U.O. di Riabilitazione Specialistica Sez.: Riabilitazione Neuromotoria - Riabilitazione Oncologica dir.: Springhetti Isabella MD Istituto Scientifico di Pavia CLINICAL and SOCIAL ADVANTAGES of ONCOLOGICAL REHABILITATION: a PROSPECTIVE SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM for WOMEN with BC (FSM-PSP) Jedrychowska Iwona MD, Sparpaglione Diego MD, Zancan Arturo MD, Morisani Elena MD, Villani Chiara MD, Rodigari Alessandra MD, Lodola Elena FT Shifting the focus of attention and resources from disease……….. …..to disabilities Interaction between psychological burden and physical illness: Mood Disturbances Anxiety-Depression Emotional Distress Fors, Egil A., et al. "Psychosocial interventions as part of breast cancer rehabilitation programs? Results from a systematic review." Psycho-Oncology 20.9 (2011): 909-918. New models are required . Wide variability among european countries (Governs, providers, stakeholders) about how to conceive programs and deliver services. Literature data: clinical issues Hellbom, Maria, et al. "Cancer rehabilitation: A Nordic and European perspective." Acta oncologica 50.2 (2011): 179-186. Alfano, Catherine M., et al. "Cancer survivorship and cancer rehabilitation: revitalizing the link." Journal of clinical oncology 30.9 (2012): 904-906. Shockney, Lillie D., et al. "Healthcare Providers' Knowledge of the Benefits of Cancer Rehabilitation." Journal of Oncology Navigation & Survivorship 4.2 (2013). Stubblefield, Michael D., et al. "Current perspectives and emerging issues on cancer rehabilitation." Cancer 119.S11 (2013): 2170-2178. Prehabilitation.. ..is not a new concept models Interventi psicosociali e fitness per ridurre i tempi di ripresa e migliorare il benessere psicofisico Selezionare le persone a rischio, o già affette trattando problemi specifici What to save from models: informazione e supporto prima dell’avvio dei trattamenti: conoscenza degli eventi, controllo dell’ansia, sensazione di accompagnamento, collaborazione proattiva What to save from models: L’idea di una sorveglianza prospettica nel tempo Goals of surveillance: • per gli impairment più comuni e le limitazioni funzionali associate ai trattamenti neoplastici: • RISK LOWERING :riduzione del rischio /prevenzione degli effetti avversi, facilitare l’identificazione precoce di impairment fisici e limitazioni funzionali • APPROPRIATE REHAB INTERVENTIONS: interventi riabilitativi appropriati in caso di rilevazione di impaiments • HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: promuovere e supportare adeguati attività fisica ed esercizio, controllo del peso, durante l’intero percorso di cura e di sopravvivenza Nicole L. Stout - Breast Care Center W. Reed Military Medical Center 8901 Wisconsin Ave, Buld 19, Bethesda MD Silver, J. K., Baima, J. and Mayer, R. S. (2013), Impairment-driven cancer rehabilitation: An essential component of quality care and survivorship. A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 63: 295–317. doi: 10.3322/caac.21186 Prehabilitation.. start immediately after diagnosis e prior to treatments it is a physical psychosocial assessment it constitutes the baseline for future clinical and functional comparisons in order to plan targeted interventions reduces incidence and/or minimize severity of present or future impairments enhances tolerability and response to pharmacological/radiation treatments Stout NL, et al. A prospective surveillance model for rehabilitation for women with breast cancer. Cancer. 2012 Apr 15;118(8 Suppl):2191-200. doi: 10.1002/cncr.27476. Current activities at Fondazione Maugeri Current Breast Unit Activity AUDIT 2013 UO BREAST UNIT Treatment Registry AUDIT 2013 UO BREAST UNIT Operative Registry FSM Breast Unit is certified according to EUSOMA criteria (www.eusoma.org) Current FSM rehabilitation path for BC STEP GOAL REFERRAL *Psychologist Referral available at any stage on pt request CONTENTS 1) IMMEDIATELY AFTER SURGERY (IN HOSPITAL) educational, preventative, from Surgeon directly to Physical Therapist (PT) general informations /depending on the kind of surgery 2) FIRST POSTOPERATIVE CLINIC Rehabilitative, From Surgeons to Physiatrist/ therapeutic from Physiatrist to PT ROM, single muscular or girdle impairment, AWS, pain, UB impaired function, scars, lymphatic drainage, etc 3) FOLLOW UP rehabilitative, supportive From Surgeons /Oncologist to Physiatrist; /OT/ST et al. pain, lymphedema, fibrosis, neuropathies, recurrence of functional impairments, etc.. 4) RECURRENCE supportive From Oncologist /Radiotherapist to Physiatrist; from Physiatrist to/OT/ST et al. All above + complications (fractures, etc..) Current rehabilitation activity for BC STEP WOMEN aa 2013 Current Standard in use Indicators 1) IMMEDIATELY AFTER SURGERY (IN HOSPITAL) 268 2) FIRST POSTOPERATIVE CLINIC 59 3) FOLLOW UP & 4) RECURRENCE 42 ROM DASH Comp. Upper Limb Circumf. Cm (FIM, If needed) VAS 5) LIMPHEDEMA NEW CASES 7 Specific condition (i.e.:balance) AUDIT EUSOMA FSM 2013 UO RRF/RO REHABILITATION PROGRAM Needs for more standardized indicators: A) Burden of disease Cancer registries data B) Rehab success Return to work, quality of life, and satisfaction of specific rehabilitation needs Paolo Bailia, et al. “Cancer rehabilitation indicators for Europe;The EUROCHIP-3 Working group on Cancer Rehabilitation” European Journal of Cancer, Volume 49, Issue 6, April 2013, 1356–1364 New launched Program at Fondazione Maugeri 1.