CV Alessio Rovere

Curriculum Vitae - Alessio Rovere
PERSONAL DETAILS First name / Family name Alessio Rovere Email (personal): alessio.rovere@zmt-­‐ Skype alessio.rovere Nationality Italian Date of birth 07/04/1981 !
PRESENT EMPLOYMENT March 2014 -­ present Junior Research Group Leader, research Group ‘Sea Level and Coastal Changes’. MARUM & ZMT, University of Bremen, Germany April 2014 -­ present Adjunct Associate Research Scientist, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University !
PAST EMPLOYMENT February 2012 -­ March 2014 Postdoctoral research scientist PLIOMAX project -­‐ Pliocene sea level maximum P.I.: Maureen Raymo. Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, New York, USA. P.O. Box 1000, 61 Route 9W, Palisades, NY 10964 !
EDUCATION AND TRAINING Jan 2008 -­ Dec 2010 University of Genoa -­‐ Italy -­‐ Department for the Study of Territory and its resources. European PhD in Marine Sciences. Feb 2004 -­ Jul 2006 University of Genoa -­‐ Italy -­‐ Department for the Study of the territory and its resources. MSC “Scienze Ambientali Marine” (Marine Environmental Sciences). Sept 2000 -­ Feb 2004 University of Genoa -­‐ Italy -­‐ Department for the Study of the territory and its resources. BSC “Scienze Ambientali di base” (Environmental sciences). Sept 1995 -­ Jul 2000 Scientieic and Informatics High School “G.Bruno” – Albenga (Sv). !
VISITING POSITIONS Nov-­Dec 2010 University of Western Australia, Perth, Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems (in collaboration with Shell Australia). Visiting scholar. Apr -­ Jul 2010 Brunel University, West London-­‐UK, Institute for the Environment. Visiting scholar. Sept -­ Oct 2010 / Sept 2009 -­ Oct 2009 University of the Aegean & Natural History Museum of the Petrieied Forest, Lesvos (Greece). Visiting scholar. Mar -­ Jun 2004 Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria – España. ERASMUS student exchange Project. !
CV Alessio Rovere
MASTERS, STAGES AND COURSES Sept 2011 Summer-­‐School “Morphology, Geodynamics and risk in coastal areas”. AIQUA, Associazione Italiana per lo studio del Quaternario, Roma, IT. Apr 2011 Project management. Organized by BIC Liguria, Genova, IT. Nov 2010 Short course “Geologic cartography of marine areas”. ISPRA, Servizio Educazione e Formazione Ambientale. Roma, IT. Oct 2008 Summer-­‐School “Neotectonics, morphology and risks in coastal areas”, AIQUA, Associazione Italiana per lo studio del Quaternario, Catania, IT. June 2007 Short course “Statistical methods for space-­‐time surveillance”. CNR, Italian Research Council, Pisa, IT. May 2007 Short course “Paleostatistics and ecological analysis. International school of statistics applied to Environmental and Geological sciences”. Università degli Studi di Urbino, IT. May 2007 Short course “Geostatistics. International school of statistics applied to Environmental and Geological sciences”. Università degli Studi di Urbino, IT. Oct 2004 -­ Mar 2005 Stage “Underwater samplings and GIS cartography in the Punta Manara area (Genoa-­‐Italy)” Regione Liguria, Italy. Supervisors: Dr. G. Diviacco and Dr. S. Coppo Jan 2003 Short course “GIS Systems” Università degli Studi di Genova-­‐ICRAM, Genoa, IT. Sept 2002 Scientieic Diver. Professional course. International School for Scientieic Diving-­‐CMAS. Isola d’Elba, IT. !
FOREIGN LANGUAGES Mother tongue: Italian; First foreign language: English (TOEFL 95/100); Second foreign language: French; Third foreign language: Spanish !
PUBLICATIONS SEE ANNEX I for complete list. Google scholar citation statistics hereafter. STUDENTS Mar 2010 Supervisor of the master einal work: “Maldivian reefs: geomorphological and environmental features”. Candidate: Giorgia Russo. Feb 2006 Supervisor of the master einal work: “Valutazione degli effetti della pesca del dattero di mare (Lithophaga lithophaga) sulla tessitura dei clasti al piede della falesia”. Candidate: Stefano Bellati. !
