODA N=20 P Total gonadotrophin dose 1829.7±734 1661.2±482 0.116 E2/HCG day 1483.1±1319.9 1858.9±1452.5 0.140 P/HCG day 0.68±0.33 0.84±0.46 0.032 Endometrium/HCG day 10.9±2.07 11.2±2.59 0.419 No. Follicle >10mm/HCG 11.05±5.8 12.64±5.27 0.091 14 12 10 4.01 5 17-22 mm 8 6 3.6 4.09 3.8 3.9 4 2 0 Antagonist MODA 14-16 mm 10-13 mm P/HCG day ≥ 1.2 A % 6.8 MODA %16.4 P 0.108 11.3 12 10 8.6 8 8.6 6.7 6 6.11 5.8 4.7 4 4.6 2.3 2.8 2 0 Oocyte no MII oocyte no Cleavage no Grade I no Total embryo no ANT MODA HCG (+) 70 61 60 50 47.4 40 36/59 30 20 50/95 10 0 A MODA OR 1.409 CI %95 (0.728-2.726) HCG (+) Antagonist başlama problemleri SD 4? SD5? SD6? Fleksible? Siklus başından itibaren? Modifiye protokoller? Antagonist dozu? 1- At least one follicle measuring >14 mm 2- Estradiol levels >600 pg/ml 3- LH levels >10 IU/l Retrieved oocytes 12.1 MII % 75.8 Fertilization % 58.7 ET number 1.9 Cryo number 2.4 Ongoing IR % 26.5 Ongoing PR/Cycle 39.7 Ongoing PR/Retri 39.7 Ongoing PR/ET 42.4 12 10 10 8.8 9.3 8.6 8 0,25 6 5.4 4.6 5.3 0,5 4.9 4 3.3 2.5 3.3 3.5 2 0 oocyte no embryo no good qe The Ganirelix dose-finding study group. Hum Reprod. 1998. 1 2 The Ganirelix dose-finding study group. Hum Reprod. 1998. 40 37.1 35 30 25 20 15 13 0,5 15.3 13 9 8.8 10 5 0 0,25 21.9 1.5 0.1 OPR/ET 8.5 IR 1.6 3.7 Early miscar 1 2 Upper quartile Middle quartile Lower quartile P Oocyte yield 15.2 (7.5) 13.1 (7.9) 11.8 (5.6) <0.01 CPR 45.9 28.7 25 0.01 LBR 38.6 22.3 20 0.02 E2 response (defined as posttreatment/pretreatment E2 ratio) HCG günü problemler HCG günü antagonist? HCG kriterleri? HCG ertelenebilir mi? HCG günü P4? PHASE III TRIALS LH rises (≥10 IU /L) with concomitant progesterone rises (>1 ng/mL) European trial 1.5% North American trial 1.5% European and Middle East trial GnRH agonist control group (pooled data) 0.4% 0.8% No of patients (%) CPR/ET LBR Premature luteinization p≥1.2 ng/ml No Premature luteinization P<1.2 ng/ml 31/81 (38.3%) 50/81 (61.7%) P 8/31 (25.8%) 27/50 (54%) 0.01 12/87 (13.8%) 41/128 (32%) 0.007 Overall prevalence of premature luteinization was 18.2 %. (P>1.5 ng/ml) Luteal faz problemler Vaginal & IM Progesteron? GnRH agonist suplementasyonu?