!!! #* +%& "8* 9 9 !,,/DD6& 3DVVSRUW 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( Name : John de Leeuw Age : 39 years (10th march 1975) Stichting PATHAN Residence : `s Gravendeel Laboratory for pathology Rotterdam Education : Residence (`s Gravendeel) 1997 Æ 1998 Work placement Laboratory school Histology & cytology 'KU-GH/HHXZ Analyst Practitioner / Mohs specialist Stichting PAMM , Eindhoven The Netherlands MohsA 1998 Æ 2006 Histology analyst Immunology analyst Autopsy assistant 2006 Æ . Analyst Practitioner Mohs Expert Phoenix , Arizona USA 3rd of May 2014 Sponsored by: Stichting PAMM Mohs klinieken Eindhoven FU\R(0%(''(5 MohsA Venray Stichting PAMM Laboratory for pathology and medical microbiology FU\R(0%(''(5 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( $VPDOOLPSUHVVLRQRI7KH1HWKHUODQGV It will be a small journey from Phoenix to the Netherlands with information about Mohs in the Neterlands Land information 7KH1HWKHUODQGV Typical Dutch Europe :Germany(east), Belgium(south) ,QGH[ Surface : 37.354km2 ( 14422mi2 ) coastline : 451km ( 280mi ) Land border : 1027km ( 638mi ) Small information about the country Distance : 8726 km ( 5422mi ) History : Mohs in The Netherlands Climate: moderate sea climate ( mild winters and cool summers) Organization around the Mohs In the Netherlands Stichting PAMM In the Mohs clinic Resident: 16.805.037 (2013) Typical Mohs day (mohs process) Language: Dutch Process: slow mohs Flag: red white blue stripes Windmill , wooden shoe , cheese market , tulip (flower bulbs) Innovation / improvement / future Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 FU\R(0%(''(5 Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( Sint Lambertus Ziekenhuis FU\R(0%(''(5 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( +LVWRU\PRKVLQWKH1HWKHUODQGV +LVWRU\PRKVLQWKH1HWKHUODQGV 1982 Prof. H.A.M. Neumann Helmond 1st Dermatologist in training Dr. M. Verhaegh Education in the USA The Netherlands to Protugal (Lissabon) Training requirements : Only a few mohs operations a year - 100 mohs operations under guidance - extensive documentation 1992 Prof. H.A.M. Neumann Maastricht UMC+ (GXFDWLRQ Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 - able: surgical , pathological , plastic surgical First dermatologist in training Dr. M. Verhaegh Working by: Mohs Klinieken Eindhoven Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 Dr. Picoto 1992 1st dermatologist to be mohs surgeon by Prof. Neumann (NL) Dr. Picoto (P) FU\R(0%(''(5 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( Venray Mohs klinieken Eindhoven Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 6PDOOLPSUHVVLRQRIWKHSUHVHQWDWLRQ 3KRHQL[ Place of birth ( Dongen ) St. Elisabeth hospital Laboratory for pathology Tilburg Work experience : +/- 16 years Education Laboratory school (histology & cytology) Breda 1992 Æ 1998 Education Laboratory school Histology & cytology 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( FU\R(0%(''(5 2UJDQL]DWLRQDURXQGWKHPRKVLQ WKH1HWKHUODQGV +LVWRU\PRKVLQWKH1HWKHUODQGV 1992 Mohs surgeon: Prof. Dr. Neumann Dr. Verhaegh (XURSD 1XPEHUVRIPRKVVXUJHRQ 4 Sweden 1 Iceland The Netherlands : Mohs surgery are done in Hospital Netherlands 10 Germany 17 England 5 Belgium 9 Spain 6 Portugal 6 Italy 4 Switzerland 1 Poland 3 Greece 2 Romania In 20 years more dermatologists are educated to mohs surgeon 2013 In the Netherlands: Private clinic Groningen Hoorn Private clinic with more places (One organization) Zwolle Amsterdam NEW in Hospital Arnhem QHZ Rotterdam Dordrecht Venray Eindhoven At this moment (2014) There are more hospitals / pathology labs to set up mohs surgery in the Netherlands Eindhoven mohs surgeons Maastricht Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 FU\R(0%(''(5 2UJDQL]DWLRQDURXQGWKHPRKVLQ WKH1HWKHUODQGV The Netherlands : Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( FU\R(0%(''(5 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( 