Intro to Functional Programming in Scala Joe Barnes Senior Software Architect System Design Division October, 2013 Overview Trends in software influencing the popularity What is different about the paradigm? How do I apply it? More about Scala in particular © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 2 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Monad tutorial trend In functional programming, a monad is a structure that represents computations defined as sequences of steps.1 The number of monad tutorials has exploded in the past 10 years. 2 1Source: 2Source: Wikipedia | Monad (functional programming) | Monad tutorials timeline © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 3 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Moore’s Law Moore's law is the observation that, over the history of computing hardware, the speed of integrated circuits doubles approximately every two years. Moore's law is the observation that, over the history of computing hardware, the number of transistors on integrated circuits doubles approximately every two years. In fact, we’re no longer getting faster… © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 4 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Moore’s Law Source: Herb Sutter | The Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 5 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential The free lunch is over! “ Instead of driving clock speeds and straight-line instruction throughput ever higher, they are instead turning en masse to hyperthreading and multicore architectures” “Applications will increasingly need to be concurrent if they want to fully exploit continuing exponential CPU throughput gains” “The vast majority of programmers today don’t grok concurrency, just as the vast majority of programmers [25] years ago didn’t yet grok objects” Source: Herb Sutter | The Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 6 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential As Jimmy McMillan would say… CONCURRENCY IS TOO DAMN HARD!!! Source: © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 7 Your Initials, Presentation Title, Month Year Company Confidential Why is concurrency hard? “The programmer must ensure read and write access to objects is properly coordinated (or "synchronized") between threads.” - Java Concurrency | Wikipedia “C++ has been designed for single thread programming, and parallel programming requires a revolutionary rather than evolutionary change. Two words: data races.” - Bartosz Milewski Source: Java Concurrency | Wikipedia Source: Edward C++Hands | Bartosz Milewski © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 8 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Data races: The recipe A data race occurs when two concurrent threads access a shared variable and when at least one access is a write and the threads use no explicit mechanism to prevent the accesses from being simultaneous. Restated: 1. Two concurrent threads 2. At least one write 3. Mechanism not used Here to stay Hmm… Programmer error. Also here to stay Source: Eraser: A Dynamic Data Race Detector for Multithreaded Programs | STEFAN SAVAGE, et al © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 9 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential We Want You To Stop Using Variables Source: Some random link via Google image search © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 10 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Revoke My Writes?! 1968 – Structured Programming — Edsger Dijkstra writes “Go To Statement Considered Harmful” — Revoked GoTo 1966 – Object Oriented Programming — Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard create Simula 67 — Revoked function pointers 1957 – Functional Programming — John McCarthy creates Lisp — Revoked reassignment of variables values Source: Three Paradigms | Uncle Bob @ 8th Light © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 11 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Two timelines “Higher” Levels Theory To Practice Source: Several random links via Google image search © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 12 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Dichotomies Von Neumann vs. Lambda Calculus — Manipulation of program state vs. Evaluation of mathematical formulas Object-oriented vs. Functional? — False dichotomy per Martin Odersky (BDFL of Scala). — Object-orientation and functional are perpendicular. — Scala is both. Imperative vs. Functional — The dichotomy defined along the assignment axis. © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 13 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential That’s right. You have no writes. ALL YOUR WRITES ARE BELONG TO US! © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 14 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential How can we program this way? Back to school… What is a function? © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 15 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Function Given a set S and a set T, a function f is a set of ordered pairs taken from S ×T where each s from S appears