Strada dei Boschi, 40 20852 Villasanta (MB) Italia tel. +39 039 302035 QND Decompression units FEATURES Decompression units employ R114 or R121 brass regulators as well the R3114 stainless steel regulator. Inlet pressure up to 50 bar (725psi). Outlet pressure gauge, accuracy class 1,6. Pressure regulator and gauge are assembled inside a stainless steel case. The unit is designed to be wall mounted. Thanks to their compact and polished design, decompression units are mostly used in laboratories, but they are suitable for all industrial applications. Available the ATEX version Brand II2GDcIICX. For use in potentially explosive atmospheres zones: 1, 21, 2, 22 (not for mines and zone 0). The product complies with the directive 97/23/CE (PED) SPECIFICATIONS Ball valve G 3/8 – F inlet connection. Outlet connections: ø8 hose barb for pressure up to 15 bar (217,5 psi) G 1/4 or G 1/2 threaded connections for pressure greater than 15 bar Decompression unit weight: R114: ~2,2 kg/ ~4,8 lb (for pressure up to 30 bar/ 435 psi) ~2,6 kg/ ~5,7 lb (for pressure up to 50 bar/ 725 psi) R121: ~5,3 kg/ ~11,7 lb R3114 AISI 316L: ~3 kg/ ~6,6 lb R114 with flowmeter: ~4,8 kg/ ~10,6 lb Working temperature: -20 °C ÷ +60 °C (-4 °F ÷ +140 °F) for standard version Main valve leakage classification: VI bubble tight Degree of protection: IP25 Flow coefficient: R114 Kv = 1,1 Nm3/h R121 Kv = 1,8 Nm3/h Cv= 1,24 US gal/min Cv= 2,04 US gal/min R114 AISI 316L Kv = 0,5 Nm3/h Cv= 0,56 US gal/min Outlet pressure up to 15 bar (218 psi) is controlled by a diaphragm. Stainless steel AISI 316L diaphragm for laboratory applications. Two diaphragms NBR + PTFE for industrial application (PTFE in contact with the fluid). Outlet pressure, for pressure greater than 15 bar (218 psi), is controlled by a piston. For more information see catalogues: R114 – R138 – R112 – R121 and R3114 – R3138 – R3121 for stainless steel version ACCESSORIES Type R114 with gauge flowmeter argon/CO2 for 35-30 l/min Type R114 with flowmeter SPARE PARTS Gauges Complete kit: main valve, diaphragm, net filter, gaskets Copyright © ID Insert Deal S.r.l. - All rights reserved 2 available model types Posti presa / Decompression units Punti di utilizzo di secondo stadio con R114 (PS 1,5/30/50 bar) 2nd stage decompression units with R114 (PS 1,5/30/50 bar) Posti presa in cassetta inox aisi 304, componenti in ottone attacco entrata G 3/8-F con valvola a sfera Decompression units in stainless steel 304, components made of brass, inlet connection G 3/8-F with ball-valve TYPE PS bar P.Out bar CONNECTION CONNECTION OUT IN CODE QND PUNTO PRESA / SERVICE UNIT 1,5 0,2-1,5 G 3/8-F 30 0,2-1,5 G 3/8-F 30 0,2-1,5 G 3/8-F R114 B1 30 0,3-3 G 3/8-F Portagomma ø 8 mm in ottone R114 C1 30 0,8-8 G 3/8-F Brass hose tail ø 8 mm R114 E1 30 1,5-15 G 3/8-F R114 F1 50 1,5-15 G 3/8-F R114 G1 50 3-30 G 3/8-F G 1/4-F R114 L1 50 5-50 G 3/8-F G 1/4-F R114 A1 QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND 30 0,2-1,5 G 3/8-F 30 0,2-1,5 G 3/8-F Portagomma ø 8 mm in ottone / Brass hose tail ø 8 mm C2H2 O2 H2 - CH4 - C3H8 * ** Per saldatura O2 H2 - CH4 - C3H8 * ** O2 H2 - CH4 - C3H8 * ** O2 H2 - CH4 - C3H8 * ** O2 H2 - CH4 * ** O2 H2 - CH4 * ** O2 H2 - CH4 * ** QND PUNTO PRESA CON MISURATORE DI FLUSSO / UNIT SERVICE WITH FLOW-METER R114 A1 Mano-flussimetro Mano-flowmeter R114 A1 Flussimetro Flowmeter MEDIUM QND Ar - CO2 QND Ar - CO2 Punti di utilizzo di secondo stadio con R121 (PS 30/50 bar) 2nd stage decompression units with R121 (PS 30/50 bar) Posti presa in cassetta inox aisi 304, componenti in ottone attacco entrata G 3/8-F con valvola a sfera Decompression units in stainless steel 304, components made of brass, inlet connection G 3/8-F with ball-valve Copyright © ID Insert Deal