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Rainforest Jeopardy
Man and the
Facts on
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
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Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Animals of the
Tropical Rainforest
Types of
Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from
Tropical Rainforest Animals
What color is the Emerald Tree Boa?
$100 Answer from
Tropical Rainforest Animals
$200 Question from
Tropical Rainforest Animals
Which carnivorous insect troops
across the forest floor in long
columns, eating everything in its path?
$200 Answer from
Tropical Rainforest Animals
Army Ant
Learn More About Army Ants
$300 Question from
Tropical Rainforest Animals
What type of animal is a
$300 Answer from
Tropical Rainforest Animals
$400 Question from
Tropical Rainforest Animals
What small, insect eating amphibian
has red eyes, orange toes, and lives
in the trees?
$400 Answer from
Tropical Rainforest Animals
Red-Eyed Tree Frog
Listen to tree frogs as recorded by the Discovery Channel
310KB AIFF file (28 seconds)
$500 Question from
Tropical Rainforest Animals
Spotted hunter who watches
from tree branches, leaping
down onto the backs of his
prey as they walk by on the
forest floor
$500 Answer from
Tropical Rainforest Animals
$100 Question from
Plants of the Rainforest
Tropical rainforests are very dense.
What does “dense” mean?
$100 Answer from
Plants of the Rainforest
“Very thick, tightly packed together”
Rainforest trees grow densely
$200 Question from
Plants of the Rainforest
A plant that grows on another plant.
(Also called an “air plant” because it
takes nutrients from the air instead
of from the soil.)
$200 Answer from
Plants of the Rainforest
$300 Question from
Plants of the Rainforest
What type of plant is the LIANA
$300 Answer from
Plants of the Rainforest
A vine that grows 300 feet high. Its roots
are in the soil. The LIANA uses other trees
for support, not nutrients.
$400 Question from
Plants of the Rainforest
Name a carnivorous plant
that grows in the rainforest.
$400 Answer from
Plants of the Rainforest
Pitcher Plant, Venus Fly Trap, the
Raffelisa (Corpse Lily) of Indonesia
See more Pitcher Plants
$500 Question from
Plants of the Rainforest
Why do trees in the
tropical rain forest
grow so high?
$500 Answer from
Plants of the Rainforest
To get to the sunlight in the highest
level, the Emergent Layer
$100 Question from
Facts on Rainforests
The Amazon Rainforest grows in the
Amazon River basin. The Amazon River is
the ___?___largest river in the world
$100 Answer from
Facts on Rainforests
SECOND Largest
• Nile River
• Amazon River
• Mississippi River
$200 Question from
Facts on Rainforests
Animals that are active at night are
called what?
$200 Answer from
Facts on Rainforests
$300 Question from
Facts on Rainforests
Name the 4 layers of the
$300 Answer from
Facts on Rainforests
Emergent Layer, Canopy,
Understory, and Forest Floor
$400 Question from
Facts on Rainforests
Name this defense mechanism:
Animals with colors that
blend in with the area where
they live.
$400 Answer from
Facts on Rainforests
$500 Question from
Facts on Rainforests
Why is the Amazon rainforest
called the “Lungs of the
$500 Answer from
Facts on Rainforests
Trees take in carbon dioxide and expel
oxygen. Lungs take in oxygen and expel carbon
dioxide. The rainforest makes 20% of the
world’s oxygen.
More amazing Rainforest contributions:
$100 Question from
Man and the Rainforest
Name a tribe of people who have
lived in the Amazon rainforest
for hundreds of years
$100 Answer from
Man and the Rainforest
Yanomami Tribe
(approx. 32,000 people who live in Brazil)
$200 Question from
Man and the Rainforest
A harmful type of farming where
trees are cut and set on fire to
make way for crops
$200 Answer from
Man and the Rainforest
Slash and Burn Farming
(poor soil produces few crops and the
trees that provide so much are gone )
$300 Question from
Man and the Rainforest
What does man do to make
some rainforest animals become
Endangered Species?
$300 Answer from
Man and the Rainforest
Destroy their habitat, interrupt their
food chain, over-hunt for fur, feathers…
$400 Question from
Man and the Rainforest
Name a product (useful object)
that we get from the rainforest.
$400 Answer from
Man and the Rainforest
Rubber, lumber, medicine, fruit,
coffee beans, bauxite (used to make
soda cans), cocoa…
$500 Question from
Man and the Rainforest
When humans destroy the rainforest
habitat by cutting down every tree in
an area, it is called:
$500 Answer from
Man and the Rainforest
$100 Question from
Types of Rainforests
What are the two types of
$100 Answer from
Types of Rainforests
Tropical and Temperate
$200 Question from
Types of Rainforests
Temperate rainforests are
found on what continent?
$200 Answer from
Types of Rainforests
North America
$300 Question from
Types of Rainforests
The climate in a tropical rain
forests is __________ and
__________ (do not say “rainy”)
$300 Answer from
Types of Rainforests
Hot and Humid
$400 Question from
Types of Rainforests
Which rainforest has hundreds of
tree species?
$400 Answer from
Types of Rainforests
$500 Question from
Types of Rainforests
What national park is most of the
Temperate rainforests located
$500 Answer from
Types of Rainforests
Olympic National Park in the state
of Washington. The western slope of
Mount Olympus contains rainforest
Final Jeopardy
What is the name of
the world’s largest
Final Jeopardy Answer
The Amazon Rainforest