
Template Matching
o Chamfer Matching
Statistical Pattern Recognition (SPR)
Robust object recognition using a
cascade of Haar classifiers (Haar)
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 1
Template Matching - Topics
 Applications
 Matching criteria
 Use of Fourier space
 Use of chamfering
 Control strategies
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 2
Template – Applications for template matching
Locating objects
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 3
Template – Applications for template matching
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 4
Template – Applications for template matching
Visual inspection
Golden template matching
Stereo Vision
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 5
Template – Matching Algorithm
Basic Algorithm
Inputs – Image & Object
For every possible position of the object in the image
Evaluate a match criterion
Search for local maxima of the match criterion above some threshold
‘Every possible position’?
‘Match criterion’
‘Local maxima above some threshold’
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 6
Template – Matching criteria
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 7
Template – Matching criteria example
Simple example
Matching criteria
Real example
Uses normalised cross correlation.
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 8
Template Matching in OpenCV
Mat matching_space;
search_image.rows–template_image.rows+1, CV_32FC1 );
matchTemplate( search_image, template_image,
matching_space, CV_TM_CCORR_NORMED );
// Other measures: CV_TM_CCORR, CV_TM_SQDIFF,
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 9
Template – Finding Local Maxima in OpenCV
Local maxima – Dilate + Look for unchanged values + Threshold
Local minima – Erode + Look for unchanged values + Threshold
Mat dilated, thresholded_matching_space, local_maxima,
dilate( matching_space, dilated, Mat());
compare( matching_space, dilated, local_maxima, CMP_EQ );
threshold( matching_space, thresholded_matching_space,
threshold, 255, THRESH_BINARY );
thresholded_matching_space.convertTo( thresholded_8bit,
CV_8U );
bitwise_and( local_maxima,thresholded_8bit,local_maxima );
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 10
Template – Control Strategies for Matching
Goal: Localise close copies
Size, orientation
Geometric distortion
Use an image hierarchy
Low resolution first
Limit higher resolution search
Search higher probability locations first
Known / learnt likelihood
From lower resolution
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 11
Template – Chamfer matching
Template matching requires very close matches
Objects often appear very slightly different
We want a more flexible approach
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 12
Template – Chamfering
Compute chamfered image for a binary edge image.
For every point
If (edge point)
Set c(i, j) = 0
Else Set c(i, j) = ∞
For j = min to max
For i = min to max
c(i, j) = minqAL [distance( (i, j), q ) + f( q )]
For j = max to min
For i = max to min
c(i, j) = minqBR [distance( (i, j), q ) + f( q )]
Canny( gray_image, edge_image, 100, 200, 3);
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 13
Template – Chamfer matching
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 14
Template – Chamfering for matching
Compare with boundary template
Sum of chamfer values for boundary points
Low values best
Chamfer matching is a simple routine to write (provided in the text);
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 15
SPR – Statistical Pattern Recognition
Probability Review
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 16
SPR – Probabitity Review – Basics
P(A) = limn N(A) / n
Probability of two events A and B:
P(AB) = P(A)P(B)
P(AB) = P(A|B)P(B)
Conditional Probability P(A|B)
Typical problem:
Given some evidence x from an unknown object.
What class Wi is the object?
A-priori probability – p(x | Wi)
Relative probability – p(Wi)
A-posteriori probability – p(Wi | x)
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 17
SPR – Probabitity Review – Bayes Theorem
For two classes A and B the a-posteriori probability is:
P(B|A) = P(A|B)P(B) / P(A)
Where Wi forms a partitioning of the event space:
p(Wi | x) =
_p(x | Wi)P(Wi)__
j p(x | Wj)P(Wj)
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 18
SPR – Probability Density Functions
Given a class (Wi) and an event (x)
Determine the probability of any particular value occurring…
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 19
SPR – Features: Area
Count the points
Location dependent?
