Value Based Purchasing, Changes for ICD-10 and the Future of Ophthalmology Robert S. Gold, MD Medicine Under the Microscope • • • • • • • • Morbidity Mortality Cost per patient Resource utilization Length of stay Complications Outcomes ARE YOU SAFE – avoiding harm, avoidable readmissions? Value-Based Purchasing Program • Beginning in FY 2013 and continuing annually, CMS will adjust hospital payments under the VBP program based on how well hospitals perform or improve their performance on a set of quality measures. The initial set of 13 measures includes three mortality measures, two AHRQ composite measures, and eight hospital-acquired condition (HAC) measures. The FY 2012 IPPS final rule (available at includes a complete list of the 13 measures. Where Does This Data Come From? • Documentation leads to identification of diagnoses and procedures • Recognition of diagnoses and procedures lead to ICD codes – THE TRUE KEY • ICD codes lead to APR-DRG assignment • APR-DRG assignment massaged to “Severity Adjustments • Severity adjusted data leads to morbidity and mortality rates World Health Organization and ICD Codes • • • • • Semantics Coding guidelines and conventions Use of signs, symbols, arrows Accuracy and specificity Relationship between accuracy and specificity of code assignment and Complexity of Medical Decision Making Is There a Diagnosis? 82 yo WF altered mental status, shaking chills, fevers, decr UO, T = 103, P = 124, R = 34, BP = 70/40 persistent despite 1 L NS, on Dopamine, pO2 = 78 on non-rebreather, pH = 7.18, pCO2 = 105, WBC = 17,500, left shift, BUN = 78, Cr = 5.4, CXR – Right UL infiltrates, start Cefipime, Clinda, Tx to ICU. May have to intubate – full resusc. Is There a Diagnosis? Assessment/Plan 82 YO F patient presented to ER with: 1. Sepsis, 2. Septic Shock, 3. Acute Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure, 4. Acute Renal Failure due to #2, (don’t forget CKD and stage, if present) 5. Aspiration Pneumonia, 6. Metabolic Encephalopathy Will transfer to ICU, continue Dopamine and monitor respiratory status for possible ARDS, renal status with hydration and initiate Cefapime/clindamycin for possible aspiration pneumonia CC time 1hr 45 minutes John Smith MD So What’s the Difference? Principal Diagnosis Chills and Fever Sepsis Secondary Diagnoses Altered mental status Septic Shock Acute Respiratory Failure Aspiration Pneumonia Acute Renal Failure (or AKI) Respiratory Acidosis Metabolic Encephalopathy Medicare MS-DRG 864 Fever w/o CC/MCC 871 Septicemia or severe Sepsis w/o MV 96+ hrs w/ MCC APR-DRG 722 Fever 720 Septicemia & Disseminated infection APR-DRG Severity Illness 1 – Minor 4 – Extreme APR-DRG Risk of Mortality 1 – Minor 4 - Extreme Medicare MS-DRG Rel Wt 0.8153 1.8437 APR DRG Relative Weight 0.3556 2.9772 National Mortality Rate (APR Adjusted) 62.02% 0.04% What Is An Index? What Is An Index? • • • • Mortality index Complication index Length of stay index Cost per patient index Observed Rate of Some Thing Severity Adjusted Expected Rate of That Thing =1 Profiles Come from Severity Adjusted Statistics <1; preferred provider – significantly better Observed mortality Expected mortality From severity adjusted DRGs =1; as good as the next guy >1; excessive mortality; find another provider - Univ VA 2013 Respiratory Diseases Pneumonia Hosp plus 6 months COPD Hosp plus 6 months Critical Care Respiratory Failure Hosp plus 6 months Sepsis Hosp plus 6 months Cardiac Diseases Heart Failure Hosp plus 6 months Acute MI Hosp plus 6 months Cardiac Surgery CABG Hosp plus 6 months Interv Cardiology Hosp plus 6 months Heart Valve Hosp plus 6 months Surgery ORIF Hip Maj Compl GI Surgery Hosp plus 6 months THA Maj Compl Cholecystectomy Maj C VCU 2013 Retreat Doctors Augusta Health Culpeper Regional Rockingham Memorial Henrico Doctors Patient Safety Death in procedures where mortality is usually very low Pressure sores or bed sores acquired in the hospital Death following a serious complication after surgery Collapsed lung due to a procedure or surgery in or around the chest Catheter-related bloodstream infections acquired at the hospital Hip fracture following surgery Excessive bruising or bleeding as a consequence of a procedure or surgery Electrolyte and fluid imbalance following surgery Respiratory failure following surgery Deep blood clots in the lungs or legs following surgery Bloodstream infection following surgery Breakdown of abdominal incision site Accidental cut, puncture, perforation or hemorrhage during medical care Foreign objects left in body during a surgery or procedure Worse than Average Average Better than Average ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 0 Events Surgery Bundling Test Model • • • • • • • • Disclosed May 16, 2008 ACE (Acute Care Episode) project Combine Part B payments with Part A “Value Based Centers” started with Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Colorado Value based purchasing 28 cardiac and 9 orthopedic inpatient surgical services Gainsharing also permitted here Based on severity adjusted financial outcomes Florida Blue and Mayo Clinic Introduce Knee Replacement Bundled Payment Program Friday, December 14, 2012 JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Florida Blue and Mayo Clinic jointly announce a new collaboration aimed at providing the utmost in quality care for knee replacement patients in Florida. The two Florida health care leaders are teaming up to create a bundled payment agreement specific to the treatment of knee replacement surgery. Knee replacement surgery is the most common joint replacement procedure. