Determine how certain fads affect health

Determine how certain fads
affect health
8th Grade
Objective 2.2
Objective 2.2
• Judge the effects of popular fads on health
(tattooing, piercing, artificial fingernails).
•Is a puncture wound made in the skin and filled with ink
usually creating some sort of design. In North Carolina there is
a law prohibiting people under the age of 18 from getting a
tattoo, even if parents give permission.
• Scarification— The process of creating scars and are
formed by cutting or branding the skin. Also known as
branding. Branding can also be done using a hot metal
plate to burn the skin.
Do I want a tattoo?
How do you know you want a tattoo? Answer these questions
below to see if you are prepared to have a tattoo.
1) Do you really want a tattoo?
A tattoo is a lifetime commitment, so you must be
absolutely 100% certain that you want one. You might think that
it's the greatest thing in the world today, but will you feel the
same about it in 10 years, 20 years or even 50 years?
Do I really want a tattoo?
• 2) Do you know the risks of getting a tattoo?
• Allergic reactions. Tattoo dyes — especially red, green,
yellow and blue dyes — can cause allergic skin reactions,
such as an itchy rash at the tattoo site.
• Skin infections. A skin infection — which might cause
redness, swelling, pain and a pus-like drainage.
• Blood borne diseases. If the equipment used to create your
tattoo is contaminated with infected blood, you can contract
various blood borne diseases — including tetanus, hepatitis
B and hepatitis C.
• MRI complications. Rarely, tattoos or permanent makeup
might cause swelling or burning in the affected areas during
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exams. In some cases,
tattoo pigments can interfere with the quality of the image —
such as when a person who has permanent eyeliner has an
MRI of the eye.
Do I really want a tattoo?
• 3) What if you want to get a tattoo removed?
– To remove a tattoo, it will cost around $3,000 for a
laser treatment. Other types of tattoo removal
• Dermabrasion, where skin is "sanded" to
remove the surface and middle layers
• Cryosurgery, where the area is frozen prior to
its removal
• Excision, where the dermatologic surgeon
removes the tattoo with a scalpel and closes
the wound with stitches
• Body Piercing is a to create a puncture or hole made in your body by a
– YOU do NOT have to pierce your body to "belong".
– YOU can ALWAYS change your mind or WAIT if you are not sure.
– If YOU do decide to have your body pierced, NEVER pierce your own body or
let a friend do it because you can run into very serious health problems.
– Always use stainless steel jewelry if YOU do decide to get a piercing.
What are the risks of body piercing?
• The most serious risks are infections, allergic reactions, bleeding, and
damage to nerves or teeth. Infections may be caused by hepatitis, HIV,
tetanus, bacteria, and yeast. If the piercer washes his/her hands and
uses gloves and sterile equipment and you take good care of your
piercing, the risk of infection is lowered (but still exists).
Know the risks before you have your body pierced:
Bacterial infection (where you had the piercing)
Excessive (a lot of) bleeding
Allergic reactions (to certain kinds of jewelry)
Damage to nerves (for example, you may lose feeling at the area that
gets pierced)
• Keloids (thick scarring at the piercing site)
• Dental damage (swelling and infection of the tongue, chipped/broken
teeth, choking on loose jewelry)
Artificial Nails
Generally safe, but can sometimes harm your natural
• Nail infections
– Gap develops between acrylic nail and natural nail.
Can get moist and infection can grow.
– Infection can also occur from salons if tools are
Edmodo Activity
• Open the Word Document
• Answer the following questions using the
websites provided.