Nissan North America • Operations include Automotive styling, Engineering, Manufacturing and distribution, consumer & corporate financing, sales and marketing. • Primary risk: Manufacturing- High speed repetitive processes – Launched Safety One Program in 2002 – Investment in Ergonomics: We understand the ROI • Focus on Data Driven Analytics Safety One •Aligned Safety performance as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) . KPI performance drives Action & Accountability. DART is the primary KPI for Safety. •Shared responsibility in all layers of line organization •Safety and Ergonomics focus on action driven by analytics 35.00 NNAS - Safety Performance FY2001 - FY2011 (as of 02/29/12) 30.00 25.00 Rec: -82% FY01-FY11 LT: -91% Since FY2001 Rec: 31% 20.00 Rec: 12% 15.00 Rec: 30% 10.00 Rec: 28% Rec: 10% Rec: +11% Rec: 15% Rec: 26% Rec: 25% Rec: -26% DART: -22% LT: 12% FY10 FY11 as of Feb 29 5.00 0.00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 REC GOAL 28.10 24.00 17.29 12.40 11.30 7.57 7.24 6.23 6.98 Rec Rate 29.10 20.19 17.67 12.32 8.90 8.01 8.87 7.58 5.60 7.02 5.21 DART GOAL 4.32 1.70 DART Rate 2.27 1.77 LT GOAL 0.00 4.70 2.81 1.90 1.80 1.58 1.31 1.12 1.45 1.25 0.49 LT Rate 6.47 4.01 3.82 2.71 1.60 1.44 2.13 1.54 1.25 0.65 0.57 Monthly Tracking/Reporting Critical Success Factors • Attitude that WC costs are controllable • Thorough assessment of current conditions (SWOT) – Quantitative • Multivariable analysis of any adverse trends (severity, lost work days) • • • • • – Qualitative Selected quantifiable targets/goal setting Explored, selected and prioritized fast, free and quantifiable high payoff solutions Collaborative execution Post implementation progress reporting Continuous improvement mentality beyond incremental gains Where Does the Money Go? Scripts (how soon are we seeing narcotics prescribed, who is prescribing them, duration?) Lost work days (How many workers out w/o surgery) 20% Conversions (Why/prevent?) Operations Surgery (Accountability practices) (impact) Spend on Dr. Hayes? (Is there a more effective MD in the area?) Adjuster severity (reserve accuracy) Litigation expenses Cormobidities (impact/manage) Shoulders (Who is suing us, at what point, and why?) (Body movement? Can we profile the costly claims and get in front of them?) Current Severity Trends Average Cost Per Claim Comparison 40% PY 2007 PY 2009 PY 2008 PY 2011 PY 2010 24% 20% 3% 6% 3% 0% 59 Month Comparison -20% -12% 47 Month Comparison 35 Month Comparison 23 Month Comparison 11 Month Comparison -18% -32% -40% -35% -37% -44% -60% Incurred 59 Average Incurred % Change Average Paid % Change 2006 $13,344 47 2007 $11,678 2007 $10,889 -12% $12,384 3% $10,202 -18% 2008 $11,181 $9,769 $10,050 3% Paid 35 2008 2009 $10,797 $7,338 -32% 2009 $7,130 $9,392 $4,709 $6,095 -35% 23 11 2010 $4,466 2010 $3,255 -37% 24% $2,655 -44% 2011 $4,033 $1,413 $1,504 6% Partnership to Drive Results (strategy maps) Project Charter Affiliate: NNA Date Prepared: 6/4/2010 Project # Last Revision Date: Project Title Project Type Claims Management Strategy FY'10 Medical Management Initiative NISSAN PROGRAM TASK LIST Upper-Level Goals: 1. Establish measurable criteria for claim audits. 2. Review criteria with stakeholders prior to the audit to ensure expectations are communicated and understood. 3. Complete semiannual file audits and quarterly claim reviews to assess file quality, adherence to claims best practices, progression of claims toward resolution and ultimately performance of Work Comp Third Party Administrator (ESIS). 3. Assess areas of high, standard and low performance in handling of Work Comp claims. 4. Provide feedback to stakeholders for continuous process improvement. 5. Obtain feedback and action plans from stakeholders to improve deficient areas of performance. 