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, health care professionals perform more than 600,000 knee replacements annually in the United States. Florida Blue and Holy Cross Create Accountable Care Arrangement Jacksonville and Fort Lauderdale, Fla. – Florida Blue, Florida’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield Company, and Holy Cross Physician Partners are pleased to announce that effective January 1, 2013, Holy Cross Physician Partners will participate in the Florida Blue Accountable Care Program. “Florida Blue is excited to expand our relationship with Holy Cross surrounding this exciting new partnership,” said Dr. Jonathan Gavras, chief medical officer and senior vice president for Florida Blue. “In the age of reform, both organizations realize the importance of moving away from the fee-for-service model to one that focuses on quality outcomes that will benefit our members in South Florida.” Aetna, Baptist Memorial Health Care Announce Collaborative Care Agreement Thursday, April 25, 2013 4:11 pm EDT MEMPHIS, Tenn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aetna (NYSE: AET) and Baptist Memorial Health Care today announced a collaborative care agreement to bring a new health care model to Aetna members and introduce Aetna Whole HealthSM, a commercial health care product. This collaboration will give employers and their workers access to highly coordinated care from physicians and facilities in the Baptist Select Health Alliance. The Baptist Select Health Alliance is a clinically integrated group of physicians focused on tracking outcomes, sharing data and measuring clinical standards to improve quality and efficiency. In collaborative care models, a group of health care providers delivers more coordinated care for patients to drive better quality and lower overall costs. Through Baptist Memorial Health Care, Aetna members will receive an enhanced level of coordinated care in addition to the member benefits of their current Aetna plan. Readmissions Initiative • Identify hospitals with excess readmissions for certain selected conditions beginning in FY 2013 for discharges on or after October 1, 2012. – Acute myocardial infarction (i.e., heart attack) – Heart failure – Pneumonia • Definition of readmission: “occurring when a patient is discharged from the applicable hospital and then is admitted to the same or another acute care hospital within a specified time period from the time of discharge from the index hospitalization.” The specified time period would be 30 days. 19 Clinical Integration • CMS proposes to pay separately for complex chronic care management services starting in 2015. • "Specifically, we proposed to pay for non-face-to-face complex chronic care management services for Medicare beneficiaries who have multiple, significant, chronic conditions (two or more)." Rather than paying based on face-to-face visits, CMS would use "Gcodes" to pay for revision of care plans, communication with other treating professionals, and medication management over 90-day periods. • These code payments would require that beneficiaries have an annual wellness visit, that a single practitioner furnish these services, and that the beneficiary consent to this arrangement over a one-year period. Patient Safety Indicators Hospital acquired preventable diagnoses • • • • • • • • • Hospital falls that lead to patient damage (fractures, etc.) Mediastinitis post-CABG Catheter-associated UTIs Vascular catheter associated infections Pressure ulcers Iatrogenic pneumothorax following central line insertion Object accidentally left in patient Air embolism Reaction from blood incompatibility Goals of Implementation – Prove You Are Value Based • Exceptional severity adjusted data • Reasonable occurrence of PSIs/HACs • Lower than average Readmissions for Pneumonia, Heart Failure, AMI • Cooperation with quality initiatives • Patient satisfaction Change in the Entire System ICD-9 ICD-10 Notable Changes • ICD-9 has maximum of 5 digits with rare alphanumeric codes (V-, E-) limiting breakdown for specificity or addition of categories; ICD-10 has three to seven alphanumeric places • ICD-9: 14,000 codes; ICD-10: 73,000 codes • ICD-9 has no specificity as to which side of the body (e.g., percent burn on right or left arm or leg, side of paralysis after stroke) Don’t Wait Till Tomorrow for ICD-10 How Close Are We? AAPC AUDIT RESULTS Data compiled from results of 20,000 medical charts audited the First half of 2013 % Documentation Sufficient to Transition To ICD-10 CLIENT SERVICES Anesthesiology 87% Ophthalmology 69% Cardiology 65% Orthopedic 73% Dermatology 86% Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) 74% Emergency Medicine 71% Pathology 75% Endocrinology 63% Pediatrics 53% Family Practice 68% Plastic Surgery 98% Gastroenterology 48% PMR 65% General Surgery 86% Primary Care 63% Hospital Medicine 73% Psychiatry 61% Infectious Disease 78% Psychology 81% Internal Medicine 58% Pulmonary 56% Nephrology 64% Rheumatology 71% Neurology 70% Sleep Medicine 68% Neurosurgery 75% Urgent Care 56% Obstetrics & Gynecology 84% Urology 80% Oncology 63% Overall 63% Specificity is NOT Always Possible Sign/Symptom/Unspecified Codes In both ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM, sign/symptom and “unspecified” codes have acceptable, even necessary, uses. While specific diagnosis codes should be reported when they are supported by the available