CV Alessio Rovere
TEACHING EXPERIENCE Oct -­ Nov 2011 Scuola Edile, Imperia (IT). Lecturer at the master “Techniques in environmental monitoring” 22-­24 Nov 2011 Series of lectures: “Use of GIS in the assessment of coastal and marine landscapes”, with theory classes and practical exercises. Course of Ecology of seascapes, held by Prof. Carlo Nike Bianchi, University of Genoa, Italy Sept 2011 FOR-­‐Mare association and University of Pavia. Lecturer at the summer stage “Experimental ecology and geobotany” 2008 -­ 2010 DIPTERIS -­‐ University of Genoa. Teaching assistant for the course “Principles of geomorphology”, Prof. Marco Firpo, University of Genoa Jan -­ Apr 2008 University of Genoa, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences University tutor in Earth and Environmental sciences. 29 May 08; 19 Apr 07; 04 Nov 2005; 21 Apr 2005; 26 Apr 2005 Department for the Study of Territory and its resources, lectures for master students in Environmental Sciences, University of Genoa, IT !
SEMINARS AND INVITED TALKS 24 Jun 2013 Marum and ZMT, University of Bremen, DE; 15 Nov 2012 Rice University, Houston, TX, US; 6 Jul 2012 CIMA FOUNDATION, Savona, IT; 26 Mar 2012 and 19 February 2014 LDEO Columbia University, NY, US; 31 Mar 2011 PhD school, University of Genoa, IT; 06 Nov 2008 LSEET, University of Toulon, FR !
PUBLIC OUTREACH Jan 2013 Featured, with other components of the PLIOMAX team, in the NY times article ‘How high the tide could go?’ by J. Gillis. Mar 2013 Featured in an article on the Italian newspaper ‘Il Secolo’ as young researcher and part of the University spin-­‐off SEAMap srl by G. Mietta. Mar 2011 Interviewed by the magazine “SubAqua” as young italian marine geologist (Ref: M. Boyer, 2011. I protagonisti della ricerca scientieica in mare si raccontano. Alessio Rovere. SubAqua, 65) by M. Boyer. 1 Aug 2008 Invited speech at the dissemination event “Bergeggi mare pulito 2008” organized by the Marine Protected Area Isola di Bergeggi, IT 22 Feb 2008 Invited speech at the dissemination event “Il parco presenta i parchi” rganized by the Marine Protected Area di Portoeino, IT 3 Jun 2006 Invited speech at the dissemination event “Bergeggi Sotto Sopra” rganized by the Marine Protected Area Isola di Bergeggi, IT Mar 2005-­Jun 2007 Guide of the Genoa Aquarium, Cooperativa DAFNE, Genova, IT Oct 2007-­Nov 2007 Dissemination of scientieic subjects, Associazione Festival della Scienza, Genova, IT. !
CV Alessio Rovere
PROPOSAL WRITING and PRIZES 2012 -­ 2013 -­ 2014 Proposal to INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Sciences) -­‐ Project Medelood (CO-­‐PI) “MEDiterranean sea-­‐level change and projection for future FLOODing”. Awarded 5,000 euros per year, renewable until 2015. Mar 2013 Proposal to Regione Liguria to appoint a 2-­‐year post-­‐doc position in collaboration between SEAMap srl (Dr. A Rovere), University of Genoa (Prof. M Firpo) and DHI Italia (Dr. A Pedroncini). Awarded 51,634 euros by Regione Liguria, IT. Sept 2010 Proposal to UNITI (University-­‐Technological transfer-­‐Enterprises) and University of Genoa. Business plan for SEAMap srl start-­‐up in the framework of UNITI project. Awarded 32,000 euros to start up the spinoff company. Jun 2011 SIBM -­‐ Società Italiana Biologia Marina. Congress travel funds (500 euros prize) May 2010 “Premio parchi cum laude”, best master einal work, 2nd prize. Awarded by Regione Liguria, IT (500 euros prize). Nov 2003 “Prix Alain Vatricain 2003” best master einal work, 1st prize. Awarded by RAMOGE association, Monaco. (4500 euros prize). !
OTHER ACTIVITES Associate Editor Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Journal of the Italian Association for Quaternary Studies. Quaternary Perspectives, INQUA, Internationa Union for Quaternary Sciences. Reviewer Nature Scientieic Reports, Earth and Surface Processes and Landforms, Geo-­‐marine letters, Marine Ecology, Geoarchaeology, Global and Planetary Change, Geological Society of London, Journal of Coastal Research, Quaternary International, International Journal of GeoInformation, Biologia Marina Mediterranea, Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences. Organizer of the weekly seminar at Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Biology and Paleo Environment Division (srping-­‐fall 2013) Organizer of the 2012 MEDFLOOD Workshop, Rome, IT ( !
