Patient Safety at LLUMC Quality Review/RCA »16-20 per year »32 in 2012 »Variety of cases ~Medication events ~Retained foreign objects ~Sedation ~Procedure issues Quality Review/RCA »Process issues, not individual error or evaluation of professional practice »Become aware via ~Electronic Event Report ~Phone call ~Conversations ~Other Quality Review/RCA process »Details from source »Review records »Interview those involved »Timeline »Meet to discuss »Identify issues, determine actions Swiss Cheese model Case – Oxygen tank transport »The patient, a 26 week premature infant, was transported to the NICU on 4/23/05 in an open warmer by the nurse and RCP. The oxygen tank was secured to the open warmer with tape on both ends of the tank. The oxygen tank bumped into a bin located in the hallway knocking the tank off the open warmer, and inadvertently extubating the infant Case – Oxygen tank transport »Policy: The infant warmers should have brackets for attaching oxygen tanks during transport. If no bracket is available, the oxygen tank should be transported in a wheeled carrier. Case – Oxygen tank transport »The warmer used did not have the bracket for oxygen transport. New warmers were purchased after brackets had been installed on all existing warmers. Brackets were not installed on the new warmers. »Inspections of the warmers had not revealed the lack of brackets. Staff were aware of the problem, unknown whether it had been reported Case – Oxygen tank transport Actions: ~Survey all warmers, gurneys, beds, etc. for compliance with oxygen tank transport requirements. Order brackets and install on warmers ~Re-educate staff on correct procedure ~House-wide re-education on correct procedure ~Add Oxygen tank security to Environmental Rounds checklist Case – Wrong medication This 34 month old girl was in the OR for an outpatient procedure - laryngoscopy/bronchoscopy. The Anesthesia practitioner removed a vial from the Zofran bin in the Acudose for administration at the end of the case. The medication was administered prior to extubation, as usual, to prevent nausea and the child taken to the PACU(2800). The patient did not awaken as soon as expected. Another practitioner attempted to remove a dose of Zofran from the same bin, and found that there were four vials of Presodex in the Zofran bin. When this was communicated with other staff in the area, it was found that the med given to this pt was actually Presodex. Case – Wrong medication Actions ~Discuss event with the techs involved, emphasizing correct behavior ~Assess current use of Fill sheet for restocking Accudose cabinets ~Evaluate restocking protocol for needed changes, and implement as appropriate ~Staff reminded of the importance of checking medication labels, not just appearance Example… Cefotaxime Ceftriaxone Case – Feeding tube placement 1/ 3 0543 1504 Feeding tube replaced, x-ray taken to verify location 1/ 5 1/ 4 continuous feeding via flexiflo tube Pt kept touching NG tube. Mittens applied 2245 1915 NG tube found on bed RN attempting to insert NG, experiencing difficulty confirming placement after several attempts. Two other RNs called in to help. Unable to confirm location of tube. RNs reluctant to pull and try again because of number of attempts and nares becoming traumatized. 2325 2350 Night call Resident notified re: difficulty in confirming placement of tube. xray ordered KUB done 0025 Resident opened KUB film on IMPAX, reviewed it, and called unit with telephone order ok to use the tube. 0705 0030 tube feeding restarted (45 cc/ hr?) No changes observed in patient status during the rest of the shift RN checked tube placement, checked for residual and white fluid obtained. Crackles heard in lungs, RT notified for breathing tx see VS graphs. Temp 100.0 1019 VS returned, CPR stopped 1059 1100 CXR done Pt transferred to 9100 1157 1059 CXR read by Radiology as NG tube in right lung, worse aeration of right middle and lower lobes, suspect pulmonary edema 1230 Discussion with family - decision to withdraw treatment 1535 Pt expired Patient status appeared to be stable, no unusual cough or altered LOC, no apparent distress. 1003 1030 Pt unresponsive, O2 sat 70. Pt pulse felt to be thready. RRT called, then pulse lost and Code called. KUB from 2350 read by Radiology. Feeding tube seen in lung. Radiology called Dr. Case – Feeding tube placement Actions: ~Assessment of resident abilities to interpret basic studies ~Encourage use of Radiology resident consultation for interpretation ~Work on process for “2nd victim” support ~Work on process for modifying culture – team approach, encourage calls for assistance/backup Case – Wrong side procedure 2/21 0700 Dr R discussed possible benefit of postop block for pt with Ortho Surgeon. Dr. R. spoke with patient and obtained verbal consent for block. 