Blunt Trauma

ALI.R.Ashtari MD
Isfahan University
of medical sciences
Take a careful history
Record the best acuity for each eye
Thoroughly evaluate the globe and
Obtain approtaiate radiologic studies
Have a detailed knowledge of eyelid
and orbital anatomy
Ensure the best primary repair
Ecchymosis and edeuma
A detailed knowledge of
eyelid anatomy Location and
depth of the injury
Partial-thickness and full-thickness
eyelid laceration, canthal avulsions, and
canalicular lacerations are common
initial trauma
Cicatricial changes
surgical repair
elliptical excislon
Free skin grafts
Tarsoconjunctival grafts
Buccal mucosa
Hard palate composite grafts
Traumatic ptosis
Priorities in eyelid reconstruction
• Development of a stalili eyelid margin
• Provision of adequate vertical eyelid height
• Adequate eyelid closure
• Smooth,epithelialized interal surface
• Maximum cosmesis and symmetry