Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board May 11th 2010 Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Reducing Harm & Mortality in Hywel Dda - Our Main Aims • Reduce RAMI to below 100 in 2 years • Reduce episodes of harm by 25% in 2 years Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Executive Leads Janet Wilkinson:Leadership Dr Simon Mahon Medical Director:Critical Care& Rapid Response to Acute Illness Bernadine Rees:Medicines Management Tony Chambers:Healthcare Associated Infections Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Executive Leads Caroline Oakley Director of Nursing:Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers Chris Wright:Surgical Complications Kathryn Davies:Hospital Acquired Thrombosis Dr Sue Fish Medical Director:Acute Stroke Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board RAMI 2010 Our aim is to reduce the RAMI to below 100 and also to reduce the variation in our monthly RAMI scores Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board How We are going To Achieve Our Aims • By Using Continuous Quality Improvement Methodology Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board How We are going To Achieve Our Aims Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board How We are going To Achieve Our Aims • Each ward/department required to sign up to at least one quality Improvement project inline with the requirements of the Health Board Quality Improvement strategy and 1000 Lives+ content areas Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board How We are going To Achieve Our Aims Quality Improvement Project Notification Form (For guidance on completion please see the how to guide) 1. • Each ward/department has to complete quality improvement project notification and approval form What is the area/service for improvement Page 1 of form 2. Who are the team members? Name Role Name Role Name Role Name Role Name Role 3. Improvement Aims (aim should be clear, specific, measurable, time-specific and patient centred) 4. Project deliverables a. What numerical target are you striving for b. What changes in the system are you expecting Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board How We are going To Achieve Our Aims • These forms will be used to track the quality improvement projects and ensures that each project has a sponsor and has been agreed • They will also set out the reporting arrangements for the project Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Quality Improvement Project Feedback/Communication form Quality Improvement Project Progress form Ward/Department County Each ward/department will be required to provide updates on progress on to the 1000 Lives+ teams monthly Month Project Leader Project Progress Planning Testing Implementing Spreading Number of PDSA’s completed so far (please attach copies) Successes this month Problems this month Signature Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board □ □ □ □ Driver Diagram Weekly review of all deaths in secondary care Analysis of CHKS data to identify areas of concern to identify specialities that have high RAMI and/or excess deaths Reduce Mortality Levels within Health Board Validation of CHKS and coding data in Mortality and Morbidity meetings Address data quality Issues with CHKS data Address Backlog of un-coded notes Difficulty in coding some patients notes Reduction of RAMI to below 100 and the numbers of harm to patients by 25% Implementation of Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Strategy Being Safe Being effective Improving the Patient Experience Undertake GTT audits in all localities (20 sets per hospital minimum Train enough staff to undertake GTT audits Episodes of harm occurring to some patients Execs to drive forward content areas of 1000 lives+ campaign to reduce episodes of harm to patients Leadership Critical Care Medicines management Healthcare Associated Infections Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers Acute Stroke Hospital Acquired thrombosis Surgical Complications Quality & Safety teams to be setup in each County which incorporates 1000 lives+ and Quality & Patient safety strategy Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Reduction of RAMI and Harm Primary Drivers • Reduce Mortality Levels – Weekly Review of all Deaths in Secondary Care – First review meeting held (Execs & AMD’s in attendance). – 39 Deaths reviewed • Implementation of Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Strategy – How to Guide for Health Board staff being written • Reduce episodes of harm to our patients – This will be achieved by ensuring all elements of the 1000 Lives+ are implemented along with achieving the aims of the Quality Improvement Strategy Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Reduction of RAMI and Harm Secondary Drivers • Analysis of CHKS data to identify areas of potential concern – This work has already started • Address data quality issues – Reduce backlog of un-coded notes • 6000 sets of un-coded notes coded in 6 weeks – Improve systems for coding of patients notes • Discharge summaries/letters being revised Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Reduction of RAMI and Harm Secondary Drivers • Improve systems for undertaking GTT audits in 4 main hospitals – 10 sets every two weeks – Train more staff to undertake GTT audits – Improve system for obtaining patients details and retrieval of notes Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Reduction of RAMI and Harm Secondary Drivers • Executive lead for each content area tasked with driving forward the initiatives helping to ensure that harm and mortality reduction targets are met • Quality and Safety teams to be set up in each county Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Clinician Engagement • Mortality and Morbidity meetings to be rolled out across the Health Board • Standard Agenda to include – – – – – – – Mortality Review CHKS