0944 Dr. R. called Dr. B. and told him the pt would require postop fem block. Asked CRNA to call Dr. B when case done Pt had surgery, then to PACU for recovery 1145 Anesthesia attending Dr. C went into PACU and discussed block with patient. Patient reached for her right knee through the covers and said it was sore (had previous procedures on R knee). Dr. C. exposed and prepped right groin area. Did not expose or look at entire right or left extremity or observe surg site. Dr. C. asked resident Dr. B. to do the block after Dr. C. did the prep. Dr. B. did as instructed, placed block on R. Did not verify laterality. Ultrasound was used to place catheter, instead of nerve stimulator, so the leg was not fully exposed. (If nerve stimulator used, would have removed blanket to observe twitches and seen no surgery on that leg) Patient transferred from PACU to unit. Floor nurse noticed that pain pump had been placed on the right side. Paged Dr. C. 1430 Dr. C. returned to the bedside, evaluated pt, told pt he had made a mistake 1512 Block placed on L side and discontinued catheter on R. Case – Wrong side procedure Actions: ~Anesthesia personnel to obtain written procedural consent for all blocks, filled out by the person obtaining the consent ~Time-out process for blocks, to include the peri-anesthesia RN Communication A review of QR/RCA cases showed that about 80% of the cases involved teamwork and communication issues. Case – Perforated bowel Meds: N = Norco P = Percocet M = Motrin V = Valium D = Dilaudid 41 y.o. male admitted 1/6/09 d/t blunt chest and abd trauma. R. chest, RLQ abd pain, forehead laceration. Found to have R rib fractures, bone fragment C5 (unknown if acute or chronic), possible R renal laceration/contusion, possible hematoma R ureter/IVC, small amt mesenteric fluid. Bowel appeared unremarkable. Admitted to Trauma service, 8200 1/ 8 1/ 9 V5 0600 Prog note: Pain 8/10, abd >chest, on Norco q4hr ATC. Abd soft, +BS, tender RLQ/R flank D1 M D1 N N 0748 Nrsg assessment: HR 130, BP 100/68, O2 sat 95. Alert & oriented, skin warm, abd soft, reg diet. Urine clear yellow D1 V5 0955 1130 Pain med changed from Percocet to Norco Attending note: Now has gross hematuria, just now getting OOB to ambulate. Abd soft 0009 0020 0035 Dr. KO returned page, ordered 500cc NS bolus and stat CBC Dr. KO at bedside. Anesthesia, X-ray, Respiratory called. Senior resident Turay paged 0040 Code Blue called. HR 125, BP 58/ 35 O2 sat 85 D8 M P 1400 1450 T 99.3, HR 132, BP 109/65, Sat 92% 1540 New order for Tylenol prn fever/ pain 0047 HR 61, intubation underway and lines being placed. order to DC Norco, start Percocet po q4hr prn 1633 T 100.3 HR 132 BP 91/62, sat 94% D1 M 1940 Nrsg assessment: T 96.3, HR 127, BP 74/51, sat 97. Abd pain 10/ 10. Abd soft, distended. Urine pink. Skin cold, diaphoretic. Trauma paged re: BP 0050 0102 0105 Intubated, lines in, PEA, cardiac compressions started 4 units PRBCs Transf. HR 137160 Resident KO (PGY2) received page, asked resident SC (who had been on during day) to see pt/ fam. SC changed pain med to Dilaudid 4-8 mg po ATC and 1 mg IV for BTP V5 D1 D1 2049 2212 T 97.0, HR 128, BP 93/48, sat 92%. Pain 10/10 nurse paged resident KO re: pt pain 10/10, diaph. Resident "did not get page" 2300 nurse asisted pt to bathroom with walker 2345 0003 T 97.5 HR 131 BP 87/48 sat 91% Nurse paged resident KO Nurse new, just off orientation. unit busy, charge nurse occupied with other issues 0116 0120 to OR via bed with Code Team in OR, Anesth induction pt arrested again at time of incision. CPR initiated. 500mL blood in peritoneal cavity. Perforation of distal small bowel found. Some liver injury, no splenic injury. 30 min of CPR, no cardiac activity, pupils fixed and dilated. Resuscitation stopped. Case – Perforated bowel Actions: ~Continue to implement “TeamSTEPPS” ~Reinforce nursing report up chain of command ~Reinforce with residents – when called to talk with patient/family, re-assess patient to be able to speak to current situation Focus for Safety »Report safety issues »Be alert to “you see what you expect to see” situations »Clear communication – written and verbal »Teamwork – don’t be afraid to get backup, clarify, ask for help. Recognize limitations »Don’t skip safety processes