FOA 4 Rapport C 4491-A4 Maj 1972 FLANT UPTAKE OF 137 Cs FROM OIFFERENT DEPTHS IN A HOMOGENEOUS SUBSOIL LAYER nu u TU FÖHS7ARITS r FOBSKIIIOSAISTALT A U 1 L I I I 0 fitookhola k. V v FOA RAPPC i C KATEGORIER Rapporter avsedda för spridning >.t inför FOA utges i följande kategorier: FOA A-rapport. Innehåller huw sakligen för totalförsvaret avsedd och tillrättalaga redovisning av ett, om regel avslutat, arbete. Förekommer som öppen (A-) och hemlig AH-) rapport. FOA B-rapport. Innehåller för v i a r e spridning avsedd redovisning av öppet vetenskapligt eller teknisk.-vetenskapligt originalarbete av allmänt intresse. Utges i FOA skriftserie "FOA Reports" eller publiceras i FOA utomstående tidskrift, i vilket senare fall särtryck distribueras av FOA under beteckningen "FOA Reprints". FOA C-rapport. Innehåller för spridning mom och utom FOA (i vissa fall enbart inom FOA) avsedd redovisning av arbete, t ex i form av delrapport, preliminärrapport eller metodikrapport. Förekommer som öppen (C-) och hemlig (CH-) rapport. FOA-RAPPORTS STATUS FOA-rapports status är att författaren (författarna) svarar för rapportens innehåll, t ex för att angivna resultat är riktiga, för gjorda slutsatser och rekommendationer etc. FOA svarar - genom att rapporten godkänts för utgivning som FOArapport - för att det redovisade arbetet utförts i överensstämmelse med "vetenskap och praxis" på ifrågavarande område. I förekommande fall tar FOA ställning till i rapporten gjorda bedömningar etc - detta anges i så fall i särskild ordning, t ex i missiv. FOA-RAPPORTS REGISTRERING From den 1. 7.1966 registreras FOA-rapport enligt följande exempel: FOA 1 rapport A 1678-32(37) H ~ rapportkategori forskningsområde till vilket rapporten i första (andra) hand är hän förlig •löpnummer(inom gruppen A-rapporter utgivna av FOA 1) kod för utgivande avd (motsv) (FOA A, Moch Index - 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 P 8) FOA Rtpro Stockhol» 1971 We regret that some of the pages in the microfiche copy of this report may not be up to the proper legibility standards, even though the best possible copy was* used for preparing the master fiche. Försvarets forskningsanstalt FOA 4 rapport Avdelning 4 C 4491-A4 Stockholm 80 Maj 1972 PLANT UPTAKE OF 157f ^ Cs FROM DIFFERENT DEPTHS IN A HOMOGENEOUS SUBSOIL LAYER Ike Eriksson och Lars Fredriksson Antal blad 13 Summary Reclamation of heavily contaminated land used for cultivation is a serious problem. Part of this problem was attacked by a series of field experiments in 1961-65. They concerned the possibilities to reduce the root uptake of contaminants by different crops by placement of the contaminated surface soil at different depths in the soil profil». In the experiment the root uptake of 137 Cs from thin layers of contaminated soil en 7, 15f 35, 60, 85 and 110 cm depth was studied» Among the crops the root uptake from the 7 cm depth decreased in the following order: p c££ > white mustard » oats > rye- grass > barley. The relative uptake decreased strongly with the depth in the profile. For peas, white mustard and rye-grass the uptake from the 35-110 cm layer was £ 10 per cer.t of the total, Including ä 5 per cent from the 35-60 cm layer. For oats and barley the root uptake from the 35-110 cm layer was £ 30 per cent of the total, including 15-20 per cent from the 35-60 cm layer, 5-10 per cent from the 60-85 cm layer and 2-5 per cent from the 85-110 cm layer. Sammanfattning Sanering av odlad mark som drabbats av tungt radioaktivt nedfall är ett allvarligt problem. En del av detta problem bearbetades genom en serie fältförsök 1961-65* De berörde möjligheterna att minska