Diabetes and Nephrology Symposium November 19th,2014 Optimizing Glycemic control in CKD Presented by Laila Bishara MD, FRCPC Disclosure Financial Disclosure • Grants/research support: None • Speakers bureau/honoraria: Eli Lilly, Sanofi Aventis, Merck and NovoNordisk • Consulting fees: None T Learning objectives • To identify the role of glycemic control in various stages of CKD • To individualize patient’s glycemic goals in CKD • To review the therapeutic options for glucose control and the limitations and risks in patients with CKD 2013 ACR ≥2.0 mg/mmol CKD in Diabetes and / or eGFR <60 mL/min Stages of Diabetic Nephropathy Note: change in definition of microalbuminuria ACR ≥2.0 mg/mmol 2013 Case 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 56 year old man works as a bank manager Non-smoker and consumes alcohol occasionally. Type 2 diagnosed 3 years ago. No known coronary artery disease Hypertension controlled on ramipril 10 mg. On Atorvastatin 10 mg. Received dietary education at the time of diagnosis His HbA1C was 6.6 to 7.3% in the first 12 months, then went up gradually Metformin was added and titrated up to 1000 mg bid. Over the following year, he was switched to Janumet 50 mg/ 1 gm bid Recent blood work: HbA1C 7.9 %. LDL 1.8, TC/HDL 3.5. ACR: < 2 mg/ mmol eGFR > 60 ml/ minute Case 1 • What is the HbA1C target for this patient ? • Would glycemic control impact on his risk for developing nephropathy? • Anti-hyperglycemic agents needed to bring him in target? Case 2 • • • • • • • • • 54 year old woman Type 2 diabetes diagnosed 6 years ago. Hypertension and dyslipidemia treated No known coronary artery disease or any macrovascular disease Medications: Rosuvastatin 10 mg, Coversyl 8 mg, Metformin 1 gm bid, Onglyza 5 mg and Glicalzide MR 60 mg ACR on 2 different occasions 5 mg/ mmol eGFR: > 60 ml/ minute LDL 1.7, blood pressure 125/75 HbA1C: 8.7% not changed significantly from 8.9% 3 months ago Case 2 • What is the HbA1C target for this patient ? • Would glycemic control impact on the course of nephropathy? • Agents needed to bring her on target? Case 2 • • • • What if ACR was 30 mg/ mmol? What if eGFR was lower? Glycemic target? Agents? Targets2013Checklist A1C ≤7.0% for MOST people with diabetes A1C ≤6.5% for SOME people with T2DM A1C 7.1-8.5% in people with specific features Type 1 Diabetes DCCT N = 1441 T1DM Intensive (≥ 3 injections/day or CSII) vs. \ Conventional (1-2 injections per day) DCCT: Reduction in Albuminuria Primary Prevention Secondary Intervention 34% RRR 43% RRR (p<0.04) (p=0.001) 56% RRR (p=0.01) RRR = relative risk reduction Solid line = risk of developing microalbuminuria Dashed line = risk of developing macroalbuminuria CI = confidence interval The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research Group. N Engl J Med 1993;329:977-986. guidelines.diabetes.ca | 1-800-BANTING (226-8464) | diabetes.ca Copyright © 2013 Canadian Diabetes Association EDIC: Continued Reduction in Albuminuria Return to normoalbuminuria Macroalbuminuria HR 1.92 HR 0.64 (p<0.05) (95% CI 0.40-1.02) HR = hazard ratio CI = confidence interval deBoer IH et al. Arch Intern Med 2011;171(5):412-420. guidelines.diabetes.ca | 1-800-BANTING (226-8464) | diabetes.ca Copyright © 2013 Canadian Diabetes Association EDIC: Early Glycemic Control Reduces Long-term Risk of Impaired GFR Risk reduction with intensive therapy 50% (95% CI 18-69; p=0.006) DCCT/EDIC Research Group. N Engl J Med 2011;365:2366-76. Type 2 Diabetes UKPDS: N = 3867 T2DM 9 Conventional 7.9% A1C (%) 8 Intensive 7.0% 7 6 0 0 3 UKPDS Study Group. Lancet 1998:352:837-53. 