Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Chimica/ Ingegneria Energetica Formazione e Controllo di Inquinanti nella Combustione Impianti di trattamento effluenti Combustion Theory Prof. L.Tognotti Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale Anno Accademico 2014-2015 Combustion: “Chemical reaction between fuel and oxidizer involving significant release of energy as heat” • Fuel is any substance that releases energy when oxidized, i.e. methane • Oxidized is any oxygen-containing substance, i.e. air, which can react with the fuel Combustion involves: • Thermodynamics • Chemical Kinetics • Fluid Mechanics and Turbulence • Energy and Mass Transfer 2 Combustion Theory Outline: 1. Ideal gas behaviour 2. Thermo-chemistry 3. Chemical Kinetic 4. Premixed flames: Laminar vs. Turbulent 5. Diffusion flames : Laminar vs. Turbulent 6. Ignition and flame stabilization Combustion Theory 3/tot 1. Ideal gas behaviour: High temperatures associated with combustion generally results in sufficiently low densities and make the ideal gas hypothesis suitable • Equation of State pV n tot R u T • pV mRT pV RT • Ru is the universal gas constant, Ru=8.315 J/(mol K) • R is the specific gas constant, R=Ru/Mw (Mw is the gas molecular weight) • ρ is the gas density, ρ=m/V=v (v is the specific volume, m3 /kg) Calorific Equation of State • Internal energy, u, is just a function of temperature, T: du c v dT u: specific internal energy, J/kg cv: constant-volume specific heat (J/kg K) • Enthalpy, h, is just a function of temperature, T: dh c dT p h: specific internal energy, J/kg cp: constant-pressure specific heat (J/kg K) Combustion Theory 4/tot • The specific heats of gases are generally function of temperature. In general, the more complex the molecule, the greater its molar specific heat. Triatomic molecules: traslational, vibrational and rotational components of internal energy Diatomic molecules: traslational, vibrational and rotational components of internal energy Monoatomic molecules: only traslational, component of internal energy Combustion Theory 5/tot • Ideal gas mixtures • The mole fraction of species i is: ni Xi • ni is the number of moles of species i, ntot is the total number of moles n tot The mass fraction of species i is: Yi • mi mi is the mass of species i, mtot is the total mass m tot The mole and mass fractions sum up to unity: N N Xi 1 and i 1 • i 1 i 1 The relation between mole and mass fraction is: Yi X i • Y M W ,i MW The mixture (mean) molecular weight is: N MW N X i M W ,i i 1 Combustion Theory i i 1 M W ,i Yi 6/tot • The mole concentration of species i is: Ci • ni X i n tot V V p Xi R T The total pressure, p, is equal to the sum of the partial pressures, pi: p pi i • The partial pressure, pi, is equal to the total pressure times the mole fraction:: pi X i p • Relations for ideal gases mixtures: u mix Yh i i u mix i h mix Yh i ui i h mix X i hi i Ys i i i i i s mix X i R Yi ln Yi i s mix X i i s i R u X i ln X i i u i , hi and s i are molar specific quantities, J/mol, J/(mol K) Combustion Theory 7/tot 2. Thermochemistry • Combustion Stoichiometry A hydrocarbon fuel can be completely oxidized if sufficient oxygen is available, i.e. the stoichiometric quantity of oxidizer is available. Carbon, C, is converted to CO2 and hydrogen to H2O. The complete combustion of a hydrocarbon fuel (CnHm) can be expressed as: F C n H m O O2 ' ' 2 '' '' ' ' 0 . 79 N 2 CO 2 CO 2 H 2 O H 2 O O 2 N2 0 . 21 0 . 21 0 . 79 Dry air contents of O2 and N2 are 21% and 79% by vol., respectively. The stochiometric coefficients are: F 1 O n m /4 ' ' 2 Combustion Theory CO 1 H ' ' 2 2O m/2 8/tot • Stochiometric (mass based) Air to Fuel Ratio (AFR) O M W ,O 2 ' AFR st m a m F st 2 M W ,N 2 0 . 