Derby City Carers Breaks Demonstrator Site Cheryl Elliott and Miia Piho 13th October Derby Carers Strategy Our Vision: The provision of accurate and timely information for carers, together with advice and support, will enable carers to feel recognised and valued and will help them to live full & healthy lives. Derby Carers Breaks Demonstrator Site • • • • • • Aims to compare different methods of providing carers breaks in Derby, including self-funded carers breaks, in line with views, needs and aspirations of local carers The project will enable carers across all sectors of local communities to gain improved access to breaks on a bespoke basis Improved health and emotional well being Choice and control Event of an emergency Carers of people suffering from dementia will feel better supported Delivery Plan for Demonstrator Site More flexible day & respite care Information Service from GP Practices Carers Discount Card Free Stress Buster & Creativity events Carers Breaks Information & Support Service Holiday Placement Scheme for Older Adults Free Telecare Dementia trial linked to Befriending & Emergency Scheme Sitting service Personal Budgets for Carers Carers Breaks Information and Support Service Provides a single point of contact for Social Services, information, advice and access to a simple self assessment process What services are available? Lifestyle Benefits Carers’ Discount Scheme Free trial of telecare Personal budgets for carers Stress buster sessions Making a plan for emergencies Carers’ assessment and carers’ allowance Help from a Carers’ Support Worker Help with accessing other service providers like Derbyshire Carers’ Association Information and support to take a break Carers Breaks Information and Support Service • • • • • First step in the carers assessment process An initial screening tool for use by the Carers Breaks Information and Support Service Aims to help carers access appropriate services as quickly as possible Aims to significantly increase the number of carers in touch with Adult Social Care Can play a key role in helping to request a formal carers assessment “I fill in a self assessment form, what then? Forms to be screened upon receipt to check whether the carer lives in Derby or whether the person being looked after lives in Derby Carer contacted by the Carers Breaks Information and Support Service Where neither the carer nor the person looked after lives in Derby, contact to be made with the carer in accordance with ‘Practise Guidelines – Access to Carers Services – Cross Border Issues’ Screening process for further action: Prioritising: TOP PRIORITY: caring “has a substantial impact on my life and I am not able to continue” SECOND PRIORITY: carers who state that, over the last 12 months, their health has on the whole been poor and that caring has had a big impact on their life Eligibility to receive a personal budget Criteria: a) the carer is providing regular and substantial care for someone who lives in Derby and who has community care needs that would meet the FACS criteria for community care services if no carer was involved; and b) The carer is experiencing significant impact on their health and well being to the extent that the carer is at substantial or critical risk that they may not be able to sustain their caring role. £25 - £500 The Carers Break/Holiday Scheme Aims to provide a more flexible responsive service by providing a local holiday scheme Support is provided in a family environment so that carers can take a break. The support can be for a day, overnight or for a week Support is provided in the carers home so the carer or cared for can have some time for themselves Provides information to carers about accessible breaks for both the cared for and carer Offers an opportunity for ex carers to fill a gap in their life and continue using their skills ?? Anything changed?? 1st Oct 2009 – 31st March 2010 1st April 2010 – 31st August 2010 TARGET ACTUAL TARGET ACTUAL New Carers receiving services 114 117 229 655 Self assessment forms - - 172 554 Stressbuster sessions visited 100 72 134 Carers personal budget - - - 119 Lifestyle Benefits Booklets 500 12 834 1088 Emergency plan 33 60 167 192 Supporting carers in practice • To establish GP register for carers • Sharing the resulting information with Adult Social Services • To ensure that GP practices recognise, record, refer and support carers • The project is focusing work on all of the 32 practices Supporting carers in practice • Carers link in each practice • Baseline information • Resources – GP portal • Carer referral pathway/Practice Protocol • Communication & Engagement • Carer awareness training • Carer Support Network Resources Carer Identification Carer pathway Partnership Partnership Engagement Carers Engagement Strategy Engagement Planning Group: representatives from Derby City Council, NHS Derby City, local carers associations and carer representatives a number of improvements and actions have taken place over the last months that have resulted in a significant increase in the number of ways in which the Council is engaging with local carers and helping them to influence developments. Carers Information and Support Service – central point Information service: the Network of Carers Information and Advice Workers methods of communication e.g. email, paper copies, telephone and one-to-one meetings Identifying and engaging with carers Events, staff briefing sessions Benefits • Increase in the number of carers being recognised, recorded and referred by practices • Improved health & wellbeing of carers • Increase in the uptake of carers breaks and the NI135 • The health and well being of the ‘carer’ and the ‘cared for’ person are interlinked. By recognising and supporting carers practices will be able to anticipate and prevent crises for both the carer and the patient. Benefits • The work compliments carer focused work with Primary Care teams across the County. • Opportunity to capture evidence that will support continued investment in carers. • Increased engagement between GPs and primary care teams, social care and voluntary sector partners Outcome Measures CARERS WILL: Understand how to obtain health and social care support in the event of emergency affecting to cared for person or the carer’s ability to continue caring Exercise choice and control about obtaining a break from caring Have improved access to information and support Have improved health and emotional well being. The range, scope and volume of carers breaks services will change to better reflect the diverse needs and wishes of local carers. People in contact with local agencies, which provide health, housing, social care, training, leisure, sport, employment and emergency support services, will understand who to contact for information about carers issues. The general public will be better informed about carers issues and the services available to support carers. Challenges Partnership working Flexibility Sustainability Equality Next steps •Final evaluation • Personal budget – people want individuality and freedom of choice • Cross border issues • Capacity to meet the demand created by GP referral It’s brilliant, they can have that room all the time, the atmosphere hits you as you walk through the door I’ve used the money, it's been great, I’ve been on a holiday and also to London to see a show I am very pleased with everything, budget came just at the right time as I'd had to do a lot of running around for my Mum, so some of it has gone towards fuel costs. Just something as simple as thins makes you feel normal, its things you used to do. I had a fantastic holiday, I feel 20 years younger! I received my Personal Budget, it's absolutely marvellous, I’m actually managing to get out and go shopping and use a taxi which I wouldn't have been able to do. I have found the money very useful, I have had sessions of reflexology, I am also going to increase my gardening service.