6 9 12 15 Relative risk reduction for intensive treatment (%) UKPDS 33: relative risk reduction with intensive treatment 0 Intensive treatment reduced HbA1c by 0.9% for a median of 10 years in 3,867 patients with type 2 diabetes 10 * * p < 0.05 ** p < 0.01 20 * ** * 30 ** Lancet 1998;352:837–53 Holman RR et al. N Engl J Med 2008;359. UKPDS: Post-trial Monitoring “Legacy Effect” After median 8.5 years post-trial follow-up Aggregate Endpoint Any diabetes related endpoint RRR: P: 1997 12% 0.029 2007 9% 0.040 Microvascular disease RRR: 25% P: 0.0099 Myocardial infarction RRR: P: 16% 0.052 15% 0.014 All-cause mortality RRR: P: 6% 0.44 13% 0.007 Holman R, et al. N Engl J Med 2008;359. guidelines.diabetes.ca | 1-800-BANTING (226-8464) | diabetes.ca Copyright © 2013 Canadian Diabetes Association 24% 0.001 ADVANCE N = 11,140 T2DM Intensive (A1C ≤6.5% with gliclazide MR) vs. Standard glycemic control ADVANCE: Glucose Control 10.0 9.0 Standard control 7.3% 8.0 Mean A1C (%) 7.0 p < 0.001 6.0 Intensive control 6.5% 5.0 0.0 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 Follow-up (months) ADVANCE Collaborative Group. N Engl J Med 2008;358:24. 48 54 60 66 ADVANCE: Primary Microvascular Outcomes New/worsening nephropathy, retinopathy 25 20 HR 0.86 (0.77-0.97) p = 0.01 15 Cumulative incidence (%) Standard control 10 Intensive control 5 0 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 Follow-up (months) Intensive Standard HR p Nephropathy/retinopathy (%) 9.4 10.9 0.86 0.01 Nephropathy (%) 4.1 5.2 0.79 0.006 Retinopathy (%) 6.0 6.3 0.95 NS Adapted from: ADVANCE Collaborative Group. N Engl J Med ADVANCE Collaborative Group. N Engl J Med 2008;358:2560-72. 2008;358:24. BENEFIT HYPOGLYCEMIA Case 1 • • • • • • • 56 year old man Type 2 diagnosed 3 years ago. No known coronary artery disease Hypertension controlled on Ramipril 10 mg. On Atorvastatin 10 mg. Janumet 50 mg/ 1 gm bid Recent blood work: HbA1C 7.9 %. LDL 1.8, TC/HDL 3.5. • ACR: < 2 mg/ mmol • eGFR > 60 ml/ minute Case 1 • HbA1C target ? • Would glycemic control impact on his risk for developing nephropathy? • Anti-hyperglycemic agents needed to bring him in target? 2013 CDA Recommendations • Therapy in most individuals with type 1 or type 2 diabetes should be targeted to achieve an A1C ≤ 7.0% in order to reduce the risk of microvascular [Grade A, Level 1A] and, if implemented early in the course of disease, macrovascular complications [Grade B, Level 3] • An A1C ≤6.5% may be targeted in some patients with type 2 diabetes to further lower the risk of nephropathy [Grade A, Level 1] and retinopathy [Grade A, Level 1], but this must be balanced against the risk of hypoglycemia [Grade A, Level 1]. After Metformin? Depends … 2013 Patient characteristics Agent characteristics Degree of hyperglycemia Risk of hypoglycemia BG lowering efficacy & durability Risk of inducing hypoglycemia Weight Effect on weight Comorbidities (renal, cardiac, hepatic) Contraindications & side effects Access to treatment Cost and coverage Patient preferences Other 2013 guidelines.diabetes.ca | 1-800-BANTING (226-8464) | diabetes.ca