21 0 . 79 M W ,F for methane n=1 and m=4 → AFRst=17.2 for octane n=8 and m=18 → AFRst=15.1 Combustion Theory 9/tot m n 4 0 . 79 M M W ,N 2 W ,O 2 0 . 21 M W ,F • Equivalence Ratio (Φ): it is commonly used to indicate if a mixture is stoichiometric, fuel lean, or fuel rich m a , st ma • m a / m F st m a / m F mix Φ < 1 Fuel lean mixture, complete combustion AFR st Φ = 1 Fuel lean mixture, complete combustion AFR mix Φ > 1 Fuel rich mixture, CO and unburnts The mixture fraction: The mixture fraction is an extremely useful variable in combustion, in particular for diffusion flames. Here we present it first for a homogeneous system. In a two-feed system, where a fuel stream (1) with is mixed with an oxidizer stream (2), the mixture fraction represents the mass fraction of the fuel stream in the mixture: Z m1 m1 m 2 Combustion Theory 10/tot • First Law Analysis for reacting systems Closed system: exchange only energy with surrounding Q W E M e Q is the heat supplied to the system, Q>0 if heat is added from the surroundings. W is the mechanical work, W>0 if the system does work on the surroundings e total u 1/ 2w internal gz kinetic potential 2 u 1 / 2 w , gz 2 W Q Q W U For a constant pressure system, the mechanical work is: W p V Q U pV H Consider a process in which nF moles of fuel react with na moles of air to produce nP moles of product: Q HP HR n h (T i P Combustion Theory i p ) n i h i (T R ) R HP HR H 0 Exothermic reaction HP HR H 0 Endothermic reaction 11/tot Open (steady) systems: exchange mass and energy with surrounding Q W m out e out m in e in out e flow total in u internal 1/ 2w gz kinetic potential 2 pv flow work (pressure) h 1/ 2w enthalpy gz kinetic potential 2 h 1 / 2 w , gz 2 Q W m out hout m in hin out m out hout out m out in m Q , W in hin Exothermic reaction in hin Endothermic reaction in out hout m in Combustion Theory 12/tot • Enthalpy of combustion: Absolute enthalpy is the sum of two contributions: formation enthalpy (associated to chemical bonds) and sensible enthalpy (associated only to temperature) hi T f H i T ref Absolute enthalphy at tempera ture T Standard enthalpy of formation h s , i T 0 0 (T ref , P ) Sensible enthalpy change Standard enthalpy of formation is the change of enthalpy that accompanies the formation of 1 mole of a substance in its standard state from its constituent elements in their standard states. The standard enthalpy of formation is used in thermo-chemistry to find the standard enthalpy of reaction. This is done by subtracting the sum of the standard enthalpies of formation of the reactants from the sum of the standard enthalpies of formation of the products: cH F 0 HP fHR 0 f P 0 R Convention: Enthalpies of formation are zero for elements in their naturally occurring state, at reference state temperature and pressure. Combustion Theory 13/tot Example: Evaluate the enthalpy of combustion of methane and hydrogen fuels The complete combustion of methane can be expressed as: CH 4 ( g ) 2 O 2 ( g ) CO 2 ( g ) 2 H 2 O ( g ) The enthalpy of combustion of 1 mole of methane can be derived from reaction stochiometry: c H CH 4 f H CO 2 ( g ) 2 f H H 2 O ( g ) f H CH 4 ( g ) 2 f H O 2 ( g ) 0 0 0 0 c H CH 4 ( 298 K ) - 802 kJ/mol The complete combustion of hydrogen can be expressed as: H2 1 2 O 2 H 2O The enthalpy of combustion of 1 mole of hydrogen can be derived from reaction stochiometry: cH H2 f H 0 H 2O ( g ) 0 0 f H H 2 ( g ) 0 .5 f H O 2 ( g ) c H H 2 ( 298 K ) - 242 kJ/mol Combustion Theory 14/tot Thermodymanics properties of selected substances 0 0 N. Specie Mw,i (kg/kmol) f H i (kJ/mol) N. Specie Mw,i (kg/kmol) f H i (kJ/mol) 1 H 2 HNO 3 OH 4 HO2 5 H2 6 