6. Assess audit tool annually to focus on areas that need improvement to encourage. Updated March 15, 2008 Task # Nissan North American, Inc. 2009 Open Items List Claims - Loss Control Tuesday, January 05, 2010 Target (First Metrics) Definition Current Value (baseline) Cumulative audit score calculated after Will have after July audit auditing appx 50 WC files Target Value Gap 85%+ TBD Milestones Due Date for Intensive Discussion (VF3) or End of Team Activity Date (DECIDE I3) Implementation Start Date (Estimated for DECIDE / Actual for V-FAST) 6/10/2010 10-Jun-10 Due Date for Target Achievement (End of DECIDE Phase E or VF5) Subject Item Responsible Party Start Date Target Actual Completion Completion Date Date 1-Apr-11 CLAIMS-LOSS CONTROL 2009-2010 Task Task initiated Task completed Change to task list Missed deadline Responsible Start Date Target Actual Team Complete Complete Member 1 Data Management Tasks Analysis and Evaluation of Systems including KCRS and RiskAdvantage, 2 Provide Wish List of system capabilities Carol 3 Identify available medical cost containment reports from current systems Develop benchmarks and Dashboard Scorecard Justin Janet 12/1/2008 5 6 Review with Nissan Develop schedule for metrics reports with ESIS Janet Janet 3/9/2009 3/23/2009 3/23/2009 4/1/2009 1 Communication and Teamwork Tasks Process map both internal communication and external communications with CHS, ESIS, Nissan and external providers 4 Justin 1/16/2009 4/1/2009 Comments Justin is also in the process of doing a broader analysis of systems. Although this task may assist him in that larger project, the goal of this analysis is to define current usage, needs, abilities and integration of the systems to ensure that the team is able to effectively utilize these tools now Carol will provide an outline of essential system capabilities based on needs and experience with other systems 3/2/2009 Status / Comments 3/9/2009 To provide a benchmark to measure improvement and compliance with best practices as well as overall program management Get input from Nissan team for final metrics list Preconditions (incl. Physical Scope , budget, 2nd metric etc.) Second measurement will be obtaining a timely response and action plan from TPA 30 days post presentation of audit findings. Implementation of action plan and effectiveness will be gauged at the next 6 month review. ESIS Dedicated Unit Staffing Update Basis for Project Benefit Calculation Estimated Project Benefit Benefit Categories: 1) Claim Costs 2) TPA Service Fee Warren, Dove, Bartlett Ongoing Grady Ongoing Ongoing Reports due on 10th of each month Period considered for the amount below: Monthly Scorecard Benefit Calculation Formula: 1) Claim costs measured by performance year in comparison to previous policy year at same point in time valuation. Values derived from monthly Beecher scorecard. 2) Service Fee will be impacted in Yr 2 of contract contingent upon Yr 1 performance and audit scores. Project Approval Date MMSEA -Signature MEDICARE Role Company Department Name Leader Nissan Treasury/Risk Mgmt Jason Bartlett Team Members Company Ongoing Department Name ESIS Kim Metzler ESIS Miles Tate Brad Koehl CHS NNA Medical Mgmt Justin Rhodes NNA Medical Mgmt Cheryl Shull Beecher Carlson Claims Janet Warrant (Includes Financial Validator) Role Acct Mgr Manager Company Department Cheryl S. 1/20/2009 Miles & Cheryl F. Janet 1/26/2009 Janet 3/1/2009 Cheryl F. with team 1/26/2009 1/26/2009 3/23/2009 3/28/2009 6 1 Medical Case Management & Cost Containment Tasks Review and revise the Care Management Status Report form 2 Obtain access to appropriate protocols and guidelines Carol 2/2/2009 3 Reconvene Provider Panel Committee to review and credential Kerry 1/29/2009 Cheryl S. 1/26/2009 Janet 1/26/2009 2/2/2009 Janet 2/15/2009 3/2/2009 Janet Janet Carol Janet 2/1/2009 2/15/2009 2/16/2009 2/15/2009 3/2/2009 2/20/2009 Kerry David Janet Janet 1/28/2009 1/30/2009 2/6/2009 2/2/2009 2/6/2009 2/11/2009 2/2/2008 2/15/2009 2/17/2009 2/2/2009 4/1/2009 March and June set up - need to set up September and December 2/2/2009 4/1/2009 JB 2009-2010 Name Role MMSEA for Products Liability Myers 8/3/2009 TMCS has agreed in writing that they Providers will perform 4 Define Second Opinion, Second Surgical Opinion and IME and work for current program using NGRe as reinsurer. develop process and protocols for all three Provide a list of triggers (red flags) for catastrophic injury TMCS is working on price for pre52006 programs management and process for escalation of case for appropriate with NMIC (Hawaii captive) as insurer. Asmanagement of 10-6medical 6 Facilitate debrief on Ojomoji claim 09 Nissan was waiting for new number. Sompo agreed to report on Products Liability andaudit will 7 Develop tool for CHS