medical record documentation and clinical knowledge of the patient’s health condition, there are instances when signs/symptoms or unspecified codes are the best choices for accurately reflecting the healthcare encounter. Each healthcare encounter should be coded to the level of certainty known for that encounter. If a definitive diagnosis has not been established by the end of the encounter, it is appropriate to report codes for sign(s) and/or symptom(s) in lieu of a definitive diagnosis. When sufficient clinical information isn’t known or available about a particular health condition to assign a more specific code, it is acceptable to report the appropriate “unspecified” code (e.g., a diagnosis of pneumonia has been determined, but not the specific type). In fact, unspecified codes should be reported when they are the codes that most accurately reflects what is known about the patient’s condition at the time of that particular encounter. It would be inappropriate to select a specific code that is not supported by the medical record documentation or conduct medically unnecessary diagnostic testing in order to determine a more specific code. Source: Cooperating Parties for ICD-10-CM/PCS and ICD-9-CM Coding, May 2013. Documentation Needs: What’s The Surgery For? • Provide the diagnosis for which the surgery is being performed • Provide acuity, complexity • Tell why it’s necessary for that diagnosis • DON’T just say that the patient is being admitted for the surgery • DON’T just provide signs and symptoms Documentation Needs: Complexity of Patient • Name other diseases patient has coming through the door – chronic, stable conditions • Avoid “Resume home meds” unless you identify each disease being treated • Permit other physicians to follow serious co-morbidities, but name each at least ONCE ACS NSQIP Data Collection Overview The ACS NSQIP collects data on 136 variables, including preoperative risk factors, intraoperative variables, and 30-day postoperative mortality and morbidity outcomes for patients undergoing major surgical procedures in both the inpatient and outpatient setting. Surgical Risk Stratification • NSQIP databases depend on identification of risk factors Heart – failure? MI? Nutrition – over? mal? Renal status – chr, ac. Smoking, ETOH? Hepatic fxn – name it Immunocomp – how? Use ster, insul, chemo Lungs – chronic? Diabetes – cont? Malignancy? Stroke – residua? Encephalopathy? Sepsis? Org fail? Periph vasc? Risk Stratification for Pulmonary Complications Age Obstructive sleep apnea Chronic lung disease Impaired sensorium Cigarette use Surgical site Congestive heart failure Elective vs emergency ASA Class of comorbids Prolonged surgery Functional dependence General anesthesia Obesity Transfusion > 4 units Modified NSQIP Data Sheet WEIGHT/HEIGHT: . WEIGHT (KG) . HEIGHT (Cm) BMI . NUTRITIONAL STATUS (Overnutrition risk) Obese Morbidly obese Obes/hypovent synd Sleep apnea MALNUTRITION (% Body Weight Loss) N Mild (<10% loss) Moderate (10 – 20%) Severe (>20%) HISTORY OF SMOKING: (any tobacco use) N Pack year history _________ Current (within 30 days) _____ PPD FAMILY HX CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE <55: N Y ____________________________ (family members) DIABETES: N Type 1 Type 2 on insulin Other secondary diabetes ____________ DIABETES CONTROL CONTROLLED UNCONTROLLED OTHER ORGAN INVOLVEMENT Neuropathy Nephropathy Vascular disease Ulcers DYSLIPIDEMIA: N Hypercholesterolemia Hypertriglyceridemia KIDNEY DISEASE (STAGE) GFR _______: CKD 1 2 3 4 5 ESRD Acute renal failure DIALYSIS PATIENT: N Y Hemodialysis Peritoneal dialysis STROKE: N Hemorrhagic Ischemic Recent (<2 wks) Remote (> 2 wks) CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE: N Prior carotid surgery Coma TIAs CNS DEFICITS N Quad Parapl Hemipl dom Nondom Nerve damage ___________ FUNCTIONAL HEALTH STATUS Independent ADLs Partially Dependent Totally Dependent INFECTIOUS ENDOCARDITIS: N Mitral Aortic Tricuspid Pulmonic CHRONIC LUNG DISEASE: N COPD Bronchiectasis Emphysema Chronic respiratory failure IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE THERAPY N Chronic steroids Antiinflammatories Antineoplastics Was It Present on Admission? Patient safety indicators may give us a black eye if it’s not documented! • Ileus from perforated bowel or from peritonitis – was it present on admission? • DVT in patient from nursing home – was it present on admission? • Decubitus ulcer – is it an ulcer - was it present on admission? • Atelectasis in a morbidly obese patient – was it present on admission? If we don’t document it, we get charged with it! Example - Integration ICD-9 – Multiple codes 707.03 – Chronic skin ulcer, lower back 707.21 – Pressure ulcer, stage I No code for which side ICD-10 – Single code L89.131 – Pressure ulcer right lower back, stage I (stages II, III, IV, unspecified have 6th digits 2, 3, 4, 9) Example Specificity - Location M67.4 Ganglion – M67.41 shoulder • M67.411, right • M67.412, left • M67.419, unspecified – M67.42 elbow – M67.43 wrist – M67.44 hand – M67.45 hip – M67.46 knee – M67.47 ankle and foot Sixth digits 1 – right 2 – left 9 - unspecified Strabismus/Esotropia ICD-9 378.0 Esotropia Convergent concomitant strabismus Excludes: intermittent esotropia (378.20-378.22) 378.00 Esotropia, unspecified 378.01 Monocular esotropia 378.02 Monocular esotropia with A pattern 378.03 Monocular esotropia with V pattern 378.04 Monocular esotropia with other noncomitancies Monocular esotropia with X or Y pattern 378.05 