지능형 마이크로웨이브 시스템 연구실 박 종 훈 Contents Ch.3 Modulation and Detection 3.1 General Considerations 3.2 Analog Modulation 3.2.1 Amplitude Modulation 3.2.2 Phase and Frequency Modulation 3.3 Digital Modulation 3.3.1 Basic Concepts 3.3.2 Binary Modulation 3.3.3 Quadrature Modulation 3.4 Power Efficiency of Modulation Schemes 3.4.1 Constant-and Variable-Envelope Signals 3.4.2 Spectral Regrowth 3.5 Noncoherent Detection 3.1 General Considerations The transmitted waveform in RF communications is usually a high-frequency carrier modulated by the original signal Reason of modulations Wired systems - Superior shielding(coaxial lines) Wireless systems – antenna size(for resonable gain) Must occur in a certain part of the spectrum FCC regulations Allows simpler detection at the receive end 3.1 General Considerations Base band / Pass band signals Base band – Nonzero in the vicinity of ω = 0 E.g. signal generated by a microphone or a video camera Pass band – Nonzero in a band around a carrier frequency ωc 3.1 General Considerations Modulation Converts a baseband signal to a passband counterpart Pass band signal – a(t), θ(t) – functions of time Carrier signal – Vary its amplitude or phase ωct + θ(t) – total phase θ(t) - excess phase ωct + dθ/dt - total frequency dθ/dt – excess frequency (frequency deviation) 3.1 General Considerations Demodulation(Detection) Inverse of modulation Extract the original baseband signal with minimum noise, distortion, ISI, etc. 3.1 General Considerations Important Aspects of Modems Quality(e.g. SNR) Attenuation and interference in the channel Noise at input of the detector If the modem achieves higher tolerance of noise Power reduced providing longer talk time in portable device Allowing communication over a longer distance Bandwidth Spectral efficiency Power efficiency Linear amplifier / Nonlinear amplifier 3.1 General Considerations AWGN(Additive White Gaussian Noise) Channel Power spectral density = N0/2 3.2 Analog Modulation 3.2.1 Amplitude Modulation 3.2.2 Phase and Frequency Modulation 3.2.1 Amplitude Modulation Modulation mxBB(t) : baseband signal m : modulation index 3.2.1 Amplitude Modulation Demodulation(Envelope detector) SNR 3.2.1 Amplitude Modulation Limited use in today’s wireless systems Except for broadcast radios and the sound in television Susceptible to noise Highly linear power amplifier in the transmitter High SNR at the input 3.2.2 Phase and Frequency Modulation 3.2.2 Phase and Frequency Modulation Phase Modulation(PM) Frequency Modulation(FM) VCO(Voltage Controlled Oscillator) 3.2.2 Phase and Frequency Modulation Modulator 3.2.2 Phase and Frequency Modulation Demodulation Demodulator 3.2.2 Phase and Frequency Modulation Narrowband FM 3.2.2 Phase and Frequency Modulation Narrowband FM -> ωm increase, magnitude of the sidebands decrease maximum frequency deviation is mAm Low SNR Wideband FM Without the restriction 3.2.2 Phase and Frequency Modulation Bessel Function Referance – Introduction to Analog & Digital Communications 2nd 3.2.2 Phase and Frequency Modulation Wideband FM VS Narrow FM 3.2.2 Phase and Frequency Modulation Bandwidth(BFM) Containing 98% of the signal power BFM ≈2(β+1)BBB – Carson’s rule Preemphasis and Deemphasis Larger gain at higher freq. -> Amplifying noise at high freq. 3.2.2 Phase and Frequency Modulation SNR Comparison Without Preemphasis and deemphasis With Preemphasis and deemphasis f1 : -3dB corner frequency of the low pass filter Typical applications : 10 to 15dB higher than 1st eqn. 3.3 Digital Modulation ASK, PSK, FSK Analog parameters signal quality, spectral efficiency, and power efficiency Digital parameter BER(bit error rate) Average number of erroneous bits observed at the output of the detector divided by the total number of bits received in a unit time 3.3.1 Basic Concepts Binary and M-ary Signaling Binary waveform(Digital baseband signal) bn : ‘bit’ value in the time interval Multilevel(M-ary signaling) Bandwidth relaxed bn : ‘symbol’ value in the time interval 3.3.1 Basic Concepts Basic Functions ( e.g. FSK ) Digitally modulated waveforms 3.3.1 Basic Concepts Signal