Lab #2

Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
EGR 262
Fundamental Circuits Lab
Presentation for
Lab #1: Introduction to the Arduino UNO
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
Arduino – Historical background
“Arduino started in 2005 as a project for students at the Interaction Design
Institute Ivrea in Ivrea, Italy. Arduino is a single-board microcontroller,
intended to make the application of interactive objects or environments more
accessible. The hardware consists of an open-source hardware board designed
around an 8-bit Atmel AVR microcontroller, or a 32-bit Atmel ARM. Preprogrammed into the on-board microcontroller chip is a boot loader that allows
uploading programs into the microcontroller memory without needing a chip
(device) programmer.
Arduino boards can be purchased pre-assembled or as do-it-yourself kits.
Hardware design information is available for those who would like to assemble
an Arduino by hand. It was estimated in mid-2011 that over 300,000 official
Arduinos had been commercially produced.”
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
Arduino Microcontroller Boards (
Arduino produces several versions of microcontrollers, including:
Used in EGR 120
and EGR 262
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
Arduino Microcontrollers - specifications
Each microcontroller has different specifications. A few specifications for three
of the Arduino microcontrollers are listed below.
Arduino UNO R3
• Atmega 328 8-bit
• 14 digital I/O pins
• 6 PWM digital I/O pins
• 6 analog I/O pins
• 16 MHz clock speed
• 32 kB flash memory for
storage of code
• $28.49
Arduino Mega 2560 R3
• Atmega 2560 8-bit
• 54 digital I/O pins
• 14 PWM digital I/O pins
• 16 analog I/O pins
• 16 MHz clock speed
• 256 kB flash memory for
storage of code
• $55.56
Arduino DUE
• AT91SAM3X8E 32- bit
ARM Cortex-M3
• 54 digital I/O pins
• 12 PWM digital I/O pins
• 12 analog I/O pins
• 84 MHz clock speed
• 512 kB flash memory for
storage of code
• $55.56
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
References: (many more available)
1) Arduino web site (software, microcontrollers, tutorials, examples, etc) -
2) Arduino Tutorials -
3) Engadget (gadgets built using Arduinos) -
4) Instructables (gadgets using Arduinos) -
5) EGR 120 Arduino-BOT Lectures #1-5 -
6) TCC Library – Free Safari eBooks – You can access eBooks as follows:
• Go to TCC’s home page and select Library
• Select Library Catalog – eBooks
• Select Safari Tech Books
• Log in (usual ID and password)
• Search for Arduino – Here are a few that I found:
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
Powering the Arduino UNO The Arduino can be powered using:
1) USB cable (5V input) – OK for downloading and testing programs, but not
for driving external circuits. Provides a weak 5V to the Arduino board
2) AC to DC Adaptor (recommended 9 to 12V DC, 250mA or more, 2.1mm plug,
centre pin positive)
3) DC Power Supply (7V – 12V recommended, 6V – 20V limits)
4) 4 AA Batteries ( ≈ 6V input) - Provides a weak 5V to the Arduino board
5) 5 AA Batteries (≈ 7.5V input)
Note: If both the USB and another source (AC/DC adapter, batteries, etc) are
connected, the Arduino will select the stronger source.
Typical Arduino UNO voltages:
4 AA Batteries
5 AA Batteries,
AC/DC Adaptor or
DC Power Supply
4.28 V
4.92 V
4.98 V
3.3 V
3.20 V
3.29 V
3.29 V
Servo Port *
4.28 V
4.92 V
4.98 V
4.32 V
5.51 V
7.09 V
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
Powering the Arduino-BOT We will typically power the Arduino with an
AC/DC adaptor. You can leave both the USB and the AC/DC adaptor
connected and the Arduino will use the higher adaptor voltage. We will make
5V and GND (ground) connections to the breadboard as shown below.
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
6 of the 14 are also PWM (8-bit
AREF (Analog reference) –
Pulse Width Modulation) pins:
used to set the max analog
~11, ~10, ~9, ~6, ~5, ~3
input value
14 Digital I/O
LED connected to
Pins (D0-D13)
D13 for testing
Header (for
22 gauge wire)
Reset button
ICSP header for
with peripheral
16 MHz crystal
Arduino UNO
Voltage regulator
DC Input (7V – 12V)
Reset – LOW voltage
resets the microcontroller
(same as pressing the
reset button)
3.3V, 5V, GND (ground)
and Vin (unregulated input, such as
12V from an AC/DC Adaptor
6 Analog
I/O Pins
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
Arduino UNO Schematic (2 equivalent versions)
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
The Arduino Programming Environment
• The Arduino software (Arduino 1.05 or later) is available on lab computers and can
also be downloaded from
• The software requires no installation and can even be launched from a flash drive.
• Open using the shortcut on the desktop or double-click Arduino
in the Arduino-1.0.5 folder as indicated below
• The file opened is referred to as a “sketch” and will be automatically named using
the date. You can rename it if you wish. The file below is named sketch_jan20a.ino
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
The Arduino Programming Environment
• Verify is used to compile your program
The Arduino software is based on C/C++.
(or sketch). (It checks for errors).
Note that the instructions are case-sensitive.