2UJDQL]DWLRQ6WLFKWLQJ3$00 Mohs analyst is working for a pathology lab as histology analyst (HT) The most pathology labs are accredit by 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( 0edical 0icrobiology autopsy 3DWKRORJ\ ODE Unit of Dermatology (hospital) and private clinics need a pathology laboratory 3Dthology lab Cytology and Immunology Histology analysts are skilled in histology and cytology Histology analysts are skilled to mohs analysts General Histology education: about 6 months by mohs expert Hist.analysts are member of Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 FU\R(0%(''(5 Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( 7KH0RKVE\6WLFKWLQJ3$00 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( Managerial / Analyst Analyst Practitioner Analyst Basis Analyst Autopsy Assistant Special tasks: assisting by autopsy Lab Assistant Total of 23 persons Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 Clinic : Mohs Klinieken Eindhoven Activity : registration patients material assisting pathologist by macro cutting out small material making frozen section embedding paraffin blocks cutting paraffin blocks HE staining histochemical staining archive blocks and coupes frozen section by mohs instructions / quality ordering chemical and items Making rosters of work and tasks Mohs expert DQDO\VW FU\R(0%(''(5 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( 7KH0RKVE\6WLFKWLQJ3$00 3DWKRORJ\ODE General histology 3DWKRORJ\ODE Total of 5 mohs analysts Mohs support to Clinic : MohsA Venray (john) organization contact between lab and clinics frozen section mohs Hospital: Catharina hospital Eindhoven Mohs analyst DQDO\VWV frozen section mohs Total of 5 analysts FU\R(0%(''(5 Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( FU\R(0%(''(5 2UJDQL]DWLRQLQWKHPRKVFOLQLF 7\SLFDO0RKVGD\ 0RKV&OLQLF 0.( People who are working in the clinic: Patient goes to recreation room Dermatologist Physician assistant Operational manager (region) Nurse Doctor`s assistant Desk officer Administrative assistant Operating room Mohs operation Mohs analyst 6WLFKWLQJ 3$00 Pathology lab Team of mohs klinieken Eindhoven Patients are coming to the clinic Cutting and colors by mohs surgeon Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 FU\R(0%(''(5 0RKVSURFHVV FU\R(0%(''(5 Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( 0RKVSURFHVV Preparation : Mohs form + colored pieces All chucks are numbered before starting with numbers like (1-1 , 1-2 , etc.) All chucks are filled with some tissue tech compound Mohs lab Embedding Mohs analyst: Mohs analyst : Checking name + birthday of the patient at the mohs form and the name sticker We are using the cryoembedder for embedding our pieces Registration of the information Workspace for the mohs analyst Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 FU\R(0%(''(5 Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( 0RKVSURFHVV Cutting frozen sections 0RKVSURFHVV Every piece of two slides Level 1 Coloring the sections Level 3 Automatic color machine Level 4 Level 2 Color protocol (HE staining): Mohs analyst: Cutting all peaces at 4 levels (from outside to inside cutting to the tumor) Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 FU\R(0%(''(5 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( Alc.70% fixation 1x Tapwater Drying Alc.70-96-100-100% Hematoxylin (3x) (dehydration) 3x Tapwater Xylene (clearing) Eosin (1x) 30sec. each bath = total of 7 minutes Paste on slide Quality of staining always the same Efficient using the time During color proces cutting new frozen sections FU\R(0%(''(5 Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( FU\R(0%(''(5 0RKVSURFHVV 0RKVSURFHVV Discussion microscope Mohs proces: Colored slides taping with a coverslip by using Pertex and glass covers Examine the slides by mohs surgeon Slides can be stored 80 years now ( lifelong ) All negative slides will be re-examine by a pathologist Colored slides 4XDOLW\ UHTXLUHPHQW Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 FU\R(0%(''(5 Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( FU\R(0%(''(5 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( 7\SLFDO0RKVGD\ 0RKV&OLQLF 0.