Neural Prolotherapy REGIONAL ANATOMY UPPER EXTREMITIES Lee Wolfer, MD, MS NEUROBIOLOGY AND NEUROKININS Monoaminergic System Serotonergic Noradrenergic Dopaminergic Cholinergic Glutamatergic System System controlling neural plasticity, synaptic sensitisation, and conscious nociceptive pain through mainly NMDA receptors “20th Century CNS sensitisation” Peptidergic System System controlling tissue homeostasis, neurogenic inflammation peripheral non-synaptic sensitisation and neuropathic pain Dermatomal versus Regional pain Nociceptive pain Non-peptidergic Neuropathic pain Peptidergic - Nervi Nervorum Lee, MK. An evidence based approach to human dermatomes. Clin Anat, 2008 The dermatome is a fundamental concept in human anatomy and of major importance in clinical practice. There are significant variations in current dermatome maps in standard anatomy texts. Our findings demonstrate that current dermatome maps are inaccurate and based on flawed studies. THE SENSORY INNERVATION OF THE SHOULDER • SUPRASCAPULAR NERVE • RADIAL NERVE • AXILLARY • SUBSCAPULAR NERVE • MUSCULOCUTANEOUS NERVE • INTERMEDIATE SUPRACLAVICULAR NERVE Encyclopedia Anatomica 1771 Sensocrine nerve anatomy BRACHIAL PLEXUS Key UE nerves Ax SLBrC n. Ax SLBrC n. Rad PBrC n Rad ILBrC n. Musc LAC n. ICBr & MBrC n MAC Ulnar palmar & DUC Median palmar & digital brs Rad ILBrC n. Rad PABC n. Musc LAC n. Rad Sup rad & digital brs SUPRACLAVICULAR FOSSA Key points: Locate posterior intermediate medial CCIs Proposed mechanism of ‘whiplash injury’ Neuropraxia/intussusception injury of the supraclavicular nerves L Supraclavicular Nerves CCI’s Posterior Medial Intermediate POSTERIOR SUPRACLAVICULAR NERVE INTERMEDIATE SUPRACLAVICULAR NERVE Encyclopedia Anatomica 1771 Sensocrine nerve anatomy MEDIAL SUPRACLAVICULAR NERVE “Tietze syndrome” and “Costo-chondritis” “FROZEN SHOULDER” Suprascapular Nerve Impingement The suprascapular nerve is derived from the upper trunk of the brachial plexus from the roots of C5 and C6 The nerve supplies the supraspinatus muscle and provides articular branches to the glenohumeral and acromioclavicular joints. It supplies sensory and sympathetic fibers to two-thirds of the shoulder capsule. Usually there are no sensory fibers to the skin. The nerve then travels thru spinoglenoid notch under ligament to supply the infraspinatus muscle. In about 50% of people there is another connective tissue band creating a second fibro-osseous opening for the nerve to traverse. INFRASCAPULAR NERVE: INJECTION POINTS UNDER SCAPULAR SPINE, DEPTH ½ INCH CROSSED BODY ADDUCTION TEST STRESSES NERVE IN AXIAL PLANE “FROZEN SHOULDER” Suprascapular Nerve Impingement The suprascapular nerve is derived from the upper trunk of the brachial plexus from the roots of C5 and C6 Right Supra-scapular Nerve Impingement (C5,6) This illustration features a posterior view of the deep muscles of the shoulder. The course of the supra scapular nerve is shown. A rotator cuff tendon and ‘paralabral spinoglenoid cyst’ has trapped the infrascapular nerve Netter: Posterior shoulder Quadrangular space, triangular space & interval AXILLARY NERVE Quadrangular space Teres minor Teres major Long head, triceps Humerus Superior lateral brachial cut n. Axillary nerve (C5, C6) Inflammation of the Axillary nerve trunk can be elicited in abduction and ER causing a catching pain over the anterior Deltoid ‘Tight’ bands can be palpated in the Deltoid and Teres minor where the Axillary nerve branches penetrate the muscle. Lower Subscapular nerve CCI to subscapularis muscle Triangular interval Radial nerve “tennis elbow” Radial nerve LIMS CCIs: triangular interval @ entrance to LIMS Nerve test: “chicken wings” CORABRACHIALIS BICEPS BRACHIALIS ARTICULAR BR LAC Musculocutaneous nerve CCIs GREASE: WHY WE THINK DANNY ZUKO HAS GREAT HAIR OR: HOW TO TEST YOUR MUSCULOSKELETAL NERVE Posterior shoulder superior lateral brachial nerve Intercostalis nerves Nerves of the arm Medial brachial and antebrachial nerves “Golfers elbow” or “Throwers elbow” Medial elbow with Bicipital Aponeurosis with risk of CECS LEFT MEDIAL BRACHIAL AND ANTEBRACHIAL NERVES AND CCIs MAC ns Intercostobrachial n Medial brachial cutaneous MAC ME Left Lateral elbow (tennis elbow) Anconeus and posterior antebrachial nerves arise from the Radial nerve and the lateral antebrachial nerve arises from the Musculocutaneous nerve LAC LE PABCN O ANCONEUS Radial, Median and Ulnar palmar nerves of the left wrist “Carpal tunnel syndrome”, “OA base thumb” U M R R “De Quervain syndrome” POST Br LAC Musculocutaneous and Radial cutaneous branches R