Alternating esotropia 378.06 Alternating esotropia with A pattern 378.07 Alternating esotropia with V pattern 378.08 Alternating esotropia with other noncomitancies Alternating esotropia with X or Y pattern Strabismus/Esotropia ICD-10 6th digits 1 – right eye 2 - left eye 3 – bilateral 9 - unspecified H50.00 Unspecified esotropia H50.01 Monocular esotropia H50.011 Monocular esotropia, right eye H50.012 Monocular esotropia, left eye H50.02 Monocular esotropia with A pattern H50.021 Monocular esotropia with A pattern, right eye H50.022 Monocular esotropia with A pattern, left eye H50.03 Monocular esotropia with V pattern H50.031 Monocular esotropia with V pattern, right eye H50.032 Monocular esotropia with V pattern, left eye H50.04 Monocular esotropia with other noncomitancies H50.041 Monocular esotropia with other noncomitancies, right eye H50.042 Monocular esotropia with other noncomitancies, left eye H50.05 Alternating esotropia H50.06 Alternating esotropia with A pattern H50.07 Alternating esotropia with V pattern H50.08 Alternating esotropia with other noncomitancies Diabetes • Juvenile (IDDM) –Type 1 diabetes occurs in a state of insulin deficiency resulting from pancreatic beta cell destruction • Adult (NIDDM) – Type 2 diabetes results from increased resistance to the effects of insulin. These patients may require insulin for control. Diabetes • Identify type 1, type 2, due to other secondary cause, gestational • In type 2 or secondary cause, identify when using insulin long term • Identify all body systems affected by the diabetes (neuropathy and its manifestation, retinopathy and proliferative or nonproliferative, nephropathy and stage of CKD, dermopathy, vasculopathy, periodontopathy) • Identify all manifestations (ulcer, coma, gangrene, osteomyelitis, etc.) Diabetic Retinopathy ICD-9 Up to 3 codes for a patient 362.0 Diabetic retinopathy Code first diabetes (249.5 for DM due to other cause, 250.5 for Type 1 or Type 2 DM) 362.01 Background diabetic retinopathy 362.02 Proliferative diabetic retinopathy 362.03 Nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy NOS 362.04 Mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy 362.05 Moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy 362.06 Severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy 362.07 Diabetic macular edema Note: 362.07 must be used with a code for diabetic retinopathy (362.01-362.06) Diabetic Retinopathy ICD-10 Only one combinmation code for a patient E11.3 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications E11.31 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy E11.32 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy E11.33 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy E11.34 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy E11.35 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy E11.36 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract E11.39 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other diabetic ophthalmic complication 6th digit for .31 through .35 1 – with macular edema 9 – without macular edema E08.3 series for other cause of DM E09.3 series drug or chemical induced DM E10 series for Type 1 DM E11 series for Type 2 DM Cataract ICD-9 366.0 Infantile, juvenile, and 366.1 Senile cataract presenile cataract 366.10 Senile cataract, unspecified 366.00 Nonsenile cataract, 366.11 Pseudoexfoliation of lens unspecified capsule 366.01 Anterior subcapsular polar 366.12 Incipient cataract cataract 366.02 Posterior subcapsular polar 366.13 Anterior subcapsular polar cataract senile cataract 366.03 Cortical, lamellar, or 366.14 Posterior subcapsular polar zonular cataract senile cataract 366.04 Nuclear cataract 366.15 Cortical senile cataract 366.09 Other and combined forms 366.16 Nuclear sclerosis of nonsenile cataract 366.17 Total or mature cataract 366.18 Hypermature cataract 366.19 Other and combined forms of senile cataract Cataract ICD-10 H26.0 Infantile and juvenile cataract H26.00 Unspecified infantile and juvenile cataract H26.01 Infantile and juvenile cortical, lamellar, or zonular cataract H26.03 Infantile and juvenile nuclear cataract H26.04 Anterior subcapsular polar infantile and juvenile cataract H26.05 Posterior subcapsular polar infantile and juvenile cataract H26.06 Combined forms of infantile and juvenile cataract H26.09 Other infantile and juvenile cataract 6th digits 1 – right eye 2 - left eye 3 – bilateral 9 - unspecified H25.0 Age-related incipient cataract H25.01 Cortical age-related cataract H25.03 Anterior subcapsular polar age-related cataract H25.04 Posterior subcapsular polar age-related cataract H25.09 Other age-related incipient cataract H25.1 Age-related nuclear cataract H25.2 Age-related cataract, morgagnian type H25.8 Combined forms of agerelated cataract Corneal Ulcer ICD-9 370.0 Corneal ulcer 370.00 Corneal ulcer, unspecified 370.01 Marginal corneal ulcer 370.02 Ring corneal ulcer 370.03 Central corneal ulcer 370.04 Hypopyon ulcer Serpiginous ulcer 370.05 Mycotic corneal ulcer 370.06 Perforated corneal ulcer 370.07 Mooren's ulcer Corneal Ulcer ICD-10 H16.0 Corneal ulcer H16.00 Unspecified corneal ulcer H16.01 Central corneal ulcer H16.02 Ring corneal ulcer H16.03 Corneal ulcer with hypopyon H16.04 Marginal corneal ulcer H16.05 Mooren's corneal ulcer H16.06 Mycotic corneal ulcer H16.07 Perforated corneal ulcer 6th digits 1 – right eye 2 - left eye 3 – bilateral 9 - unspecified Blindness Categories ICD-9 369.4 Legal blindness, as defined in U.S.A. Blindness NOS