H2O 7 H2O2 8 N 9 NO 10 NO2 11 N2 12 N2O 13 O 14 O2 15 O3 16 NH 17 NH2 18 NH3 19 N2H2 20 N2H3 21 N2H4 22 C 23 CH 24 HCN 25 HCNO 26 HCO 27 CH2 28 CH2O 29 CH3 Combustion Theory 1.008 31.016 17.008 33.008 2.016 18.016 34.016 14.008 30.008 46.008 28.016 44.016 16.000 32.000 48.000 15.016 16.024 17.032 30.032 31.040 32.048 12.011 13.019 27.027 43.027 29.019 14.027 30.027 15.035 217.986 99.579 39.463 20.920 0.000 -241.826 -136.105 472.645 90.290 33.095 0.000 82.048 249.194 0.000 142.674 331.372 168.615 -46.191 212.965 153.971 95.186 715.003 594.128 130.540 -116.733 -12.133 385.220 -115.896 145.686 15/tot 30 CH2OH 31 CH4 32 CH3OH 33 CO 34 CO2 35 CN 36 C2 37 C2H 38 C2H2 39 C2H3 40 CH3CO 41 C2H4 42 CH3COH 43 C2H5 44 C2H6 45 C3H8 46 C4H2 47 C4H3 48 C4H8 49 C4H10 50 C5H10 51 C5H12 52 C6H12 53 C6H14 54 C7H14 55 C7H16 56 C8H16 57 C8H18 58 C(solido) 31.035 16.043 32.043 28.011 44.011 26.019 24.022 25.030 26.038 27.046 43.046 28.054 44.054 29.062 30.070 44.097 50.060 51.068 56.108 58.124 70.135 72.151 84.152 86.178 98.189 100.205 112.216 114.232 12.011 -58.576 -74.873 -200.581 -110.529 -393.522 456.056 832.616 476.976 226.731 279.910 -25.104 52.283 -165.979 110.299 -84.667 -103.847 465.679 455.847 16.903 -134.516 -35.941 -160.247 -59.622 -185.560 -72.132 -197.652 -135.821 -223.676 0.000 • Adiabatic flame temperature: Consider a constant pressure adiabatic system in which combustion takes place. Combustion process can be represented by the general equation: N i 1 i e i ' N ' i i i '' i i 1 '' are the stochiometric coefficients of Mi The first law, for both closed and opens systems, reduces to: hu hb the subscripts u and b refer to burn and unburnt mixture, respectively. N Y N i ,u i 1 h i ,u Y i ,b h i ,b i 1 With the temperature dependence of specific enthalpy, this may be written as: N N Y Y i , b f H i T ref 0 i ,u i 1 Tb Tu c p ,b dT c p ,u dT T ref T ref c p ,b where c pi ( T ) i ,u c pi ( T ) N Y i 1 16/tot i ,b i 1 c p ,u Combustion Theory Y For a one-step global reaction (Yi,u-Yi,b) may be calculated as: Y i ,u Y i ,b Y F ,u Y F ,b i M W ,i F M W ,F where νi and νF are the net stochiometric coefficients, defined as: i i i '' i i i ' '' ' Assuming cp constant and Tu=Tref we get: Y F ,u Y F ,b F M W ,F Y F ,u N i M W ,i f H i T ref 0 i 1 Y F ,b F M W ,F Tb c Tu p ,b dT T ref c H F c p , b Tb T ref c p ,u dT T ref N where c H F i M W , i f H i T ref 0 i 1 The adiabatic flame temperature for a lean (Φ<1) and stochiometric (Φ=1) mixture, i.e. complete combustion of the fuel, is: T b T ref Y F ,u c H M W , F c p ,b ' F Combustion Theory being ' F F and Y F , b 0 17/tot Adiabatic flame temperatures for lean methane, acetylene and propane flames as a function of the equivalence ratio for Tu = 300 K Combustion Theory 18/tot The adiabatic flame temperature for a rich (Φ>1) mixture, i.e. incomplete combustion of the fuel, is: T b T ref Y O 2 ,u c H ' O2 M W ,O 2 c p , b being O O' and Y O 2 2 2 ,b 0 Adiabatic flame temperatures for rich flames as a function of the equivalence ratio for Tu = 300 K Combustion Theory 19/tot • Chemical equilibrium i. From the standpoint of thermodynamics, the assumption of complete combustion is incorrect because it disregards the possibility of dissociation of major species (CO, CO2, H2O, N2, O2) into minor species, i.e. radicals, such as H, N, O, OH, NO. In that context complete combustion represents the limit of an infinite equilibrium constant ii. A more general formulation is the assumption of chemical equilibrium. Both approximations, chemical equilibrium and complete combustion, are valid in the limit of infinitely fast reaction rates only. In most combustion cases, however, chemical reactions occur on time scales comparable