rotupptagningen i olika grödor av kontaminerond* ämnen genom att placera den kontaminerade yt jorden på olika djup i markprofilen» 1a 1b I en markprofil studerades rotupptagningen av 137Cs från tunna kontaminerade markskikt på 7, 15» 35, 60, 85 och 110 cm djup. Upptagningen från det ytligaste skiktet avtog bland grödorna enligt: ärter > vitsenap » havre > rajgräs > korn. Den relativa upptagningen avtog starkt med djupet i profilen» För ärter, vitsenap och rajgräs var upptagningen från 35-110 cm skiktet s 10 % av den totala, inbegripet ^ 5 % från 35-60 cm skiktet* För havre och korn var rotupptagningen från 3!>-110 cm skiktet £ 30 % av den totala, inbegripet 15-20 % från 35-60 cm skiktet, 5-10 % från 60-85 cm skiktet och 2-5 % från 85-110 cm skiktet. Uppdragsnr; A4 35 Nyckelord; Cesium, växtupptag, djupplöjning Cesium, plant-uptake, deep plowing Rapporten utsänd till; ÖBF, AB Atomenergi (3 ex), Statens råd f atomforskning, Statens strål8kyddsinst (2 ex), Statens medicinska forskningsråd (försvarsmed sekt), Statens institut f folkhälsan, Inst f klinisk kemi Veterinärhögskolan (2 ex), Radiofysiska inst Lund, Gbg och Umeå, Inst f radiobiologi Ultuna (50 ex), Statens livsmedelsverk, FOA 1, FOA P FOA 4: 421, 480, 481, 482 (10 ex) Contents I. Introduction II. Materials and methods 1. Experimental site and period 2. Experimental technique 3. Soil quality h. Crops and crop management 5. Analyses III. Results TV, Discussion V. Conclusions VI. References VII. Tables 1-4 Page 2 3 3 3 3 3 h k 6 8 9 10 I. Introduction After heavy radioactive fallout on agricultural land and on living areas the land has to be reclaimed in some way or another to normalize the food production. Such reclamation measures may,beside changes in the liming and fertilization practice consist in the turning down of a contaminated soil surface layer by deep ploughing, or in collecting and taking away the soil material of the contaminated layer to dig it dovm in the subsoil layer. The feasibility of such enterprises depends on the resources available and on the expected reduction in the health hazard for the population by decreased external radiation and by decreased transfer of radioactive cesium and strontium from the soil through the food chain to man in the long term situation. However, to evaluate the possibilities in these respects data on the plant root activity in deeper soil layers are needed, The aim of this work has been to provide data on genetically determined plant root profiles of five crops with respect to their absorption of cations at different depths in the subsoil. With the aid of these data and others (Fredriksson et al., 1969) the measures for reclamation of contaminated land can be further discussed. The investigations were supported by grants from the National Council for Forestry and Agricultural Research. • Materials and methods 1. Experimental site and period The experiments were carried out at Uppsala-Näs field station (ef. Fredriksson, I963) during the years 1961-1965» 2. Exgerimental_technitjue By excavation an experimental bed, 1.2 m deep and 3x10 m in area, was prepared. Before refilling with the subsoil material used, a loamy sand, it was divided into 12 plots by plates of asbestos cement. Each plot was 0.75 x 2.25 n». During the construction in May 1961 the soil was moistened up to thelevel of field capacity. The tracer, 889 p.Ci carrier free 137Cs per m2 , was evenly distributed on packed smooth soil surfaces at different depth by spraying. Thereby only a thin layer of the soil was contaminated. The contaminated layers were situated on six different depths repeated twice. The distances from the upper surface to the contaminated layers were 7, 15 t 35» 60, 85 and 110 cm respectively. During the refilling operation all soil layers were duly packed. No shrinking of the experimental bedwas observed later on. Except for the plot size, the micro plot experimental technique used for crop cultivation was the same as that described by Fredriksson (1963) and Fredriksson et al. (1966). 