according to U.S.A. definition Excludes: legal blindness with specification of impairment level (369.01369.08, 369.11-369.14, 369.21-369.22) 369.6 Profound impairment, one eye 369.60 Impairment level not further specified 369.61 One eye: total impairment; other eye: not specified 369.62 One eye: total impairment; other eye: near-normal vision 369.63 One eye: total impairment; other eye: normal vision 369.64 One eye: near-total impairment; other eye: not specified 369.65 One eye: near-total impairment; other eye: near-normal vision 369.66 One eye: near-total impairment; other eye: normal vision 369.67 One eye: profound impairment; other eye: not specified 369.68 One eye: profound impairment; other eye: near-normal vision 369.69 One eye: profound impairment; other eye: normal vision Blindness Categories ICD-10 H54.8 Legal blindness, as defined in USA Blindness NOS according to USA definition Excludes1: legal blindness with specification of impairment level (H54.0-H54.7) H54.1 Blindness, one eye, low vision other eye Visual impairment categories 3, 4, 5 in one eye, with categories 1 or 2 in the other eye. H54.10 Blindness, one eye, low vision other eye, unspecified eyes H54.11 Blindness, right eye, low vision left eye H54.12 Blindness, left eye, low vision right eye H54.4 Blindness, one eye Visual impairment categories 3, 4, 5 in one eye [normal vision in other eye] H54.40 Blindness, one eye, unspecified eye H54.41 Blindness, right eye, normal vision left eye H54.42 Blindness, left eye, normal vision right eye Retinal Detachment ICD-9 361.0 Retinal detachment with retinal defect Excludes: detachment of retinal pigment epithelium (362.42-362.43) retinal detachment (serous) (without defect) (361.2) 361.00 Retinal detachment with retinal defect, unspecified 361.01 Recent detachment, partial, with single defect 361.02 Recent detachment, partial, with multiple defects 361.03 Recent detachment, partial, with giant tear 361.04 Recent detachment, partial, with retinal dialysis 361.05 Recent detachment, total or subtotal 361.06 Old detachment, partial 361.07 Old detachment, total or subtotal 361.3 Retinal defects without detachment Excludes: chorioretinal scars after surgery for detachment (363.30-363.35) peripheral retinal degeneration without defect (362.60-362.66) 361.30 Retinal defect, unspecified 361.31 Round hole of retina without detachment 361.32 Horseshoe tear of retina without detachment 361.33 Multiple defects of retina without detachment 361.8 Other forms of retinal detachment 361.81 Traction detachment of retina 361.89 Other 361.9 Unspecified retinal detachment Retinal Detachment ICD-10 H33.0 Retinal detachment with retinal break Excludes1: serous retinal detachment (without retinal break) (H33.2-) H33.00Unspecified retinal detachment with retinal break H33.01 Retinal detachment with single break 6th digits H33.02 Retinal detachment with multiple breaks 1 – right eye H33.03 Retinal detachment with giant retinal tear 2 - left eye H33.04 Retinal detachment with retinal dialysis 3 – bilateral H33.05 Total retinal detachment 9 - unspecified H33.3 Retinal breaks without detachment Excludes1: chorioretinal scars after surgery for detachment (H59.81-) peripheral retinal degeneration without break (H35.4-) H33.30 Unspecified retinal break H33.31 Horseshoe tear of retina without detachment H33.32 Round hole of retina without detachment H33.33 Multiple defects of retina without detachment Retinoblastoma ICD-9 190.5 Differentiated 190.5 Undifferentiated same code Add 198.4 for invasion of optic nerve or choroid Add 365.7x for neovascular glaucoma ICD-10 C69.2 Differentiated C69.2 Undifferentiated same code Add C79.49 for invasion of optic nerve or choroid Add H40.5xx for glaucoma due to neoplasm of eye Severity of glaucoma 5th digit: 1 mild 2 moderate both ICD-9 3 severe and ICD-10 6th digits for C69.2 1 – right eye 2 - left eye 3 – bilateral 9 - unspecified Malignant Neoplasm Choroid ICD-9 190.6 Melanoma 190.6 Nonmelanoma malignancies of choroid 198.4 Malignancy metastatic to choroid – Secondary malignant neoplasm other parts of nervous system ICD-10 C69.3 Melanoma C69.3 Nonmelanoma malignancies of choroid C79.49 Malignancy metastatic to choroid – Secondary malignant neoplasm other parts of nervous system 5th digits for C69.3 1 – right eye 2 - left eye 3 – bilateral 9 - unspecified Ophthalmic Manifestations of Systemic Diseases M31.0 Hypersensitivity angiitis Goodpasture's syndrome M31.1 Thrombotic microangiopathy Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura M31.2 Lethal midline granuloma M31.3 Wegener's granulomatosis Necrotizing respiratory granulomatosis M31.30 Wegener's granulomatosis without renal involvement M31.31 Wegener's granulomatosis with renal involvement M31.4 Aortic arch syndrome [Takayasu] M31.5 Giant cell arteritis with polymyalgia rheumatica M31.6 Other giant cell arteritis M31.7 Microscopic polyangiitis M31.8 Other specified necrotizing vasculopathies Assign the code for the ophthalmic disorder Assign the code for the systemic disease Despite the fact that up to 60% of Wegener’s patients have ophthalmic manifestations, there is no combination code … yet. • Proptosis • Conjunctivitis • Dacryocystitis • Orbital retraction syndrome Use Problem List for Systemic Disorder Codes • Genetic and chromosomal disorders, eg: – Cri du chat – Patau’s trisomy 13 • Viral disorders, eg: – Herpes simplex – Adenovirus diseases • Bacterial disorders, eg: – Lyme disease – Metastatic bacterial endophthalmitis • Fungal disorders • Collagen diseases • Skin disorders Hypertension – ICD-10 Essential hypertension (I10) – includes high blood pressure, hypertension, malignant hypertension, accelerated hypertension, benign hypertension Secondary hypertension (I15) – I15.0 – renovascular – I15.1 – hypertension secondary to other renal disorders – I15.2 – hypertension secondary to endocrine disorders (thyrotoxicosis, pheochromocytoma, etc.) – I15.8 – other secondary hypertension – I15.9 – secondary hypertension, unspecified Hypertension – ICD-10 Hypertensive heart disease - I11 • I11.0 - with heart failure • I11.9 - without heart failure Hypertensive kidney disease - I12 • I12.0 - with stage 5 CKD or ESRD • I12.9 - with CKD stages 1–4 6th digits 1 – right eye 2 - left eye 3 – bilateral 9 - unspecified N18.