Copyright © 2013 Canadian Diabetes Association Case 2 • • • • • • • • • 54 year old woman Type 2 diabetes diagnosed 6 years ago. Hypertension and dyslipidemia treated No known coronary artery disease or any macrovascular disease Medications: Rosuvastatin 10 mg, Coversyl 8 mg, Metformin 1 gm bid, Onglyza 5 mg and Glicalzide MR 60 mg ACR on 2 different occasions 5 mg/ mmol eGFR: > 60 ml/ minute LDL 1.7, blood pressure 125/75 HbA1C: 8.7% not changed significantly from 8.9% 3 months ago Case 2 • What is the HbA1C target for this patient ? • Would glycemic control impact on the course of nephropathy? • Agents needed to bring her on target? 2013 guidelines.diabetes.ca | 1-800-BANTING (226-8464) | diabetes.ca Copyright © 2013 Canadian Diabetes Association Case 2 What if the ACR was 30 mg/mmol ? Case 2 What if the eGFR was 45? Issues with low GFR • Mostly stages 4 and 5 CKD • Most oral agents need to be stopped, few exceptions. • Insulin is the preferred therapy • Risk of hypoglycemia is higher. Antihyperglycemic Agents and Renal Function CKD Stage: GFR (mL/min): 5 < 15 4 15-29 3 30-59 30 Metformin Linagliptin 15 Saxagliptin 15 Sitagliptin 25 mg Exenatide 2.5 mg ≥ 90 60 50 30 50 mg 50 30 50 50 Liraglutide Glyburide 1 25 Acarbose Gliclazide/Glimepiride 2 60-89 15 30 30 50 Repaglinide Thiazolidinediones 30 Not recommended / contraindicated Caution and/or dose reduction Safe Adapted from: Product Monographs as of March 1, 2013; CDA Guidelines 2008; and Yale JF. J Am Soc Nephrol 2005; 16:S7-S10. guidelines.diabetes.ca | 1-800-BANTING (226-8464) | diabetes.ca Copyright © 2013 Canadian Diabetes Association Intensification of Therapy in T2D FBG at target A1C above target Basal bolus Additional bolus doses at other meals as needed FBG above target A1C above target Basal Plus Add bolus insulin at one meal A1C above target Basal Add basal insulin and titrate OHA monotherapy and combinations Lifestyle changes OHA=oral hypoglycemic agent Progressive deterioration of -cell function Raccah D et al. Diabetes Metab Res Rev 2007;23(4):257-264. Nathan DM et al. Diabetologia 2006;49:1711–1721. Woerle H. Arch Intern Med 2004;164:1627–1632. 41 Types of Insulin Insulin Type (trade name) Onset Peak Duration 10 - 15 min 10 - 15 min 10 - 15 min 1 - 1.5 h 1 - 1.5 h 1-2h 3-5h 3-5h 3.5 - 4.75 h 30 min 2-3h 6.5 h 1-3h 5-8h Up to 18 h 90 min Not applicable Up to 24 h (glargine 24 h, detemir 16 - 24 h) Bolus (prandial) Insulins Rapid-acting insulin analogues (clear): • Insulin aspart (NovoRapid®) • Insulin glulisine (Apidra™) • Insulin lispro (Humalog®) Short-acting insulins (clear): • Insulin regular (Humulin®-R) • Insulin regular (Novolin®geToronto) Basal Insulins Intermediate-acting insulins (cloudy): • Insulin NPH (Humulin®-N) • Insulin NPH (Novolin®ge NPH) Long-acting basal insulin analogues (clear) • Insulin detemir (Levemir®) • Insulin glargine (Lantus®) Types of Insulin (continued) Insulin Type (trade name) Time action profile Premixed Insulins Premixed regular insulin – NPH (cloudy): • 30% insulin regular/ 70% insulin NPH (Humulin® 30/70) • 30% insulin regular/ 70% insulin NPH (Novolin®ge 30/70) • 40% insulin regular/ 60% insulin NPH (Novolin®ge 40/60) • 50% insulin regular/ 50% insulin NPH (Novolin®ge 50/50) Premixed insulin analogues (cloudy): • 30% Insulin aspart/70% insulin aspart protamine crystals (NovoMix® 30) • 