with that of the flow and the molecular transport processes. Only for hydrogen diffusion flames complete chemical equilibrium is a good approximation, while for hydrocarbon diffusion flames finite kinetic rates are needed. iii. Nevertheless, since the equilibrium assumption represents an exact thermodynamic limit, it shall be considered here. Combustion Theory 20/tot The chemical potential and the law of mass action The partial molar entropy of a chemical species in a mixture of ideal gases depends on the partial pressure: s i s R ln 0 i T Pi where P0 P0 1 atm s s 0 i and 0 i , ref T ref c p ,i dT T The partial molar entropy may now be used to define the chemical potential: i hi T s i hi , ref T s i , ref 0 T T ref T c p ,i T ref T c p , i dT T dT RT ln The condition for chemical equilibrium is given by: i i 0 i i RT ln 0 i i i pi p 0 i Defining the equilibrium constant by: RT ln K P i i 0 i We obtain the Law of Mass Action p K P T i Combustion Theory i p0 i 21/tot pi p0 i RT ln 0 pi p0 Calculation of full equilibrium products of combustion Two approaches: i. Assuming no dissociation: i.e. ignoring the presence of minor species in combustion products. ii. Adiabatic flame temperature e composition of combustion products can be obtained by solving (1) first law of thermodynamics, (2) chemical equilibrium criteria and (3) element-conservation simultaneously. F C n H m O ( O 2 3 . 76 N 2 ) CO CO 2 H O H 2 O N N 2 O O 2 CO CO H H 2 ' ' '' 2 '' 2 '' 2 '' 2 '' 2 2 H H O O OH OH NO NO N N '' '' '' '' Computer programmes can be used for these calculations: Combustion Theory 22/tot '' '' Adiabatic flame temperature, major and minor species distributions for constant pressure propane combustion with air Constant pressure combustion of propane, C3H8, with air, assuming that the products are CO2, CO, H2O, H2, H, OH, O2, O, NO, N2, and N: Combustion Theory 23/tot Full equilibrium calculation example 3: Constant pressure combustion of methane, CH4, with air. Equilibrium composition of CO and CO2 in the products’ mixture as a function of the equivalence ratio. Combustion Theory 24/tot 3. Chemical Kinetics: i. First and Second Laws of thermodynamics are used to predict the final equilibrium state of the products after the reaction is complete ii. Thermodynamics describe the system locally if one assumes that chemical reactions are fast compared to other transport processes iii. Nevertheless, information is needed about the rate of chemical reactions. Chemical reaction rates control pollutant formation, ignition, and flame extinction in most combustion processes. • Global reaction mechanisms: “Black-box” approach Global reaction mechanisms describe the initial and final state of a combustion system kG d F dt F aOx b Pr k G T F Ox x E k G T A exp a RT Combustion Theory y • [ ] denotes molar concentration • k(T) is the global rate constant expressed in the Arrhenius form • x and y are the reaction order with respect with the fuel and oxidizer, respectively. (x+y) is the overall order. 25/tot Example: The overall oxidation reaction of a hydrocarbon fuel is: CnH m kG m m n O nCO H 2O 2 2 4 2 The overall reaction rate is: d C n H m AT n dt E x y exp a C n H m O 2 RT Rate coefficients for global hydrocarbon oxidation (units: kcal, mol, cm, s) Hydrocarbon A Ea x y Hydrocarbon A Ea x y CH4 1.3E+08 48.4 -0.3 1.3 C8H18 7.2E+12 40 0.25 1.5 CH4 8.3E+05 30 -0.3 1.3 C9H20 4.2E+11 30 0.25 1.5 C2H6 1.1E+12 30 0.1 1.65 C10H22 3.8E+11 30 0.25 1.5 C3H8 8.6E+11 30 0.1 1.65 CH3OH 3.2E+12 30 0.25 1.5 C4H10 7.4E+11 30 0.15 1.6 C2H5OH 1.5E+12 30 0.15 1.6 C5H12 6.4E+11 30 0.25 1.5 C6H6 2.0E+11 30 -0.1 1.85 C6H14 5.7E+11 30 0.25 1.5 C7H8 1.6E+11 30 -0.1 1.85 C7H16 5.1E+11 30 