Theme 4


Earth in Motion Summary- Jim Mori, Laura Wallace

Proposals in the System:

Hikurangi slow slip- 781-MDP & 781A-Full, Riserless drilling and Observatory


Proposals in the process of being developed:

Hikurangi deep riser drilling phase

Ideas for New Proposals:

Brothers Volcano (Cornel de Ronde)

Tuaheni Slides (Ingo Pecher)

Porangahau Fluid Flow & Slow Slip (Ingo Pecher)

Near Trench Axis drilling-comparative study of Japan, Hikurangi, Costa Rica,

Sumatra (Shuichi Kodaira)

Proposals in Progress

Hikurangi Slow Slip

• Understand the causes of slow slip events

• Drilling target is an interface dominated by aseismic creep (in distinct contrast to Nankai)

• Coring and logging will provide information about physical conditions in region within and above slow slip events. Incoming plate section will reveal protolith of rocks in the SSE source further down.

• Monitoring changes in strain, tilt, seismicity, and fluid pressure, flow rates, and geochemistry during slow slip events

Comparison between Japan trench and Hikurangi—this could make Hikurangi a compelling riser target to help undertand Japan’s subduction zones

Yoshihiro Ito

Japan Trench Hikurangi

Fault depth 10 – 15 km 5 – 15 km


Mw 6.8

– 7.0 6.5–6.8

Duration 20 – 40 days 14 – 35 days

Main discussion points for further developing

Hikurangi slow slip project

Riser proposal to reach source of slow slip events ( ~ 5.5 km )

• Identify fault(s) of large earthquakes and slow slip events

• Great interest in physical mechanisms, friction characteristics, fluid conditions, comparisons to other regions (Tohoku)

• Important to obtain sample of fault zone (difficult coring)

• Fluid and Pressure monitoring in deep borehole

• Need some casing deformation measurement

Plan to submit riser proposal in April 2013

Need to coordinate funding for observatory (riserless and riser),

3-D site survey, 3D VSP, OBS+pressure gauge deployment

New Ideas for proposals

Brothers Volcano- Cornel de Ronde

Volatiles coming to seafloor, end members of flow rates and fluid composition at one volcano

• Caldera formation

• Exsolved gas from magma

• Formation of hydrothermal minerals

• Biological communities

Workshop in Europe in November

Proposal submission in April 2013?

New Ideas for proposals

Tuaheni Slides- Ingo Pecher

Possible slow moving landslides in region of proposed781-A drilling transect

Over pressured fluids and gas from hydrates may cause hydrofractures, producing landslide planes in regions of hydrates

(Usually BSR are thought to be slide plane)

• Mechanisms of slides

• Role of overpressurization from hydrates

MeBo, R/V Sonne 70? m cores scheduled in 2015?

APL Proposal for 150-200 m boreholes, LWD and pressure cores

New Ideas for proposals

Porangahau Ridge Fluids (central Hikurangi margin)

Large scale gas volumes outside of GHSZ (Gas Hydrate Stability


South of Hikurangi proposal area, slow slip interval different more fluids

Episodic slow slip events may cause fluid flow.

Transient fluid flow suspected from heat flow anomaly, resistivity, seismic velocities.

• Constrain fluid flow budgets, fluid sources during slow-slip

• Test model

Propose boreholes with LWD (temperature), pore water chemistry, pressure cores, observatory (too much for APL?). Could this be a

MeBo (+MeBo observatory), or potentially a future (well down the track) JR proposal? Probably needs more surface investigations.

Seafloor thermal gradient

Massive discrepancy to BSR thermal gradient

May point towards transient anomaly (i.e., advective heatflow pulse


(but may be caused by bottom-water temp. fluctuations)

(Plaza Faverola et al., in prep.)

Slow-slip Possible fluid migration paths

Transient fluid-flow anomaly,

Fluids probably from depth of subduction interface

New Ideas for proposals

Comparisons of near trench axis drilling – Shuichi Kodaira

(Hikurangi, Tohoku, Nankai, Costa Rica, Sumatra)

Drilling of sediments at toe of thrust preserves history of previous earthquakes

Shallow holes (~100-200 meters) and piston coring

Understand the near trench earthquake rupture history

• Slip behavior of splay faults (vitrinite reflectance, turbidite paleoseismology, others?)

• Need to modify current conceptual model for subduction interface behavior and shallow seismic faulting on megathrust

• Slip in this region controls tsunami size

• Importance for hazards

Alternate site HSM10-A in 781-A near toe, could drill ~200 m during drilling for 781-A. Submit MSP proposal to use MeBo to do along strike transect of ~200 m cores through Hikurangi toe

Along trench axis drilling transect to spatial and temporal record of slip-to-the –toe earthquake


Trench-filled sediment preserve a long term record of slipto-the-toe earthquake

Slip at a toe in the Nankai Trough

Sakaguchi et al., 2011

High vitrinite reflectance; evidence of frictional heating at the frontal thrust

• Is there evidence for slip to the toe at Hikurangi?

• Would also provide a nice compare/contrast to Nankai (south

Hikurangi) and Tohoku

(north Hikurangi)

• Potential for tying this into a global study of near-trench seismic behavior (Sumatra,

Costa Rica, others?)

• Hikurangi cores could be done with MeBo as a

MSP proposal+during

781-A leg for N.


Proposals in progress/new ideas What to do?

Hikurangi Riser proposal

Brothers Volcano

Develop and submit riser proposal in

April 2013

Workshop in Europe, November 2012.

Possible JR pre-proposal (or full proposal if mature enough??) for April 2013.

Tuaheni Slides (Hikurangi margin)

Porangahau Fluids

Comparative trench axis study: alongstrike transect of Hikurangi thrust front

Submit APL for 781-A drilling. MeBo coring will happen in the area in 2015

Possible MeBo proposal? Ideas around this still need some development. May require some form of observatory.

Submit MSP proposal (to use MeBo)+we will try to do shallow drilling (~200 m) at north Hikurangi toe during the 781-A riserless drilling