3. Soil quality No special top soil layer was applied and so the soil profile was throughout homogeneous. For crop production the soil material, loamy sand, could be classified as very rich with respect to the content of extractable phosphorus and sufficient with respect to the content of exchangeable potassium. However, as it was a sandy soil the cation exchange capacity and the calcium content were low. The soil pH was 6,9» Five crops were cultivated: peas and barley in 1961, white mustard in 19^3» oats in 196** and perennial r/e-grass in 1965» The amount of seed sown per unit area was that recommended for field practice in the district (cf» also Fredriksson et al., 1969)* Fertilizers were applied as top dressings by spraying of water solutions. Peas obtained 30 kg N per hectare, barley and oats 60 kg N per hectare, white mustard by three applications in total 100 kg N per hectare. The perennial rye-grass obtained 50 kg nitrogen and in addition 20 leg phosphorus and 35 kg potassium per hectare at sowing. When the precipitation was low, as some years happened in June, the experimental area was irrigated to prevent otherwise unavoidable drought damage^. 5. Analyses After harvest the crops were dried and, except for ryegrass, threshed, and milled. The radioassay was carried out by gamma spectrometry. The activity data have been corrected for decay and refer to the start of the experiment in May 1961» III. Results The intention was to study the integrated root activity in a homogeneous soil profile and so the plough layer is missing. The characteristics of this layer vary widely between soil types. It is generally characterized by a higher humus content, a better soil structure and with respect to sandy soil also by a more favourable water holding capacity and soil aeration than the subsoil layer. The fact that the experimental top layer In some respects was less favourable for plant production than in general resulted in somewhat lower yields than the county means. However, it should not have influenced the genetically determined patterns of root development of the different crops. The specific root activity at different depths as shown by the 137'Cs-content in the crop products should then be independent of the size of the yield. m 7 The experimental yields and tht- "1-3' Cs-content in the crop products are given in Table 1. Country means for the crops in question during 1966-/0 are given in Table 2» 7 As shown by Table 1 the IT Cs-content in the crop products differed greatly between crops. Placement of the tracer at a depth of 7 cm gave the following order between them: peas 2> white mustard :*• oats >* rye-grass > barley. This difference between peas and white mustard on one side and cereals on the other has been found in earlier* investigations and depends on different affinity of the plant species for absorption of cations. When the potassium state of the soil is high the 137Cs-uptaJce is low and so is the difference also between the plant species (Fredriksson et al,, 1966). For the crops cultivated on the loamy sand used in the experiments the large differences in 137Cs-uptake can be explained by the low 137 ^ Cs-fixing capacity and by the limited potassium resources of the soil» t I I