
Anthozoa - Corals
and Anemones
• Sea anemones and most corals
• Polyp is dominant and only life
– Presents evolutionary question:
• Were the original cnidarians all
medusae and pelagic, with the
medusa being lost in the
anthozoans and most hydrozoans?
• OR is the polyp and a benthic
existence the primitive state with
the pelagic medusa evolving later?
• Reproduction
– Asexual
• Longitudinal or transverse fission
• Pedal laceration
– Parts of pedal disk detach and differentiate
into new animal
– Sexual
• Gametes produced by polyp
• Planula larvae produce another polyp
• Defense and territoriality
– Acrorhagi: special stinging cells used to
defend territory against neighboring
– Also have capture tentacles
– Sweeper tentacles in corals and some
Sweeper Tentacles
Sweeper Tentacles
• Feeding
– Carnivorous
• Use nematocysts on tentacles
– Anatomy differs from hydrozoan polyps
• Food enters mouth and then goes through tubular
pharynx before entering the gastrovascular cavity
• Ciliated grooves called siphonoglyphs extend down
the pharynx from the mouth
• Gastrovascular cavity is partitioned by mesenteries
– Infoldings of gastrodermis
– Increases surface area for secreting digestive
enzymes and for nutrient absorption
• Muscles and movement
– Longitudinal and circular muscles
– Sea water in gastrovascular cavity acts as
hydrostatic skeleton
– Some anemones can “crawl” slowly
– Others are carried around by other
– A few can swim
– Most are sessile
Sea Anemones
• Symbioses
– Zooxanthellae
• “Anemone fish”
– Percula clown fish in aquarium
– These fish have substituted the mushroom
corals for sea anemones
• Anemones are too dangerous in a reef tank
• They will sting other corals and kill many of the
hard and soft corals and polyps
Corals and Coral Reefs
• Types of corals
– Subclass Hexacorallia
• Tentacles in multiples of 6 around mouth
• Solitary forms are the sea anemones
• No special protective covering
• Colonial species are the true or “stony” corals
• Found in warm, clear water
• Largest reefs are found in tropical areas of the
• One of the largest reefs is the Great Barrier Reef
off the northeast coast of Australia
– 2000 km long
– 145 km wide
Sublcass Hexacorallia
• True anemones: Order Actiniaria
• Mushroom corals: Order
• Zoanthis polyps: Order Zoanthidea
• True corals: Order Scleractinia
Order Actiniaria
Order Corallimorpharia
Order Zoanthidea
Order Zoanthidea
• Corals are carnivorous but usually occur where
plankton is not abundant
– Coral polyps have zooxanthellae
• Endosymbiotic dinoflagellates
• Require high amounts of light for photosynthesis
• Therefore silty deposits from land can suffocate a reef
• Zooxanthellae are very sensitive to heat so global
warming is another danger for reefs as sea
temperatures rise
• Zooxanthellae provide photosynthate to coral polyp
and use the metabolic wastes from the animal for its
own growth
Zooxanthellae in Xenia
• Formation of coral skeleton
– Rate of reef growth is higher in light than in dark
• Therefore: implies zooxanthellae play a role
– Mechanism?
• Have an effect on availability of bicarbonate ion
which is essential for calcification process
• Contribute some critical component of the organic
matrix that allows for calcium carbonate deposits to
• Localized removal of dissolved phosphates (nutrient
for algae) which can inhibit formation of calcium
• Generate extra oxygen through photosynthesis which
speeds up rate of coral metabolism
• Subclass Octocorallia (Alcyonaria)
– 8 tentacles
– Tentacles are pinnate
– Some have no support other than the thick
• These are the soft corals
– Others have proteinaceous or calcareous
internal skeletons
• These are the gorgonians and pipe corals
Subclass Octocorallia
(AKA Alcyonaria)
• Xenia – pulse corals
• Sea Pens
• Gorgonians – see lab samples
• Corals have medical uses
– Tiny pieces of coral are used for some
bone grafts especially face and jaw
• Tiny pores are rapidly infiltrated by capillaries
and bone forming osteoblasts
– Used to make artificial eyes move!