TECHNICAL SKILLS Windows OS; LINUX OS; MAC OS; ArcGis Suite; Quantum GIS; Grass GIS; SAGA GIS; GVSig; MapInfo; AutoCad; Microsoft Ofeice and OpenOfeice suites; HTML and HTML5; Use of main GPS hardware (TRIMBLE, TOPCON) and postprocessing software; Experience of geophysical data analysis (side scan sonar and multibeam); Geological and geomorphological coastal and marine eield mapping, also with scientieic SCUBA diving techniques; Diver certieicates: PADI Rescue Diver and AOW deep diver, ISSD-­‐CMAS Scientieic Diver; Lifeguard Italian Swimming Federation; Driver license; Training in eire prevention and emergency eire management; Training in eirst aid !
CV Alessio Rovere
MEMBERSHIPS AGU -­‐ American Geophysical Union EGU -­‐ European Geophysical Union AIQUA – Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Quaternario (Italian Association for the study of the Quaternary) AISA – Associazione Italiana Scienze Ambientali (Italian Association for Environmental Sciences) AIOSS – Associazione Italiana Operatori Scientieici Subacquei (Italian Association for Scienti;ic divers) SIBM – Società italiana di Biologia Marina (Italian Society for Marine Biology !
Certi`icates and publications mentioned in this CV, as well as reference letters can be provided upon request.
CV Alessio Rovere
Curriculum Vitae - Alessio Rovere
LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 2014 1. ROVERE, A., Antonioli, F., Bianchi, C.N., (in press) Fixed sea level biological indicators. In: Shennan, I and Horton, B, the new handbook of sea level research, Wiley and Sons, 2014. 2. ROVERE, A., E, Raymo M.E., Mitrovica, J. X., Hearty, P. J., OʼLeary, M. J., & Inglis, J. D. (2014). The Mid-­Pliocene sea-­level conundrum: Glacial isostasy, eustasy and dynamic topography. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 387, 27–33. doi:10.1016/
j.epsl.2013.10.030 !
2013 1. Vacchi, M., ROVERE, A., Chatzipetros, A., & Zouros, N. (2013). An updated database of Holocene relative sea level changes in NE Aegean Sea. Quaternary International doi:
10.1016/j.quaint.2013.08.036 2. Vacchi, M., Montefalcone, M., Parravicini, V., ROVERE, A., Vassallo, P., Ferrari, M., et al. (2013). Spatial models to support the management of coastal marine ecosystems: a short review of best practices in Liguria, Italy. Mediterranean Marine Science, 15(1), 172–180. doi:10.12681/mms.535 3. ROVERE, A., Ferraris, F., Parravicini, V., Navone, A., Morri, C., & Bianchi, C. N. (2013). Characterization and evaluation of a marine protected area: “Tavolara – Punta Coda Cavallo” (S ardinia, NW Mediterranean). Journal of Maps, 1–10. doi:
10.1080/17445647.2013.778081 4. Losi, V., Ferrero, T.J., Moreno, M., Gaozza, L., ROVERE, A., Firpo, M., Marques, J.C., Albertelli, G., 2013. The use of nematodes in assessing ecological conditions in shallow waters surrounding a Mediterranean harbour facility. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 1–13. 5. ROVERE, A., Ferraris, F., Parravicini, V., Navone, A., Morri, C., Bianchi, C.N. (2013). Characterization and evaluation of a marine protected area: “Tavolara – Punta Coda Cavallo” (Sardinia, NW Mediterranean). Journal of Maps. 6. Vassallo, P., Paoli, C., Rovere, A., & Montefalcone, M. (2013). The value of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica: A natural capital assessment. Marine pollution bullettin doi:
10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.07.044 !