25% insulin lispro / 75% insulin lispro protamine (Humalog® Mix25®) • 50% insulin lispro / 50% insulin lispro protamine (Humalog® Mix50®) A single vial or cartridge contains a fixed ratio of insulin (% of rapid-acting or short-acting insulin to % of intermediate-acting insulin) Serum Insulin Level Time Human Basal: Humulin-N, Novolin ge NPH Analogue Basal: Lantus, Levemir guidelines.diabetes.ca | 1-800-BANTING (226-8464) | diabetes.ca Copyright © 2013 Canadian Diabetes Association Human Bolus: Humulin-R, Novolin ge Toronto Analogue Bolus: Apidra, Humalog, NovoRapid Serum Insulin Level Time Human Premixed: Humulin 30/70, Novolin ge 30/70 Analogue Premixed: Humalog Mix25, NovoMix 30 guidelines.diabetes.ca | 1-800-BANTING (226-8464) | diabetes.ca Copyright © 2013 Canadian Diabetes Association How to dose? “Whatever you pick will be WRONG … and that’s okay!” Basal insulin 10 units of insulin each night (0.1 unit per • You will inject ______ kg) • You will continue to increase by 1 unit every night until your blood sugar level is _______ 4-7 mmol/L before breakfast • If hypoglycemia Basal Plus or Basal-Bolus • If full Basal-Bolus: 0.4 to 0.5 u/kg = TDI • 50% bolus, 50% basal (or 60:40) OR • Add 10% of basal dose as bolus insulin ac meal (4T study) OR • Add 2 units and self-titrate (START protocol) OR • Add 4 units and self-titrate (STEP protocol) Harris, S et al. START study. As presented at the CDA / CSEM conference in Vancouver, BC, October 2012. Meneghini L, Mersebach H, Kumar S, et al. Endocrine Practice 2011;17:727-36. Premixed • 0.4 to 0.5 units / kg • Traditionally: 2/3 in the AM + 1/3 in the PM • Practically 50% am and 50% evening Case 4 • • • • 62 year old man Type 1 diabetes since age 10 On insulin pump HbA1C inadequate over the years: 9 to 10% • Main barrier is fear of hypoglycemia yet he suffers Hypoglycemia unawareness • Retinopathy and Coronary artery disease • Nephropathy for the last 10 years, progressed over the last 3 years • Last eGFR 15 • Discussing dialysis Vs transplant with nephrologist Case 4 • Target A1C? • Would it impact on that stage of kidney disease? • Dialysis Vs Transplant Case 5 • • • • • • • • • • 77 year old frail woman Weight: 145 lbs Type 2 diabetes for 25 years Retinopathy, neuropathy and nephropathy Coronary artery disease. Bypass surgery 10 years ago and recent angioplasty On insulin for 15 years Currently on Metformin 1 gm bid, Lantus 32 units at night and Humalog 10 to 12 units per meal HbA1C is 8% eGFR: 38 ACR : 20 mg/ mmol Case 5 • A1C target? • Need to modify treatment? 2013 Consider A1C 7.1-8.5% if … • Limited life expectancy • High level of functional dependency • Extensive coronary artery disease at high risk of ischemic events • Multiple co-morbidities • History of recurrent severe hypoglycemia • Hypoglycemia unawareness • Longstanding diabetes for whom is it difficult to achieve an A1C ≤ 7%, despite effective doses of multiple antihyperglycemic agents, including intensified basal-bolus insulin therapy 2013 Recommendation Less stringent A1C targets (7.1 to 8.5% in most cases) may be appropriate in patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes with any of the following [Grade D, Consensus]: – Limited life expectancy – High level of functional dependency – Extensive coronary artery disease at high risk of ischemic events – Insulin therapy