- PREOPERATIVE SCREENING AND ASSESSMENT Concomitant anesthesia visit Surgery provided within 6-8 wks PATIENT HISTORY ( previous fractures, neuro-muscular , autoimmune, ortopedic disorders) MEDICATION: (nsaids, steroids, neoadiuvant) LIFESTYLE: (smoke, alchol, herbal) DEMOGRAPHIC DATA ( race, age,) GENERAL RISK factors (menopausal status, cholesterol, diabetes, cardiovascular, etc) # PT ASSESSMENT FOR IMPAIRMENT TREATMENT if needed # PHYSIATRIST REFERRAL: if needed # PSYCHOLOGIST on pt request SPECIFIC RISK >>>> 1.- PREOPERATIVE SCREENING AND ASSESSMENT Concomitant anesthesia visit Surgery provided within 6-8 wks SPECIFIC RISK factors: *Surgery: quart, mastectomy, sentinel Ln, axillar dissection; *Reconstruction: type of reconstruction, implant, flap, ) # PT COUNSELLING : information, education, # SPORT /exercise REFERRAL if no impairments 2.- POSTOPERATIVE / STARTING TREATMENT RE ASSESSMENT Concomitant first postsurgical follow up Adiuvant therapy provided within 4-6 wks # PT RE ASSESSMENT FOR post surgical impairment (ROM, single muscular or girdle impairment, AWS, pain, UB impaired function, scars, lymphatic drainage, edema, etc, ) TREATMENT if needed # PHYSIATRIST REFERRAL if needed; specific impairments/ instrumental assessment for: bone density, supplement. etc.. # PSYCHOLOGIST REFERRAL proposal , or on pt request SPECIFIC RISK >>>> 2.- POSTOPERATIVE / STARTING TREATMENT RE ASSESSMENT Concomitant first postsurgical follow up Adiuvant therapy provided within 4-6 wks # PT ADVICE SESSION : information about possible effect of adiuvants; training, side # EXERCISE PROGRAM REFERRAL : preventative, with respect to osteoporosis, arthralgia, fatigue, cv condition, balance # SPORT REFERRAL: impairments if no major 3.- ALONG THE COURSE OF ADIUVANT TREATMENTS AND FORTH Concomitant oncological follow up A) ADIUVANT therapy SIDE EFFECTS: # REASSESSMENT: prior any start of treatmeent ( every 3 or 4 wks) Check for new signs and symptoms # PHYSIATRIST REFERRAL if needed; specific impairments/ instrumental assessment for: bone density, supplementation etc.. # TREATMENT if needed (drop in clinic ) B) NO ADIUVANT therapy IS NEEDED: # REASSESSMENT yearly during 3 yrs SPECIFIC RISK >>>> 3.- ALONG THE COURSE OF ADIUVANT TREATMENTS AND FORTH SPECIFIC RISKS FACTORS : Chemio: cardio -neurotoxicity Ormono: ovarian failure Biologic therapy: cardiotoxicity Radiotherapy: inflammation/ fibrosis Concomitant oncological follow up # PT ADVICE SESSION : information about possible effect of adiuvants; training, side # EXERCISE PROGRAM REFERRAL : remedial on specific current conditions: osteoporosis, arthralgia, fatigue, cv condition, balance, upper limb volume ad function, pulmonary function # SPORT REFERRAL: impairments if no major promising advantages: • A chance to detect more needs • Enhancing tolerability to treatments • Fast recovery after treatments • Reinforce correct lifestyles • Reduced expenses for impairments current limitations: promising advantages: Scarce flexibility to adapt to different current approaches: time consuming Excessive medicalisation Overdiagnosis fo minor impairments Cost increase for frequent visits / controls Cover only the range of physical symptoms Scarce consideration of psychological burden current limitations: realtà nazionale barriere: Conoscenza Consapevolezza Aderenza il modello puo funzionare ed essere sostenibile, se l’ambiente sanitario condivide: la necessita’ di adeguare lo stile di vita ai cambiamenti indotti dalla malattia la necessita’ di promouovere ed accompagnare le pazienti nell’auto presa in carico U.O. di Riabilitazione Specialistica Sez.: Riabilitazione Neuromotoria - Riabilitazione Oncologica Dir.: Springhetti Isabella MD Istituto Scientifico di Pavia CLINICAL and SOCIAL ADVANTAGES of ONCOLOGICAL REHABILITATION A PROSPECTIVE SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM for WOMEN affected by BC Jedrychowska Iwona MD, Sparpaglione Diego MD, Zancan Arturo MD, Morisani Elena MD, Villani Chiara MD, Rodigari Alessandra MD, Lodola Elena FT