Medical Management Complete Audit of CHS Medical Management have a price within first 2 weeks89of January. Present Medical Update to team 10 Establish triggers and process for escalation of claims to and Waiting to see regarding the Hawaiian captive. Manager Med Mgmt (Mfg) Med Mgmt (Non-Mfg) Director Claims © 2007 NISSAN MOTOR CO.,LTD. All rights reserved. ESIS will provide information on a monthly including, basis roles andand responsibilities including on-site and field case management, a formal staffing analysis will be completed on a mail process and documentation 2 ESIS and CHS to host a "Meet & Greet" quarterly basis going forward. ESIS is preparing 3 Develop report card and peer review process update with target completion 10/15/09. 4 Complete Closed item for Finalizing Scorecard. Willreport card and peer review 5 continue to provide monthly scorecard. within Nissan and process for handling issues ESIS CONTRACT Form 0701 RENEWAL 2009-2010 1 2 ESIS Renewal Contract wording Barlett, Dove, Warren ESIS Renewal Agree on renewal terms and Performance Guarantee to provide to Rhonda for Final Bartlett, Dove, Negotiation with ESIS Warren 1/5/2010 1/31/2010 Claims Management & Administration Tasks Provide list of Nissan, CHS and ESIS users Provide access to Beecher Carlson Extranet 3 Review Transitional Duty Program with Recommendations Review of contract wording. Jason and Janet will 4 Set up Quarterly Claim Review Calendar discuss prior to negotiations with ESIS. 5 Set up Date for follow-up audit Project Management Tasks 7/1/2009 2/15/2010 CLAIMS CLOSURE 2009-2010 ESIS Open Claims Warren TBD 3/1/2010 First phase of closure project completed during ESIS staffing Analysis. Kim Metzler updated open claims and will be updating on a quarterly basis. 12/01/09 update showed total decrease at $2.1 million Janet 2/2/2009 3/2/2009 4/1/2009 3/17/2009 This is rolled into VTP process map. Provided copies of escalation procedures developed for other clients 03/15/09 Progress Reporting Nissan North America Knowing precisely where and how to f ocus to lower y our cost of risk 23 Month Goals Scorecard Focus On Outcomes for PY10 Program Period PY10 (4/1/10 to 3/31/11) valued as of Base Period PY09 (4/1/09 to 3/31/10) valued as of Base Period PY08 (4/1/08 to 3/31/09) valued as of 2/29/12 (23 Months) 2/28/11 (23 Months) 2/28/10 (23 Months) 885 3.2 959 3.4 3.48 48% Total incurred (all claims) Total paid Goal % 1 Total claims frequency > $0 Frequency rate per 100k man hours 2 Avg employee lag %of claims w/ employee lag < 1 day Goal $ 4 Payroll per $1000 (payroll/$1000) Units produced - weighted NNA Man hours -8% -8% -10% -9% 3.81 32% 4.53 38% -9% -23% $3,952,431 $6,837,944 $10,109,507 -42% -61% $2,349,856 $4,515,804 $7,334,089 -48% -68% $774,518 $823,998 $893,775 -6% -13% 1,403,123 27,805,746 1,160,655 27,864,989 1,027,534 28,209,390 21% 0% 37% -1% -10% $7.47 $5.10 $8.30 $11.31 -32% -39% -55% -10% -10% $5.30 $0.22 $2.82 $0.14 $5.89 $0.25 $9.84 $0.36 -47% -36% -52% -42% -71% -60% 0% $7,130 $4,466 $7,130 $10,243 -37% -37% -56% $2,655 $4,709 $7,431 -44% -64% Closed claims 834 891 894 -6% -7% $1,337,964 $2,661,070 $4,140,804 -50% -68% $1,604 $2,987 $4,632 -46% -65% 94% 93% 91% 7.63 107 13.53 157 20.53 211 -44% -32% -63% -49% Total incurred indemnity $3,579,628 $6,447,904 $9,640,103 -44% -63% Total paid indemnity $1,996,984 $4,150,919 $6,931,321 -52% -71% 12% 16% 21% $33,454 $18,663 $41,069 $26,439 $45,688 $32,850 -19% -29% -27% -43% -35% -53% -27% -43% Incurred closed claims Avg severity/closed claims All claims closing ratio Claims coded as indemnity Lost Time Rate per Unit Produced Claims w/ indemnity incurred Indemnity as a % of all claims 159 18% Average incurred indemnity Average paid indemnity 8 987 3.5 Incurred /units produced - weighted NNA Incurred / man hours Average paid 7 2010 variance to 2008 Incurred % $1000/payroll 5. Average incurred - all claims 6 2010 variance to 2009 100% Avg employer lag %of claims w/ employer lag < 1 day 3 Variance to goals Indemnity closed claims Indemnity closing ratio Indemnity as a % of total incurred Open indemnity claims 62% 61 94 131 57% 60% 62% 91% 94% 95% 46 63 80 Medical Management Process Investigation Case Closure Superior Compensability Outcomes Resolution Plan RTW & Medical Management Establish