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 for CKD stages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ESRD, unspecified Hypertensive retinopathy – H35.03x plus code for HTN • H35.031 Hypertensive retinopathy, right eye • H35.032 Hypertensive retinopathy, left eye • H35.033 Hypertensive retinopathy, bilateral • H35.039 Hypertensive retinopathy, unspecified eye Craniofacial Fractures I-9 801 series for base of skull fractures included: fossa: anterior middle posterior occiput bone orbital roof sinus: ethmoid frontal sphenoid bone temporal bone Subclassified into closed fracture with 801.0 No brain injury 801.1 Cerebral contusion or laceration 801.2 Subarachnoid, subdural or extradural hemorrhage 801.3 Other intracranial hemorrhage 801.4 Other intracranial injury 801.5 Open fracture with no brain injury Craniofacial Fractures I-9 5th digit breakdown into level and state of consciousness 801.x0 unspecified state of consciousness 801.x1 with no loss of consciousness 801.x2 with brief [less than one hour] loss of consciousness 801.x3 with moderate [1-24 hours] loss of consciousness 801.x4 with prolonged [more than 24 hours] loss of consciousness and return to pre-existing conscious level 801.x5 with prolonged [more than 24 hours] loss of consciousness, without return to pre-existing conscious level 801.x6 with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration 801.x9 with concussion, unspecified CranioFacial Fractures S02.19 Other fracture of base of skull Fracture of anterior fossa of base of skull Fracture of ethmoid sinus Fracture of frontal sinus Fracture of middle fossa of base of skull Fracture of orbital roof Fracture of posterior fossa of base of skull Fracture of sphenoid Fracture of temporal bone But must add separate code for intracranial injury and additional code for Glasgow coma scale CranioFacial Fractures S02.2 Fracture of nasal bones S02.3 Fracture of orbital floor S02.2 Fracture of nasal bones S02.3 Fracture of orbital floor S02.4 Fracture of malar, maxillary and zygoma bones S02.40 Fracture of malar, maxillary and zygoma bones S02.400 Malar fracture S02.401 Maxillary fracture S02.402 Zygomatic fracture S02.41 LeFort Fracture S02.411 LeFort I fracture S02.412 LeFort II fracture S02.413 LeFort III fracture S02.42 Fracture of alveolus of maxilla Be Acquainted with Second Digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Head Neck Thorax Abd/low back/pelv Shoulder/upper arm Elbow/forearm Wrist/hand Hip/thighs Knee/lower leg Ankle/foot/toes Third Digit General type of injury 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4/5 Greater Specificity of location of injury Contusion Open wound Fracture Dislocation Injury nerves Injury vessels Muscle/fascia/tendon Crush injury Traumatic amputation Unspecified Proximal or distal Displaced or nondisplaced Eponyms of specific fracture types (Colles, Barton’s, etc.) Seventh Digits A initial encounter for closed fracture B initial encounter for open fracture D subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing G subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing K subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion S Sequela Glasgow Coma Scale The coma scale codes (R40.2-) can be used in conjunction with traumatic brain injury codes, acute cerebrovascular disease or sequelae of cerebrovascular disease codes. These codes are primarily for use by trauma registries, but they may be used in any setting where this information is collected. The coma scale codes should be sequenced after the diagnosis code(s). These codes, one from each subcategory, are needed to complete the scale. The 7th character indicates when the scale was recorded. The 7th character should match for all three codes. At a minimum, report the initial score documented on presentation at your facility. This may be a score from the emergency medicine technician (EMT) or in the emergency department. If desired, a facility may choose to capture multiple coma scale scores. Assign code R40.24, Glasgow coma scale, total score, when only the total score is documented in the medical record and not the individual score(s). R40.20 Unspecified coma Coma NOS Unconsciousness NOS 7th digit – when analyzed R40.21 Coma scale, eyes open (4 levels) 0 – unspecified time R40.211 Coma scale, eyes open, never 1 – in the field (EMT or ambulance R40.212 Coma scale, eyes open, to pain 2 – at arrival in ED R40.213 Coma scale, eyes open, to sound 3 – at hospital admission R40.214 Coma scale, eyes open, spontaneous 4 – 24 hours or more after admission R40.22 Coma scale, best verbal response (5 levels) R40.221 Coma scale, best verbal response, none R40.222 Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words R40.223 