Lecture 4 (PPT)

COMP 446 / ELEC 446
Mobile Device Applications
Scott Cutler
Professor in the Practice of Computer Technology
Department of Computer Science
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Wednesday 2-3:30, DH 1046
 Events of the Week
 Next week’s assignment and class
 Review of Assignment 2
 Some more on Views, Gestures, Protocols
 Questions on Assignment #3
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Events of the Week
 Amazon Debuts Three New Kindle Tablets
Amazon's gadget as a service theme: Hardware becomes irrelevant soon
 'Bing It On': Microsoft Challenge Targets Google Search
 T-Mobile: Bring your unlocked iPhone over to us
 Nokia culpa: Phony Lumia 920 video prompts ethics probe
 HP Ups Layoff, Buyout Head Count to 29,000 by 2014
 Some stores report zero BlackBerry sales in last month – analyst
 Best Buy Takes on RadioShack in Mobile Strip-Mall Push
 Samsung Galaxy S III Sells 20 Million Units in 100 Days
 U.S. judge: HTC patents likely valid in Apple suit
 Samsung may sue Apple over iPhone 5; Apple fights tablet ruling
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Event of the Week
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Current Roster
 Victor Acuna
 Ryan Artecona
 Gbenga Badipe
 Peter Chang
 Joan Chao
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Current Roster (2)
 Alex Chiu
 Heaven Chen
 Lingo Dai
 Weibo He
 Sahil Hingorani
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Current Roster (3)
 Abdul Nimeri
 Bill Robertson
 Frank Salinas
 Tyler Siegert
 Austin Witt
 Matthew Zhao
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Optional Sessions and Support
 Monday office hours with TA Richard Latimer. 4:00pm Mudd
 Ability to email questions to me at any time.
Can email Richard Latimer as well.
 Level of support will vary over semester
High level of support at the beginning.
Support decreasing each project as over time as knowing
where to look or how to debug is a very important skill for
you to learn.
Richard instructed to respond conceptually – not just provide
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
COMP 446 Syllabus
Lecture 1 - 8/22/12 - Introduction
Lecture 2 - 8/29/12- Assignment 1 issues and questions from videos
Watch before:
3, 4 (demo part)
#3 – Graphing Universal Calculator
Assignment due: Tuesday, 9/18 6:00 am (Monday 30:00)
Lecture 4 - 9/12/12 - Assignment 3 issues and questions from videos
Watch before:
1, 2
#2 – Function Calculator
Assignment due: Friday, 9/7 6:00 am (Thursday 30:00)
Lecture 3 - 9/05/12 - Assignment 2 issues and questions from videos
Watch before:
#1 - Calculator
Assignment due: Friday, 8/31 6:00 am (Thursday 30:00)
Watch before:
4 (post demo), 5, 6
Continue with #3 – Graphing Universal Calculator
Assignment due: Tuesday, 9/18 6:00 am (Monday 30:00)
Lecture 5 - 9/19/12 - Assignment 3 issues and questions from videos
Watch before:
Watch 7 before class, 8 after class
#4 – Fiickr Top Places
Assignment due: Friday, 9/28 6:00 am (Thursday 30:00)
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
COMP 446 Syllabus
Lecture 6 - 9/26/12 - Assignment 4 issues and questions from videos
Lecture 7 - 10/03/12 - Assignment 5 issues and questions from videos
Watch before:
10 (after Tab Bar), 11, 12
1: #6 – Fiickr Core Data
- Likely to be broken into required and optional parts
- Optional part required for A+
2: Final Project Topic (due before next class)
Assignment due: Friday, 10/12 6:00 am (Thursday 30:00)
Lecture 8 - 10/10/12 - Assignment 6 issues and SQL
Watch before:
8, 9 very beginning of 10
#5 – Fiickr Map Places
Assignment due: Friday, 10/5 6:00 am (Thursday 30:00)
Watch before:
13, 14
Final Project Proposal
Assignment due: Tuesday, 10/16 6:00 am (Monday 30:00)
Lecture 9 - 10/17/12 - iOS 6
Watch before:
Optional 15, 16
iOS 6 app
Assignment due: Friday, 10/26 6:00 am (Thursday 30:00)
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
COMP 446 Syllabus
Lecture 10 - 10/24/12 – HTML 5
Lecture 11 - 10/31/12 - TBD
Continue working on Final Project
Assignment due: Wednesday, 11/28 2:00pm
Lecture 14 - 11/21/12 – No class, but continue on final project
Continue working on Final Project
Assignment due: Wednesday, 11/28 2:00pm
Lecture 13 - 11/14/12 - Individual meetings on Final Project
Continue working on Final Project
Assignment due: Wednesday, 11/28 2:00pm
Lecture 12 - 11/7/12- Android vs. iOS vs. Windows Phone group debate
Watch before:
Optional 17, 18
Major Final Project Feature
Assignment due: Friday, 11/2 6:00 am (Thursday 30:00)
Continue working on Final Project
Assignment due: Wednesday, 11/28 2:00pm
Lecture 15 - 11/28/12 - Final Presentations
Document Final Project
Assignment due: By time assigned for COMP 446 final (there is NO final exam)
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Final Projects
 Projects will be individual
An acceptable iPad project can couple to an iPhone project
 Projects can be in iOS, Windows 8 or Android
 You are responsible for Win 8 or Android technology
 I have a small number of iOS devices that can be used by students
without one.