validation Unexpected admissions to ITU Cardiac Arrest Qualitative audits Adverse Incident Infection control issues GTT Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Key Quality Issues Currently Being Addressed • • • • • • Standardised Handover (SBAR) Clerking Performa Track and Trigger Improved discharge/death documentation Clinicians engagement with clinical coding DNAR Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Driver Diagram Develop an infrastructure that promotes quality care (Transformational Leadership) Improved general ward outcomes (Reduced infections, crash calls, pressure ulcers, falls, medication errors, increase sense of patient empowerment and improve care, communicatio n and discharge processes) Implement Empowering Ward Sisters leadership development standards Ensure the patient care objectives for each ward are aligned to Health Board priorities Develop strong leadership for ward based integrated multidisciplinary teams Measure, track and communicate progress towards achieving the vision and objectives Provide an environment that has efficient and organised systems in place (Releasing Time to Care) Create efficient and sustainable working environments and systems of work Develop visual information and communication systems to convey patient information Reduce pressure ulcers by 50% (See separate Driver diagram) Provide appropriate, reliable and safe care to patients using evidencebased therapies (Safety & Reliability) Early warning system (EWS) to identify patient deterioration & early response systems in place to respond to deterioration Reduce patient falls by 50% (see separate driver diagram) Reduce healthcare associated infections by targets contained within the quality strategy and AOF Create a highly effective and collaborative multidisciplinary team and safety culture (Teamwork & Vitality) Ensure patient and family centred care (Patient and family centred care) Reliable multi-disciplinary care planning, communication and collaboration Use of SBAR principles by 100% of staff Ensure patient’s physical comfort Optimise patient transfer / discharge to their own home or other facility Involve patient and family in goal setting processes Promote open communication among team, patient and family Ensure patient centred end of life care planning Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board General Ward Primary Drivers • Develop an infrastructure that promotes quality care (Transformational Leadership) • Provide an environment that has efficient and organised systems in place (Releasing Time to Care) • Provide appropriate, reliable and safe care to patients using evidence-based therapies (Safety & Reliability) • Create a highly effective and collaborative multidisciplinary team and safety culture (Teamwork & Vitality) • Ensure patient and family centred care Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board General Ward Secondary Drivers (Transformational Leadership) • Continue to implement the ‘Empowering Ward Sisters’ principles for leadership & development in all areas • Establish integrated multi-disciplinary teams supported by the ward/ department Leader • Ensure patient care & ward objectives are measurable & aligned to the Health Board priorities Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board General Ward Secondary Drivers (Releasing Time to Care) Establish open and accessible processes to report outcome measures ‘Knowing How We Are Doing Boards’ are creating opportunities for staff, patients & public to understand the information and it’s implications for practice. Create efficient sustainable working environments and systems of work 5’s principles are one example being used to achieve sustainable changes with staff commitment Develop visual information/ communication systems to convey patient information ‘Patent Status At A Glance’ Boards are being developed to support this, with some areas investing in white board technology Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board General Ward Secondary Drivers (Safety & Reliability) • Reduce Pressure Ulcers by 50% (See separate driver diagram) • Reduce Patient Falls by 50% (See separate driver diagram) • Reduce HAI infections by targets within the Quality strategy and AOF Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board General Ward Secondary Drivers (Safety & Reliability) • Modified early warning system (MEWS) to identify patient deterioration – Currently 3 different systems in use – Scoring systems being aligned to ensure consistency – Health Board wide system being developed Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board General Ward Secondary Drivers (Teamwork & Vitality) • Establish accurate & accountable MDT care planning • Ensure all MDT communication / handover processes apply the principles of SBAR some areas have linked the handover to the Patient Status At A Glance board, improving accuracy of information, patient safety and effective use of staff time Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board General Ward Secondary Drivers (Patient & Family Care) • Ensure patients physical comfort • Involve patients & family with care planning goal setting and discharge planning National Fundamentals of Care Audit provides information regarding the patients’ perception annually to all wards, additional short stay areas to be included . • Communicate openly and effectively amongst the MDT, Patient & Family • Ensure Patients wishes are respected within end of life care planning – End of life care pathway provides auditable information Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Driver Diagram Risk Identification Reduce the Percentage of Hospital acquired Pressure Ulcers(per 1000 patient days By 50% by 2012 Understand the risk factors for acquiring pressure ulcers Understand the local context & analyse local data to assess patients on ward/unit most at risk Utilise patient ‘At risk’ cards to quickly