A Quarter Century on, Where are we? (MRA) is at once a framework in which to organize and interpret exact and inexact replications, to review more objectively the literature and explain its disparities, and to engage in the self-analysis of investigating the socioeconomic phenomenon of social scientific research itself– Stanley & Jarrell (1989, p. 168). Stanley, T.D. and S.B. Jarrell (1989) Metaregression analysis: A quantitative method of literature surveys. Journal of Economic Surveys, 3: 161-70 T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 Tom Stanley, Hendrix College Where are we going? Exponential @ 18%/year More objective reviews of economic research Explanation of disparate research findings ¿ Investigation of the socio-economics of economics research? T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 Has MRA’s promise been realized? • Female economists find less wage discrimination against women than do male researchers (S&J, 1998; J&S, 2004, Weichselbaumer & Winter-Ebmer, 2005) • Publication bias is the result of professional incentives and the pressure to publish. • Researcher ideology affects reported results (Doucouliagos and Paldam, 2006). • The Research Cycle: Reported findings generally confirm a novel hypothesis; later, the incentive for rejection increases (S, J & D, 2008). T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 Investigation of the socio-economics of economics research? More objective reviews of economic research Explanation of disparate research findings Investigation of the socio-economics of economics research, . . . but much more to do. ¿ Framework to organize and interpret exact and inexact replications? T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 Has MRA’s promise been realized? • Deakin University’s (Chris Doucouliagos) meta-data repository. • Bob Reed, Maren Duvendack, and others have expressed interest in organizing something more formal. • Piers Steel and metaBUS. • Needless to say, . . . . T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 Framework to organize and interpret exact and inexact replications? How about S&J’s (1989) exact MRA model? Does anyone still use it? (3) Where: “bi is the reported estimate of b from the ith study. . . Zik the meta-independent variable which measures relevant characteristics of an empirical study and explains its systematic variation” (p. 164) • Zik might include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dummy variables for omitted variables. Specification variables Sample Size Author characteristics Data characteristics T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 bi = b + SbkZik +ei Due to obvious Heteroskedasticity, S&J 89 recommended the WLS version of (3): ti= bi/Sb = b (1/Sb ) + Sbk (Zik/Sb ) +ei /Sb (4) i i i • t-value, ti, is the dependent variable and precision (1/Sb ) is an independent variable. i • WLS is neither fixed- nor random-effects, in practical application, WLS is better than both (Stanley and Doucouliagos, 2013a&b, Deakin SWP). • We never wanted to use fixed- or random-effects, in spite of citing Hedges and Olkin (1985). • Had we included the intercept, we would have fully anticipated current practice {FAT-PET-MRA}. T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 i • Fixed-effect MRA: same as our WLS regression, but divides SEs by square root of MSE (H&O, 85) • causes SEs & CIs to be too small & too narrow. • assumes that policy makers wish to make inferences to a population that is identical,in every respect, to past research. Like that happens! • So why divide by root MSE??? • WLS already correct the SEs for both excess heterogeneity and heteroskedasticity • Fixed-effect MRA is never relevant in economics. T.D. Stanley, He n drix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 Neither Fixed Nor Random ni , to the conventional meta-regression model, bi = b + SbkZik +ni + ei (1) Where ni is assumed to be normal and independent of the sampling errors, ei, and the moderators, Zik. • Problems: • In economics, excess heterogeneity is systematic! • Typically, ni will be the result of omitting relevant variables; thus, it introduces bias. • In the 1980s, we saw no reason to use FE or RE • Now, we know that we should never use FE or RE! T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 • Random-effects MRA adds a second error term, Problems and Issues—2014 • Should we divide meta-regression SEs by the square root of MSE? No! (Hedges and Olkin, 1985) • Does Random-Effects MRA become biased with publication bias? YES! (Stanley and Doucouliagos, 2013b) Meta-analysis (MA)—Weighted Averages • Fixed-Effects Estimator (FEE): confidence intervals are too narrow if there is heterogeneity. • Random-Effects Estimator (REE): can be very biased with publication bias {already widely established} T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 Multiple Meta-Regression (MRA) • In two recent simulation papers, Chris and I show: • WLS is as good as Fixed or Random-Effects under the best conditions for FE and RE. • If we are making inferences to policy settings or to future research, WLS is much better than FE. • When there is publication bias, WLS is much better than RE. • Worse still: all tests of either heterogeneity or publication bias are known have low power. • Therefore, in practice, we should never use either FE or RE. . . . Never! T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 Neither Fixed nor Random ̶ 2014 Stanley, T.D., Doucouliagos H(C). 