2012 1. ROVERE, A., Raymo, M.E., O'Leary, M.J., Hearty, P.J. (2012). Crowdsourcing in the Quaternary sea level community: insights from the Pliocene. Quaternary Science Reviews 56, 164-­166. 2. ROVERE, A., Furlani, S., Benjamin, J., Fontana, A., Antonioli, F. (2012). MEDFLOOD project: MEDiterranean sea-­‐level change and projection for future FLOODing. Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 25 (2), 2012, iii-­‐v. 3. Vacchi, M., ROVERE, A., Zouros, N., Firpo, M. (2012). Assessing enigmatic boulder deposits in NE Aegean Sea: importance of historical sources as tool to support hydrodynamic equations. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 1109–1118. 4. Vacchi, M., ROVERE, A., Zouros, N., Desrouelles, S., Caron, V., Firpo, M. (2012). Spatial distribution of sea-­level markers on Lesvos Island (NE Aegean Sea): Evidence of differential relative sea-­level changes and the neotectonic implications. Geomorphology 159-­160 (2012) 50–62 CV Alessio Rovere
5. Bianchi, C., Parravicini, V., Montefalcone, M., ROVERE, A., Morri, C., 2012. The Challenge of Managing Marine Biodiversity: A Practical Toolkit for a Cartographic, Territorial Approach. Diversity 4, 419–452. 6. Gatti, G., Montefalcone, M., ROVERE, A., Parravicini, V., Morri, C., Albertelli, G, Bianchi, C.N. (2012). Seaeloor integrity down the harbor waterfront: the coralligenous shoals off Vado Ligure (NW Mediterranean), Advances in Oceanography and Limnology, 3:1, 51-­‐67 7. Vacchi, M., ROVERE, A., Schiafeino, C., Ferrari, M. (2012). Monitoring the effectiveness of re-­‐
establishing beaches artieicially: methodological and practical insights into the use of video transects and SCUBA-­‐operated coring devices. International Journal of the Society for Underwater Technology 30(4):201–206 !
2011 1. ROVERE, A., Vacchi, M., Firpo, M., Carobene, L. (2011). Underwater geomorphology of the rocky coastal tracts between Finale Ligure and Vado Ligure (western Liguria, NW Mediterranean Sea). Quaternary International 232: 187-­200. 2. ROVERE, A., Antonioli, F., Enei, F., Giorgi, S. (2011). Relative sea level change at the archaeological site of Pyrgi (Santa Severa, Rome) during the last seven millennia. Quaternary International 232: 82-­91. 3. Vacchi, M., ROVERE, A., Firpo, M., Zouros, N. (2011). Bulder deposits in Southern Lesvos: an evidence of the 1949's Chios-­‐Karabourum tsunami? Proceedings of the 2nd INQUA-­‐
IGCP-­‐567 International Workshop on Active Tectonics, Earthquake Geology, Archaeology and Engineering, 251-­‐254. ISBN: 978-­‐960-­‐466-­‐093-­‐3. 4. Vacchi, M., ROVERE, A., Zouros, N., Firpo, M. (2011). Mapping shorelines in Lesvos Island: new contribution to the late Quaternary relative sea level changes and to the neotectonics of the area. Proceedings of the 2nd INQUA-­‐IGCP-­‐567 International Workshop on Active Tectonics, Earthquake Geology, Archaeology and Engineering, 247-­‐250. ISBN: 978-­‐960-­‐466-­‐093-­‐3. 5. Hengesh, J., Whitney, B.B., ROVERE, A. (2011). A Tectonic Ineluence on Seaeloor Stability along Australia’s North West Shelf. Proceedings of the Twenty-­‐eirst (2011) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Maui, Hawaii, USA, June 19-­‐24, 2011 ISBN 978-­‐1-­‐880653-­‐96-­‐8 (Set); ISSN 1098-­‐6189 (Set); 6. Parravicini, V., ROVERE, A., Vassallo, P., Micheli, F., Montefalcone, M., Morri, C., Paoli, C., Albertelli, G., Fabiano, M., Bianchi, C.N., (2011). Understanding relationships between human uses and coastal eco system status: a geospatial modelling approach. Ecological Indicators. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.07.027 7. Montefalcone, M., ROVERE, A., Parravicini, V., Albertelli, G., Morri, C., Bianchi, C.N. (2011) Evaluating change in seagrass meadows: A time-­framed comparison of Side ScanSonar maps. Aquatic Botany doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2011.05.009. 8. Bianchi, C.N., Morri, C., Chiantore, M., Montefalcone, M., Parravicini, V., ROVERE, A. (2011) Mediterranean Sea biodiversity between the legacy from the past and a future of change. In: Stambler, N. (Ed) Life in the Mediterranean Sea: A Look at Habitat Changes. Nova Publishers. 9. ROVERE, A., Parravicini, V., Firpo, M., Morri, C., Bianchi, C.N. (2011). Combining geomorphologic, biological and accessibility values for marine natural heritage evaluation and conservation. Aquatic Conservation: marine and freshwater ecosystems 21: 541-­552. !