S.r.l. - All rights reserved 3 available model types TYPE PS bar P.Out bar CONNECTION CONNECTION IN OUT CODE MEDIUM QND PUNTO PRESA / UNIT SERVICE R121 A1 30 0,2-1,5 G 3/8-F PORTAGOMMA TUBO 8 mm R121 B1 30 0,3-3 G 3/8-F PORTAGOMMA TUBO 8 mm R121 C1 30 0,8-8 G 3/8-F PORTAGOMMA TUBO 8 mm R121 E1 30 1,5-15 G 3/8-F PORTAGOMMA TUBO 8 mm R121 F1 50 1,5-15 G 3/8-F PORTAGOMMA TUBO 8 mm R121 G1 50 3-30 G 3/8-F G 1/2-M G 1/2-SX M G 1/2-M R121 L1 50 5-50 G 3/8-F G 1/2-M G 1/2- SX M G 1/2-M QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND QND O2 H2 - CH4 - C3H8 * ** O2 H2 - CH4 - C3H8 * ** O2 H2 - CH4 - C3H8 * ** O2 H2 - CH4 - C3H8 * ** O2 H2 - CH4 * ** O2 H2 - CH4 * ** O2 H2 - CH4 * ** * Aria - N2 - He - Ar - N2O ** CO2 ESECUZIONI DIVERSE DA STANDARD / EXECUTIONS DIFFERENT FROM STANDARD Convogliamento su campana / Connection for bonnet piping Cromatura per R121 / Crome plating for R121 Stampigliatura su specifica del cliente / Not standard branding Sgrassato uso O2 / Degreased for O2 Versione in acciaio INOX 316L per R114 / Stainless steel version for R114 Copyright © ID Insert Deal S.r.l. - All rights reserved 4 generating the product code Posti presa media pressione A B CC DD EE F GG A Materiale / Material B Taglia / Size CC Pressione ingresso / Inlet pressure DD Intervallo uscita / Outlet range EE Tipologia di fluido / Fluid type F GG Marchiato / Marked Accessori / Accessories 1 3 1 2 3 4 D0 E0 Q0 A0 B0 D0 E0 F0 G0 15 19 26 97 98 99 I 00 Ottone AISI 316L R114 R121 R114 - manoflussimetro R114 - flussimetro PS 30 bar PS 50 bar PS 1,5 bar Pout 0,2 - 1,5 bar Pout 0,3 - 3 bar Pout 0,8 - 8 bar Pout 1,5 - 15 bar Pout 3 - 30 bar Pout 5 - 50 bar O2 C2H2 Ar/CO2 NBR EPDM FPM ID Nessun accessorio CODE COMPOSITION EXAMPE QND# 1 1 D0 A0 97 I 00 QND#: decompression unit 1: Brass 1: R114 D0: Maximum inlet pressure 30 bar (435 psi) A0: Outlet pressure range 0,2 - 1,5 bar (2,9-21,7 psi) 97: NBR gaskets I: Insert Deal 00: No accessories Copyright © ID Insert Deal S.r.l. - All rights reserved 5 technical drawings (all dimensions in [mm]) 80 36 G3/8-F 86 Ø6 Ø6 ~63 9 56 140 ~276 47 ~73 IN OUT Portagomma tubo Ø8 per pressioni di uscita fino a 15 bar 34 = = ~143 R114 - CONTROL UNIT Copyright © ID Insert Deal S.r.l. - All rights reserved 6 technical drawings (all dimensions in [mm]) 120 ~47 120 IN G 3/8 -F ~67 12,5 180 ~311 205 12,5 ~64 Ø7 9,5 OUT ~101 ~141 9,5 95 Portagomma tubo ø8 R114 - FLOW-METER CONTROL UNIT Copyright © ID Insert Deal S.r.l. - All rights reserved 7 ID Insert Deal Srl Strada dei Boschi, 40 20852 Villasanta (MB) Italia tel. +39 039 302035 ID Insert Deal si riserva il diritto di cambiare le specifiche del prodotto senza preavviso. ID Insert Deal reserves the right to change and/or modify product specifications without prior notice. Insert Deal non si assume alcuna responsabilità per la scelta, uso e manutenzione di qualsiasi prodotto. La responsabilità per l’idonea scelta, uso e manutenzione di qualsiasi prodotto ID rimane interamente a carico dell’acquirente. Insert Deal does not assume responsibility for selection, use and maintenance of any products. Responsibility for proper selection, use and maintenance of any ID products remains entirely to the purchaser. Riproduzione vietata. Tutti i diritti riservati; nessuna parte del presente documento può essere riprodotta senza autorizzazione di ID Insert Deal Srl. Reproduction forbidden. All rights reserved; the hereby document can’t be reproduced, also partially, without the authorization of ID Insert Deal Srl. (3^S-QND - QND_EN_00) Azienda con sistema di gestione qualità certificato. certificato N° 50 100 9191 Company with certificated quality management system. certificate N° 50 100 9191 Copyright © ID Insert Deal S.r.l. - All rights reserved 8