May have to share
Likely have to deploy from a non-community Mac
 Must utilize at least one major and one minor iOS framework and
feature not covered in first 6 assignments; preferably >1 major.
 Project must be pre-approved
Often because proposed project too difficult to complete
Sometimes need to be modified for content
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Final Project Ideas
 Augmented Reality is always a winner
 There are some interesting robots utilizing the
 One could make a board game with iPhone players
and iPad game board.
 OpenGL is a good feature.
 External universal frameworks are NOT allowed.
 Utilizing a backend is good, but not much credit given
for backend logic
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Week 5
 Watch CS193p lectures #7 and first part of #8
 Make progress on CS193p Assignment #3
Videos #7 and #8 content required for assignment
Try and complete before 9/19 class. Due Friday, 9/21 6:00 am .
 Submit assignments, review lectures at www.comp446.com
 Start thinking about big project
 Next week’s lecture – iPad and Life Cycle
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Assignment #2 Comments
 Sloppiness
 @synthesize foo=_foo;
_foo should only be used in setter and getter
 [[calculatorBrain class] runProgram…] instead of [CalculatorBrain runProgram]
Sometimes you do use [self class] to properly refer to subclasses.
 Group methods commonly run together into group method that is called in
place of calling the individual methods.
 Improper use of first letter capitalization
 Class names start UpperCase. Method names in lowerCase.
 Think through the data structures before writing too much code. The proper
data structure makes many things easier.
If you find a task too difficult, it may be because of the way your organized
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
What is coming up in the assignments?
 Assignment #3 – Graphing Calculator
Core Graphics, views, frames, bounds, etc.
Navigation Controllers
Storyboards and Segues
Gesture recognizers
Protocols and Delegates
iPad apps, Universal Apps, SplitView controllers
 Assignment #1 was easy. #2 was more difficult. #3
incorporates many new paradigms
Will need to watch through video 7 for iPad information
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
What is coming up in the assignments?
 Assignment #4 – Flickr Top Places
Tab bar controllers
TableView controllers
Data from the internet
 Assignment #5 – Fast Flickr Map
Builds on Assignment #4
Multi Threading / Grand Central Dispatch
 Assignment #6 – Core Data Flickr
Core Data
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Video Sequence
 Evidence that people are starting the assignments
prior to watching the videos – DON’T
 I have worked to pace my lectures and COMP 446
assignment deadlines with listed videos roughly
paralleling Stanford progression.
 Most sets tell theory in one lecture and give a related
demo in the next.
 Sometimes reversed.
 Video demos VERY useful for your homework
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Review of Video 3 Items
 Many of the slides to follow come directly
from the Fall 2011 Stanford CS193p slide
 Some come from earlier versions of CS193p
which I think were a bit clearer than the
current deck
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
 Top level drawing class with many defined
 Top level rectangular area for drawing.
 Often contains multiple subviews and
possibly one superview.
 Views are ordered with definable
 Memory Management: A superview maintains
a strong pointer to its subviews.
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Drawing Coordinates
 C based floats and structs
CGFloat data type
Two CGFloats make up a CGPoint or CGSize.
A CGPoint and a CGSize make a CGRect
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CGRect aRect = CGRectMake (5.1, 7, 20, 30);
aRect.size.height =75;
COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Drawing Coordinates
 Origin (0, 0) in upper left.
 Units in points and not Pixels
@property CGFloat contentScaleFactor; //pixel
 Three important @properties:
@property CGRect bounds;
@property CGPoint center;
Your view’s “bounding” rectangle
Your view’s center in superview’s coordinates
@property CGRect frame;
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A rectangular area in superview’s coordinates that
encompasses your view.
COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Custom Views
 Views often created in .storyboard file
 Can be created in code with custom class
UIView subclass
Override drawRect: method
 You NEVER call drawRect
Call UIView’s –(void)setNeedsDisplay; method
 The drawing API is C, not object-oriented.
 More (), less *
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Drawing Process
 First get a drawing context
Context is fancy word that collects the various
drawing parameters.
 CGContextRef context =
 No memory management (no *)
Create paths out of lines, arcs, etc.
Set colors, fonts, textures, etc.
Stroke or fill created paths to draw
Push and Pop context to make temporary changes
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Drawing Text and Images
 Text normally drawn through UILabel subclass
 NSString has methods to draw text using a UIFont object
 -(void) drawAtPoint: withFont:; //NSString method
 Images normally drawn through UIImageView subclass
 UIImage can be used to create an image from a file or
many other things
 Can draw one through CGContext
 Can extract NSData class bits from UIImages
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
 Many important subclasses
 @property (nonatomic, strong) UIView *view;
 Is instantiated in one of two ways (not both):
 - (id) initWinthNibName: bundle:;
 [[UIViewController alloc] init];//xib and bundle are nil
 After initialized: viewDidLoad or Awake from Nib is called
 Before appearance: viewWillAppear: animated:; called.
 Other lifecycle methods:
 viewWillDisappear: animated:
 “did” versions of above
 Methods to handle rotation
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)orientation
return UIInterfaceOrientationIsPortrait(orientation); // only support portrait
return YES; // support all orientations
return (orientation != UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown); // anything but
Complementarey viewWillAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: and
Proper use of Struts and Springs in Storyboard will help keep things looking correct
 @property (nonatomic) UIViewContentMode contentMode; //determines how
views redraw by default.
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Protocols/Delegates and Target/Action
 Mechanism for crossing MVC boundaries
 Mechanism for customizing opaque designs
 Often sound scarier than they are
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Target / Action
 When a controller wants a view to get back to it when
something happens, it use Target / Action.
 The Target is the class instance to receive a
message from the view when something happens
 The Action is the method sent to the Target when the
trigger happens.
 View items, like buttons, can have multiple
target/action pairs.
 A target and its associated method can be triggered
by multiple situations.
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Protocols, Delegates and DataSources
 Protocols define a set of required and optional methods and
properties to accomplish something
Protocols can be placed in an existing or a separate header file.
Use @class className to forward reference a class
Protocols can inherit other protocols – adding the inherited requirements
and optional methods to their own
 Delegates are classes which publicize that they handle the
requirements of a protocol. These classes get set as the delegate
normally in a property of the class defining the protocol.
It is safe to send a required protocol method to a class that states it
handles a protocol. It must check respondsTo for optional methods.
<myProtocol> is used to identify that a class responds to myProtocol
Can also be added to an iVar or property.
 DataSources are Delagates handling data values
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
 Abstract superclass for UIPanGestureRecognizer,
UIPinchGR, UIRotationGR, UISwipeGR, UITapGR
 Recognition done in view.
 GestureRecognizer usually set up in controller
 Recognizer handled in view or controller as
 Most recognizers handled in incremental mode where
handler resets item that changed.
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Controller of Controllers
 UINavigationController
Extremely common stack of cards views
 UITabBarController
Managing separate sections of an app
 UISplitViewController
iPad specific Master/Slave view controller
 UITableViewController
Efficient way to display a lot of data in a table form.
Most often subclassed
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
 Deep Dive view controller
Managed push and pop of views showing more detail
 Top level object or as a section of a UITabBarController
 Instantiation:
Create with alloc / init and add controller’s view property to view
Use Storyboard and embed controller in UINavigtionController
 UIViewControllers under a UINavigationController have a
navigationController property used to push new views
 ViewControllers have strong pointers their views.
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
 Mechanism to transition from one MVC to
 Most often setup in StoryBoard via control
Remember to name the Segue
 Will receive prepareForSegue:Sender:
 Can be initiated solely in code
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Protocols and Assignment #3
 The Calculator is an MVC with the
CalculatorBrain as the Model
 The Graphing MVC is supposed to be generic
and use a protocol for its view’s data
 Where should the protocol be defined?
 Where should the protocol be implemented?
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4
Assignment #3 Questions
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COMP 446 / ELEC 446 - Week 4