Constellations 3.3.1 Basic Concepts Cartesian minimum distance : Relate to the bit error rate 3.3.1 Basic Concepts Optimum Detection Since the baseband signal is digital, the detector output must be sampled every bit period to determine the received value Problem of Noise 3.3.1 Basic Concepts Solution Use of filter Sampling is synchronized such that the peak value of the pulse is sensed, the output SNR is high 3.3.1 Basic Concepts Noise components that vary significantly in a period of Tb tend to average out 3.3.1 Basic Concepts Matched Filter Pulse p(t) that is corrupted by additive white noise, there exists an optimum filter that maximizes the SNR at the sampling instant 3.3.1 Basic Concepts Maximum value at t = Tb 3.3.1 Basic Concepts Ep : energy of the signal P(t) : voltage quantity Optimum detection of modulated signals where x(t) = p(t) + n(t). If p(t) is zero outside the interval [0 Tb], then 3.3.1 Basic Concepts Coherent and Noncoherent Detection Detection schemes that require phase synchronization 3.3.1 Basic Concepts This circuit employs two narrowband filters 3.3.1 Basic Concepts Definition of Bandwidth Containing 99% signal power 3.3.2 Binary Modulation BPSK(Binary PSK) BFSK(Binary FSK) ASK is rarely used in RF applications 3.3.2 Binary Modulation PDF for binary data with additive noise 3.3.2 Binary Modulation BPSK 3.3.2 Binary Modulation BFSK 3.3.2 Binary Modulation BPSK VS BFSK Bit energy in BFSK must be twice that in BPSK Minimum distance between the points in the constellation is greater in BPSK BPSK has a 3-dB advantage over BFSK 3.3.2 Binary Modulation Quadrature Modulation To subdivide a binary data stream into pairs of two bits 3.3.2 Binary Modulation Categories QPSK(Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) Offset QPSK(OQPSK) π/4-QPSK MSK(Minimum Shift Keying) GMSK(Gaussian MSK) 3.3.2 Binary Modulation QPSK Important drawback of QPSK is large phase changes 3.3.2 Binary Modulation OQPSK 3.3.2 Binary Modulation Phase step is only ±90˚ BER and spectrum of OQPSK are identical to those of QPSK critical drawback It doew not lend itself to differential encoding Differential encoding plays an important role in noncoherent receivers, the most popular type in today’s RF applications 3.3.2 Binary Modulation 3.3.2 Binary Modulation Since no two consecutive points are from the same constellation Maximum phase step is 135˚, 45 ˚ less than QPSK BER are identical to those of QPSK 3.3.2 Binary Modulation MSK Continuous phase modulation Rectangular pulse leading to a wide spectrum and presenting difficulties in the design of power amplifiers 3.3.2 Binary Modulation The smooth phase transition in MSK lower the signal power in the sidelobes of the spectrum But at the cost of widening the main lobe Decay proportional to 3.3.2 Binary Modulation GMSK(Gaussian MSK) The phase change is made smoother than MSK α increase -> narrower the spectrum -> ISI increase 3.3.2 Binary Modulation 3.4 Power Efficiency of Modulation Schemes 3.4.1 Constant- and Variable-Envelope Signals 3.4.2 Spectral Regrowth 3.4.1 Constant- and Variable-Envelope Signals The Spectrum grows when a variable-envelope signal passes through a nonlinear system A(t) vary with time : variable-envelope 3.4.2 Spectral Regrowth Spectral Regrowth If the PA exhibits significant nonlinearity, then the shape of xI(t) and xQ(t) is not preserved and the spectrum is not limited to the desired bandwidth FM and FSK waveform have no abrupt phase change and exhibit a constant envelope, they can be amplified by means of nonlinear Pas with no spectral regrowth. Trade-off between spectral efficiency and power efficiency As the signal bandwidth is more limited -by filtering or pulse shaping- the power amplifier must achieve a higher linearity so as to avoid spectral regrowth 3.5 Noncoherent Detection Coherent FSK Detection Provide the highest SNR. Require that the phase of the local oscillator in the receiver Noncoherent Detection 1.5dB greater than that in coherent FSK detection Lower complexity 3.5 Noncoherent Detection DPSK(Differential Phase Shift Keying) 3dB higher than coherent PSK