Determine from n polygon vertices
vector<vector<Point>> contours;
vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;
findContours( binary_image, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_TREE,
for (int contour=0; (contour>=0); contour=hierarchy[contour][0])
double area = contourArea(contours[contour]) +
contours[contour].size()/2 + 1;
for (int hole=hierarchy[contour][2]; (hole>=0); hole=hierarchy[hole][0])
area -= ( contourArea(contours[hole]) – contours[hole].size()/2 + 1 );
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 20
SPR – Features: Elongatedness
CANNOT BE the ratio of the length and width of the minimum
bounding rectangle
Ratio of region area divided by the square of it’s thickness
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 21
SPR – Features: Minimum Bounding Rectangle
Turn rectangle through discrete steps
Only one quadrant
Length to Width ratio
Length / Width
Area / (Length * Width)
Convex Hull to Minimum Bounding Rectangle area ratio
Area inside convex hull / (Length * Width)
RotatedRect min_bounding_rectangle =
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 22
SPR – Features: Convex hull
Smallest convex region
Start with
Any point on convex hull
Previous vector direction
Search all other boundary points
Find point with least angle to previous vector
Switch to new point and vector
Go to 2 unless new point = start point.
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 23
SPR – Features: Convex hull
vector<vector<Point>> hulls(contours.size());
for (int contour=0; (contour<contours.size()); contour++)
convexHull(contours[contour], hulls[contour]);
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 24
SPR – Features: Concavities and Holes
Identify concavities from the convex hull
Identify holes in the binary shape
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 25
SPR – Features: Concavities and Holes
vector<vector<int>> hull_indices(contours.size());
vector<vector<Vec4i>> convexity_defects(contours.size());
for (int contour=0; (contour<contours.size()); contour++)
convexHull( contours[contour], hull_indices[contour] );
convexityDefects( contours[contour], hull_indices[contour],
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 26
SPR – Features: Perimeter Length and Circularity
Perimeter length
Approximately the number of boundary elements
Should really take into account direction
Circularity = Perimeter length / (4*π*Area)
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 27
SPR – Features: Moments & Moment invariants
Moments measure the distribution of shape
Central moments:
Scale invariant moments:
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 28
SPR – Features: Moment invariants
Moment invariants / Hu moments:
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 29
SPR – Features: Moments and Moment invariants
Moments contour_moments;
double hu_moments[7];
contour_moments = moments( contours[contour] );
HuMoments( contour_moments, hu_moments );
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 30
SPR – Classification – Introduction
Object recognition
Classes (w1, w2, … wR)
Input Pattern / features (x1, x2, … xn)
Feature space
Choosing the features (Example)
Clusters in feature space
Linear separability
Inseperable classes
Minimum Distance Classifier
Linear Classifier
Probabilistic Classifier
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 31
SPR – Minimum distance classifier
Each class represented by an exemplar
For an unknown object
Determine the distance to the exemplars
Pick the class with the smallest distance
Unknown class?
Distance must be less than some threshold
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 32
SPR – Linear classifier
Linear discrimination functions
gr(x) = qro + qr1x1 + … + qrnxn
Decision rule
wr = d(x)
gr(x)  gs(x)
Unknown class
gr(x) > threshold
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 33
SPR – Probabilistic classifier
Optimal classifier
Based on Probability Density Functions
Remove normalisation from Bayes rule…
Resultant Discrimination function:
Mean Loss Function:
Advantages / Disadvantages
Extensive training
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 34
SPR – Classifier learning
Training set
Must be representative
Must be inductive
Training set size
Training set provides the unknown statistical information
Size will typically have to be increased several times
Sample learning strategies
Probability density estimation – estimating p(x|wr) & P(wr)
Training set includes class specification for every instance
Cluster Analysis
Look for similarities in feature space
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 35
SPR: Real example
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 36
Haar –
Robust Object Detection using a cascade of classifiers.
Efficient calculation
Weak & Strong Classifiers
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 37
Haar – In OpenCV.