2013a. Neither Fixed nor Random: Weighted least squares meta-regression analysis. SWP, Economics Series 2013-1, Deakin University. http://www.deakin.edu.au/buslaw/aef/workingpapers/papers/2013_1.pdf Stanley, T.D., Doucouliagos H(C). 2013b. Better than Random: Weighted least squares meta-regression analysis. SWP, Economics Series 2013-2, Deakin University. http://www.deakin.edu.au/buslaw/aef/workingpapers/papers/2013_2.pdf T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 Our two working papers: Weighted Least Squares • MRAs should never be estimated by OLS, because there is much variation among the reported SEs of bi or effecti ˆ =(MtW-1M)-1MtW-1b • Enter WLS: β Where: 2 W= (2) T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 (WLS-MRA) The Gauss-Markov Theorem • As long as W in (2) is known up to some unknown proportion, 2, WLS { βˆ } is the Best {Minimum Variance} Linear Unbiased Est. • Invariance to proportional excess heterogeneity is a robustness property of the Gauss-Markov Theorem and WLS. • It is not an assumption. T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College SRSM July 2, 2014 {Proportional Heterogeneity Invariance} Traditional, Unrestricted WLS replaces Wwith: 0 0 SE22 0 0 0 SEL2 0 (5) and S 2 is estimated by the WLS residuals, automatically T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College SRSM July 2, 2014 2 ˆ W= S SE12 Simulation Design • Generate Yj and estimate b from: (6) • Half the studies omit the relevant variable X2i 2 • a3i ~N(0, h ) adds excess random heterogeneity by always omitting relevant variable X3i • When b = 1, r between Y and X1 is .27 • n= {62, 125, 250, 500, 1000} in primary regressions • X1j , X2j, X3j are generated randomly, but X2j & X3j are forced to be correlated with X1j . • Fixed- or random-effects model is always true. T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 Yj = 100 + b X1j +a2 X2j +a3i X3j + ej • Experiment 1: 10,000 WLS, RE and FE-MRAs are calculated with one moderator variable, Mi = {0,1}, reflecting whether the original study omitted X2i, or not, (Tables 1 & 2) bi = b0 + b1 Mi + ui (7) Where: bi is the ith primary study’s estimate of b • Experiment 2: Experiment 1 plus 50% of the studies select statistically significant results, and either MRA (7), above, or a multiple FATPET-MRA is used. (Tables 3 & 4) bi = b0 + b1 Mi + b2 SEi + ui (8) T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 Simulation Design—Cont. MRA n h True Effect I2 FE-MRA RE-MRA WLSMRA 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .0948 .2433 .6014 .8503 .9465 .9761 .9858 .0936 .2469 .6011 .8493 .9465 .9761 .9858 .0593 .3186 .6465 .8687 .9517 .9777 .9863 .0589 .3179 .6471 .8683 .9517 .9777 .9863 .9489 .8769 .7067 .4740 .3088 .2277 .1909 .9495 .8741 .7007 .4769 .3173 .2384 .2047 .9545 .8738 .7070 .4688 .3125 .2301 .1851 .9532 .8704 .7040 .4765 .3153 .2364 .1947 .9544 .9218 .9082 .9191 .9254 .9265 .9233 .9553 .9429 .9371 .9495 .9433 .9460 .9472 .9603 .9187 .8996 .9183 .9220 .9227 .9252 .9568 .9382 .9444 .9460 .9427 .9468 .9436 .9505 .9350 .9079 .9000 .9110 .9339 .9464 .9525 .9350 .9058 .9079 .9167 .9440 .9528 .9531 .9278 .9064 .8996 .9119 .9378 .9455 .9532 .9282 .9138 .9049 .9240 .9393 .9566 .5349 .9352 .9286 Average T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 Table 1: Coverage Percentages MRA n h True Effect I2 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .0948 .2433 .6014 .8503 .9465 .9761 .9858 .0936 .2469 .6011 .8493 .9465 .9761 .9858 .0593 .3186 .6465 .8687 .9517 .9777 .9863 .0589 .3179 .6471 .8683 .9517 .9777 .9863 Average RE-MRA WLS-MRA |Bias| |Bias| RE-MRA MSE WLS-MRA MSE .00059 .00105 .00091 .00085 .00087 .00157 .01341 .00048 .00059 .00029 .00030 .00023 .00012 .00240 .00046 .00186 .00147 .00068 .00118 .00075 .01035 .00067 .00013 .00068 .00009 .00012 .00163 .00195 .00041 .00124 .00157 .00031 .00282 .00014 .00148 .00051 .00040 .00021 .00077 .00031 .00099 .00203 .00042 .00172 .00164 .00107 .00358 .00247 .01111 .00067 .00013 .00060 .00048 .00063 .00005 .00040 .00554 .00829 .01498 .03555 .11340 .40591 1.6279 .00110 .00173 .00331 .00833 .02669 .09887 .38644 .00564 .00825 .01487 .03607 .11352 .39659 1.6164 .00110 .00172 .00333 .00822 .02720 .09808 .38633 .00549 .00845 .01687 .04661 .13435 .35193 .88102 .00109 .00179 .00386 .01066 .02919 .06928 .15535 .00558 .00837 .01706 .04736 .13372 .33989 .83945 .00109 .00177 .00389 .01035 .02953 .06986 .15414 .00163 .00136 .19483 .12064 T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 Table 2: Bias and MSE Simulation Results I: “A house divided by itself cannot stand”—A. Lincoln applications. Thus, Do Not Divide by root MSE! • When there is no heterogeneity and FE-MRA is true, WLS-MRA is equivalent to FE-MRA. • RE-MRA: When RE-MRA’s model is true, WLS-MRA provides acceptable and comparable coverage, and its bias and MSE are a bit better. • Irony: WLS-MRA dominates RE-MRA in those exact circumstances for which RE-MRA is designed— large additive, excess random heterogeneity T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 • FE-MRA: unacceptable SEs in most actual MRA n h True Effect I2 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1689 .3241 .5697 .8102 .9264 .9670 .9809 .1551 .3589 .6184 .8372 .9362 .9701 .9818 .0825 .2358 .5325 .8083 .9255 .9666 .9806 .0450 .2591 .5926 .8364 .9349 .9695 .9817 Average RE-MRA WLS-MRA |Bias| |Bias| RE-MRA MSE WLS-MRA MSE .0348 .0581 .1140 .2367 .4510 .8138 1.5212 .0361 .0668 .1322 .2659 .4900 .8939 1.6566 .0135 .0168 .0350 .0916 .2415 .5566 1.2326 .0101 .0158 .0314 .0940 .2564 .6142 1.3571 .0328 .0510 .0957 .1964 .3470 .5692 .8595 .0345 .0593 .1148 .2250 .3891 .6092 .8880 .0128 .0129 .0221 .0583 .1669 .3541 .6554 .0096 .0115 .0172 .0570 .1740 .3756 .6591 .0151 .0218 .0414 .1084 .3259 1.0391 3.6524 .0039 .0085 .0237 .0824 .2687 .8868 3.0617 .0056 .0083 .0155 .0412 .1567 .6540 2.8299 .0012 .0020 .0042 .0163 .0886 .4553 2.1485 .0147 .0209 .0397 .1035 .2677 .6824 1.6393 .0037 .0075 .0200 .0643 .1815 .4365 .9305 .0056 .0085 .0171 .0477 .1483 .4317 1.1672 .0012 .0019 .0041 .0133 .0559 .1978 .5624 .4049 .2521 .5703 .2527 T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 Table 3: Bias and MSE with 50% Publication Bias MRA n 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 h 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 True Effect 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Average I2 .0948 .2433 .6014 .8503 .9465 .9761 .9858 .0936 .2469 .6011 .8493 .9465 .9761 .9858 .0593 .3186 .6465 .8687 .9517 .9777 .9863 .0589 .3179 .6471 .8683 .9517 .9777 .9863 RE-MRA |Bias| WLS-MRA |Bias| RE-MRA MSE WLS-MRA MSE .16575 .15454 .10523 .01049 .08977 .11570 .19965 .14279 .12187 .06794 .04014 .14829 .21051 .38580 .02702 .03110 .03162 .02446 .01027 .01052 .05311 .02505 .02933 .03398 .02473 .01618 .04481 .21000 .16364 .14634 .08881 .00049 .07918 .06047 .03766 .14135 .11082 .04757 .05133 .13834 .13721 .06001 .02664 .02868 .02711 .02144 .00171 .04896 .16689 .02471 .02690 .02921 .02216 .00175 .03268 .11280 .05218 .06086 .07024 .11731 .32996 1.0056 3.0241 .02492 .02212 .01648 .02536 .08918 .26245 .84128 .01722 .02553 .04590 .10850 .30811 .97668 2.8764 .00391 .00602 .01039 .02287 .06726 .22621 .70017 .05157 .05960 .07462 .14752 .35647 .84226 1.8469 .02454 .01996 .01601 .03112 .08054 .14630 .25204 .01720 .02607 .05264 .13508 .33235 .75452 1.6098 .00390 .00611 .01168 .02753 .06377 .12240 .23085 .09038 .06553 .40490 .26226 T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 Table 4: Bias, MSE (50% Pub’bias) FAT-PET-MRA Simulation Results II When there is publication bias: • WLS-MRA always has less bias and, on average, substantially lower MSE • Irony: WLS dominates RE in those exact circumstances for which RE-MRA is designed. • When RE is better, it is not much better, and those cases cannot be identified, in practice. • Thus, there is No Reason to use RandomEffects Meta-Regression. . . . . . Ever! T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 • WLS-MRA dominates RE-MRA. Why WLS works so well when there is high heterogeneity? 8 7 6 SE-squared For very large heterogeneity, the random heterogeneity 2 term, n j , will dominate sampling error, e2j , and its variation, making the overall variance of the 2 estimate, j , roughly 2 proportional to n j . 9 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150 Heterogeneity Variance 200 250 Unlike S & J, S & J’s MRA Model Still works after all these Years • Should we divide MRA SEs by √MSE? Never! • Is RE-MRA biased with publication bias? Yes! • WLS-MRA dominates RE-MRA with or without Correcting for Publication Bias. • WLS also dominates REE and FEE weighted averages when combining Cohen’s d from RCTs. T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 Multiple MRA • We need more realistic simulation studies • Alternative modeling strategies {generalto-specific; Bayesian modeling} • Unbalanced panel MRA models. • We need to continue to raise the quality of MRA applications, making them more robust, comprehensive and rigorous. • Wish us luck at ASSA in Boston. T.D. Stanley, Hendrix College MAER-Net September 12, 2014 The Task Ahead Thank You!