CV Alessio Rovere
2010 1. ROVERE, A., Parravicini, V., Vacchi, M., Montefalcone, M., Morri, C., Bianchi, C.N., Firpo, M. (2010). Geo-­environmental cartography of the Marine Protected Area “Isola di Bergeggi” (Liguria, NW Mediterranean Sea). Journal of Maps DOI: v2010, 505-­519. doi:
10.4113/jom.2010.1137. 2. Roghi, F., Parravicini, V., Montefalcone, M., ROVERE, A., Morri, C., Peirano, A., Firpo, M., Bianchi, C.N. (2010). Decadal evolution of a coralligenous ecosystem under the ineluence of human impacts and climate change. Biologia Marina Mediterranea. 3. ROVERE, A., Montefalcone, M., Vassallo, P., Paoli, C., Vacchi, M., Morri, C., Bianchi, C.N., Firpo, M., Albertelli, G., Fabiano, M. (2010). Posidonia oceanica through time: modern and paleoecological perspectives from the Bergeggi -­‐ Vado Ligure area (Sv). Biologia Marina Mediterranea 17 (1), 157-­‐160. 4. ROVERE, A., Vacchi, M., Firpo, M. (2010). Submerged shorelines off the Gallinara Island (Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean). Rendiconti online della Società Geologica Italiana 11, 46-­‐47. 5. Vacchi, M., ROVERE, A., Zouros, N., Firpo, M. (2010) Spatial distribution of the paleo-­‐
shorelines in Lesvos Island. Evidence of differential coastal uplift in the area? Rendiconti online della Società Geologica Italiana 11, 53-­‐54. 6. Bianchi, C., Parravicini, V., Montefalcone, M., ROVERE, A., & Morri, C. (2012). The Challenge of Managing Marine Biodiversity: A Practical Toolkit for a Cartographic, Territorial Approach. Diversity, 4(4), 419–452. doi:10.3390/d4040419 7. Burlando, M., Firpo, M. Queirolo, C., ROVERE, A., Vacchi, M. (2010) From Geoheritage to Sustainable Development: Strategies and Perspectives in the Beigua Geopark (Italy), Geoheritage. DOI 10.1007/s12371-­‐010-­‐0019-­‐4. 8. ROVERE, A., Vacchi, M., Parravicini, V. , Bianchi, C.N., Zouros, N., Firpo, M. (2010). Bringing Geoheritage underwater: de`initions, methods and application in two Mediterranean marine areas. Environmental Earth Sciences 64(1): 133-­142 prior to 2010 1. ROVERE, A., Bellati, S., Parravicini, V., Firpo, M., Morri, C., Bianchi, C.N. (2009). Abiotic and biotic links work two ways: effects on the deposit at the cliff foot induced by mechanical action of date mussel harvesting (Lithophaga lithophaga). Estuaries And Coasts 32, 333-­339. DOI: 10.1007/s12237-­008-­ 9127-­7. 2. Carobene, L., Firpo, M., ROVERE A. (2008). Le variazioni ambientali nell’area di Vado Ligure dal neolitico ad oggi. Il Quaternario – Italian Journal Of Quaternary Sciences 21(2), 433-­‐456. 3. ROVERE A., Vacchi, M., Parravicini, V., Morri, C., Bianchi, C.N., Firpo, M. (2008). Bringing geoheritage underwater: methodological approaches to evaluation and mapping. In Regolini-­‐Bissig G., Reynard E. (Eds). Mapping Geoheritage, Lausanne, Institut de Géographie, Travaux et Recherches 35, 65-­‐80. 4. Parravicini, V., Donato, M., ROVERE, A., Montefalcone, M., Albertelli, G., Bianchi, C.N. (2007). Indagine preliminare sul coralligeno dell’area di Bergeggi (SV): tipologie ed ipotesi sul suo mantenimento. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 14(2), 162-­‐163. 5. ROVERE, A., Parravicini, V., Firpo, M., Morri, C., Albertelli, G., Bianchi, C.N. (2007). Emergenze naturalistiche dell’Area Marina Protetta di Bergeggi (Sv): Integrazione di aspetti biologici, ecologici e geomorfologici. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 14(2); p. 86-­‐87. CV Alessio Rovere
6. ROVERE, A., Parravicini, V., Donato, M., Riva, C., Diviacco, G., Coppo, S., Firpo, M., Bianchi, C.N. (2006). Indagini sulle secche di Punta Manara,: un approccio ecotipologico. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 13(2), 210-­‐211. 7. Parravicini, V., ROVERE, A., Donato, M., Morri, C., Bianchi, C.N. (2006). A method to measure three-­ dimensional substratum rugosity for ecological studies: an example from the date-­mussel `ishery deserti`ication in the north-­western Mediterranean. Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom 86, 689-­690. !