0.25 1.5 C2H4 2.0E+12 30 0.1 1.65 C8H18 4.6E+11 30 0.25 1.5 C2H2 6.5E+12 30 0.5 1.25 Combustion Theory 26/tot • Elementary reactions i. Use of global reactions to express chemistry does not provide a basis for understanding what is actually happening. For example, the overall reaction equation for hydrogen combustion: 2 H 2 O 2 2 H 2O implies that two moles of hydrogen molecule react with one mole of oxygen to form one mole of water. This is unrealistic to believe since it would require breaking several bonds and subsequently forming many new bonds. ii. In reality the global reaction proceeds through elementary reactions in a chain process that involve several intermediate species iii. Hydrogen oxidation proceeds via elementary reactions, collectively known as a reaction mechanism: Combustion Theory 27/tot • Hydrogen-oxygen reaction mechanism Rate constants for H2 oxidation detailed mechanism (units: kJ, mol, cm, s) N Reaction A n Ea N 1.1 H2/O2 Chain Initiation 0f H2+M’→H+H+M’ 4.580E+19 Reaction A n Ea 1.2 HO2 Formation and Consumption -1.40 436.73 1.1 H2/O2 Chain Reactions 7 HO2+H→H2+O2 2.500E+13 0.00 2.90 8 HO2+OH→H2O+O2 6.000E+13 0.00 0.00 1f O2+H→OH+O 2.000E+14 0.00 70.30 9 HO2+H→H2O+O 3.000E+13 0.00 7.20 1b OH+O→O2+H 1.568E+13 0.00 3.52 10 HO2+O→OH+O2 1.800E+13 0.00 -1.70 2f H2+O→OH+H 5.060E+04 2.67 26.30 2b OH+H→H2+O 2.222E+04 2.67 18.29 11 HO2+HO2→H2O2+O2 2.500E+11 0.00 -5.20 3f H2+OH→H2O+H 1.000E+08 1.60 13.80 12f OH+OH+M’→H2O2+M’ 3.250E+22 -2.00 0.00 3b H2O+H→H2+OH 4.312E+08 1.60 76.46 12b H2O2+M’→OH+OH+M’ 1.692E+24 -2.00 202.29 4f OH+OH→H2O+O 1.500E+09 1.14 0.42 13 H2O2+H→H2O+OH 1.000E+13 0.00 15.00 4b H2O+O→OH+OH 1.473E+10 1.14 71.09 14f H2O2+H→H2+HO2 1.700E+12 0.00 15.70 14b H2+HO2→H2O2+H 1.150E+12 0.00 80.88 1.2 HO2 Formation and Consumption 1.3 H2O2 Formation and Consumption 5f O2+H+M’→HO2+M’ 2.300E+18 -0.80 0.00 5b HO2+M’→O2+H+M’ 3.190E+18 -0.80 195.39 15 H+H+M’→H2+M’ 1.800E+18 -1.00 0.00 6 HO2+H→OH+OH 1.500E+14 0.00 4.20 16 OH+H+M’→H2O+M’ 2.200E+22 -2.00 0.00 17 O+O+M’→O2+M’ 2.900E+17 -1.00 0.00 Combustion Theory 28/tot 1.4 H2/O2 Recombination Reactions Example: Simplified reaction mechanism for hydrogen oxidation derived from the detailed reaction scheme k0, f H2 M H H M Chain initiation • are called radicals. • k1 , f H O 2 OH O k2, f Chain branching reactive and short lived. • OH H 2 H 2 O H Radicals have unpaired valence electrons which make them very H 2 O OH H k3, f Species such as H, O, OH and HO2 Chain branching reactions lead to a net production of radicals which Chain propagation causes reaction to proceed extremely fast, i.e. chemical explosion. k1 5 H H M H2 M k1 6 Chain termination • The reaction comes to completion through chain termination reactions: H OH M H 2 O M the radicals recombine to form the M is any species which acts as collision partner Combustion Theory 29/tot final products. Stochiometric H2-O2 mixture explosion limits 1st explosion limit: At low pressures molecular mean free path is long enough for O, H, OH radicals to reach and be 3000 destroyed at walls before reacting with other species, resulting in the quenching of the chain propagating reactions. As the pressure increases: molecular mean free path decreases and O, H, OH radicals begin to react with other species. At some pressure (~1.5mmHg for 500°C), chain-propagating reactions prevail over wall destruction and the mixture can explode. 2nd explosion limit: As pressure is increased past the 1st explosion 50 limit, reaction (5f) begins to compete with (1f) for H atoms. HO2 radical is relatively inert and can reach and be destroyed at walls. At some pressure (~50mmHg for 500°C), reaction (5f) prevails over reaction (1f), and terminates the explosion process. 