Immune system Is designed to protect the host from harmful foreign molecules. Allograft introduction can elicit damaging immune response. Immune system include two main arms: Cell –mediated immunity Humoral (antibody –mediated immunity) Come personalizzare il trattamento terapeutico Farmacodinamica Eventi avversi Nefro- , neurotossicità ipercolestrolemia Over immunosuppression Efficacia del trattamento Rigetto acuto Rigetto cronico Tolleranza Azione sui recettori IL2 Linfociti CD+4 Cylex assay Metodi Analitici Farmacogenetica Immunoassays Proteomica, metabolomica LC-MSMS performances analitiche (specificity, sensitivity,…) Farmacocinetica Dry spot analisi Posologia Interazioni farmacologiche Distribuzione Metabolismo Eliminazione Farmacogenetica (CYP3A5, P-gp,…) Farmaci utilizzati per prevenire il rigetto d’organo Steroidi Anticorpi no TDM Anti-IL2 receptor (anti-CD25, e.g. Daclizumab, Basiliximab), anti-CD3 ATG or ALG no TDM Azatioprina no TDM but need check TPMT activity Inibitori calcioneurina Ciclosporina Tacrolimus Inibitori della sintesi delle purine Micofenolato mofetile Inibitori del complesso mTOR Sirolimus, Everolimus TDM required TDM recommended TDM required Data base di riferimento della popolazione ARMONIZZAZIONE Selezione corretta del test di laboratorio Richiesta appropriata Valori di Riferimento Richiesta Interpretazione Corretta interpretazione dell’informazione Fase Pre Analitica Valutazione delle fonti di variazione pre analitica Qualità Pre-analitica Analisi Armonizzazione dei test utilizzati nella pratica clinica E pratica del controllo di qualità AN OUTCOMESBASED APPROACH TO CLASSIFYING TESTING RELATED DIAGNOSTIC ERROR Drugs used to prevent organ rejection Calcineurin inhibitors IL2 production Cyclosporine Tacrolimus TDM required Mycophenolate mofetil/sodium TDM recommended mTOR inhibitors Sirolimus/everolimus TDM required Inibitori Calcineurina Attivazione dei recettori cellule T Aumento del Ca2+ Calcioneurina Cyclosporine Tacrolimus Release di IL2 Risposta cellulare mediata NFATc (Nuclear Factor of Activated T cells). Inibitori delle calcioneurine Ciclosporina e Tacrolimus inibizione produzione di IL2 Cyclosporine Pharmacokinetics: Can be given orally or i.v. infusion orally (25 or 100 mg) soft gelatin capsules, microemulsion. Peak levels is reached after 1– 4 hours, elimination half life 24 h. Oral absorption is delayed by fatty meal (gelatin capsule formulation) Microemulsion (has higher bioavailability-is not affected by food) 50 – 60% of cyclosporine accumulates in blood (erythrocytes – lymphocytes). metabolized by CYT-P450 system (CYP3A4). excreted mainly through bile into faeces, about 6% is excreted in urine. Therapeutic Uses: Organ transplantation (kidney, liver, heart) either alone or with other immunosuppressive agents (Corticosteroids). Autoimmune disorders (low dose 7.5 mg/kg/d). e.g. endogenous uveitis, rheumatoid arthritis, active Crohn’s disease, psoriasis, psoriasis, nephrotic syndrome, severe corticosteroid-dependent asthma, early type I diabetes. Graft-versus-host disease after stem cell transplants Cyclosporine Adverse Effects (Dosedependent) TDM is essential Nephrotoxicity (increased by NSAIDs and aminoglycosides). Liver dysfunction Hypertension, hyperkalemia. (K-sparing diuretics should not be used). Hyperglycemia. Viral infections (Herpes cytomegalovirus) Lymphoma (Predispose recipients to cancer) Hirsutism Neurotoxicity (tremor) Drug Interactions Clearance of cyclosporine is enhanced by co-administration of CYT p 450 inducers (Phenobarbitone, Phenytoin & Rifampin ) ® rejection of transplant Clearance of cyclosporine is decreased when it is coadministered with erythromycin or Ketoconazole, Grapefruit juice ® cyclosporine toxicity Tacrolimus Pharmacokinetics: Therapeutic Uses: Given orally or i.v or topically (ointment) Oral absorption is variable and incomplete, reduced by fat and carbohydrate meals Half-life after I.V. form is 9-12 hours. Highly bound with serum proteins and concentrated in erythrocytes. metabolized by P450 in liver Excreted mainly in bile and minimally in urine USES as cyclosporine Organ and stem cell transplantation Prevention of rejection of liver and kidney transplants (with glucocorticoids). Atopic dermatitis and psoriasis (topically) Tacrolimus Adverse Effects (Dosedependent) TDM is essential Nephrotoxicity (more than CsA) Neurotoxicity (more than CsA) Hyperglycemia ( require insulin). Hperkalemia Hypertension Anaphylaxis Drug interactions as cyclosporine. What are the differences between CsA and TAC TAC is more favorable than CsA due to: — TAC is 10 – 100 times more potent than CsA in inhibiting immune responses. — TAC has decreased episodes of rejection. — TAC is combined with lower doses of glucocorticoids. But — TAC is more nephrotoxic and neurotoxic. Drugs