CONFERENCES 1. ROVERE, A., Raymo, M. E., Hearty, P. J., Austermann, J., Mitrovica, J. X., O'leary, M. J., et al. (2013). Mid Pliocene sea levels: a combined analysis of eield data, models of glacial isostasy, dynamic topography, and eustasy. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco, CA. 2. ROVERE, A., Casella, E., Vacchi, M., Mucerino, L., Pedroncini, A., Ferrari, M., & Firpo, M. (2013). First results of the research project MIRAMAR, Innovative Methodologies for Coastal Environmental Monitoring and Analysis. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco, CA. 3. Rowley, D. B., Forte, A. M., Moucha, R., MItrovica, J. X., Raymo, M. E., & ROVERE, A. (2013). Dynamic topography warping of the Pliocene and Pleistocene shorelines of the East Coast of the US: implications of etimates of pase sea level heights. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco, CA. 4. Vacchi, M., ROVERE, A., Morhange, C., & Marriner, N. (2013). An expanded relative sea level database along the Mediterranean coasts. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco, CA. 5. Raymo, M. E., ROVERE, A., MItrovica, J. X., O'Leary, M. J., Hearty, P. J., & Inglis, J. D. (2013). Field Evidence, Modeling Results, and New Investigative Strategies Shed Light on the Timing and Amplitude of Sea Level Change during Past Interglacials. Presented at the Goldshmidt 2013, Florence, IT. 6. Raymo, M.E., ROVERE, A., Mitrovica, J.X., O'Leary, M.J., Hearty, P.J., Inglis, J., 2013. New investigative strategies shed light on the timing and amplitude of sea level change during past warm periods. 11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PALEOCEANOGRAPHY. 7. Raymo, M.E., O'Leary, M.J., ROVERE, A., Mitrovica, J.X., Hearty, P.J., Deconto, R.M., 2013. Sea level during past warm periods -­‐ implications for the future. Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-­‐13, Davos -­‐ Switzerland. 8. Antonioli, F., Presti, Lo, V., Anzidei, M., Ferranti, L., Furlani, S., Mastronuzzi, G., Pagliarulo, R., ROVERE, A., Scicchitano, G., Sansò, P., Spampinato, C.R., Vacchi, M., 2013. Formazione di solchi di battente marini attuali sulle coste del Mediterraneo Centrale. MIscellanea INGV 19, 54. 9. ROVERE, A.,Raymo, M., Hearty, P., Mitrovica, J., Forte, A., O’Leary, M.J. (2013). Mid-­‐.-­‐Pliocene sea level: Unraveling the contribution of dynamic topography. 2nd AMTRAK meeting, Baltimore. 10. ROVERE, A., Hearty, P. J. & Raymo, M. (2013) Post-­‐depositional displacement of pliocene sea level imprints along the se coast of the USA. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 11. Hearty, P.J., O'Leary, M.J., Raymo, M.E., ROVERE, A., Inglis, J., Roberts, D., Bergh, E., (2012). New geological estimates of Pliocene sea levels from the Western and Northern Cape CV Alessio Rovere
Provinces, Republic of South Africa. In:. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2012, San Francisco. 12. ROVERE, A., Hearty, P. J., Raymo, M. E., Mitrovica, J. X. & Inglis, J. (2012) Mid Pliocene sea levels along the southeast US coastal plain. in AGU Fall Meeting 2012. 13. Vacchi, M; ROVERE, A; Furlani, F; Benjamin, J; Fontana, A; Antonioli, F. 2012. MEDFLOOD project: MEDiterranean sea-­‐level change and projection for future FLOODing. The third joint IGCP 588/INQUA 1001 meeting in Kiel, Germany. 14. Vacchi, M; ROVERE, A; Zouros, N; Firpo, M. 2012. Late Quaternary evolution ans paleosismicity in the NE Aegean Sea: new insights from the coastal area of Lesvos Island. INQUA SEQS 2012 meeting, AT THE EDGE OF THE SEA: SEDIMENTS, GEOMORPHOLOGY, TECTONICS, AND STRATIGRAPHY IN QUATERNARY STUDIES. 