exactly once in f. Given (s, t) ∈ f, we denote f(s) = t. f is said to “map s to t.” Functions a.k.a. “mappings” Given s ∈ S, f(s) is a defined value also known as t. Can substitute the expression f(s) with t — Referential Transparency! © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 16 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Function (visual) T S A 1 B 2 3 4 5 f C D E F f = { (1,D), (2,F), (3,A), (4,F), (5,C) } f (1) D, f (2) F, f (3) A, … Identify any mutable state. © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 17 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Programming with only functions (Bash) OK, so how do we program with functions? $ find . -name *.java | xargs grep -l "function" | wc –l Notice this script/program doesn’t have mutable state © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 18 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Programming with only functions (Excel) Date Station 4/23/2012 Sam's 5/4/2012 Shell 5/15/2012 Sam's 5/25/2012 Shell 6/1/2012 Chevron 6/11/2012 Shell 6/22/2012 Shell 7/10/2012 BP 7/26/2012 BP 8/5/2012 Chevron 8/5/2012 Chevron 8/20/2012 Chevron 8/31/2012 Shell 9/7/2012 Chevron 9/13/2012 Sam's 9/23/2012 Chevron 10/3/2012 Sam's 11/2/2012 Shell 11/19/2012 Sam's 12/10/2012 Sam's 12/27/2012 BP Odometer Gallons Dollars MPG MPD 158907 11.098 $40.50 159165 19.742 $75.00 13.07 3.44 159329 11.407 $39.00 14.38 4.21 159601 17.226 $62.00 15.79 4.39 159790 12.289 $43.00 15.38 4.4 160146 22.36 $76.00 15.92 4.68 = DIVIDE(SUM(-C2, C3),D3) 160481 21.521 $71.00 15.57 4.72 160807 21.847 $67.51 14.92 4.83 161129 20.439 $66.00 15.75 4.88 18.005 $63.00 13.33 159165),19.742) 3.81 =161369 DIVIDE(SUM(-158907, 161560 10.861 $38.00 17.59 5.03 161856 20.962 $75.44 14.12 3.92 162122 18.09 $68.00 14.7 3.91 162282 11.971 $45.00 13.37 3.56 162432 7.726 $27.50 19.41 5.45 162611 13.833 $52.00 12.94 3.44 162884 18.232 $63.25 14.97 4.32 163181 19.863 $69.50= 13.07 14.95 4.27 163485 20.389 $64.00 14.91 4.75 163834 19.361 $60.00 18.03 5.82 164157 22.272 $71.25 14.5 4.53 fx = DIVIDE(258,19.742) © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 19 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Referential Transparency Find the roots/zeros of the equation ax 2 + bx + c. object Math { def roots(a:Double, b:Double, c:Double) = { val discriminant = sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c) val root1 = (-b - discriminant) / (2*a) val root2 = (-b + discriminant) / (2*a) (root1, root2) } } © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 20 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Partial ordering of evaluation a b c discriminant root1 root2 Can run in parallel! (root1, root2) © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 21 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Yeah, but sometimes we need variables Produce the first 25 even natural numbers. public class EvensJava { public static List<Integer> first25() { List<Integer> squares = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for(int i=1; i<=25; i++) squares.add(i*2); } } © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 22 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Squares without variables: Scala object EvensScala extends App { val first25 = (1 to 25).map { i => i*2 } } object EvensScala extends App { val first25 = (1 to 25).map(_*2) } object EvensScala extends App { val first25 = (1 to 25)*2) } © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 23 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Calculate factorial: Java public class FactorialJava { public int looped(int n) { if(n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("n < 0"); int factorial = 1; for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) factorial *= i; return factorial; } public int recursive(final int n) { if(n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("n < 0"); if(n <= 1) return 1; else return n * recursive(n-1); } } © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 24 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Calculate factorial: Scala class FactorialScala { def recursive(n:Int):Int = { require(n >= 0, "n < 0") if(n <= 1) 1 else n * recursive(n-1) } def reduced(n:Int):Int = { require(n >= 0, "n < 0") (1 to n).reduceLeftOption(_ * _).getOrElse(1) } } © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 25 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential First n primes: Java public class PrimesJava { public List<Integer> first(int n) { List<Integer> primes = new LinkedList<Integer>(); for(int i=2; primes.size() < n; i++) { if(isPrime(i)) primes.add(i); } return primes; } public boolean isPrime(int n) { boolean isPrime = true; for(int i=2; i<n; i++) { if(n % i == 0) { isPrime = false; break; } } return isPrime; } } 26 © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential First n primes: Scala class PrimesScala { def isPrime(n:Int) = (2 to (n-1)).forall { i => n % i != 0 } def first(n:Int) = Stream.from(2). filter(isPrime(_)).take(n) } © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 27 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Persistent data structures class Prepend