( 0RKVSURFHVV 5HVXOWRSHUDWLRQ Digital techniques Mohs form by using + or 7XPRU )UR]HQVHFWLRQV DUHQHJDWLYH 3DWLHQWWXPRU )5(( Digital pictures can directly use in the operating room %HIRUH $IWHU MKE is using both way of reporting Reconstructive Reporting Mohs results Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 2SHUDWLRQDUHD By mohs surgeon or plastic surgeon FU\R(0%(''(5 Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( 3URFHVVPRKVDQG6/2:PRKV 0RKV« 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( FU\R(0%(''(5 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( 3URFHVV6/2:02+6VPRKV By Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) 6ORZ0RKV«Using mohs technic on paraffin procedure BCC grows in the years on one spot (metastasis negative) - Examine all cutting edges of an excision Using frozen sections (mohs process one day treatment) 6ORZ0RKV« Excision is colored by dermatologist By Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC / PCC) SCC / PCC , metastasis positive , by using lymphatic system Upper side (skin) tumor Bottom side yellow blue SCC / PCC located on lower lip , ear and the bigger SCC / PCC tumors Using mohs technic on paraffin procedure - Examine all cutting edges of an excision black green red Paraffin procedure (smohs TWO day treatment) ([DPLQDWLRQPDFURVFRS\DQGFXWWLQJE\DQDO\VWSUDFWLWLRQHU Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 FU\R(0%(''(5 Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( FU\R(0%(''(5 3URFHVV6/2:02+6VPRKV 3URFHVV6/2:02+6VPRKV 6ORZ0RKV H[DPLQDWLRQPDFURVFRS\ Slow Mohs (embedding) E\$QDO\VW3UDFWLWLRQHU$3 Report and cutting : - measurement (3D , cm) - texture skin - place tumor on skin - texture tumor Cassette A cutting edge 11h-1h (blue-yellow) Cassette B cutting edge 1h-4h (yellow-green) Cassette C cutting edge 4h-7h (green-red) Cassette D cutting edge 7h-11h (red-blue) Cassette E total bottom edge (black) Upper side (skin) Upper side (skin) - cutting: bottom (colored black) &ORFN edge 11h-1h (blue-yellow) ZLVH edge 1h-4h (yellow-green) edge 4h-7h (green-red) edge 7h-11h (red-blue) Cass. A t/m E , all HE staining , four levels (same as mohs) Cassette F Æ I Central part 12h-6h , up to two pieces per cassette central part cutting 12h-6h (perpendicular to the skin surface) Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 Cass. F t/m I , all HE staining , one level FU\R(0%(''(5 ,QQRYDWLRQLPSURYHPHQWIXWXUH By using a 'PLFURVFRSHand using a staining protocol 0RKV6XUJHU\E\« 6WDLQLQJSURWRFRO Tap water (H2O) Acetic acid 10% Tap water (H2O) Toluidine blue 0,2% Tap water (H2O) FU\R(0%(''(5 Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( ,QQRYDWLRQLPSURYHPHQWIXWXUH 0RKV6XUJHU\E\« 5HVXOWby using a 'PLFURVFRSH 7XPRU %&& washing 30 sec 15 sec 30 sec 5 sec 'SLFWXUH 5/( 5/( 5DSLG /XPS ([DPLQDWLRQ 5DSLG /XPS ([DPLQDWLRQ Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 epidermis dermis subcutis +(SLFWXUH FU\R(0%(''(5 Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( FU\R(0%(''(5 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( ,QQRYDWLRQLPSURYHPHQWIXWXUH /DVWVHQWHQFHE\« 0RKV6XUJHU\E\« Dr. Matthias Moehrle Universitäts-Hautklinik Tuebingen - Germany Colors of the Netherlands %\ $UWLFOH ´Rapid Lump Examination (RLE) a new tool for Mohs surgery? ´ 5/( -''* Journal of the German society of dermatology 5DSLG /XPS ([DPLQDWLRQ Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 7 ogether ( verybody 0\YLVLRQIRUWKH EHVWFDUH IRUWKHSDWLHQW -RKQ $ chieves 0 ore FU\R(0%(''(5 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( Phoenix , Arizona US 3rd of May 2014 / 67,&+7,1*3$00 /$%25$725,$92253$7+2/2*,((10(',6&+(0,&52%,2/2*,( FU\R(0%(''(5