The root activity at different depths, integrated over the 137 whole season, is indicated for each crop by the Cscontent per kg dry matter and by the relative numbers in Table 1. From these numbers on the root distribution in the soil profile it can be concluded that peas and white mustard have shallower root systems than barley and oats* The roots of the former were concentrated to the upper soil layer. There was a rapid decrease in tho relative root activity of white mustard from 7 cni and v. »wnwards, in that of peas from 15 cm and downwards. The relative root activity of barley also decreased markedly frcm 7 to 15 cm depth but from there and downwards it was kept at comparatively even level down to a depth of 85 cm. The relative root i I I v I |. activity of oats showed a rather slow decrease from 7 to 35 cm depth and not until between 35 and 60 cm depth did a marked decrease take place. According to the Cs-content of the grain it was found that the relative root activity of oats was higher than that of barley at the 15 and 35 cm depth whereas the situation was reversed at 60 and 85 cm depth. For thv r y -;,Ta;::> i h o v.vor* ni.'iri.f ci a« i p ' a s c in the r« 3 a t i v c root activity took place betueon i'"> «.na 35 C M depth. Then a moderate decrease uown to 1.1 G Cii* cpth was observed. Related to a general decrease in Uie mineral content in grass from summer to autumn (ef. Olofsson, 196^) a similar decrease also took place in the crop of Cs taken from the upper soil layers. However, during the same time a chan i also took place in the root distribution pattern vitu depth in the profile. According to the Cs-content in the grass a relative decrease in the root activity at 15 cm depth '.<is followed hy its doubling on the 35» 60, 85 and 110 cm depths. Obviously, the root system continuid to grow downwards during the season from the time of et t No. 1 to that of No. 2. It was certainly not limited to tlic: 0-110 cm layer. s .ion Altho igh genetically determined the development and distribution of the plant root systems can be in/laenced by ecological factors such as the structure ai,.d the textural composition of the sui soil which largly governs the porosity, i.e. the water holding capacity, aeration etc. and the nutrient content. In addition, these factors may vary between different layers in natural subsoils which also might influence the result of the root penetration work carried out by genetically different plant species. The subsoil used in the experiment was homogeneous and a special ca'-e among the- combinations possible in nature. The question then i si in what respect was the root penetration work observed in the experimental subsoil representative for that in many others under different conditions? The answers shot Id be: 1, that relative indices were obtained for the different crops} 2. that the results may be fairly representative i or texturally coarse "light" subsoils; 3» that it may not be representative for texturally fine heavier subsoils which contain large portions of silt and clay. In these the root penetration downwards may be hampered by a higher ;;ioi-i rtisisianic, Inceptions are subsoil typos, where stable crack sys •cents a;r<* developed such as in the case of some occasionally drained layora of glacial clays and gyttja clays. .'In iheso t lie conditions fox" root penetration and root activity arc lavourabte down to the water table (cf. Viklert, I960), Observing these exceptions the experimental results obtained may be regarded as rather representative or as medians of what can be expected under field conditions, i 01 further analyses of the