26-­‐30th, September 2012 Sassari, Sardinia, (Italy) 15. ROVERE, A., Raymo, M., Housley, R. (2012). Crowdsourcing tools from the PLIOMAX project: PlioWiki, RSLmap and RSLcalc. PALSEA congress 2012, Madison, Winsconsin. 16. Vacchi, M., ROVERE, A., Schiafeino, C.F., Ferrari, M. (2011). SCUBA scientieic diving and beach monitoring: examples from Liguria (NW Mediterranean Sea). 3rd International Symposium on Occupational Scientieic Diving, Porto Cesareo (LE). 17. Vacchi, M., ROVERE, A., Zouros, N., Firpo, M. (2011). Tsunamis versus extreme wave events: a geomorphological approach for discriminating boulder deposition processes in two Mediterranean areas. 13th plinius conference on mediterranean storms, Savona. 18. Carobene, L., ROVERE, A., Vacchi, M., Firpo, M. (2011) Markers of MIS 5 sea level eluctuations in the Bergeggi Marine Cave (NW Mediterranean Sea). XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern. 19. Vacchi, M., ROVERE, A., Zouros, N., Desrouelles, S., Firpo, M. (2011) Morphological indicators of Late Quaternary co-­‐seismic vertical displacements and catastrophic wave impact in Lesvos Island (NE Aegean Sea). XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern. 20. Vacchi, M., ROVERE, A., Firpo, M., Desrouelles, S., Caron, V., Zouros, N. (2011) Assessing the late quaternary coastal uplift of Lesvos Island using beachrocks distribution and morphology. XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern. 21. Parravicini, V., Montefalcone, M., ROVERE, A., Paoli, C., Vassallo, P., Albertelli, G., Fabiano, M., Morri, C., Micheli, F., Bianchi, C.N. (2011). Understanding relationships between conelicting human uses and ecosystem status for management: a geospatial approach. 42° Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Marina Olbia, 23-­‐28 maggio 2011. 22. Parravicini, V., Montefalcone, M., ROVERE, A., Paoli, C., Vassallo, P., Albertelli, G., Fabiano, M., Morri, C., Micheli, F., Bianchi, C.N. (2010). Water quality does not correlate with habitat quality: habitat mapping and evaluation to assess management priorities of marine coastal ecosystems. 47 Symposium ECSA. 23. Roghi F., Parravicini V., Montefalcone M., Rovere A., Morri C., Peirano A., Salvati E., Firpo M., Bianchi C. N. (2010) Decadal evolution of a temperate reef ecosystem under the ineluence of climate change. Euro ISRS symposium 2010: Reefs in a changing environment. 24. Roghi, F., Parravicini, V., Montefalcone, M., ROVERE, A., Morri, C., Peirano, A., Firpo, M., Bianchi, C.N. (2010). Decadal evolution of a present-­‐day rocky reef ecosystem under the ineluence of climate change. All at sea Conference, Loughbourgh. 25. ROVERE, A., Montefalcone, M., Vassallo, P., Paoli, C., Vacchi, M., Morri, C. Bianchi, C.N., Firpo, M., Albertelli, G., & Fabiano, M. (2010) Posidonia oceanica trough time: evolution, management and eco-­‐services valuation. All at sea Conference, Loughbourgh. CV Alessio Rovere
26. Vacchi, M., ROVERE, A., Zouros, N. Firpo, M. (2010). Geomorphological evidences of catastrophic waves impact in southern Lesvos (NE Aegean Sea). Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 39, 2010, pag.75. 27. Montefalcone, M., ROVERE, A., Parravicini, V., Albertelli, G., Morri, C., Bianchi, C.N. (2009). Mapping seagrass with acoustic techniques: efeiciency in the diachronic cartography. In: Proceedings of the Mediterranean seagrass workshop 09, Hvar, Croatia. Eds G. Di Carlo, A. Calladine and A. Žuljevid. 28. Reynard, E., Erhartic, B., Kozina, K., Martin, S., Regolini, G., ROVERE, A., Theler, D., Vacchi, M. (2009). Mapping the geomorphological heritage for geotourist purposes: the case of Derborence lake area (switzerland). In: Geomorphosites 2009 Abstracts. Paris, 10-­‐11-­‐12 june 2009, p. 157-­‐158. 29. ROVERE, A., Antonioli, F., Arnoldi, R., Enei, F., Giorgi, S., Michetti, A.M, Baglione, M.P, Belelli Marchesini, B., Michetti, L.M. (2009). Relative sea level change at the archaeological site of pyrgi during the last 7 millennia. In: EPITOME. Rimini, 9-­‐11/09/2009, vol. 3, p. 151, ISBN/
