Life-Span Development

Twelfth Edition

C H A P T E R 3 : P R E N ATA L


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Prenatal Development

 Conception occurs when a single sperm cell from the male unites with an ovum (egg)

 Prenatal development is divided into 3 periods and lasts approximately 266-280 days:

 Germinal period: first 2 weeks after conception, zygote created

 Embryonic period: occurs from 2 to 8 weeks after conception

 Fetal period: begins 2 months after conception and lasts until birth

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Prenatal Development

 Germinal Period: period of development that takes place the first two weeks after conception

 Rapid cell division by the zygote

 Blastocyst: group of cells after about 1 week

 Trophoblast: outer layer of cells that later provides nutrition and support for the embryo

 Implantation: attachment of the zygote to the uterine wall; occurs 10 to 14 days after conception

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Prenatal Development

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Prenatal Development

 Embryonic Period: development from 2 to 8 weeks after conception

 Begins when blastocyst attaches to uterine wall

 Mass of cells is now called an embryo

 Three layers of cells: endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm

 Amnion: a bag that contains a clear fluid (amniotic fluid) in which the embryo floats

 Umbilical Cord: connects the baby to the placenta

 Placenta: group of tissues containing mother and baby’s intertwined blood vessels

 Organogenesis: process of organ formation during the first two months of prenatal development

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Prenatal Development

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Prenatal Development

 Fetal Period: development from two months after conception to birth

 Rapid growth and change

 Viability: the age at which a fetus has a chance of surviving outside the womb

 Currently 24 weeks; changes with advances in medical technology

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Prenatal Development

 The Brain:

 Babies have approximately 100 billion neurons (nerve cells) at birth

 Architecture of the brain takes shape during the first two trimesters

 Increases in connectivity and functioning occur from the third trimester to 2 years of age

 Neural tube develops 18 to 24 days after conception

 Anencephaly

 Spina bifida

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Prenatal Development

 The Brain:

 Neurogenesis: the generation of new neurons

 Begins at fifth prenatal week and continues throughout prenatal period

 Neuronal migration: cells move outward from their point of origin to their appropriate locations

 Occurs approximately 6 to 24 weeks after conception

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Hazards to Prenatal Development

 Teratogen: any agent that can cause a birth defect or negatively alter cognitive and behavioral outcomes

 Drugs (prescription, nonprescription)

 Incompatible blood types

 Environmental pollutants

 Infectious diseases

 Nutritional deficiencies

 Maternal stress

 Advanced age of parent

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Hazards to Prenatal Development

 Severity of damage to the unborn depends on:

 Dose

 Genetic susceptibility

 Time of exposure

 Critical period: a fixed time period during which certain experiences or events can have a long-lasting effect on development

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Hazards to Prenatal Development

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Hazards to Prenatal Development

 Prescription and Non-prescription Drugs:

 Many women are given drugs while pregnant

 Some are safe; some can cause devastating birth defects

 Known prescription teratogens include antibiotics, some antidepressants, some hormones, and Accutane

 Non-prescription teratogens include aspirin and diet pills

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Hazards to Prenatal Development

 Psychoactive Drugs: drugs that act on the nervous system to alter states of consciousness, modify perceptions, and change moods

 Includes caffeine, alcohol, nicotine

 Caffeine:

 small risk of miscarriage and low birth weight for those consuming more than 150 mg. daily

 Increased risk of fetal death for those consuming more than 300 mg. daily

 FDA recommends not consuming caffeine or consuming it sparingly

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Hazards to Prenatal Development

 Alcohol:

 Fetal alcohol syndrome: abnormalities in newborn due to mother’s heavy use of alcohol in pregnancy

 Facial deformities

 Defective limbs, face, heart

 Most have below-average intelligence; some are mentally retarded

 Even light to moderate drinking during pregnancy has been associated with negative effects on the fetus

 FDA recommends no alcohol consumption during pregnancy

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Hazards to Prenatal Development


 Maternal smoking can negatively influence prenatal development, birth, and postnatal development

 Associated with:

 Preterm births and low birth weight

 Fetal and neonatal death

 Respiratory problems

 SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)

 ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)

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Hazards to Prenatal Development

 Illegal drugs that harm during pregnancy:

 Cocaine

 Methamphetamine

 Marijuana

 Heroin

 Incompatible blood types (Rh factor)

Can cause mother’s immune system to produce antibodies that will attack the fetus

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Hazards to Prenatal Development

Environmental hazards:

 Radiation

 Environmental pollutants and toxic wastes

Maternal Diseases:

 Sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, genital herpes,


 Rubella

 Diabetes

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Hazards to Prenatal Development

Maternal factors:

Maternal diet and nutrition

Maternal age

Emotional states and stress

Paternal factors:

 Exposure to teratogens

 Paternal age

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Prenatal Care

 Prenatal care typically includes:

 Screening for manageable conditions and treatable diseases

 Medical care

 Educational, social, and nutritional services

 Centering Pregnancy: relationship-centered program

 Importance of prenatal care

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Percentage of U.S. Women Using Timely

Prenatal Care: 1990 to 2004













White women


American women

Latino women

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The Birth Process

 Three stages of birth:

 Stage 1: uterine contractions begin at 15 to 20 minutes apart and last up to 1 minute, becoming closer and more intense with time

 Causes the cervix to stretch and open to about 10 cm

 This stage lasts an average of 12 to 14 hours

Stage 2: baby’s head begins to move through dilated cervix opening and eventually emerges from the mother’s body

 This stage lasts approximately 45 minutes

 Stage 3: umbilical cord, placenta, and other membranes are detached and expelled ( afterbirth)

