Guo Ling,PhD,MD Department of Anatomy Introduction Human Anatomy is the science which deals with the gross morphology and spatial interrelations of the structures in the human body. Owing to different methods and purposes of study, human anatomy is generally classified into : Gross anatomy Systematic Anatomy Regional Anatomy Microscopic Anatomy Developmental Anatomy Radiographic Anatomy Clinical Anatomy Histology Embryology Cytology I. The General Structures of Human Body Cells Tissues Organs and Structures Systems There are nine systems in the human body: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Locomotor System Alimentary System Respiratory System Urinary System Reproductive (Genital) System Endocrine System Circulatory System (Angiology) Nervous System Sense Organs Body II. Basic concepts of anatomy I). The anatomical position and regions of the body The anatomical position is a standard position used in anatomy and clinical medicine to allow medical doctors and researchers to accurately describe a specific part of human body in relative to another. Anatomical Position The body is upright; the legs are put together, and the face, toes directed forwards. The palms are turned forward, with the thumbs laterally Regions of Body Head Face Neck Thorax Abdomen Back Upper limb Lower limb Anterior view Posterior view II). Planes and Sections Sagittal planes A coronal planes is vertical plane Coronal planesthe body at a passing through Horizontal transverse right angle toorsagittal planeplanes and it divides the body into anterior and A sagittalparts plane is the vertical posterior plane passing through the body from front to back, and it divides Horizontal or transverse plane the body left and right lies atinto a right angle to both portions. A median sagittal planeand sagittal and coronal planes, passes throughthe thebody midline the it divides into of superior partsdivides . bodyand andinferior it equally the body into left and right portions. III). The terms of direction Anterior in front of another structure Posterior Behind another structure Superior (Cranial) Above another structure Inferior (Caudal) Below another structure Medial Closer to the median plane Lateral Further away from the median plane Internal Nearer to the center of a hollow organ or body cavity External Further away from the center of a hollow organ or body cavity Superficial Nearer to the surface of the body or organs Deep Further away from the surface of the body or organs Proximal Closer to the trunk or origin Distal Further away from the trunk or origin PART I. THE LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM The locomotor system includes bones, joints and muscles. Chapter1. Osteology (The Bone System) The adult skeleton consists of 206 individual bones arranged to form a strong, flexible body framework. The bones of the skeleton perform the mechanical functions of support and leverage for body movement. The bones can be divided into the skull, the bones of the trunk and the appendicular bones. I. The Shape and Classification of Bones The long bones The short bones The flat bones The irregular bones II. The Structure of Bones Living bones include the following components: compact bone bony substance Periosteum bone marrow spongy bone fibrous membrane vascular membrane red marrow yellow marrow Blood and nerve supply III. The Chemical Composition and Physical Properties of Bone Living bones are plastic organs with organic and inorganic components. The organic material gives the bones resilience and toughness; the inorganic salts give them hardness and rigidity. The physical properties of the bones depend upon the chemical components which change with age. Section 2 The Bones of Trunk The bones of trunk include the vertebrae, the sternum, and the ribs, which provide framework for the vertebral column, the thoracic cage and pelvis. The vertebrae The ribs The sternum The vertebrae I). The general features of the vertebrae Cervical vertebrae (7) Thoracic vertebrae (12) Lumbar vertebrae (5) Sacrum (1) Coccyx (1) The Ribs (Costae) True ribs false ribs Costal arch Floating ribs True ribs false ribs Floating ribs Tuberosity for serratus ant. Sulcus for subclavian v. Sulcus for subclavian a. Rib I Tuberosity for serratus ant. Rib II Superior facet Inferior facet Articular facet of tubercle The sternum Clavicular notch Costal notch for 1st rib Jugular notch Manubrium of sternum sternalangle Costal notches Xiphoid process Body of sterum Section 3 The Bones of Limbs I. The bones of upper limb The clavicle Shoulder girdle The scapula The humerus The radius and ulna The bones of free upper limb Carpal bones Metacarpal bones phalanges II. The bones of lower limb The pelvic girdle The femur The patella The bones of free lower limb The tibia and fibula The tarsal bones The metatarsal bones The phalanges of foot Section 4 The Skull The skull is composed of 23 separate bones joined at sutures. The bones of the skull may be divided into: The cerebral cranium (8 in number) The facial cranium (15 in number) I. The cerebral cranium includes: One frontal bone Two parietal bones Two temporal bones One occipital bone One sphenoid bone One ethmoid bone II. The facial cranium The facial bones are fifteen in number. The palatine bones The maxillae bones The paired facial bones The zygomatic bones The nasal bones The lacrimal bones The inferior nasal conchae The unpaired facial bones The vomer bone The mandile bone The hyoid bone III. The Skull as a Whole I) The superior aspect of the skull II) The posterior aspect of the skull III) The internal surface of the calvaria IV) Internal surface of the base of skull Ant. cranial fossa Mid. cranial fossa Post. cranial fossa V) The external surface of the base of skull VI) The lateral view of skull VII) The front view of skull orbits bony nasal cavity paranasal sinuses frontal sinus ethmoidal sinus sphenoidal sinus maxillary sinus IV. The Skull at Birth Frontal bone Frontal suture Coronal suture Anterior fontanelle Parietal bone Sagittal suture Posterior fontanelle Lambdoid suture Occipital bone Superior view Parietal bone Anterior fontanelle Frontal bone Anterolateral (Sphenoidal) fontanelle Occipital bone Posterolateral (Mastoid) fontanelle Sphenoid bone Temporal bone Lateral view The End