used to prevent organ rejection Calcineurin inhibitors Cyclosporine Tacrolimus TDM required Mycophenolate mofetil/sodium TDM recommended mTOR inhibitors Sirolimus/everolimus TDM required Micofenolato mofetile E’ un profarmaco Il MICOENOLATO MOFETIL E è idrolizzato a acido micofenolico Inibisce la sintesi de novo delle purine . È un potente inibitore dell’ Inosin Mono Fosfato, cruciale per la sintesi delle purine ®blocca la proliferazione delle cellule T e B inibendo gli acidi nucleici È un potente inibitore dell’ InosinMonoFosfato, cruciale per la sintesi delle purine Drugs used to prevent organ rejection Calcineurin inhibitors IL2 production Cyclosporine Tacrolimus TDM required Mycophenolate mofetil/sodium TDM recommended mTOR inhibitors Sirolimus/everolimus TDM required IL2 action mTOR inhibitors Sirolimus everolimus mTOR è una kinasi essenziale al ciclo cellulare, DNA repairs, e espressione proteica Forma il complesso FKBP che si lega a mTOR (mammalian Target of Rapamycin). SRL blocca la maturazione delle cellule T attivate da G1 a S Non blocca la produzione di IL-2 ma blocca la risposta delle cellule T alle citochine Sirolimus Pharmacokinetics: Given orally and topically, reduced by fat meal extensively bound to plasma proteins metabolized by CYP3A4 in liver excreted in feces Therapeutic Uses: Solid organ allograft Renal transplantation alone or combined with (CSA, tacrolimus, steroids, mycophenolate) Heart allografts In halting graft vascular disease. Hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients Topically with cyclosporine in uveoretinitis Synergistic action with CsA Drug Interactions With Sirolimus — As sirolimus is metabolized by the same pathway as the calcineurin inhibitors CNIs (P-450 3A4), interactions are the same — Sirolimus has been shown to raise blood levels of cyclosporine and MMF Sirolimus should be administered 4 hours after cyclosporine or tacrolimus — Sirolimus blood levels are raised by cyclosporine Proper monitoring is advised Side Effects of Sirolimus Drug and Side Effects Hypercholesterolemia Hypertriglyceridemia Hypertension Rash Leukopenia Anemia Thrombocytopenia Interstitial pneumonitis Mouth ulcers Proteinuria Edema Clinical Implications Pneumonitis occasionally resolved in discontinuation of sirolimus Clinical pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of tacrolimus in solid organ transplantation Clin Pharmacokinet. 2004;43(10):623-53 . To date, no studies have correlated pharmacodynamic marker assay results with immunosuppressive efficacy, as determined by allograft outcome Drugs used to prevent organ rejection Calcineurin inhibitors Cyclosporine Tacrolimus TDM required Mycophenolate mofetil/sodium TDM recommended mTOR inhibitors Sirolimus/everolimus TDM required Metabolismo del Micofenolato mofetile, l’inattivo estere profarmaco dell’ac. micofenolico MMF, micofenolato mofetile è un profarmaco assorbito nel tratto gastrointestinale e idrolizzato nel momento presistemico, determinando un’alto biodisponibilità di acido micofenolico MPA (90%) L’ac. micofenolico è metabolizzato dall’UDPglucuronosyltransfera se nel fegato, rene, intestine nel composto inattivo 7-Oglucuronide (MPAG) e per una percentuale minore nel composto attivo acyl glucuronide (AcMPAG) I metaboliti dell’ ac. micofenolico sono escreti per via renale MPA e MPAG sono soggetti al ricircolo che è responsabile dal 10 al 60% del MPA AUC nell’intervallo Randomized prospective trials It was expected that prospective randomized trials would give the final answer to the question of whether or not TDM for MMF would be of added benefit in the treatment of transplant patients. The first, Adaption de Posologie du MMF en Greffe Renale (APOMYGRE) study was a randomized trial, performed in 11 centers in France Compared a fixed-dosage (FD) regimen of MMF 2 g/d with a CC regimen based on MPA AUC measurements (target concentrations of 40 mg h/L) using a Bayesian estimator in 137 kidney graft recipients who were receiving CsA therapy Patients in the CC group achieved significantly higher MPA exposure within the first 3 months after transplantation and had a significantly lower incidence of biopsy-proven acute rejection (BPAR; 7.7 versus 24.6%; P 0.01) Le Meur Y. et al. Individualized mycophenolate mofetil dosing based on drug exposure significantly improves patient outcomes after renal transplantation. Am J Transplant 2007; 7: 2496–2503 The second, fixed-dose versus concentration controlled (FDCC), study was a much larger study, including 901 renal transplant recipients from 19 different countries van Gelder T, et al. Comparing mycophenolate mofetil regimens for de novo renal transplant recipients: The fixed-dose concentration-controlled trial. Transplantation 2008; 86: 1043–1051. The Fixed Dose–Concentration Controlled (FDCC) study