Chapter 15

Abstract Classes
• We often define classes as subclasses of other classes
– First, define the superclass
– In some cases, a superclass may not have enough
specificity to allow for an implementation of one or more
• a GeometricObject class might be the parent for Circle and
• computeArea and computePerimeter are two useful methods for
these subclasses but GeometricObject is too generic of a class to
be able to implement these methods on
• yet we want to define these methods in GeometricObject so they
are inherited by Circle and Rectangle
• recall we did something similar when implement Vehicle so that
other Vehicle subclasses could inherit getBattleUtility
• An abstract method is a definition for a method
without an implementation
• An abstract class is a class that contains at least one
abstract method
Abstract Classes
• You cannot instantiate an object of an abstract class
(although you can declare a variable to be of that type
for polymorphism)
– Here we see obj is a GeometricObject
– We cannot instantiate obj to be a GeometricObject but we
can instantiate it to be a Circle or a Rectangle
GeometricObject obj;
obj = new Circle(10);
obj = new Rectangle(5,10);
• The reason for having abstract classes is first to
provide a “placeholder” that informs programmers of
what needs to be implemented in a subclass and
second to provide a common basis for all subclasses
of this superclass
Defining an Abstract Class
• Add the word abstract to the class header
– public abstract class Name
• You can define instance data, constants and methods as
– You can also implement at least one abstract method (you do not
have to have abstract methods in an abstract class)
• To declare an abstract method
– Place the word abstract in the method header
– In place of the method’s implementation {…} just put a ;
• public abstract void foo(…);
– The method’s profile (return type, parameters) must be exactly
as you expect subclasses to implement them
• you must override an abstract method, it can not be overloaded
• you cannot make an abstract method static
• The example that follows is the UML for GeometricObject,
Circle and Rectangle
Abstract class
-color: String
-filled: boolean
The # sign indicates
protected modifie r
-dateCreated: java.util.Date
#Geo metric Object()
#Geo metric Object(color: string,
filled: boolean)
+getColor(): St ring
+setColor(colo r: String): void
+isFilled(): boolean
+setFilled(filled : boolean): void
+getDateCreated(): java.util.Date
+toString(): String
+getArea(): double
Abstract methods
are ita lic ized
+getPerimeter(): double
-radius: double
+Circle ()
Methods getArea and getPerimeter a re overridden in
Circ le and Rectangle. Superclass methods are generally
omitted in the UM L d iagra m for subclasses .
-width: double
-height: double
+Circle (radius: double)
+Circle (radius: double, color: string,
filled: boolean)
+Rectangle(width: double, height: double)
+getRadius(): double
+Rectangle(width: double, height: double,
color: string, filled: boolean)
+setRadius(radius: double): void
+getWidth(): double
+getDia meter(): double
+setWidth(width: double): void
+getHeight(): double
+setHeight(height: double): void
Some Comments
• Abstract methods cannot be placed in non-abstract classes
– If a class extends an abstract class, it must either implement all
inherited abstract methods or itself also be abstract
– Recall that you cannot instantiate an object of an abstract class
• An abstract class does not need to contain abstract methods
– You would only do this if the superclass was merely a base for
other classes to inherit from
• A subclass can override a parent class’ method and make it
abstract – in which case the subclass would have to be
– Here the superclass is not [necessarily] abstract while the
subclass is
– This is unusual but allows you to “shut off” inheritance of a
superclass implementation of a method
Example: Revising Vehicle
public abstract class Vehicle
protected String type;
protected boolean heavilyArmored;
protected int capacity;
protected int speed;
protected int armament;
As before
Vehicle(String t) { ... }
String getType() {...}
boolean getHeavilyArmored() {...}
int getCapcity() {...}
int getSpeed() {...}
int getArmament() {...}
String toString() {...}
abstract int getBattleUtility
(boolean night, boolean roughTerrain,
boolean needGroundSupport, boolean needHeavyArms,
boolean antiAircraftGuns, boolean equipment,
int distance);
abstract and no implementation
Another Example
• We want to define a deck of cards
– There are different types of cards
• Ordinary cards which are shuffled randomly
• Magic cards which are not shuffled randomly
• Stacked decks
• We will define CardClass to represent an abstract deck of
– This class will create instance data of the deck itself (an array
of ints which indicate the order of the cards currently) and
whether a particular card has been dealt yet (a boolean array)
– Non-abstract methods will be a constructor and accessors to get
a card and determine if a card has been dealt
– But the shuffle method will be abstract based on the subclass
• We will then implement a subclass, PlayingCards to be a
deck of ordinary playing cards
– The shuffle method is implemented as a simple random
generation of the sequence of cards (numbers 0-51)
public abstract class CardClass {