experimental results the (iata of Table» 3-5 were computed« Table 3 is based on the content of J"'"'Cs p*-r kg dry matter of the crop products (Table l) and on the moan yield level of the five crops during 1966-1J/7O (Table 2 ) . It intends to give the total amount of 1 °7Cs accumulate»' i.ix the crop products at mean yield levels.. Table H is derived by transformation of data in Table 3 on the uptake from thin layers to data on the ""Cs-uptake from the layers of a homogene- ously contaminated soil down to 110 em depth. Table 4 shows thai the total uptake of " ' C s by peas ia 4-12 times that of the other crops. About the same rela90 tionship between the crops exist with regard to the Sr uptake (Fredriksson et al., 1969)» Cultivation of peas or other legumes is thus not suitable on containino.ted lands or where fission products may be found on a depth less than ho cm. Ley (grass) and barley are the most suitable crops under such conditions. At depths of 60 cm and more there is no difference between the crops with regard to the amounts of 137Cs taken from the soil. Less than 10 ppm of the amount of 1T7 - 'Cs in the soil from below that level is found in the crops. On subsoils rich in clay and potassium less than 1 ppm should be the expected level for 90 accumulation in a crop. Corresponding values for Sr can be estimated to 100 ppm of that in the soil and half or a third of that from a subsoil rich in calcium. Intense use of potassium fertilizers and lime for crop cultivation may furthermore reduce the uptake from the subsoil and dilute 337 90 in the plants the amounts of Cs and Sr taken up. V, C onelus ions Krom the data obtained i i e,->u b*:- co;?c..i.udoii that 1. After a liäavy In.lioul h;u; boei; "i:i\ud :inio t lie top soil layer- crops like peas and oth^r .l.(>^imi«\s and white mustard should be avoided. Cereals and grasses contribute much less than these to the total transport of fission products along the food chain. 2» At reclamation of contaminated land by deep plowing, i.e. turning; down the surface layer, a placement depth of 3O~hO era considerably reduces the uptake of fission products by the crops. The absolute amounts taken up may still be high for peas and oats. Theusfi not feasible by ploughing a placement depth of 60 cm and more should give better results for these crops. 3, When contaminated land is reclaimed by taking away the contaminated surface layer the collected material can be placed with comparative safety in most subsoils at a depth of one metre or more. The ion uptake from these levels seems to be rather small. VI. Fredriksson, L . (1963) or? p i a i j t i:•; •••;:.,-• >••' :-r. ><•;,, ^ r fission products under Swedish co-u . • i v-is« Vi * A new experimental technique for stui;T- o? t>.l a i ab sorption of nutrients and fission pro-.v-xcx---. irnd'.:r i'ield conditions. FOA 4 rapport A h'j::"•• -'*i-?3 -• försvarets f orslaiingsans t n± t, };Xre(5riksson, L*f Kriksson, A. S & iö.ns jö, }i* "i 9o*> * bt utin ••• on plant accumulation of fission pr-oduf :,s un*Jer Swedish conditions, VIII. Uptake of ~~''Cs xv. agricultural crops as ini'l uenced by soil charuetevistie-. and rate of potassium ferti.1 i^ation ?.r* a throe ya-w micro plot experiment. !"0A ''i "rapport A hh^(>^h(>2'}. Försvars i:s f orslcnin^^an-vtai t, Stockholm Fredriksson, L. , iiaak, E . & Eriksson, .A • 1969» Stu-die.s oxi plant accuinulation of fission products under Swrdisb conditions. XI» Uptake of "' Sr by different crops as influenced by liming ;ux<\ soil tillage operations. FOA k rapport C '(395-28. Försvarets forsioiin^sanstal Stoclcholm Olofsson, S, I962. Tillväxt och kemisk