CascadeClassifier cascade;
if( !cascade.load(
"haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml" )
vector<Rect> faces;
equalizeHist( gray_image, gray_image );
cascade.detectMultiScale( gray_image, faces, 1.1, 2,
CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE, Size(30, 30) );
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 38
Haar – Overview
Training using a number of positive and negative samples
Uses simple (Haar like) features
Efficient calculation…
Selects a large number of these features during training to create
strong classifiers
Links a number of strong classifiers into a cascade for recognition
Can work at different scales
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 39
Haar – Features
Features determined as the difference of the sums of a number of
rectangular regions
Place the mask in a specific location
and at a specific scale
Then subtract the sum of the ‘white pixels’
from the sum of the ‘black pixels’
Why does this work?
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 40
Haar – Efficient Calculation – Integral Image
Integral Image:
Every point ii(i,j) = i’=0..i j’=0..j image(i’,j’)
Sum of points in rectangle D:
sum(D) = ii(p) + ii(s) – ii(q) – ii(r)
Features can be computed at any scale for the same cost
An integral function is provided which computes the integral image
both normally and at 45o
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 41
Haar – Training
Number of possible features.
the variety of feature types
allowed variations in size and
Training must
Identify the best features to use at
each stage
To do this positive and negative
samples are needed…
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 42
Haar – Weak & Strong Classifiers
Weak Classifier
pjfeaturej(x) < pjθj
Tune threshold (θj)
Strong Classifiers
Combine a number of weak
E.g. 100% true positives with only
40% false positives using only two
face features…
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 43
Haar – Strong Classifiers – Adaboost
Given n example images x1..xn together with classifications y1..yn
where yi = 0, 1 for negative and positive examples respectively.
Initialise weights w1,i = 1 / (2*(m*(1- yi)+l*yi))
where m and l are the number of negative and positive examples respectively.
For t=1,…,T
1. Normalize the weights (i.e. for all i): wt,i = wt,i / (j=1..n wt,j)
2. For each feature, j, train a weak classifier hj(x) and evaluate the error taking into
account the weights: j = i wt,i | hj(xi) – yi |
3. Select the classifier, hj(x), with the lowest j , save as ct(x) with error Et
4. Update the weights (i.e. for all i): wt+1,i = wt,i t(1- ei )
where ei = | ct(xi) – yi | and t = Et / (1–Et)
The final strong classifier is: h(x)= 1 if t=1..T αtct(x)  ½ t=1..T αt ,
0 otherwise
where αt = log 1/t
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 44
Haar – Classifier cascade
Object recognition is possible with a single strong classifier
To improve detection rates AND to reduce computation time:
A cascade of strong classifiers can be used
Each stage either accepts or rejects
Only those accepted pass to the next stage
Efficient computation…
Strong classifiers trained using AdaBoost
On the remaining set of data
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 45
Haar – Recognition
Face recognition
38 stages
6000+ features
4916 positive samples
9544 negative samples
Scale independence
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 46
Two aspects
Computation time
double before_tick_count=static_cast<double>(getTickCount());
// Put methods to be timed here…
double after_tick_count=static_cast<double>(getTickCount());
double duration_in_ms=1000.0*(after_tick_countbefore_tick_count) / getTickFrequency();
Success and failure rates
What is the correct answer?
We need ground truth
How do we assess success?
We need metrics.
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 47
Performance – Ground Truth
Has to be manually computed
Very difficult to get agreement…
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 48
Performance – Metrics
and then compute…
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 49
Performance – Tuning
We can tune performance by altering parameters
For example altering the threshold used for accepting a match in
our template matching example
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 50
Performance – Precision-Recall Curves
Alternative (common) visualisation
Select the parameters which result in the point on the PR curve
which is closest to P=1.0, R=1.0
Based on A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with
OpenCV by Kenneth Dawson-Howe © Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014
Slide 51