identify those at increased risk Assess pressure ulcer risk on admission for ALL patients Risk Assessment Re-assess skin every 8 hours Initiate and maintain correct and suitable preventative measures Address these areas: Reliable Implementation of the SKIN ‘bundle’ Identification, grading of pressure ulcers existing on admission/transfer & appropriate intervention Education Surface Keep Turning Incontinence Nutrition Initiate and maintain correct and suitable treatment measures Utilise the local Tissue Viability nursing expertise Educate staff regarding the assessment process, identification and classification of, and treatment of pressure ulcers Educate Patients & family Develop patient information pack Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Falls Primary Drivers • • • • • Identification of Risks Multifactorial risk assessment Multifactorial interventions Communication of falls risk status Education of staff, patient and family carer Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Falls Secondary Drivers • Each area to assess their local falls risk– analysis of falls on units by: time of day, patient’s age range, type of patients, condition. • Utilisation of warning cards (above patients head) for patient with a history of falls Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Falls Secondary Drivers • Each ward/Department to work with allied health colleagues to assess – – – – – – – Falls History/ Medication review Gait Balance, mobility, muscle weakness Osteoporosis risk Functional ability Visual & Cognitive impairment Urinary incontinence Cardiovascular assessment - Hazards Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Falls Secondary Drivers • Involvement of patient & family – Include falls status in ward handovers and safety briefings – Develop a Falls prevention information pack for patients, families and caregivers – Develop a Falls education pack and Falls preventions program for staff Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Driver Diagram Understand local falls risk- analyse falls on units by: time of day, patient’s age range, type of patients, condition. Utilise warning cards for patient with history of falls Risk Identification Multi-Factorial Risk Assessment Reduce the Percentage of Falls (per 1000 patient days By 50% by 2012 Multi-factorial Interventions Communication of Falls risk status Education of Staff, Patient and family/ carer Falls History/ Medication review Gait Balance, mobility, muscle weakness Osteoporosis risk Functional ability Visual & Cognitive impairment Urinary incontinence Cardiovascular assessment - Hazards Medication review/withdrawal Vision assessment Strength & Balance Training Preparing the environment Diversional therapy Falls prevention toolkits Hourly toileting rounds Use of Visual Cues Involvement of patient & family Falls intervention team Include falls status in ward handovers and safety briefings Develop a Falls prevention information pack for patients, families and caregivers Develop a Falls education pack and Falls preventions program for staff Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Pressure Sores • Baseline data for pressure sores within the Health Board Data is from CHKS Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Pressure Sores Primary Drivers • • • • Risk Identification Risk Assessment Implementation of the SKIN bundle Identification, grading of pressure ulcers existing on admission/transfer & appropriate intervention • Education Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Pressure Sores Secondary Drivers • All staff to be able to understand the risk factors for acquiring pressure ulcers • Understand the local context & analyse local data to assess patients on ward/unit most at risk • Utilisation of patient ‘At risk’ cards to quickly identify those at increased risk Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Pressure Sores Secondary Drivers • All patients to have their pressure ulcer risk assessed on admission • Re-assess skin every 8 hours • Initiate and maintain correct and suitable preventative measures when needed Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Pressure Sores Secondary Drivers • All wards/Departments to implement the SKIN bundle which aaddresses these areas: – – – – Surface Keep Turning Incontinence Nutrition Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Time Scales • May 11th 2010 Health Board Executives and others attend 1000 Lives+ launch • May 12th 2010 Aims of 1000 lives+ conveyed to all Health Board Staff • End of May/Beginning of June ward/department sign up to at least one intervention • The Transforming Care initiative to be implemented into all ward/in-patient areas by the end of 2012 Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Thank You Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board May 11th 2010 Presenter: Dr Simon Mahon Medical Director Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Reducing Harm & Mortality in Hywel Dda - Our Main Aims • Reduce RAMI to below 100 in 2 years • Reduce episodes of harm by 25% in 2 years Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board Executive Leads Janet Wilkinson:Dr Simon Mahon:Bernadine Rees:Tony Chambers:Caroline Oakley:Chris Wright:Kathryn Davies:Dr Sue Fish Leadership Critical care& Rapid Response to acute illness Medicines management Healthcare Associated Infections Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers Surgical Complications Hospital Acquired Thrombosis Acute Stroke Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board RAMI 2010 Our aim is to reduce the amount of variation in our monthly RAMI (2010) scores and make it more consistent Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board • By reducing the amount of variation in the RAMI will improve the predictability of patient outcomes and will help to reduce the frequency of poor results. Reducing Harm and Mortality in Hywel Dda Health Board