Standardized Case Management Process • Injury Reporting – Early employee reporting- day of injury event or within 2 weeks of symptoms for cumulative trauma injuries – Rapid reporting to ESIS – within 24 hours of Nissan knowledge • Standardized Investigation and Information – Employee Medical Manager Statement (EMMS)- completed by Nissan and provided to ESIS and the treating physician prior to first medical examination – Daily meeting to investigate &plan cases strategically and collaboratively – Incident investigation information package to ESIS & physician – Attending Physician Report – work collaboratively with medical community to establish required feedback from physician. The goal is to secure standard/consistent medical information for determining work relatedness and to manage the injury and case effectively. Tools of the Trade • • • • • • • Process Map Supervisor Incident Report Employee/Manager Medical Statement Daily Incident Reporting Medical Management Care Map Compensability Dashboard Case Management Tracking Injury Process Map Non-Urgent Work Related Injuries – Reporting Responsibilities Company Designated Medical Clinic Employee Employee’s Supervisor No Refer to their personal physician. Fees are the responsibility of the employee Nissan Dallas Provide the employee with a copy of Work Related Injury Instructions to Employee End Does the employee specifically report the problem to be work related? Ask! Yes Go to WIN Nissan World/Safety and Medical/ Dallas or WINHR and print Work Related Injury Investigation form & instructions to employee and manager Reviews Employee Section of Injury Investigation form & job description Assesses and provides initial treatment if employee agrees ** Complete Investigation and email both pages of Injury Investigation Form Safety Mgr. & Medical Management Mgr. & ESIS Adjustor Employee completes the front page (Employee Section) of the Work Related Injury Investigation form. Supervisor reviews to ensure form is fully completed by employee Supervisor must sign for indicating they reviewed. Employee reports a complaint of pain or incident/injury to direct supervisor or other work group manager if direct supervisor is not available * Start Send employee to company designated Clinic with a copy of completed Employee Section of Injury Investigation Form & Job Description Completes Work Status Report (DWC 73) Should include specific restrictions *** Attend assessment appointment at company designated clinic Return DWC 73 to supervisor (in person if able) Information ** Work Related Injury Investigation Form Unless emergency care is required, no medical evaluation or care is authorized under workers comp until the Employee Section is completed by employee and signed by Nissan management. Provide Employee’s Job Description to ESIS Go to page 2 Return to Work Provides completed DWC 73 copy to employee ESIS Adjustor * Employees are expected to report an injury or complaint of pain the same shift it occurs Call report into ESIS within 1 business day 1888-361-5807 24/7 service *** The physician must identify tasks the employee can safely perform, specific restrictions and estimated duration of same (DWC73 Work Status Form) 972.465.7552 / 800.937.7460 Fax #: 800-373-5156 Email: ESIS may call the supervisor for incident related and job related information Treatment or payment for care may be negatively impacted if there is a delay in reporting by employee or Nissan Supervisor Incident Report 1st Step: On-line system designed to document facts • Supervisor completes by the end of the shift the incident or injury is reported • Capture worker’s account of the event •Description of incident by Supervisor •Initiate investigation & determine root cause of incident: 5 whys •Initiates interim safety countermeasures Provides: •Notification to management, Safety and Medical Management • Establishes accountability •Feeds reporting database Employee/Manager Medical Statement 2nd Step: Designed to document & tie the incident & injury symptoms to medical management • Capture worker’s account of the event in writing and signed by EE • Identify manager’s concerns • Verify EMMS with recorded statement (gap analysis) • Meet face to face with employee if there are discrepancies Daily Incident Reporting On-site