sammansättning ho: några vallgräs under våren och försommaren t Staten:-:- Jordbruksförsöks Medde Nr 135» Wiklert, P. i960. Studior av rotutvecklingen hos några nyttoväxter med särskild hänsyn till markstrukttiren6 Grundförbättring, 13, 113-1^8. f T. O . Table 1. Yields, and the content of IT' "'Cs in the crop products, obtained in the experiments. (Contrcnin:«.tion 3.ovel: £80 ^Ci perrc*~ir. May 196l.) Crop, *" e a r „, . Barley (196D Placement Yield, f* dry Content of depth of natter per EI" dry natter 13T Seed Gtrav Seed 2^1 301; 2*>2 277 123 207 2P.5 286 333 ii;.:> e.5 C s 4 cm 7 15 35 60 85 110_ Mean Peas (1961) 7 15 35 60 3H3 279 __197__ ___262_ 232 268 370 137 139 170 85 255 lHl 110 206 Mean YJhite mustard (1963) Oats (196U) (1965) 303 631 38.9 20. 22.7 11. 8 1):.6 18.0 9. 8.0 l.U lU.2 7.It 1.7 0.9 ljL31_.l 720. B 100.0 2168,1 100. 0 HI*. 2 1281.2 16U.9 lfi.? 10.1 2U8.2 1.0 3'f.O U6. 3 9.,0 l.,2 1.5 1.0 0.02 8.1 0..3 0.1 0.002 3-2 0.,1 100.,0 5.0 7U7.O 181.5 U9.0 1.1 20.0 2,.7 0.6 lU.5 1,.9 o.i» 10.8 1,.U »4? 3 1?3J>..5 59 76 192 255 221.0 60 225 85 65 66 62.0 lU.O 110 81 233 275 7.1* H.5 Mean 68 230 7 363 273 318 320 2Ul klk 3U5 U27 377 *»95 100.0 17.8 100.0 163.0 120.5 2U.5 9.5 63.9 U7.2 9.6 3.7 0 0 »406 3U2 U06 310 (1st cut) (2nd cut) (1st cut) 295.0 100.0 83 179 65.8 19^.0 168 80 86 198 200 85 175 110 200 Mean 100. 0 23.0 200 7 15 35 60 Ctraw 192.8 61 15 35 60 C s , nCi per kg 100.0 7 15 35 05 110 Mean Ryeprass U7U U6H 636 10£.3, 13T 83 87 78 6.U H.8 fc.o 2U..3 6,.6 32LJ0 100 .0 21H.0 65 1U3.0 U3 .7 9 .9 32,5 H .7 15.5 5.8 1 .8 .u (2nd cut) 157.0 100 .0 66.0 h?..0 lU.O 8 .9 2.2 11.9 1.6 l.U 5.9 U.l 7 .6 3 .8 2 .6 11 Table 2. Mean yields in Gveden for the years 19&6-197O in g dry matter 2 per E 2 Yield, % dry matter per w Crop Seed Straw Hay Barley 2hO 300 - Peas 210 300 - White nustard 120 300 - Oats 2U0 300 - 1st cut - - 3^0 aftermath - - 170 Ley a) estimated value a/ J i;». T a b l e 3 . C a l c u l a t e d ? i e e u n a ! o . t . i o n r-r ' ' ( : - •?r>. t n - : * •; . '.' ''• f I.lit' I • > , mean yield data in Table 2. """Cs -con..or ppr; of ~ ''Cs placed on different Placement dejln- 1*S7 ~ C G accumulated ir the crop, depths in ppm of """' Cs in soil (nCi/n /•' Crop Peas cm Seed ntrav Seed 7 385. it 9U0.1* 1325. 8 15 170. 3 391.9 1)62.2 35 39. 0 63.8 122. 8 60 h.0 11.5 15. 85 0. 2.7 3.Q 0.02 1.1 1 110 White mustard Oats 7 167. 3 252.I i;l?. 15 29. 9 61.3 91. 35 3.h 16.5 ?u.9 60 1.9 6.8 8,7 fc.9 5..9 l 85 0 110 0.6 3.7 7 68. 0 110. h 15 hh.,0 f C . £- 35 6o 32,.5 6,,6 US. 3 11.0 05 2,,6 110 Barley 7 15 ^.3 3 79.,3 U6.,2 80.,8 17..6 7,.8 0 2.0 2,.0 28.. 7 6,. 6 65.I 93,.8 13.1 19..7 • 35 0..1 7-7 13 .0 60 k..2 6.1 10..3 85 2,.3 h.8 7.1 110 0,.»4 0.6 1 .0 Ley (rye -Krass) 1st cut aftermath 1 s t «:u 30.1 1^2 .9 15 11? . 8 Ik <-> 12.6 35 5 .6 2.7 Gd 2. 5 C . J 65 1.8 1.2 86.8 8.3 .8 3.0 110 1 .5 O.O 2 ^ -> 7 : . T ~>'";•"M.""f.G ir. Table k. C o n t r i b u t i o n from d i f f e r e n t of A Goi.l l a y r s U. t h e ;-.cnr'Vilati.or "'C3 in t h e cropi; a t ;i hoTrsoronooua e<:>r;t:t?-i n a t i o n of t h e 0-110 cm s o i l p r o f i l e with 1 raCi ~'~'lCs per r;'' , of d a t a in Table 3 . The uptake w i t h i n fe ("Jransformction l.-^yer 0 - 7 crn i c regarded a s c o n s t a n t and equal t o tue c o u t r i b u t i o u from t h e l a y e r a t 7 cm depth. Soil layer, ii ii nCi 137 Peo.s cm imite Oat G DarIcy (rye crass) iraistard 0- 15 153.0 15- 35 35- Co 62.3 15.7 60- 85 85-110 Total Cs in the cro£_ per n" 1.5.S 10.6 25?.? 10.1 17.9 3.0 P 3.B 11.? 2.1 1.5 ?..! 1.7 2.? ?.O 0.9 0.5 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.6 233.6 62.5 18.7 29.0 1T.I. ^