protected int[] deck;
protected boolean[] dealt;
public CardClass() {
deck=new int[52];
dealt=new boolean[52];
for(int i=0;i<52;i++) dealt[i]=false;
public boolean dealtYet(int index) throws
IndexOutOfBoundsException {
if(index<52) return dealt[index];
else throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(index +
" is too large for the size of this deck");
public int getCard(int index) throws
IndexOutOfBoundsException {
if(index<52) return deck[index];
else throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(index +
" is too large for the size of this deck");
public abstract void shuffle();
import java.util.*;
public class PlayingCards extends CardClass
protected Random g;
public PlayingCards() {
g=new Random();
public void shuffle() {
boolean[] order=new boolean[52];
int i, temp;
for(i=0;i<52;i++) order[i]=false;
for(i=0;i<52;i++) {
Arrays of an Abstract Class
• You cannot instantiate an abstract class
• But you can create an array of an abstract class
and instantiate the individual array elements to be
– Assume we have our previously described
GeometricShape, Circle and Rectangle classes
– GeometricShape[ ] shapes = new
• This is legal
– shapes[0] = new Circle(10);
– shapes[1] = new Rectangle(5, 10);
• These are legal
– Shapes[2] = new GeometricShape( );
• This is illegal because GeometricShape is abstract
• Java does not permit multiple inheritance (inheriting
from multiple classes) but it does provide interfaces
– In a way, interfaces are a form of multiple inheritance
• An interface is like an abstract class in that it defines
a portion of a class but does not implement it
– The interface class contains constants and abstract methods
only, no implemented methods and no instance data
– By implementing an interface, like extending an abstract
class, you are completing the class
– The advantage of implementing an interface is that you are
stating that the given class will act a certain way so that
other classes can expect a particular functionality
• for instance, you might implement Comparable indicating that the
class will implement comparesTo
Implementing an Interface
• You add to the class header implements
• Now you must override the abstract method(s)
defined in the Interface
– If you do not override all of the abstract methods, you
will receive compilation errors
– You cannot instantiate an object of a type of Interface
class because of the abstract methods (just as you cannot
instantiate the object of an abstract class), all you can do
is implement the Interface class in your own class
• One of the most significant types of Interfaces is the
class of GUI handlers that will respond when a GUI
component, mouse, or keyboard action occurs
– We will look at this later in the semester
– Here, we will concentrate on two of the most significant
interfaces: Comparable and Cloneable
Implementing Comparable
• Comparable is an interface class meaning that as a class, it
is defined as an interface which means that you cannot
instantiate an object of this type
• You also will (most likely) not extend Comparable but
instead implement Comparable
• The reason for the Comparable interface is to indicate that
a class that you are implementing will have the ability to
directly compare two instances of this type
– recall that the relational operators (<, >, etc) are not available
for objects, only for primitive types
– so instead, we will implement Comparable which requires that
we implement a method called compareTo (recall Strings have
this method, the reason being that Strings implement
Comparable requiring this method be implemented)
• How do you compare two objects? Depends on the type
of object – we look at a couple of examples coming up
• To implement Comparable, do the following
– Add implements Comparable to the class header
• As in public class MyClass extends YourClass
implements Comparable
– Add a compareTo method with the following profile
• public int compareTo(Object o) {…}
• Notice that your compareTo is receiving an Object, not a MyClass
object, why? Because this is how compareTo appears as an abstract
method in the Comparable class
• If you do not match this profile exactly then you are not overriding
the abstract compareTo but instead overloading it, and so
compilation will fail
• compareTo will return an int value: negative if this object is less
than the object passed to compareTo, positive if this object is greater
and 0 if the two objects are deemed equivalent
• Here, we make the Circle class (introduced earlier
in the semester) Comparable
– Circles will be compared based on their radius
public class Circle extends GeometricObject
implements Comparable {
... // as before
public int compareTo(Object o)
{ if(radius>((Circle)o).getRadius( )) return 1;
else if(radius<((Circle)o).getRadius( )) return -1;
else return 0;
• As an alternative to using (Object o) and
downcasting as shown above, we can implement
Comparable<Circle> employing generics
– see the next example
Another Example: Comparing Names
public class Name implements Comparable<Name>
private String first, middle, last;
public Name(String f, String m, String l) {
public String getFirst() {return first;}
public String getMiddle() {return middle;}
public String getLast() {return last;}
public int compareTo(Name n) {
if(last.compareTo(n.getLast())>0) return 1;