Coma scale, best verbal response, inappropriate words R40.224 Coma scale, best verbal response, confused conversation R40.225 Coma scale, best verbal response, oriented R40.23 Coma scale, best motor response (6 levels) R40.231 Coma scale, best motor response, none R40.232 Coma scale, best motor response, extension R40.233 Coma scale, best motor response, abnormal R40.234 Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal R40.235 Coma scale, best motor response, localizes pain R40.236 Coma scale, best motor response, obeys commands R40.24 Glasgow coma scale, total score Use codes R40.21 - through R40.23 - only when the individual score(s) are documented R40.241Glasgow coma scale score 13-15 R40.242Glasgow coma scale score 9-12 R40.243Glasgow coma scale score 3-8 R40.244 Other coma, without documented Glasgow coma scale score, or with partial score reported Anemia Designations D62 D50.0 D63.1 D63.0 D63.8 285.1 – anemia due to acute blood loss FROM … name it 280.0 – anemia due to chronic blood loss FROM … name it 285.21 – anemia due to chronic renal failure and what caused the renal failure? 285.22 – anemia due to malignant disease – effect of the tumor! 285.29 – anemia due to a specific chronic illness – and name that illness (chronic hepatitis, lupus, osteomyelitis, etc.) Anemia/Cytopenias in Malignancy There is no code for “anemia of chronic disease” 280.0 D50.0 anemia due to chronic blood loss from bleeding colon cancer 284.11 D61.810 pancytopenia from chemo 284.12 D61.811 pancytopenia from other drugs 284.2 D61.82 pancytopenia from cancer taking over bone marrow (myelophthisis) – code the cancer causing it 284.89 D61.1 aplastic anemia due to chemo, other drugs 284.89 D61.2 radiation induced aplastic anemia 285.22 D63.0 anemia due to neoplastic disease – code the cancer causing it 285.3 D64.81 antineoplastic chemotherapy induced anemia Sickle Cell Disease H34.81+ Central retinal vein occlusion H34.82+ Venous engorgement H34.83+ Tributary (branch) retinal vein occlusion H35.02+ Exudative retinopathy Sixth digits 1 = OD 2 = OS 3 = OU 9 = unspec Identify the manifestation then identify the disease Ocular manifestations of sickle cell disease result from vascular occlusion, which may occur in the conjunctiva, iris, retina, and choroid. Because the ocular changes produced by SCD can be seen in other diseases, it is important to rule out other causes of occlusion, including central retinal vein occlusion, Eales disease, and retinopathy secondary to diabetes and other disorders. Other causes of ocular changes that should also be considered include familial exudative vitreoretinopathy, polycythemia vera, talc and cornstarch emboli, and uveitis. Sickle Cell Disease D57.0 Hb-SS disease with crisis D57.1 Sickle-cell disease without crisis D57.2 Sickle-cell/Hb-C disease D57.20 Sickle-cell/Hb-C disease without crisis D57.21 Sickle-cell/Hb-C disease with crisis D57.3 Sickle-cell trait D57.4 Sickle-cell thalassemia D57.40 Sickle-cell thalassemia without crisis D57.41 Sickle-cell thalassemia with crisis D57.8 Other sickle-cell disorders D57.80 Other sickle-cell disorders without crisis D57.81 Other sickle-cell disorders with crisis 5th or 6th digits for crisis 1 – acute chest syndrome 2 – splenic sequestration 0 or 9 – unspecified crisis KDIGO Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes Stage GFR 1 90+ 2 Description Treatment stage Normal kidney function but urine or other abnormalities point to kidney disease Observation, control of blood pressure 60-89 Mildly reduced kidney function, urine or other abnormalities point to kidney disease Blood pressure control, monitoring, find out why. 3 30-59 Moderately reduced kidney function More of the above, and probably diagnosis, if not already made. 4 15-29 Severely reduced kidney function Planning for endstage renal failure. 5 14 or Very severe, or endstage less kidney failure (established renal failure) See treatment choices for endstage renal failure. AKI or ARF Insufficiency is NOT a synonym Stg Serum creatinine criteria Urine output criteria 1 Increase in serum creatinine of more than or equal to 0.3 mg/dl or increase to more than or equal to 150% to 200% from baseline Less than 0.5 ml/kg per hour for more than 6 hours 2 Increase in serum creatinine to more than 200 – 300% from baseline Less than 0.5 ml/kg per hour for more than 12 hours 3 Increase in serum creatinine to more Less than 0.3 ml/kg than 300% from baseline or serum per hour for 24 hours creatinine of more than or equal to 4.0 or anuria for 12 hours mg/dl with an acute increase of at least 0l5 mg/dl Nutritional Status • Malnutrition – dietary consult or estimate – Mild (<10% loss) – Moderate (10-20% loss) – Severe (>20% weight loss) • Consider the acute malnutrition of surgery, trauma and sepsis • Morbid obesity and all of its manifestations and risks for surgery and anesthesia – – – GER Sleep apnea Cellulitis - Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome - Secondary hypercoagulable state - Hypertensive heart disease - Hypertension - Diabetes with … - Chronic cor pulmonale Clinical: What it IS! Excisional Debridement • Is considered a “surgical” removal or cutting away of devitalized tissue, necrosis, or slough down to healthy tissue that can heal – Surgical procedure with MS-DRG impact • This includes burns, wounds or infection • Depending on the circumstances, this can be accomplished in the surgical suite, or at the bedside, emergency room, etc. 75 Non-excisional Debridement • Flushing, brushing and washing