3rd explosion limit: At higher pressure (~3000mmHg for 1.5 500°C), the mean free path becomes short enough for HO2 radicals to react with other species, i.e. reactions (6)-(10). Combustion Theory 30/tot • How to express net production rate of each species in a complex system The compact notation for a system of elementary reactions is: N N ' ik i 1 i ik i k 1, 2 ,..., m '' i 1 • ν’ik: stochiometric coefficients of reactant i in k-th elementary reaction. • ν’ik: stochiometric coefficients of product i in k-th elementary reaction. • Mi: Chemical species i • m: total number of elementary reactions • N: total number of species. The net production rate of each species in a multi-step mechanism is: i d M i dt wi W i kf k m ' i ,k '' i ,k k 1 d M i dt m Wi k 1 ' i ,k k f N M i k '' i ,k ik ' i 1 k f N k r k M i ik '' i 1 ik Mole basis ' N k i 1 Yi W i ik '' N kr k i 1 Yi W i Mass basis and k r k are the forward and backward elementary reaction rate constants Combustion Theory 31/tot • Carbon monoxide (CO) oxidation mechanism i. Oxidation of CO is very important in hydrocarbon combustion. From a very simplistic point-of-view, hydrocarbon combustion can be characterized as a twostep process: ii. • breakdown of fuel to CO • oxidation of CO to CO2 CO oxidation is extremely slow in the absence of small amounts of H2 and H2O If H2O is the primary hydrogen-containing species, CO oxidation can be described by: CO O 2 CO 2 O O H 2 O OH OH O 2 H OH O CO OH CO 2 H Combustion Theory Chain initiation Chain branching Chain propagation 32/tot Key step in CO oxidation i. In presence of H2 the following step are included: O H 2 OH H OH H 2 H 2 O H CO HO 2 CO 2 OH IMPORTANT: In presence of H2, the entire H2-O2 kinetic mechanism should be taken into account to describe CO oxidation Combustion Theory 33/tot • Alkanes oxidation mechanism Steps: i. Fuel is attacked by O and H; breaks down to H2 and olefins (double-bonded straight hydrocarbons). H2 is oxidized to H2O. ii. Unsaturated olefins form CO and H2. Almost all H2 is converted to water. iii. CO burns to CO2 releasing almost all of the heat associated with combustion 1. Example: Propane (C3H8) oxidation mechanism A C-C bond is broken in the original fuel molecule C 3 H 8 M C 2 H 5 CH 3 M 2. Two resulting hydrocarbon radicals break down further to olefins C 2 H 5 M C 2 H 4 H M CH 3 M CH 3. 2 H M H atoms from Step 2 starts a radical pool H O 2 OH O Combustion Theory 34/tot 4. With the development of a radical pool, attack on the fuel molecule intensifies C3H 8 H C3H 7 H 2 C 3 H 8 O C 3 H 7 OH C 3 H 8 OH C 3 H 7 H 2 O 5. Hydrocarbon radicals decay to olefins and H atoms C 3 H 7 C 2 H 4 CH 3 C 3 H 7 C 3 H 6 H 6. Oxidation of olefins created in steps 2 and 5 with production of formyl radicals (HCO) and formaldehyde (H2CO) C 3 H 6 O C 2 H 5 HCO C 3 H 6 O C 2 H 4 H 2 CO 7. Methyl radicals (CH3), formaldeydhe (H2CO), and methylene (CH2) oxidize 8. Carbon monoxide oxidizes 35/tot Combustion Theory • Methane oxidation mechanism i. Methane displays some unique characteristics not common with higher alkanes ii. The detailed reaction mechanism is actually very complex. GRI-Mech 3.0 ( consists of 325 elementary chemical reactions involving 53 species iii. Methane is attacked by H, O, OH radicals and chain initiation occurs CH 4 H CH 3 H 2 CH 4 O CH 3 OH CH 4 OH CH 3 H 2 O iv. Lean mixtures (Φ<1): CH3 is oxidized to radicals, H2O, H2, and CO which burns slowly to CO2. v. Rich mixtures (Φ>1): two CH3 radicals combine to start a reaction path which leads two ethylene, acetylene and C3 compounds. Combustion Theory 36/tot Example 1: Methane oxidation reaction path Combustion Theory 37/tot Combustion Theory 38