ISSN: 1972-­‐1552 30. ROVERE, A., Firpo, M., Carobene, L., Bianchi, C.N (2009). Underwater geomorphology of the rocky coastal tracts between Albenga and Savona (western liguria): evidences of past sea levels. In: EPITOME. Rimini, 9-­‐11/09/2009, vol. 3, p. 149-­‐150, ISBN/ISSN: 1972-­‐1552 31. ROVERE, A., Parravicini, V., Morri, C., Bianchi, C.N,, Firpo, M. (2009). Geomorphology in the Marine Protected Area "Isola di Bergeggi": valorization, conservation and management issues. In: EPITOME. Rimini, 9 -­‐11/09/2009, vol. 3, p. 380, ISBN/ISSN: 1972-­‐1552 32. ROVERE, A., Parravicini, V., Vacchi, M., Montefalcone, M., Morri, C., Bianchi, C.N,, Firpo, M. (2009). Cartograeia geo-­‐ambientale all'interno delle Aree Marine Protette: l'esempio di Bergeggi (Mar Ligure). In: Atti 13 Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, p. 1691-­‐1696. ISBN: 978-­‐88-­‐903132-­‐2-­‐6 33. ROVERE, A., Vacchi, M., Parravicini, V., Bianchi, C.N,, Firpo, M. (2009). Mapping seascapes: an integrated approach in the Capo Noli area (NW Mediterranean). In: EPITOME. Rimini, 9-­‐11/09/2009, vol. 3, p. 380, ISBN/ISSN: 1972-­‐1552 34. Vacchi, M., ROVERE, A., Burlando, M., Firpo, M. (2009). Increasing the geotouristic potential. The coastal parts of the Beigua Geopark. In: Geomorphosites 2009 Abstracts. Paris, 10-­‐11-­‐12 june 2009, p. 179-­‐ 180. 35. Montefalcone, M., Albertelli, G., Bianchi, C.N,, Donato, M., Gattorna, I., Giovannetti, E., Grondona, M., Lasagna, R., Milani, A., Morri, C., Parravicini, V., ROVERE, A., Sandrini, M. (2008). Zonazione verticale nei reef delle maldive. In: III Workshop CEMT. Genova. 36. Parravicini, V., ROVERE, A., Vacchi, M., Morri, C., Firpo, M., Bianchi, C.N. (2008). Bringing geoheritage conservation underwater: an example of ecotypological approach from the Punta Manara coralligenous seascapes (Ligurian sea, NW Mediterranean). In: Workshop “Mapping Geoheritage”. Lausanne (Ch) 37. ROVERE, A., Firpo, M., Carobene, L. (2008). Geoheritage conservation in coastal and submerged landscapes: mapping methods, GIS approach and management perspectives from the Bergeggi area. In: 33rd International Geological Congress. Oslo 38. ROVERE, A., Vacchi, M., Parravicini, V., Morri, C., Bianchi, C.N., Firpo, M. (2008). Bringing geoheritage conservation underwater: mapping methods and geographical information systems. In: Workshop “Mapping Geoheritage”. Lausanne (Ch) 39. Vacchi, M., ROVERE, A., Parravicini, V., Firpo, M., Burlando, M., Zouros, N. (2008). Bringing geoheritage conservation underwater: mapping methods in the shallow water; the CV Alessio Rovere
experience in Sigri bay (Lesvos Island, Greece). In: Workshop “Mapping Geoheritage”. Lausanne (Ch) 40. Bianchi, C.N., Morri, C., Lasagna, R., Giovanetti, E., Gattorna, I., Cardini, U., Grondona, M., Milani, A., Montefalcone, M., Parravicini, V., Donato, M., ROVERE, A., Albertelli, G. (2007). Research on coral reefs of the Maldives (Indian Ocean). In: II Workshop CEMT. Urbino 41. ROVERE, A., Martin, J.A., Bianchi, C.N., Luque, A. (2005). Evaluaciòn ecologica del fondo marino de la zona de Arguineguin, (Mogàn, Gran Canaria) por medio de la caracterizaciòn bionòmica y geomorfologica. In: 13° Symposio Ibèrico de estudios del bentos marino. CV Alessio Rovere