extends FunSuite { test("Prepend produces new instance") { val oneTo3 = List(1, 2, 3) val zeroTo3 = 0 +: oneTo3 assert(oneTo3.size == 3) assert(zeroTo3.size == 4) assert(oneTo3 != zeroTo3) } } © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 28 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential But isn’t that inefficient?? val oneTo3 = List(1, 2, 3) oneTo3 0 1 2 3 zeroTo3 val zeroTo3 = 0 +: oneTo3 © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 29 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential So why Scala? Compiles to plain-ol’ JVM byte code — Fully interoperable with Java — Leverage solid existing Java technologies — Platform-independent Multi-paradigm — Arguably more OO than Java – – – – No primitives No static Multiple inheritance Even functions are objects! — Idiomatically functional, but not strictly – Can declare a var — Be productively quickly, learn new paradigm gradually © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 30 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential So why Scala, continued… Statically-typed with dynamically-typed syntax features — — — — — Richer type system than Java (Turing complete) Type inference Implicit conversions Pattern matching Malleable syntax allows domain-specific languages (DSL) All of the aforementioned advantages of functional programming — Multi-processor scaling High-productivity — Dynamically-typed syntax features — Typically takes one half to one third of the lines of code as Java1 1Source: Research: Programming Style and Productivity | © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 31 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Yay! The world’s problems solved! No backwards compatibility across major releases — Ex. Scala 2.9.x byte code incompatible with 2.10.x byte code — Have to find and possibly recompile libraries to advance — Deprecated features get obsoleted Compiler slower than Java — Does MUCH more for the developer than Java (see type system) — Defacto build tool (sbt) keeps compiler in memory which helps Less mature — Tooling isn’t as stable © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 32 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Java/Scala timeline 1995 – Java 1.0 released by Sun. 1995 – Odersky begins work on OO/FP language targeting the JVM. Efforts eventually lead to Java 1.5’s generics. 2001 – Odersky begins Scala from scratch due to restrictions imposed by Java. 2003 – First release of Scala 2004 – Java 5.0 released 2006 – Scala 2 released 2011 – Typesafe launched to provide commercial support, training, services for Scala. 2011 – Java 7 released; JVM includes InvokeDynamic. Source: A Brief History of Scala | Martin Odersky Source: Scala (programming language) | Wikipedia © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 33 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Scala sounds nice, but does it work? Twitter used Scala to kill the fail whale! Source: The Secret Behind Twitter’s Growth | MIT Technology Review © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 34 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Adoption Source: Sneaking Scala Through the Back Door | Dianne Marsh © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 35 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Scala at Mentor Graphics? Scala is NOT hereby endorsed by Mentor Graphics or System Design Division for use in production code. Adoption of Scala in production code is a division-level decision. © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 36 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Where might Scala fit, then? Find problems where Scala is a great fit — Web applications – Application state belongs in the DB. — Static typing – Consumption of generated code, such as SOAP calls – Slow-running I/O-bound processes, such as building – Anywhere compiler checking can detect changes in dependencies — Domain-specific languages – Any time you want code to read fluidly Utilize Scala in non-production/controlled environments — Hosted web applications — Internal applications — Testing © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 37 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Testing DSL example "The dashboard" should { "filter journal when searching" in { search "Knees to elbows" eventually { entries.size should be (1) } Entry(1).title should be (workout2.title) click on Entry(1).resultBtn eventually { Entry(1).notes should be ("I completed the workout!") } } } © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 38 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential Taking the next step Free online course! — Functional Programming Principles in Scala — Taught by Martin Odersky himself Join the Scala User Group Join the Scala Enthusiasts group on LinkedIn Reference the Scala API Ask questions at StackOverflow Email me — User group? Read my Scala ramblings Image: Kool Aid Guy Wreaks Havoc at Presbyterian Seminary © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. 39 JDB, Intro to Functional Programming in Scala, October 2013 Company Confidential QUESTIONS? © 2013 Mentor Graphics Corp. Company Confidential