compared an FD regimen of 2 g of MMF with a CC regimen based on abbreviated MPA AUC measurements (target concentrations of 30 to 60 mg h/L) in 901 patients who were treated with CsA or tacrolimus. In FDCC, a benefit for a CC approach could not be demonstrated. The Third studies the Opticept study also compared fixed (2 g) and CC dosing of MMF on the basis of MPA predose trough concentrations (target 12-hour trough concentrations of 1.3 mg/L for the CsA group and 1.9 mg/L for the tacrolimus group) in 720 patients who were on either a standard or a reduced dosage of CsA or tacrolimus Whereas analysis of the intention-to-treat population demonstrated no benefit of TDM,Whereas analysis of the intention-to-treat population demonstrated no benefit of TDM, a post hoc analysis of 590 patients who were treated with tacrolimus showed that risk for acute rejection was significantly lower (P 0.001) in patients who achieved target MPA trough levels of 1.6 mg/L Gaston RS, et al. Fixed- or controlled-dose mycophenolate mofetil with standard- or reduced-dose calcineurin inhibitors: The Opticept trial. Am J Transplant 9: 1607-1619, 2009 The two largest of the three randomized, controlled trials to examine the value of adjusting MPA dosage on the basis of drug concentrations did not demonstrate a better composite outcome in terms of acute rejection incidence, graft loss, death, and MPA discontinuation. Although these studies clearly confirmed the relationship between early MPA exposure and the risk for acute rejection in the first 3 postoperative months when used in conventional CNI based regimens, less evidence is available for late acute rejection episodes (3 months), which occur far less frequently. The conflicting results of three recent large randomized studies that examined the clinical benefit of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of mycophenolic acid (MPA) in terms of graft and patient outcome have rekindled the debate on the role of concentration-controlled (CC) MPA dosing in solid organ transplantation. Indications for TDM of MPA There is insufficient evidence to offer unequivocal guidelines on the requirement for MPA monitoring in liver, small bowel. and pancreas transplantation. One rational approach may be to perform MPA monitoring, when there is: • an acute or chronic deterioration in graft function • onset or change of renal, liver, or bowel (dys)function (including diarrhea, which may be of infective origin rather than being due to MPA) • a substantial change in serum albumin concentration • a clinically indicated change of CNI type or dosing • use of MMF in primary therapy (without CNI) or monotherapy • a change in the exposure to other interacting medications, in particular oral antibiotics and rifampicin Relationship between MPA Exposure and Toxicity. Adverse effects The relationship between MPA exposure and adverse events is weak, and contradictory results have been reported. In a multivariate analysis of 125 patients who were on tacrolimus therapy, a rise in median total MPA predose trough concentration of 1 mg/L within 30 days before the clinical event was associated with an increased risk for anemia (relative risk [RR] 1.62; P 0.001), leucopenia (RR 1.62; P 0.001), diarrhea (RR 1.54; P 0.001), and viral infection (RR 2.71; P 0.001) Borrows R et al Am J Transplant 6: 121-128, 2006 In the three recent prospective, randomized studies (APOMYGRE, FDCC, and Opticept), no correlation between MPA predose trough concentrations or AUC and MMF-related adverse events was observed. The identification of a clear relationship between MPA exposure and toxicity can be hampered by use of imprecise definitions for: adverse events, multicausality of adverse effects, including concomitant drugs, time elapsed between MPA measurement and event, assay used for MPA quantification, and associated toxicity profiles of concomitant immunosuppressive medications. The GRADE approach for tests and strategies: from test accuracy to patient important outcomes and recommendations Holger J Schünemann, Reem Mustafa, Nancy Santesso, Jan Brozek, Patrick Bossuyt, Miranda Langendam, Andrew D Oxman, Karen R Steingart, Tommaso Trenti, Paul Glasziou, Roman Jaeschke, Julia Kreis, Mark Helfand, Rob Scholten, Anne Rutjes, Gordon H Guyatt for the GRADE Working Group AUC TDM AUC TDM GERARCHIA DEL PROCESSO DI VALUTAZIONE EBLM Le performances analitiche sono lo step iniziale e parte della cultura tradizionale •standardizzazione •sensibilità •specificità •imprecisione … L’ impatto clinico e gli outcomes di salute sono misure complesse da valutarsi ma fine delle politiche di governance nel sistema sanitario Decisione Costi Efficacia Impatto Organizzativo Impatto Clinico, Impatto diagnostico Outcomes di salute Accuratezza diagnostica Performances analitiche