of the burn, wound or infection (waterjet is included) nonoperative in nature • Removal of devitalized tissue, necrosis, or slough • This could include minor snipping of tissue followed by Hubbard Tank therapy – Also includes minor removal of loose fragments via scissors • This includes wounds, burns and/or infection 76 Post-Op Progress Notes • We were all taught to examine certain parts of the body on every post-op visit. • No matter how many times you did it, if you don’t document it, YOU DIDN’T DO IT. • VS, labs, I&O, mental status, chest, belly, legs, wound, ambulation, bowel activity – every visit. Post-Op Progress Notes Prosecuting attorneys LOVE: 6/17 Doing well 6/18 No new problems 6/19 Events of last night noted 6/20 Called to see patient in full code. Pronounced dead at 17:15. Bad Terms – Good Terms • Low hematocrit • Infiltrate • Purulent drainage • Point tenderness • Hypotension • Symptom or sign • Anemia … due to • Pneumonia or CHF • Abscess or wound infection • Peritonitis • Septic shock or dehydration or hypovolemia or whatever cause • A disease! Handling the Problem List It’s an Epic Task Is the EHR a Friend or Foe? • State that the programs are ready for ICD9, ICD-10 and SnoMED • State that they provide “meaningful use” • State that they aid with “pick lists” • State that they help with “problem lists” • State that they help with physician professional billing because you can cut and paste Example Changes in Epic to Support ICD-10 • Diagnosis Calculator – For providers who directly enter diagnoses (encounter diagnoses, charge capture, order-association), guides users to more specific code by prompting for laterality, acuity, etc. • Updating Documentation Tools – To facilitate documentation of needed detail for the coders – Epic builders will work with you to update SmartTexts, SmartPhrases, Note templates, etc. Dr. Jason Lyman, ICD-10 Physician Champion, Questions: Contact Progress Note Management • Copy and paste of massive amounts of trash leads to – useless notes, – inability of others to determine what is wrong with the patient NOW – inability to validate that ANYTHING YOU DID WAS EFFECTIVE! And – inability to assign ICD codes – what was ruled out what was ruled in Beware of cloned documentation RACs and other auditors are on the lookout for cloned documentation, often a problem in teaching hospitals and large academic medical centers. "Auditors look for instances when the attending physician cuts and pastes from the resident's note into his own," says Nguyen. CMS requires documentation of each encounter so that the note stands on its own and represents the actual services provided by the attending physician for each date of service or encounter. Data, including vital signs, may not be copied from one visit to the next. CMS states that note cloning raises concerns about the medical necessity of continued hospitalization. • The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services and the Department of Justice have promised to come down hard on providers who misuse electronic health records to financially game the healthcare system. • HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder warned that law enforcement agencies are keeping an eye out for fraud and "will take action where warranted," in a letter sent to the American Hospital Association, Association of Academic Health Centers, Association of American Medical Colleges and others • Sebelius and Holder point to potential cloning of medical records as one of several indications that fraud could be on the rise. Medicare administrative contractor National Government Services earlier this month issued a notice, stating that cloned documents from EHRs mostly likely would result in payment denials. Progress Note Needs • What was the problem that brought the patient to your attention (one to two sentences) • What did you see today? Labs, x-rays, physical findings, consults, other tests • What are the diagnoses? • What has changed? Worse? Better? More specific? Ruled in or ruled out? • What are you going to do today? Three Major Sections Active diseases, decompensated for which inpatient care required – update as issues resolve Chronic stable conditions that are currently under treatment Past Medical Historical conditions, not currently affecting health status nor being treated (appy age 12, s/p hysterectomy, Gr3/Para3, left hip replaced) Paint the picture of the patient properly with WORDS What you want… may not be… what you might get. So the coder can paint the same picture with codes. Motto For The Age “If you don’t look good, we don’t look good” Vidal sassoon, ca 1985 Father of modern medical economics Questions and Answers Your Ideas and Comments Question #1 – Which is True? A. ICD-10 shows a totally different appreciation of diseases than ICD-9 B. ICD-10 codes are exact walkovers from the ICD-9 codes – they just look different C. ICD-10 codes may look different but the diseases didn’t change – proper documentation will lead to proper code assignment D. ICD-10 codes are different from ICD-9 only by adding the differentiation of Right vs Left Question #2 – Which is False? A. Value of purchasing of healthcare is dependent on data streams derived from ICD codes B. Specific documentation of diseases in ICD-9 will be all that is necessary for specific code assignments in ICD-10 C. Bundled payments for healthcare will lead to cooperation between practitioners and facilities D. We are the only country in the world billing for healthcare by ICD codes