Orbital dysmorphology and Eyelid disorders Dr. Peter Raus Mostly complex disorders 2 titel 12-02-14 (early) ossification 3 titel 12-02-14 …especially the lesser sphenoid wings 4 titel 12-02-14 ..or craniosynostosis 5 titel 12-02-14 Dolichocephalie (scaphocephalie) Brachycephalie Plagiocephalie Acrocephalie Oxycephalie 6 titel 12-02-14 In Ophthalmology 7 Hypotelorism Hypertelorism (Exorbitism) titel 12-02-14 Ethymology… 8 ‘telouros’ = ‘distant’ ‘hyper’ = ‘over’ ‘hypo’ = ‘below’ titel 12-02-14 Hypotelorism trigonocephaly 9 Reduced distance between medial orbital walls (reduced ICD +reduced OCD) titel 12-02-14 Hypotelorism in Trigonocephaly 10 titel 12-02-14 Trigonocephalie 11 titel 12-02-14 Hypertelorism 12 Lateralization of entire orbit (increased ICD and OCD) titel 12-02-14 Craniofrontonasal Syndrome 13 titel 12-02-14 Apert Syndrome 14 titel 12-02-14 Exorbitism Crouzon 1 Reduced orbital volume (shallow) (and so exophthalmus) titel 12-02-14 Orbital Dysmorphology : take home message 16 Lot of different syndromes Not always genetically determined -drugs (epilepsy, FAS,..),… Check the whole body for DD Exophthalmos, squint, optic atrophy, ptosis, … Early treatment sometimes necessary/possible (multiple interventions!) Dysmorphology or not? titel 12-02-14 Hypotelorism? 1 Sarah Jessica Parker titel 12-02-14 Hypertelorism? 1 Jacqueline KennedyOnassis titel 12-02-14 Truetube: My changing face 19 titel 12-02-14 Telecanthus primary Increased distance between medial canthi Normal interpupillary distance secundary 2 titel Increased distance between medial canthi Increased interpupillary distance (as in hypertelorism) 12-02-14 Dystopia Canthorum 21 titel 12-02-14 Dystopia Canthorum Waardenburg Syndrome(s) Iris, deafness, white hair patch, D.C,…) 2 titel 12-02-14 Cryptophthalmus (partial) absence of eyelid(s) 2 Corneal maldevelopment Microphthalmia Lagophthalmus Eyebrow e.g.Fraser Syndrome titel 12-02-14 Congenital coloboma of eyelid 2 titel Various degrees possible Correction is surgical for cosmetic reasons or exposure keratopathy +dermoid: Goldenhar(cause?) 12-02-14 Ankyloblepharon May be dominantly inherited. 2 titel 12-02-14 Congenital ectropion (of eyelids) 26 titel Vertical deficiency of skin Down syndrome Ichtyosis Blepharophimosis 12-02-14 Congenital ectropium 27 titel Difficult surgical correction Skin transplantation Position of punctum lacrimale! 12-02-14 Euryblepharon 2 titel Horizontal widening palpebral fissure Lateral portion lower eyelids Vertical shortening Horizontal lengthening Canthal tendon? Orbicularis insertion? 12-02-14 Euryblepharon Victor Sciavelli 2 titel 12-02-14 Congenital entropium vs epiblepharon epiblepharon 3 titel entropion 12-02-14 Epicanthus Skin fold 3 titel Tarsalis Inversus Palpebralis Supraciliaris 12-02-14 Telecanthus vs epicanthus 3 titel Blepharophimosis Ptosis Epicanthus inversus 12-02-14 Jumping man flap 33 titel 12-02-14 Trichiasis vs. distichiasis 34 titel 12-02-14 Entropium or trichiasis? 35 titel 12-02-14 Distichiasis: therapy -<5 lashes? (permanent) epilation -Double row of lashes surgical correction! -treatment of associated problems (lymphedema,..) 3 titel 12-02-14 Permanent Epilation 37 titel 12-02-14 Surgical correction 38 titel 12-02-14 Congenital ptosis -Quality of the muscle? ‘sligthly’ overcorrect. -Amblyopia? -Jaw winking? -Levator function very poor? Frontalis suspension 3 titel 12-02-14 Frontalis Supension 40 titel 12-02-14 Surgery or not? Thank you! 41 titel 12-02-14