Phu_APPSEC13 - OWASP Appsec USA 2013


Sandboxing JavaScript via Libraries and Wrappers

Phu H. Phung

University of Gothenburg, Sweden, and

University of Illinois at Chicago

About Me

• Receipt of international postdoc grant (3 years) by Swedish Research Council (VR), employed by Univ. of Gothenburg.

• Research Associate at UIC.

• PhD in Computer Science in 2011 from

Chalmers University, Sweden.

Hosted by OWASP & the NYC Chapter

• Selected research projects

– European WebSand (complete)

• End-to-end secure web framework

– Secure Web Advertisements, funded by NSF


– Defensive Optimizing Compiler, funded by

DARPA (on-going)

Hosted by OWASP & the NYC Chapter

This talk

• Based on the two published papers:

– PH Phung, L Desmet. A two-tier sandbox architecture for untrusted JavaScript , invited paper, JSTools’12.

– P Agten, S Van Acker, Y Brondsema, PH Phung, L

Desmet, F Piessens. JSand: complete client-side sandboxing of third-party JavaScript without browser modifications , ACSAC’12.

92% of all websites use JavaScript



“88.45% of the Alexa top 10,000 web sites included at least one remote

JavaScript library”



• Advertisements

– Adhese ad network

• Social web

– Facebook Connect

– Google+

– Twitter

– Feedsburner

• Tracking

– Scorecardresearch

• Web Analytics

• …

– Yahoo! Web Analytics

– Google Analytics

Third-party JavaScript is everywhere


Iframe integration


<iframe src=“”>



Two basic composition techniques

3 rd party


Script inclusion


<script src=“”>



Two basic composition techniques

3 rd party


Third-party JavaScript issues

• Third-party script inclusion run with the same privilege of the hosting page.

• Security issues:

– Malicious third-party code

– Trusted third-party is compromised

– Confidentiality, integrity, and other security risks


Difficult issues with JavaScript

• JavaScript is a powerful language, but the language design is bad for security, e.g.:

– Dynamic scripts: document.write, eval, ...

– Encapsulation leakage

– ...

A lot of

<script> document.


attacks were


write( ‘ipt> malic’ ); var i= 1;

launched in


write( ‘ious code; </sc’ ); document.




<script> malicious code; </script>


Malicious third-party JavaScript example

The most reliable, cost effective method to inject evil code is to buy an ad.

Principles of Security. Douglas Crockford

An attack scenario

Million Browser Botnet

(July 2013)

– Leverage Advertising

Networks using JavaScript to launch Application-Level

DDoS Jeremiah Grossman & Matt Johansen

– Paid on 2 ad networks for displaying treacherous

WhiteHat SECURITY advertisements on pages visited by hundreds of thousands of people

– One day, got 13.6 million views of the ads, just spent less than $100



• Limit third-party code to safe subset of JavaScript

– Facebook JS, ADSafe, ADSafety, ...

No compatibility with existing scripts

• Browser-based sandboxing solutions

– ConScript, WebJail, Contego, ...

Browser modifications imply short-term deployment issues

• Server-side transformations of scripts to be included

– Google Caja, BrowserShield, ...

No direct script delivery to browser

Great runtime overhead


Our approach

• A sandbox model for third-party JavaScript

– Using only JS libraries and wrappers

– Whitelist (least-privilege) implementation approach

• Only properties and objects defined in policies are available to the untrusted code

– No browser modification is required

– The third-party code is keep in original

– Easily dealing with dynamic features of JavaScript

“Lightweight Self-Protecting JavaScript” , ASIACCS’09


Two-tier sandbox architecture

Base-line API implementation, in e.g. `api.js’ file

Sandbox running policy code, defined in a separate JS e.g. `policy.js’

The policy code can only access the base-line API and provided wrapper functions

Sandbox running untrusted code, defined in a separate file e.g.


The untrusted code can only access objects returned by the outer sandbox

JavaScript environment, e.g. the DOM


Two-tier sandbox architecture var api = loadAPI(…); var outerSandbox = cajaVM.compileModule(policyCode); var enforcedAPI = outerSandbox(api); var innerSandbox = cajaVM.compileModule(untrustedCode); innerSandbox(enforcedAPI);


P olicy 1 untrusted

P olicy 3 untrusted

The architecture in multipleprincipal untrusted code

P olicy 2 Base-line API implementation, in e.g. `api.js’ file untrusted


Sandboxing untrusted code

• Use Secure ECMAScript (SES) library developed by Google Caja team

– Load a piece of code to execute within an isolated environment

• The code can only interact with the outside world via provided

APIs var api = {...}; //constructing var makeSandbox = cajaVM.compileModule(untrustedCodeSrc); var sandboxed = makeSandbox(api);


Isolation technique: The SES library

Object-capability environment

• Scripts can access

Objects they create themselves

– Objects explicitly handed to them

Global context


Isolation technique: The SES library


Base-line APIs implementation

• Create a Virtual DOM

– Intercepting wrapper around real DOM

– Use Harmony Proxies to generically intercept property accesses on objects

• Virtual DOM implementation uses the

Membrane Pattern

– Wrap any object passed from DOM to sandbox (return values)

– Unwrap any object passed from sandbox to DOM



Wrapper example


Policy definition

• Base-line APIs implementation

– Can enforce coarse-grained, generic policies, e.g.:

• Sanitize HTML

• Ensure complete mediation

• Fine-grained policies for multiple untrusted

JavaScript code

– Modular, principal-specific, e.g.: script1 is allowed to read/write elemt_A, script2 is allowed to read elemt_A

– Stafeful, e.g.: limit the number of popups to 3

– Cross-principal stateful policies, e.g: after script1 write to elemt_A, disallow access from script2 to elemt_A


Deployment model

• Untrusted code is loaded into a string variable

– Using server-side proxy + XMLHttpRequest (to overcome same origin policy)

– CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)

/UMP(Uniform Messaging Policy) headers set by the script provider

<script src=


</script> before

<script src=“ses.js”></script>

<script src=“api.js”></script>

<script src=“policy0.js”></script>

<script> var script = get(“”); ses.execute(script,policy0);

</script> after


Secure dynamic script evaluation

• Special handlers to intercept all methods that allow script tags to be added

– node.appendChild, node.insertBefore, node.replaceChild, node.insertAfter

– document.write, …

– Event handlers in HTML, e.g.


1. Parse partial DOM tree/HTML

2. Execute scripts in the sandbox environment


Dynamic script loading in


• Example from Google Maps


Different parsing techniques

• Via a sandboxed iframe

1. Create sandbox iframe

2. Set content via srcdoc attribute

– Better performance

– Parsed exactly as will be interpreted by browser

– Executed asynchronously

• (Alternative) Via a HTML parsing library in



Loading additional code in the sandbox

• External code needs to be executed in a previously set up sandbox

– Loading API + glue code

– Dynamic script loading

• Two new operations:

– innerEval(code)

– innerLoadScript(url)


• Single principal code

Case studies

• Multiple-principal code

– Context-aware ads


Implementation challenges

• Legacy scripts need additional preprocessing to be compatible with the framework

– Secure ECMAScript restrictions

• A subset of ECMAScritp strict mode

• Global variables aliased as window properties

• No ‘this’ auto coercion


JS transformation examples



– A client-side JavaScript architecture for untrusted JavaScript

• Only using libraries and wrappers

– Complete mediation using Secure


DOM node operations

• JavaScript APIs

– Backward compatibility

No browser modifications

• Direct script delivery to the browser

• Support for legacy scripts