else if(last.compareTo(n.getLast())<0) return -1;
else if(first.compareTo(n.getFirst())>0) return 1;
else if(first.compareTo(n.getFirst())<0) return -1;
else if(middle.compareTo(n.getMiddle())>0) return 1;
else if(middle.compareTo(n.getMiddle())<0) return -1;
else return 0;
Creating An Interface Class
• You can create your own interface classes by substituting
the modifier interface in place of class
– public interface InterfaceName
• The Interface’s definition will consist solely of constants
and abstract method definitions
– The abstract methods have no body (no {…}) and end with a ;
• Example: we have a class called Instrument to define
various types of musical instruments
– We want to define an interface class called Playable which, if
implemented, will indicate how to play that instrument
– public interface Playable {
public abstract String howToPlay( ); }
– Now, if we implement Playable, we have to define a howToPlay
method which returns a String
Implementing Playable
public class Drums extends Instrument implements Playable {
private int numDrums;
public Drums(int size)
super(“Drums”);// assume Instrument’s constructor assigns
the var type to this String
public Drums( ) {
public String howToPlay( ) {
return “Strike drums with drumsticks or mallets”;
public class Guitar extends
private int numStrings;
// constructors similar
public String howToPlay(
return “Strum strings
Instrument implements Playable
to Drums
) {
with pick or fingers”;
Implementing Cloneable
• Consider the following code
– SomeObject o1, o2;
– o1=new SomeObject(…);
– o2=o1;
• In this code, o1 points at an object in heap memory that has
been instantiated with the new operator, but what about o2?
– Is o2 another object with the same values as o1 or is it the same
object? It is the same
• If we instead want to “clone” o1 into o2 we would create
another object, have o2 point at the new object in the heap,
and set all of its values to be the same as o1
• In this way, we have two different objects which are
equivalent rather than two reference variables which are
equal in that they are pointing at the same object
• We accomplish this by implementing Cloneable which
requires implementing a clone method
Cloneable Interface
• Unlike Comparable, the Cloneable interface is empty
– there is no abstract method defined
– You must still implement the clone method
• According to the textbook, the abstract method for
clone is defined as follows
– protected native Object clone( ) throws
– native means that the actual implementation for copying
data is left up to the JVM, not the compiler
– Notice that clone returns an Object so you will have to cast
the returned object appropriately
– You must either add the “throws Clone…” to your method
header or handle it in a try-catch block when you attempt to
clone an object of the class you have implemented as
Example: Person Class
public class Person implements Cloneable
private String name;
private int age, height, weight;
private boolean isMarried;
private Person spouse;
public Person() {
public Person(String n, int a, int h, int w)
public Person(String n, int a, int h, int w, Person s) {
public void getsMarried(Person s) {
if(!isMarried) {
else System.out.println(name + " cannot marry " +
s.getName() + " until " + name + " gets a divorce!");
String getName() {return name;}
int getAge() {return age;}
int getHeight() {return height;}
int getWeight() {return weight;}
String getSpouseName() {if(isMarried)
return spouse.getName(); else return "not married";}
void setName(String n) { if(name==null) name=n;}
void setAge(int a) { if(age==0) age=a;}
void setHeight(int h) { if(height==0) height=h;}
void setWeight(int w) { if(weight==0) weight=w;}
void setMarried(Person s) {
public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
Person p=(Person)super.clone();
return p;
// ends the class
People Class
public class People
public static void main(String[] args) throws
Person p1=new Person();
Person p2=new Person("Frank Zappa", 53, 69, 158);
Person p3=new Person("Gail Sloatman", 50, 63, 110);
System.out.println(p1.getName() + " " + p1.getAge()
+ " " + p1.getHeight() + " " + p1.getWeight() +
" " + p1.getSpouseName());
An alternative implementation is to remove the throws statement from main
and insert the p1=(Person)p2.clone(); statement in a try block with
a catch block that can catch CloneNotSupportedException
Interfaces vs Abstract Classes
• Both types provide a basis for the programmer to build upon
– Abstract classes support single inheritance
– Interfaces offer a form of multiple inheritance
– Abstract classes can contain instance data and non-abstract
– Interfaces cannot contain instance data and non-abstract
methods (and can even be empty), the only variables must be
constants (public static final) and the only methods
must be public abstract
– Abstract classes can have constructors, interfaces will not
– Objects of either type can be declared but not instantiated
• An interface class can itself extend other interfaces in which
case implementing that interface requires implementing all
of the methods of that interface and its superclasses
– A naming convention: class names are usually nouns but
interface names can be nouns or adjectives (particularly if they
end with “able” or “ible” such as “Comparable” or “Cloneable”)