team of experts collaborate to review incidents in daily 11:00 meeting: • Safety – Safety & Ergonomics Job Review to determine root cause and help with corrective measures on the floor with manufacturing • Medical Management : CHS– Medical Job Review, determine causation • ESIS – Compensability and defense issues addressed, plan strategically Medical Management Care Map •Establish evidence based medicine expectations at the outset with all stakeholders. Based on ODG guidelines. Establishes accountability ! •Focuses on worker’s functional capabilities and successful progression through treatment gateways. •Weekly case management meetings to identify variances to care plan and develop action plans to mitigate the same, using the Case Management Dashboard. Compensability Dashboard •Facilitate timely exchange of information between Safety, Medical and TPA. •Vet compensability concerns from each perspective. •Make the correct decision at the outset. Case Management Dashboard •Used by Medical Management to track and report progress of cases •Presented in Case Management weekly meeting for discussion •Quick visual management, we only discuss yellow and red cases •Focuses on barriers to progression and solutions/actions to be taken Physician Performance Average LOA by Physican - Canton Plant 2008 2009 Average LOA by Physican - Smyrna Plant 2010 2008 200 180 160 140 121 120 151 137 134 130 122 120 102 101 95 92 91 83 60 64 40 40 35 27 22 11 0 Sundaram, Mani 0 Geissler, William HAND ELBOW SURGERY ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Geissler, William ORTHOPEDICS 61 60 52 51 16 78 76 80 68 27 17 0 Katz, Howard PHYSIATRY 20 Vohra, Rahul PHYSIATRY 14 11 0 0 Sundaram, Mani PLASTIC SURGERY 0 0 Coogan, Philip Joyner, Kyle S Weikert, Doug Berkman, Richard Garside, Blake Kioschos, Michael Steinagle, Timothy J HAND ELBOW SURGERY HAND ELBOW SURGERY HAND ELBOW SURGERY NEURO SURGERY ORTHOPEDICS ORTHOPEDICS ORTHOPEDICS Fiscal Year Comparison - Smyrna Referrals Fiscal Year Comparison - Canton Referrals 120 120 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 105 103 102 100 80 0 145 144 140 20 2010 180 160 100 2009 200 0 FY 2010 FY 2009 FY 2008 FY 2010 FY 2009 FY 2008 Restricted Duty Impact TTD COST AVOIDANCE Workers’ Compensation $1,800,000 $1,618,808 $1,600,000 $4.8m Cost Avoidance 2006 - 2009 $1,423,854 $1,400,000 • Realized $4.8m cost avoidance in Workers’ Compensation Program costs • Favorably impacts loss pick forecasts used for Global Captive Funding • Favorably impacts ACE stop loss premiums $1,200,000 $1,078,680 $1,000,000 $800,000 $695,433 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $2006 2007 2008 2009 ALTIMA BODY ASSY PAINT PQ SCM STAMPING TRIM 2.89 1.25 0.68 0.50 0.70 1.31 2.55 Reported LT Rate as of 1/31 2.43 1.33 0.98 0.71 0.00 0.48 1.66 Smyrna 1.45 1.14 2.35 Decherd 1.84 1.60 1.92 Plant Goal Safety Performance • Favorably impacts Safety KPIs and OSHA reporting requirements • Improves Safety LT rate by 51% • Improves Decherd LT rate by 17% Adj LT Rate 5.41 2.12 1.72 1.07 0.61 0.95 3.56 Reduce Lost Work Days • Baseline: – 2007 to 2009: average 129 days for all lost time claims – Varying placement mobility from plant to plant – Majority of 90 day restriction being used prior to surgery • Goal: Reduce average lost work days – Lost time rate – Duration of disability • Solution: – – – – – – Performance analytics Performance incentives for operations Treating MD’s no longer determines return to work status Non surgical stay at work Transitional job banks Disability management plans/care mapping Claim Management Surgeon Utilization Total NNA - Physician for FY09 & FY10 (as of 12/31) 35 29 30 25 20 15 15 10 10 5 1 10 3 2 3 0 GENERAL SURGERY HAND ELBOW SURGERY FY2009 (as of 12/31/2009) NEURO SURGERY FY2010 (as of 12/31/2010) ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Surgeries by Site Surgical Cases by Site for FY09 & FY10 (as of 12/31) Surgery - FY2009 Surgery - FY2010 20 19 18 16 14 12 12 10 8 8 7 6 4 3 2 2 0 Nissan Canton Nissan Decherd Nissan Smyrna Continuous Improvement $25,000 $22.5M/39% Reduction to Loss Rates $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 In $000s $5,000 Increase in severity $0 2004 2005 2006 Initial Loss Projection 2007 2008 Year 2009 2010 Current Loss Projection 2011