Mecklenburg Care Transitions Committee Report North Carolina Conference on Aging October 11, 2011 GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. Care Transitions.... …why is it important? GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people MECKLENBURG’S APPROACH TO CARE TRANSITIONS GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. MARCH 23, 2011 COVENANT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. Purpose of the Event To bring together partners/stakeholders involved with successful transitioning care for older adults and adults with disabilities from home to various settings. To reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. What We Want to AccomplishOutcomes in Care Transitions Effort • Increase percentage of individuals who return home following discharge from hospital when it is their preference to do so • Decrease re-admissions to the hospital for the same diagnosis • Increase availability of adequate community services and supports GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. What Does the Data Say? GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. Mecklenburg County Population Based on NC State Data Center Projections GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. Mecklenburg Disability Population It is very difficult to determine the population of individuals with disabilities in Mecklenburg County because: – Unlike age, disability is primarily based on self-disclosure – Many disabilities are hidden – People confuse “having a disability” with “getting Disability (SSDI)” GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. Mecklenburg Disability Population Based on population percentages accepted by funding sources and professionals, Mecklenburg County’s statistics are: People each year who acquire a spinal cord injury .004% = 37 People with diabetes 74.9% = 668,957 People each year who have a stroke 2.6% = 23,910 GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. Mecklenburg Disability Population – People with hearing loss 17% = 156,336 – People who have difficulty seeing (even with aids) 2.5% = 22,990 – People with mental illness 20% = 183,925 – People with intellectual disabilities 1% = 9,196 GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. Hospital Studies Nearly 20% of Medicare hospitalizations are followed by readmission within 30 days. 19% of Medicare discharges are followed by an adverse event within 30 days—2/3 drug events, the kind most often judged “preventable.” Unknown if lack of physician visit causes readmissions—but poor continuity of care,esp. for many chronically ill patients. 90% of rehospitalizations within 30 days appear to be unplanned, the result of clinical deterioration. Only half of the patients rehospitalized within 30 days had a physician visit before readmission. GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. Geographic Variation in Hospital Readmissions 2007 Medicare SAF data GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. 30-Day Outcomes Source: NC Hospital Quality Performance Results (2009) Heart Attack 19.9 National Rate Heart Failure 24.7 National Rate Pneumonia 18.3 National Rate Carolinas Medical Center 17.7 (998 pt) 20.1 (934 pt) 18.6 ( 464 pt) CMC University 19.7(27 pt) 24.7 (134 pt) 16.8 (105 pt) CMC Mercy 18.1(248 pt) 23.9 (639 pt) 17.5 (389 pt) Lake Norman Regional 21.1(118 pt) 26.5 (388 pt) 18.1 (250 pt) Presbyterian Hospital 18.2 (641 pt) 26.2 (145 pt) 22.3 (178 pt) Presbyterian Matthews 19.6 (61 pt) 22.8 (362 pt) 18.2 ( 389 pt) Presbyterian Huntersville Not measures ( <25 pt) 25.5 (145 pt) 18.5 (178 pt) Rate = % of Medicare patients readmitted out of the total # of Medicare patients ( number in parenthesis) admitted for these diagnosis between 7/1/2006 and 6/30/2009. Source: GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. Annual Cost of Care For Age, Blind and Disabled Medicaid Patients Enrolled in Carolina Access ANNUAL COST OF CARE FOR AGE, BLIND AND DISABLED MEDICAID PATIENTS ENROLLED IN CAROLINA ACCESS * Source: Community Care Partners of Greater Mecklenburg - Data represents Anson, Union and Mecklenburg Counties GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. Total Number of Acute Care Visits Per Year For Medicaid Aged, Blind & Disabled Patients Source: Community Care Partners of Greater Mecklenburg – Data represents Anson, Union and Mecklenburg Counties GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. Top 8 Leading Causes of Death in Mecklenburg County (2008) •CANCER •HEART DISEASE •STROKE •ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE •CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE •PULMONARY DISEASE (COPD) •UNINTENTIONAL INJURY •DIABETES * source: 2009 State of the County Health Report – Mecklenburg County Health Department GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. 1. Communication/Education @ collaboration with providers & consumers 2. web based search tool 3. CRC Hospital Disch Partnership 4. 6 mo case managers sharing/Networking 5. Transition Coach/Transitional care 6. Active case mgt partnering w churches 7. Community Patient Resource 8. Improving Continuity of Care 9. 6 steps of transportation SMART SOLUTIONS from March 23 Event 21% 15% 12% 12% 10% 9% 8% 7% 6% 1 2 3 4 5 6 GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. 7 8 9 TOP THREE SOLUTIONS: GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. LEARNINGS SINCE OUR EVENT Community Care Partners of Greater Mecklenburg (CCPGM) is established by the State of NC and uniquely positioned to do Care Transition Work While it was unclear from the original instructions, it is not the role of the CRC to be the lead on Care Transitions. Our unique partnership with the hospitals needs to be broader and stronger. The Community Partners have to understand the language in the medical environment to be able to communicate more effectively. It takes time to identify and recruit the essential partners that need to be a part of the Care Transition process. GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. WHAT DO HOSPITALS NEED FROM THE CRC? • Challenge of hospitals - Keeping up with program funding - what programs have money? • Find creative ways to meet gaps (possibly grants) - transportation & medication • Consider ways to meet needs of newly discharged patients - provide community services in a package deal GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. WHAT CHARLOTTE-MECKLENBURG HAS IN PLACE FOR CARE TRANSITIONS • COMMUNITY CARE PROGRAM OF GREATER MECKLENBURG • CRC AND REFERRAL TOOL GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. FOCUS GOING FORWARD DEMONSTRATION PROJECT CURRENTLY DETERMINING WHAT POPULATION WILL BE OUR FOCUS TRACK TARGET GROUP FOR IMPACT TRY TO ESTABLISH “BUNDLED SERVICES” • Self Management • In Home Meals Transportation GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. Where Do We Go From Here? Study national toolkit Redefine need Increase/refine membership and involvement in the taskforces Educate ourselves on the national care transitions effort Conduct a root cause analysis of the causes of readmissions or adverse events surrounding hospital discharge GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. Where Do We Go From Here? (Continued) Review national evidence-based interventions to see if one would work best for Mecklenburg Determine the best approach for Mecklenburg Develop implementation plan for intervention Complete intervention Measure results Create a sustainable approach GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days. PANEL CONTACT INFO • Gayla Woody Centralina Area Agency on Aging • Julia Sain Disability Rights & Resources • Laura Wasson Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services • Jane Dawson Carolinas HealthCare System • Stacy Wright Presbyterian Hospital • Denise Bordeman Mecklenburg CRC Coordinator "What I do you cannot do; but what you do, I cannot do. The needs are great, and none of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful." Teresa Calcutta GOAL: Increase the number of people with successful transitions from hospital to home and reduce the number of people with readmissions within 30 days.