C++ is not line-oriented, so a semicolon (;) is needed • Upload is used to send the program
(sketch) to the Arduino via the USB
to indicated the end of an instruction.
• Arduino programs have two main parts:
1. setup – a function to initialize items
or to perform operations one time.
2. loop – a function with commands
that will be repeated indefinitely
• Serial.begin(baud rate) is used to
establish serial communications
between the Arduino and the computer.
Data is transmitted at 9600 baud
(bits/second). Note that Serial uses
digital pins 0 and 1 so they cannot be
used for other inputs/outputs.
• Serial.print(text, values, or variables)
is display information from the
Arduino-BOT on the display window.
• Select Serial Monitor to open a
window to view printed messages from
the Arduino.
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
More on functions
Functions in C/C++ have a particular structure as indicated below for the setup
• Functions execute a series of statements contained within curly braces.
• Functions begin with a particular form:
return_type function_name (parameter_list)
In the case above, the return_type is void (no output), the function_name is
setup, and the parameter_list (typically inputs) is empty.
• Both statements in the body of the setup function are calls to functions in
Arduino’s Serial library. We will introduce more useful functions as we
continue in this course.
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
Want more information?
For more info on the Arduino programming
language, select Help – Reference.
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
Example – Printing a message repeatedly
The previous program was modified. The Serial.print(“Hello!”) instruction was moved
into the loop function. Now it will be written to the output screen repeatedly.
The following instruction causes
a delay of 1000 ms or 1 second.
Hello! is now printed to the
display window once per second.
If we want each Hello! statement
printed on a new line, we can
used the following command:
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
Controlling Lights (LEDs) with the Arduino
In our first lab we will control lights (LEDs) using the Arduino. Some new commands
need to be introduced first.
pinMode( )
Recall that the Arduino has 14 Digital I/O pins. They can be configured as inputs or
outputs using the pinMode( ) command.
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
// Make pin 4 an output
pinMode(4, INPUT);
// Make pin 5 an input
digitalWrite( )
Once a pin has been configured as an output, it can be set HIGH (5V) or LOW (0V)
using the digitalWrite( ) command.
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
// Make pin 4 an output
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
// Make pin 4 HIGH
digitalWrite(4, LOW);
// Make pin 4 LOW
Note: Generally avoid using pins 0 and 1 as they are used for serial communication and
avoid pin 13 as it is tied to a test LED on the Arduino and may blink during startup.
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
delay( ) and delayMicroseconds( N)
If an LED is to be turned on for a certain period of time, one method would be to:
1) Turn it ON
2) Wait for the specified period of time using delay( ) or delayMicroseconds( )
3) Turn it OFF
delay( N)
Pause the program for N milliseconds
// Pause for 25 ms
// Pause for 4 s
delayMicroseconds( N)
Pause the program for N microseconds
// Pause for 25 us
// Pause for 4 ms - same as delay(4)
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
Sample program – The program below will blink the LED connected to digital pin 4
once per second (0.5 s ON and 0.5 s OFF).
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
Variables and loops – Suppose that we wanted to blink an LED a certain
number of times? To do this we need to see how to declare variables in C++
and to form loops.
Declaring variables in C++:
We will consider three types of variables:
int – used to declare integer variables (ranging from -32768 to 32767)
float – used to declare floating point variables (values with a decimal point)
char – used to declare character variables (single symbols within single quotes)
int a,b,c;
a = 25;
int d = -21;
char c = ‘m’;
float g =-9.81
// declare integer variables
// assign value to integer variable
// declare and assign value
// declare character variable and assign value
// declare floating point variable and assign value
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
Using variables with the Arduino
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
for loop in C++:
Several types of looping structures can be used in C++. The for loop is especially
useful when you want to execute instructions in the loop a specific number of times.
See the example below.
Form: for (initialization; condition; increment)
// body of loop
C++ sometimes uses shortcut
operators to increment, decrement, or
change variables in loops.
means add one to i
j-means to subtract one from j
k+=2 means add 2 to k
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
Blinking an LED a specific number of times
The program below can be used to blink an LED (on digital pin 12) 10 times.
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
Comments are an important part to computer programs.
Comments allow you to explain your code to someone reading or using the code.
// is used to indicated a comment in C++
Tips for good comments:
• Do not explain how C++ works. Explain how you are using the code.
digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
// make digital pin 12 HIGH
(Weak comment. Why are you making it HIGH?)
digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
// turn on LED on pin 12
(Good comment)
• Explain similar instructions only once.
digitalWrite(12, HIGH); // turn on LED (pin 12)
// wait 500 ms = 0.5 s
digitalWrite(12, LOW); // turn off LED (pin 12)
// wait 500 ms = 0.5 s (unnecessary comment - repeated)
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
In addition to using comments throughout programs, begin all programs for this course
with an initial block of comments. Example:
Initial block
of comments
Lab 2
EGR 262 – Fundamental Circuits Lab
Adding additional functions to a sketch
The Arduino programs (sketches) written so far have included two key
functions: setup( ) and loop( ). Programs can also have additional functions.
Functions are particularly useful when you are likely to repeat sections of code.
Example: Write
a program that
uses a function to
cause an LED on
pin 4 to blink N
Note that a
prototype was not
required for the