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The Birth Process

 Childbirth Setting and Attendants:

 99% of deliveries take place in hospitals

 Home delivery or freestanding birth center

 Compared to doctors, midwives:

 Typically spend more time than doctors counseling and educating patients

 Provide more emotional support

 Are typically present during the entire labor and delivery process

 Doulas provide continuous physical, emotional, and educational support for mother before, during, and after childbirth

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Methods of Childbirth

 Key choices involve use of medication and when to have a cesarean delivery

 Typical pain medication:

 Analgesia: pain relief

 Anesthesia: blocks sensation in an area of the body

(can also block consciousness)

 Epidural block

 Oxytocics: synthetic hormones used to stimulate contractions

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Methods of Childbirth

 Natural childbirth: aims to reduce pain by decreasing fear and using breathing/relaxation techniques

 Prepared childbirth (Lamaze): special breathing techniques; education about anatomy and physiology

 Basic belief is that, when information and support are provided, women know how to give birth

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Methods of Childbirth

 Other natural techniques used to reduce pain:

 Waterbirth: giving birth in a tub of warm water

 Massage

 Acupuncture: insertion of very fine needles into specific locations in the body

 Hypnosis: the induction of a psychological state of altered attention and awareness

 Music therapy: utilizes music to reduce stress and manage pain

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Methods of Childbirth

 Cesarean Delivery: the baby is removed from the mother’s uterus through an incision made in the abdomen

 Often used if baby is in breech position or other complications arise

 Cesareans involve a higher infection rate, longer hospital stays, and a longer recovery time

 Rate of cesarean births has increased dramatically in recent years

 Better identification of complications

 Increase in overweight and obese mothers

 Extra caution by doctors to avoid lawsuits

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Transition from Fetus to Newborn

 Birth process is stressful for baby

 Anoxia: a condition in which the fetus has an insufficient supply of oxygen

 Baby secretes adrenaline and noradrenalin , hormones that are secreted in stressful circumstances

 Measuring neonatal health and responsiveness:

 Apgar Scale: assessed at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth

 evaluates heart rate, body color, muscle tone, respiratory effort, and reflex irritability

 10 is highest, 3 or below indicates an emergency

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Transition from Fetus to Newborn

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Transition from Fetus to Newborn

 Measuring neonatal health and responsiveness:

 Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale


 Typically performed within 24–36 hours after birth

Assesses newborn’s neurological development, reflexes, and reactions to people and objects

 Low scores can indicate brain damage or other difficulties

 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Network Neurobehavioral

Scale (NNNS):

Provides a more comprehensive analysis of newborn’s behavior, neurological and stress responses, and regulatory capacities

Assesses the “at-risk” infant

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Preterm and Low Birth Weight Infants

Preterm and Small-for-Date Infants:

 Low birth weight infants weigh less than 5 ½ lbs. at birth

 Preterm infants are those born three weeks or more before full term

 Small-for-date infants are those whose birth weight is below normal when the length of the pregnancy is considered

Rate of preterm births has increased

 Number of births to mothers 35 years and older

 Rates of multiple births

 Management of maternal and fetal conditions

 Substance abuse

 Stress

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Preterm and Low Birth Weight Infants

 Causes of low birth weight:

 Poor health and nutrition

 Cigarette smoking

 Adolescent births

 Use of drugs

 Multiple births/reproductive technology

 Improved technology and prenatal care

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Preterm and Low Birth Weight Infants

 Possible consequences:

 Language development delays

 Lower IQ scores

 Brain injury

 Lung or liver diseases

 More behavioral problems

 Learning disabilities


 Breathing problems (asthma)

 Approximately 50% are enrolled in special education programs

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Preterm and Low Birth Weight Infants

 Some effects can be improved with:

 Early speech therapy

 Intensive enrichment programs

 Kangaroo care, massage therapy, and breast feeding

 Kangaroo Care: treatment for preterm infants that involves skin to skin contact

 Massage: research conducted by Tiffany Field

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Preterm and Low Birth Weight Infants

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The Postpartum Period

 Postpartum period lasts about six weeks or until the mother’s body has completed its adjustment and has returned to a nearly pre-pregnant state

 Physical Adjustments:

 Fatigue

 Hormone changes

 Return to menstruation

 Involution: process by which the uterus returns to its prepregnant size 5–6 weeks after birth

 Weight loss/return to exercise

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The Postpartum Period

 Emotional and Psychological Adjustments:

 Emotional fluctuations are common

“Baby Blues” experienced by 70% of new mothers in the


 Typically resolves in 1–2 weeks, without treatment

 Postpartum Depression

 Excessive sadness, anxiety, and despair that lasts for two weeks or longer

 Experienced by 10% of new mothers

 Hormonal changes after birth may play a role

 May affect mother–child interactions

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Postpartum blues: symptoms appear 2 to 3 days after delivery and subside within 1 to 2 weeks

Percentage of U.S. Women Who

Experience Postpartum Blues and Postpartum Depression


20% 10%

No symptoms

Postpartum depression: symptoms linger for weeks or months and interfere with daily functioning

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The Postpartum Period

 A Father’s Adjustment:

 Many fathers feel that the baby gets all of the mother’s attention

 Parents should set aside time to be together

Father’s reaction is improved if he has taken childbirth classes and is an active participant in the baby’s care

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 Bonding: the formation of a connection, especially a physical bond, between parents and the newborn in the period shortly after birth

 Isolation of premature babies and use of drugs in birth process may harm bonding process

Bonding may be a critical component in the child’s development

 However, close contact in the first few days may not be necessary

 Most hospitals offer a rooming-in arrangement while mother and child are in the hospital

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