• Blood vessels and muscles invade coral
fragment and then patient can use their own
muscles to move the fake eyeball
Emerging Patterns in
• Skeleton (Hydrostatic
• Contractile tissues/locomotion
• Nervous system
• Gut
• Gastrulation
• Radial Symmetry
• Two embryonic tissues
3 Germ Layers
Ectoderm forms epidermis and central
nervous system
Endoderm forms the lining of gut and
associated organs
– It is argued that the early embryo may
have more than just these two
• Mesoderm forms all the stuff in between
gut tube and skin, such as, muscle,
bone, connective tissue, blood, etc.
The Cnidaria are good
candidates as the crossroad
of metazoan evolution.
• Sponges are the living proof of how a protozoan
colony can become a metazoan, without
reaching a level of organisation involving a
recognisable body form, real tissues and a
nervous system.
• The Cnidaria are the first animals with tissue
layers, muscles, and sense organs.
– They lie at the base of the tree because they are
diploblastic, have radial symmetry, and do not have a
real brain.
Cnidaria and Metazoan
• They are present in the fossil record since the
Precambrian, when animals similar to modern
forms were absent.
• The strange creatures of the Precambrian,
besides cnidarians, apparently did not pose
the foundations of future metazoan
organisations, whereas these are evident in
the Cnidaria.
Boero, Bouillon, and Piraino. 2005. The role of Cnidaria in evolution and
ecology. It. J. Zool. 72:65-71
Cnidaria and Metazoan
• From an ecological point of view, the cnidarians
probably play roles that are much more
important than usually perceived.
– Both Cnidaria and Ctenophora feed on the eggs and
larvae of most benthic, planktonic and nektonic
• Might be keystone species
• Maintain high biodiversity, by feeding on potentially
highly competitive, resource monopolizing species.
• During periodic outbreaks of their populations
– serious effects on fisheries yields and other problems
Phylogenomic Analyses Firmly
Place Myxozoa in Cnidaria
• All Myxozoa possess polar capsules that are
similar to nematocysts of Cnidaria in
ultrastructure and ontogeny and are used for
host attachment
• Presence of a minicollagen gene
– Minicollagens are cnidarian-specific
constituents of nematocyst walls.
• Phylogenetic analyses placed Myxozoa as
sister group of Medusozoa within Cnidaria
Maximilian P. Nesnidal, Martin Helmkampf, Iris Bruchhaus, Mansour El-Matbouli, B. Hausdorf.
Agent of Whirling Disease Meets Orphan Worm: Phylogenomic Analyses Firmly Place Myxozoa in Cnidaria. PLOS
One Published: January 30, 2013 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0054576
Phylogenetic tree based on a
dataset including 128 genes
• Myxozoa ("slime animals") are so unusual
that they were long believed to be protozoa entirely the wrong kingdom - until molecular
analysis proved a direct relationship with the
jellyfish, corals and other cnidaria. It's an
understandable mistake, considering these
"jellies" can consist of as little as a single cell
and live as parasites in other animals; jellies
who evolved into germs.
• Most slime animals pass through two different
hosts in their life cycle.
– Actinospores
• Work the same way but attack larger hosts;
• Most species attack fish, but a few are known to favor
amphibians or aquatic reptiles, and at least one
invades shrews.
• In larger hosts, the plasmodium can become visible to
the naked eye, a concentration of thick, clear slime
growing and feeding in the host's tissues.
• Some attack the muscles, some attack the heart, some
even dwell within the spinal column, causing severe
skeletal deformities and neurological damage.
• Thousands of spores are released once the host dies,
with some species killing more than 90% of infected
The newly-discovered parasite which creates
mysterious holes in the Greenland halibut was
discovered by Greenlandic fishermen, and
researchers have yet to figure out how prevalent
this parasite is. (April 7, 2012)